Lotte Stig Nørgaard

Lotte Stig Nørgaard

Farmakonom, farmaceut og Phd. pharm, Professor

  • Universitetsparken 2

    2100 København Ø

Personal profile

Primary fields of research

Pharmacy practice, communication,  user perspectives on medicine use, pharmacist profession, role of the clinical pharmacist, hospitals in the home, sustainable drugs, medicine use among adolescents etc

Current research


  • Pharmacist role
  • Interdisciplinary cooperation between pharmacies and GPs
  • Communication in the pharmacy counter
  • Sustainable drugs
  • Community pharmacist teaching in primary schools 
  • Pharmacy role towards cancer survivors experiencing late effects
  • Study drug use among young people
  • Patient involvement in research 
  • Patient safety and medicine use
  • Hospitals at home

Introductory remarks on publicationslist

I can present more than 130 scientific papers (the majority of which are english, peer-reviewed papers), scientific papers; more than 100 oral presentations; 70 media/press news, 60 net-based publications; 50 journal-indexed conference abstract and 40reports/book chapters. Other types of publications and activities: about 220, including membership of 32 different professional boards


More than 30 years of research and teaching experience in the Department of Social Pharmacy (undergraduate, masters and post-graduate level (typically more than  840 hours a year).

Focus points: pharmacy practice, communication and dissimination, counselling, drug related problems, drug shortage, the role of the pharmacist, patient perspectives on medicine use, theory use in pharmacy practice research and qualitative methods

Opponent on 9 Ph.d. dissertations. Associate editor for the journal Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. Has been supervising more than 60 master students and 9 Ph.D. students. The latest phd.-student (Laura Jedig Lech) defended her PhD-thesis in September 2023 on cross-sectorial collaboration between hospital and community pharmacists for hospital dischages patients.

I lead the largest study unit at Copenhagen University entitled “Pharmacy internship” (the latest 15 years), just as I have developed and led the innovation course in social pharmacy and rhetorics entitled "Contemporary Social Pharmacy".

Since 2022 I have been member of the steering commitee for the elective 18 months long patient-centerede clinical pharmacy (PCKF), just as I am representing the faculty in the KU-based steering commitee for "Praksisintegrerende Undervisningsaktiviteter" (practiceintegrated teaching activities).

Have contributed to the creation of "The Danish Network for the Development of Pharmacy Practice" - part of steering group. More than 100 pharmacies are members here, and have run/are running more than 40 research projects.


Knowledge of languages

Fluent in English

Short presentation

Pharmacy is and always was my interst area: it´s technology, it´s staff, what staff says and does in relation to customers, customers' experience of the drug information, their drug-related problems and solutions, the pharmacy and the pharmacist of the future, cognitive services in pharmacy, pharmacy and pharmacist´s cooperation with the surrounding community. So social and clinical pharmaceutical issues. In recent years, I have also been qualified in the field of journalistic research dissemination, just as I have also in recent years done quite a lot of research in the hospital area.


External positions

Faglig skribent på "Fredag Formiddag", PharmaDanmark

Apr 2016Jan 2023

Head of International Affairs, Pharmakon


Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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