Research output per year
Research output per year
Bülowsvej 17, 1870 Frederiksberg C
-Solution small-angle scattering (X-rays and neutrons, i.e. SAXS and SANS) for investigations of various self-assembling and colloidal systems of biological, biotechnological or pharmaceutical relevance. This includes advanced sample preparation, instrumentation and strong expertise in advanced data analysis.
-Lipid-protein co-structures, including nanodiscs and high density lipoproteins, and the use of these for investigating membrane proteins.
-Strong engagement in the European Spallation Source (ESS) and Max-IV project including science policy for securing optimal instrumentation for biological samples.
-Various industry outreach activities on the application of small-angle scattering to support that also Danish industry will benefit from the upcoming ESS and Max-IV facilities.
Curriculum vitae for Professor Lise Arleth
Personal: Born 28/2/68, two daughters (1998 and 2000).
Home: Willemoesgade 66, 2tv, DK-2100 Copenhagen.
Work Address:
X-ray and Neutron Science Group, Niels Bohr Institute
Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen
Universitetsparken 5, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
E-mail: [email protected], Phone: (+45) 5140 7805
Present position:
Professor in Experimental Biophysics.
1995: M.Sc. (Physics and Mathematics) Roskilde University. Including two 7-8 month stays in Paris, France (Uni. Paris VII and CEA Saclay)
2002: Ph.D. (Biophysics), Risø National Laboratory and the Royal Vet. and Agri. University (KVL).
Scientific Career:
1995: Research assistant, Dept. Condensed matter Physics and Chemistry, Risø National Lab, Denmark.
1996-2001: PhD student, Dept. Condensed Matter Physics and Chemistry, Risø National Lab and Royal Vet. and Agricultural University.
1996: Visiting stay (6 months) at the Dept. of Applied Math, Australian National University, Australia.
1997: Visiting stay (6 months) at the Courant Inst. Math. Sciences, New York University, USA.
2001-2002: Post doc., Danish Polymer Centre, Risø National Laboratory.
2002-2003: Post doc., Lujan Neutron Scattering Center, at Los Alamos National Lab, New Mexico, USA.
2003-2004: Post doc., Danish Polymer Centre, Risø National Lab., Denmark.
2004-2006: Assist. Prof. in the Biophysics group, Dept. Natural Sciences, Royal Vet. and Agri. University.
2006-2011: Assoc. Prof., Biophysics group, Faculty of Life Sciences, U Copenhagen.
2010-2012: Head of the Ph.D. School at KU-Life, U Cph (~700 PhD students, 50% of the work-time).
2011-2015: Professor MSO in Scattering and Synthetic Biology at Faculty of Life Sciences, U Copenhagen.
2012-2016: Head of studies, Niels Bohr Inst., U Cph (~700 MSc/ BSc students in physics, 30% of the work-time)
2015-: Professor in Experimental Biophysics at Niels Bohr Institute, Faculty of Science, U Copenhagen.
From October 2020: Associate Dean for Research at Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Leaves: Maternity leaves in 1998-1999 (10 months) and 2000-2001 (11 months).
Teaching, research and management:
Teaching (since 2006): Supervisor/Co-supervisor of 14 Ph.D. students (11 graduated, 2 active, 1 discontinued), 18 Post Docs (7 active) as well as many MSc and BSc project students. Course responsibility and lecturer at BSC, MSc and PhD level courses at University of Copenhagen.
Fundraising and external grants:
-Current level ~650.000 EUR/year. Includes a 2010 DFF Sapere Aude starting grant (1.2 mio. Eur, PI). UNIK Synthetic Biology (~0.5 Eur, partner) NXUS project funding 2013-2017 (0.5 mio Eur, PI). Innovation Fund Denmark for LINX project 2016-2021 (1.4 mio EUR to LA, co-PI). Novo Nordisk Foundation for SYNERGY project 2016-2019 (0.5 mio EUR to LA, co-PI).
Lundbeck Foundation for BRAINSTRUC project 2016-2021 (1.5 mio EUR to LA, co-PI). Nordforsk 2017-2021 (~0.4 mio EUR to LA, co-PI)
University management:
-Head of the PhD School at KU-Life (2010-2012, ~700 enrolled PhD students).
-Head of studies for Physics, Niels Bohr Institute, KU (2012-2016, ~750 MSc/BSc students in physics).
-Member of the NBI Research council (since 2019), and the NBI Research funding committee (since 2019)
Research Focus and main activities:
-Solution small-angle scattering (X-rays and neutrons, i.e. SAXS and SANS) for investigations of various self-assembling and colloidal systems of biological, biotechnological or pharmaceutical relevance. This includes ad-vanced sample preparation, instrumentation and strong expertise in advanced data analysis.
-Lipid-protein co-structures, including nanodiscs and high density lipoproteins, and the use of these for investigat-ing membrane proteins.
-Strong engagement in the European Spallation Source (ESS) and Max-IV projects. This includes strong contribu-tions to securing that ESS is being established and in attracting it to the Øresund region. Later contributions include science policy for securing optimal instrumentation for samples from the Life Science area and in particular struc-tural biophysics.
-Various industry outreach activities on the application of small-angle scattering to support that also Danish indus-try will benefit from the upcoming ESS and Max-IV facilities.
Active national and international research collaborations:
A Martel, L Porcar and T Forsyth, ILL, Grenoble, France. T Darwish, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Or-ganisation (ANSTO), Sydney, Australia. DI Svergun & Group, EMBL Hamburg, Germany. J Kohlbrecher, Paul Scher-rer Institute, Switzerland. P Bernado & N Sibille, Centre Biochimie Structurale, Montpellier, France. SG Sligar & Group, U. Illinois Cham. Urb., USA
K Lindorff-Larsen, BB Kragelund and S. Falsig Pedersen, Dept Biology, KU-Science, U Cph
M Gajhede, AE Langkilde and J Kastrup, Dept Medicinal Chemistry, KU-Health, U Cph
P Nissen and GR Andersen, Dept. Mol. Bio., Aarhus University
JS Pedersen, Dept Chemistry and iNano, Aarhus University
A Thoe-Fuglsang, TG Pomorski, Dept Plant Biol and Env, KU-Science, U Cph
K Madsen & group, Dept Neuropharma, KU-Health, U Cph
KJ Jensen & group, Dept Chemistry, KU-Science, U Cph
Long lasting collaborations with Novo Nordisk A/S, Novozymes A/S and Biomodics (SME in the medical device ar-ea), in particular on X-ray and Neutron based structural characterisation of industrial samples. Former and present collaboration partners furthermore include TetraPak, Rockwool, Grundfos, Dupont and Symphogen. Present col-laborations with Novo Nordisk and Biomodics mainly take place in the context of the IFD funded LINX project.
Member of International panels and boards:
-Scientific Advisory Committee for the European Spallation Source (Lund, Sweden, 2008-2013)
-Scientific Advisory Committee for Max-IV synchrotron (Lund, Sweden, 2012-2019)
-Scientific Advisory Committee for ISIS neutron Source (Oxford, UK, 2015-)
-Scientific Advisory Committee for the Diamond Synchrotron (Oxford, UK, 2011-2016)
-Scientific Advisory Committee for the SINQ neutron source (Paul Scherrer Institute, Switz. 2009-2014).
-Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Lund Institute of Neutron and X-ray Science – LINXS (Lund, Swe-den, 2016-)
-Chairman of the Heinz Meier-Leibniz Zentrum (MLZ) panel for reviewing the 2014-2017 operation of the MLZ neu-tron scattering activity (Munich, November 2018)
-Member of the Max-IV Board (Lund, Sweden, 2020-)
Evaluator, vice-chair and advisory board member under the EU H2020 program as well as for the Swedish Research Council (several occasions since ~2010)
Publications and dissemination: 81 peer reviewed publications, Google Scholar: ~2500 citations, H‐index 27 (see e.g. google scholar for details). Many (60+) international conference presentations and posters, including invited speaker/plenary speaker at several major international conferences. Many presentations at national and interna-tional meetings and workshops (around ~20 per year over the last 10 years). Around 1/3 of these have had science policy agendas and in particular in relation to the ESS and Max-IV projects and general X-ray/neutron science.
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Review › Research › peer-review