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Lisbet Christoffersen

cand.jur.; ph.d.

  • Karen Blixens Plads 16

    2300 København S

Personal profile

Knowledge of languages

Danish, English, German. Understand Norwegian, Swedish and French


Professor (mso), Law, Religion and Society, Department of Society and Globalization, Roskilde University (2010)

Adjunct Professor, Law & Religion with Ecclesiastical law, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen (2008)

Member of RELIGARE (2010), FP-7 Funded research project on Religion and Secularity in Europe, see

2003-2007 research director, research priority area Religion in the 21st Century, University of Copenhagen.

1998-2010 Associate Professor, Public Law, Department of Social Sciences, Roskilde University

1998 ph.d.: Kirkeret mellem stat, marked og civilsamfund (djøf's forlag 1998) [Ecclesiastical Law between State, Market and Civil Society]

Member of the board of the Danish Ecclesiastical Law Association,

Member of the European consortium for Church and State Research

Member of ICLARS, International consortium for law and religion studies,

Eksternal Examinator at the Danish Faculties of Law

Most Central Publications:

"Law & Religion in the 21st Century - Nordic Perspectives", DJØF publishing, 2010

Shari'a as Discourse (with Jørgen S. Nielsen), Ashgate 2010

Bekendelse og Kirkeordninger. Kirkeretsantologi 2010 

Samfundsvidenskabelige syn på det religiøse, DJØF 2001

Kirkeret mellem stat, marked og civilsamfund, DJØF 1998



Ecclesiastical law. Law & Religion. Human Rights. (International) Public Law. EU law. International Law. Globalization of law. Legal history. Legal philosophy. Sociology of Law