No photo of Lise Rosendal Østergaard

Lise Rosendal Østergaard


  • Øster Farimagsgade 5, Opgang E

    1353 København V

Personal profile

Current research

I was employed by the Danida funded research project Fragile Futures: Rural Lives in Times of Conflits as a PhD student.


You can read more about the project here:

Knowledge of languages

 Danish, English, French.

Introductory remarks on publicationslist

Østergaard, LR, Lazarus, J V, & Blank M (in manuscript). People with disabilities confronted with HIV and AIDS.


Østergaard, LR & Meyrowitsch DW (Forthcoming, Journal of Africa Development Vol.33(3)2008). Children at Risk: a national study of the psychosocial impact of HIV/AIDS on orphans and other vulnerable children in Benin.


Østergaard, LR (2007). Aids og spillet om de udsatte børn i Benin in Valentin K & Christiansen C (eds) (2007) Unge Liv i Syd - Beretninger om Børn og Unge i Udviklingslande. Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitet.


Liljestrand, J, Bryld, Lazarus J V, Østergaard, LR (revised second edition 2006). Synergising HIV/AIDS and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: A Manual for NGOs AIDSNET & WHO Europe.


Lazarus JV, Cowan S, Østergaard LR (2006). Very low onward spread of HIV from the migrant population in Denmark in Choices. December 2006.


Østergaard LR, Lazarus J V (eds) (2006). Confronting HIV/AIDS through Youth Involvement. Copenhagen, Aidsnet, 2006.


Lazarus JV, Christiansen C, Østergaard LR (eds) (2005). Models for Life: HIV/AIDS and antiretroviral drugs in low-income countries in Current African Issues, Nordic Africa Institute, 2005.


Østergaard, LR & Samuelsen, H (2004) Silent Voices: The Mutedness of Young People in Burkina Faso and Senegal in African Journal of AIDS Research 2004 3(2) 103-112


Liljestrand, J, Lazarus, J. V, & Himedan, M H, & Østergaard, LR (2004). HIV/AIDS and Globalization: A Study of Somali and Sudanese Immigrants in Denmark in Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2006;34(1):92-99.


Østergaard, LR & Lazarus J V (2004). Involving Youth in HIV/AIDS Programmes: Ways that Work in Choices, December 2004, IPPF


Østergaard, LR, Christensen, B, B, & Lazarus J, V (2004). Confronting HIV/AIDS: How NGOs Can Achieve Greater Youth Involvement in Entre Nous Magazine -The European Magazine on Sexual and Reproductive Health, WHO, no 58, 2004 


Østergaard, LR (2003). Peer Education and HIV/AIDS: How Can NGOs Achieve Greater Youth Involvement? in Entre Nous -The European Magazine on Sexual and Reproductive Health, WHO Europe, no 56, 2003.


HIV/AIDS Knowledge among Somali and Sudanese Immigrants in Denmark, presented at the XV International AIDS Conference, 11-16 July 2004


  • Faculty of Social Sciences