Personal profile

Short presentation

Associate professor in plant pathology

Short presentation


1977: M.Sc. (Cand.agro) in Agricultural Sciences, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (KVL) (now: Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen).

1984: Ph.D in Plant Pathology, KVL (now: Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen).



1977-1980: Research assistant at Department of Plant Pathology, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (KVL)

1980-1983: Ph.D.-student, Department of Plant Pathology, KVL.

1983-1985: Assistant professor Department of Plant Pathology, KVL.

1985-2016: Associate professor in Plant Pathology, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University. From 2011: Department of Agriculture and Ecology, now Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen.

1991-2004: Head of Department of Plant Biology. KVL and KU.

2007-2010: Head of Section for Plant Pathology, Department of Plant Biology and Biotechnology, SCIENCE, KU.

2016 -       : Associate Professor emeritus, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen.


Key Research topics: Aspects of diagnostics, epidemiology, population biology and management strategies in relation to important plant diseases of cereals, potatoes, brassicas and sugar beet. The research has included experimental work on control strategies including variety mixtures and non-specific resistance and effects of different cultural and chemical practises as well as theoretical and experimental research on monitoring forecasting systems and integrated disease management (IPM). Recent grant from Environmental Protection Agency “Development and Test of concept for decision support systems for pests and diseases in agricultural production” (2013-2015) and from the Danish AgriFish Agency: “IPM in sugar beet production in Denmark” (2013-2016).


Academic appointments: Member of Rådgivende Forskningsudvalg for Landbrug og Gartneri (The research Council under Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries (1995-2001), Chairman for Danish Society for Plant Pathology (1992-95 and 2016 -), Member of Bicheludvalget (1997-99), Member of Naturbeskyttelsesrådet (Nature Protection Council) (1993-98), Chairman of coordination group for virulence and resistance in cereals in Denmark (2001 – 2011),  Chairman of Advisory Board for Danish Seed Health Centre for Developing Countries (2004 – 2009), Member of Udvalget for Planter og Plantesundhed (Committee on Plants and Plant Health)  (2008-2013). President for European Foundation for Plant Pathology (2004-2006) and Vice-President for EFPP (2006 – 2010).


Managerial activities: From 1991-2004 elected Head of Department of Plant Biology, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (now: Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen). Work included strategic decisions, staff administration, dissemination of information and economic responsibility. From 2007-2010: Head of Section for Plant Pathology.


Teaching activities:

Since 1983 been course responsible and/or teacher at a number of BSc and MSc courses in plant pathology.

Supervised approx. 90 MSc-projects and more than 100 minor papers written by BSc– or MSc. students. The projects have covered a broad range of subjects within agricultural plant pathology including mycology, ecology and systems biology. A number of them have been in co-operation with other Danish research Institutes. Supervised 11 PhD-projects. Heading a Nordic MSc Programme in Plant Pathology NORPATH offered by a consortium of 5 Nordic universities 2007-2011 (Grant from the Nordic Council of Ministers).

Nomination and Award

1990:     Nominated for the award "Teacher of the year" by students at KVL (Den Gyldne tyr).

2008:     Award: NOVA Prize to the Nova network NORPATH in Plant Pathology.


  • Barley
  • Plant diseases
  • ???Modstandsdygtighed mod sygdomme???
  • Resistance strategies
  • ???Plantepatologi???
  • ???Svampesygdomme i planter???
  • IPM
  • Faculty of Science