Personal profile

Short presentation

Lone Søderkvist Kristensen has more than 20 years of research experiences in Countryside Planning and Management. Research topics include landscape changes in agricultural landscapes, farmers’ landscape behavior, agricultural policy, policy integration, agri-environmental policies and regional and local planning (including planning for agriculture).  She has participated as partner in several EU-projects as well as being the leader of national transdisciplinary research projects. She has extensive experiences in project management and leadership and is an experienced teacher. During the last 10 years she has been  involved in projects on innovation in countryside planning with focus on collaborative and strategic forms of planning targeted rural landscapes.

Current research


Work address


Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen, Rolighedsvej 23, first floor, DK-1958 Frederiksberg C, Room AD209



Lone Søderkvist Kristensen has more than 20 years of research experiences in Countryside Planning and Management. She has participated as partner in several EU-projects as well as being the leader of national transdisciplinary research projects. She has extensive experiences in project management and leadership and is an experienced teacher. During the last 10 years she has been involved in projects on innovation in countryside planning with focus on collaborative and strategic forms of planning targeted rural landscapes.


Research topics include: landscape changes in agricultural landscapes, farmers’ landscape behavior, agricultural policy, policy integration, agri-environmental policies, spatial planning, strategic landscape planning, participation and collaborative planning


Date of Birth







PhD. in Countryside Planning, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (KVL).


Diploma in Pedagogic Training for Assistant Professors


Cand. Hort., The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (KVL).




2004 -

Associate Professor in Countryside Planning and Management, IGN, KU


2000 - 2004

Assistant Professor, KVL.

1999 - 2000

Research Assistant, KVL and Danish Centre for Forest and Landscape.

1996 - 1999

PhD.-student, KVL, Department of Economics and Natural Resources

1993 - 1996

Research and Tea    Research Assistant, KVL.

1995 and 1998

Consultancy for IEEP, London, on the topics: Agricultural Advisory Service; Nature Conservation and Environmental Protection; Implementation of the Structural Fond Programmes in Denmark.






Deputy Head of Department for Research, Responsible for Public consultancy, Business and Innovation


Head of Res c     Research group leader: Spatial Change and Planning


Head of ReseR  Research group leader:: Countryside Planning


Project-leader of Scientific projects



Landscape Futures. Landscape Futures is an interdisciplinary research program focusing on new planning and design solutions for future arrangement of Danish cultural landscapes. The program consists of 12 projects all aiming at high levels of dialogue and collaboration and all requiring transdisciplinary collaboration to be able to deal with the new and complex challenges of designing future landscapes. Financed by multiple partners          


Integrated collaborative planning projects, ‘DIAPLAN’. Extensive research program financed by four Danish municipalities, Danish Outdoor Council, Knowledge center for Agriculture, Realdania,  Region Vestsjælland, and Region Midtjylland. (2010-2013).


Danish leader of t    Danish leader of the EU-project: Cross-compliance Network, SSPE-CT-2005-022727


Danish leader of the EU-project: The Concerted Action “Developing cross-compliance in the EU – background, lessons and opportunities”, QLK5-CT-2002-02640

Participation in bigger research projects (after 2005):



Waterprotect - DRINKING WATER PROTECTION AND AGRICULTURE,    EU Horizon 2020 no 727450


RETHINK - Rethinking the links between farm modernization, rural development and resilience


CLIPS - Collaborative Innovation in the Public Sector. Financed by ‘Det Strategiske Forskningsråd’


Young people in Spatial Planning. Financed by Ministry of social fairs.


Multifunctional landscapes- strategies, tools and processes”. MULTILAND. (Financed by the Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Rural Development Research Programme).


Reflecting environmental land use need into EU Policy: Preserving and enhancing environmental benefits of unfarmed features on EU Farmland. Sub-contract agreement with IEEP (hold the contract with DG Env.).


Evaluation of the less Favored Areas Measures. Tender No. AGRI-2005-G4-04.


The Agri-environmental Footprint: Development of a common generic methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of European Agri-environmental Schemes. SSPE-CT-2005 006491 AE-FOOTPRINT


  • Faculty of Science
  • Countryside planning
  • Strategic landscape planning
  • Collaborative planning
  • Landscape changes
  • Landscape management

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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