Short Presentation
Mads Gram Henriksen,, ph.d.,
My research takes place in the interface between philosophy and psychiatry. Areas of specialization include Phenomenology, Phenomenological Psychopathology, Psychopathology, Philosophy of Psychiatry, Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders, EASE, Self-disorders, and Psychosis.
- Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy Section, University of Copenhagen
- Applied Phenomenology, Philosophy Section, University of Copenhagen
- EASE - introductory and Advanced courses (see
- Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy (Philosophy Section, University of Copenhagen)
- Applied Philosophy (Philosophy Section, University of Copenhagen)
- Psychosis and double Bookkeeping module on the Specialist education in Psychiatry in Denmark, H-course, Copenhagen)
- Phenomenology
- Existential Philosophy
- Phenomenological Psychopathology
- Philosophy of Psychiatry
Date of birth: November 18, 1979 (Naestved, Denmark)
- 2022 D.M.Sc. (, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen
- 2012 PhD in Psychiatry, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen.
- 2008 Extended Master's Degree [Danish] in Philosophy, University of Copenhagen.
- 2004 [BA] in Philosophy and an elective module in Mathematics, University of Copenhagen.
- 2024- Senior Researcher, Psychiatry East, Roskilde, Region Zealand, University Hospital of Copenhagen.
- 2018- Associate Professor in Philosophy of Psychiatry, Center for Subjectivity Research & Philosophy Section, Department of Communication, University of Copenhagen.
- 2019-2024 Senior Researcher, Mental Health Centre Amager, University Hospital of Copenhagen.
- 2017-2021 Senior Lecturer & Researcher, Mental Health Center Glostrup, University Hospital of Copenhagen.
- 2017 Part-time Lecturer, Philosophy Section, Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen.
- 2015-2017 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Psychiatric Center Hvidovre/Glostrup & Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen (“The Disrupted We”, collaborative research project).
- 2013–2014 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Center for Subjectivity Research & Psychiatric Center Hvidovre, University of Copenhagen ("What is Psychosis?", individual research project).
- 2012 8 months of research at Psychiatric Center Hvidovre
- 2008-2011 PhD-student at Center for Subjectivity Research
- 2023 Independent Research Fund Denmark: "Mapping Perceptual Presence" (DKK 6,200.000). co-PI. Applicant/PI: Søren Overgaard, MA, PhD.
- 2021 Novo Nordisk Foundation: "20-year follow-up of self-disorders: predictive value, illness trajectories, and temporal stability" (DKK 2.700.000). co-PI. Applicant/PI: Julie Nordgaard, MD, PhD, D.M.Sc.
- 2020 The Lundbeck Foundation: Scholarship for medical student (DKK 140.000). co-PI. Applicant/PI: Julie Nordgaard, MD, PhD, D.M.Sc.
- 2019 RHP: “Rethinking social functioning in schizophrenia” - 2x PhD projects for medical doctors (DKK 4.000.000). Co-applicant/co-PI. Applicant/PI: Julie Nordgaard, MD, PhD, D.M.Sc.
- 2019 RHP: “Minimizing coercion in psychiatry: Different perspectives on coercive acts” - 1 PhD project for a medical doctor (DKK 2.000.000). Co-applicant/co-PI. PI: Annick Urfer Parnas, MD, PhD.
- 2013 The Carlsberg Foundation: travel grant (DKK 6.850)
- 2013 The Velux Foundation: collaborative research grant (DKK 5.305.042) for the project: “Self-understanding and Self-alienation: Existential Hermeneutics and Psychopathology”. In addition to the Velux grant, the project is co-financed by the Faculty of Theology and Psychiatric Center Hvidovre (DKK 2.615.500). Principal applicant and PI: Prof. Arne Grøn.
- 2012 The Carlsberg Foundation: two-year postdoctoral research grant (DKK 1.073.642) for the project: “What is psychosis?”
- 2012 The Lundbeck Foundation: travel grant (DKK 15.249)
On the Editorial Board of
- Advisory board member of Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences (since 2021)
- Guest editor for Frontiers in Psychiatry (since 2020)
- Consulting editor for Journal of Phenomenological Psychology (since 2017)
Journal referee
- Autism
- Canadian Journal of Psychiatry / La Revue canadienne de psychiatrie
- Cognitive Neurodynamics
- Comprehensive Psychiatry
- Consciousness and Cognition
- Current Psychology
- European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience
- European Psychologist
- European Review of Applied Psychology / Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée
- Frontiers in Cognitive Science
- Frontiers in Psychiatry
- Frontiers in Psychology
- Husserl Studies
- Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
- Journal of Consciousness Studies
- Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
- Journal of Phenomenological Psychology
- Journal of Social Ontology
- Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences
- Mind & Language
- Philosophical Psychology
- Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology
- Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry
- Psychiatry Research
- Psychological Medicine
- Psychopathology
- Review of Philosophy and Psychology
- Schizophrenia Bulletin
- Schizophrenia Research
Book refereee
- Oxford University Press; Mohr Siebeck; Rowman & Littlefield; Peter Lang
Referee for funding agencies
- CIVIS3i Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions COFUND
- German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
- German Research Foundation
- National Science Centre, Poland (NCN, Narodowe Centrum Nauki)
- Polish Reseach Council
- The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO, the Dutch Research Council)
- Wellcome Trust Foundation (UK)
PhD assessment
- Danny Forde (University College Cork, Ireland, March 31, 2023)
- Ricko Damberg Nissen (University of Southern Denmark, September 13, 2019).
- Børge Baklien (Norges Teknik-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet, February 12, 2016)
Doctoral Dissertation assessment
- Ole Jakob Storebø (University of Southern Denmark, Jan 24, 2025)
Part of assessment committees for scientific position
- Associate Professor position, Clarkson University, NY, USA
- Associate Professor position, University of Southern Denmark
- 6x PhD positions in Psychiatry at Mental Health Center Amager
- PhD positions in Philosophy, University of Copenhagen
- PhD positions at the Department of Communication, University of Copenhagen
Positions of trust
- National member of the Executive Committee of Nordic Society for Phenomenology (since 2023)
- Vice-chair of Institute for Psychopathology (since 2019)
- Founding member and board member for Institute for Psychopathology (since 2019)
- Member of the international advisory board for the undergraduate programme in Social Psychiatry, University of Malmö (2014-2018).
- Member of the steering group for the collaborative, cross-faculty research project Self-understanding and Self-alienation: Existential Hermeneutics and Psychopathology, University of Copenhagen (2014-2018).
Research Management
- Head of 'Theoretical Psychopathology' in Research Unit for Psychopathology, Diagnosis, and Early Detection of Psychosis, Psychiatry East, Region Zealand Psychiatry, Roskilde (2024 - )
- Co-head of the research unit ‘Psychopathology and social vulnerability’ at Mental Health Center Amager (2019-2024)
- Primary Co-Supervisor for 3 completed PhD student in Psychiatry, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen (Maja Zandersen, defended on Sept 25, 2018; Rasmus Dan Handest, defended on Sept 13, 2024; Ida-Marie Mølstrøm, defended on Jan 15, 2025))
- Principal Supervisor for 1 ongoing PhD student in Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen (2024-2026)
- Primary Co-Supervisor for 5 ongoing PhD students in Psychiatry, Faculty og Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen (2020-2026)
- Primary Co-Supervisor for 4 ongoing PhD project in Philosophy (University of Copenhagen, University of Aarhus, University of Fribourg, Schwitzerland, Univcersity College Cork) (2022-2026)
- Postdocs in Denmark, Norway, Belgium, and Chile
- BA, MA, and MD students
- Forskerspirer
Research abroad
- 2 months of PhD research in 2010 at UniversitätsKlinikum Heidelberg: Phänomenologie-Sektion (Prof. Thomas Fuchs)
- Shorter research stays in Ljubljana (Prof. Skodlar 2010), New York (Prof. Sass 2010), and Santiago de Chile (Dr. Irarrézaval 2022, 2023)
- I am a certified EASE instructor and rater. I have co-instructed the 3-day EASE: Examination of Anomalous Self-Experience introductory courses and 2-day EASE advanced courses both nationally and abroad (e.g., at Harvard Medical School) sinde 2012 (x28)
- Since 2017, I have taught the module on Psykose og dobbelt bogholderi, on the H-course (hoveduddannelses-kursus) ‘Psykopatologi 1’ at the specialist training programme in Psychiatry (speciallægeuddannelsen i psykiatri) (x10)
- Since 2023, I have co-instructed the course in Applied Phenomenology at University of Copenhagen (7,5 ECTS) (x2)
- 2020-2023, I co-instruct the 1-day module on schizophrenia on the mandatory continuous education for specialists in psychiatry (Landsdækkende efteruddannelse i diagnostik og psykopatologi. Voksenpsykiatrien for speciallæger)(x6)
- 2020-2023, I instruct the 2-day module on self-disorders and schizophrenia on the specialist education in psychiatric nursing (Specialuddannelsen for sygeplejersker i psykiatrisk sygepleje)(x4)
- 2016-2022, I have taught the module on Etik og filosofi, on the I-course (Introduktions-kursus) at the specialist training programme in psychiatry (Speciallægeuddannelsen i psykiatri) (x7)
- In 2016, I co-instructed the course Psychopathology and Clinical Practice. It is organized by European Psychiatric Association (EPA) Section on Philosophy and Psychiatry & Scuola di Psicoterapia e Fenomenologea Clinica, Florence (x1)
- In 2019-2020, I instruct the BA-module on BA-project seminar at Department of Communication, Philosophy Section, University of Copenhagen (x2).
- 2017-2019, I co-instructed the BA course on Anvendt filosofi (7,5 ECTS), Department of Media, Cognition, and Communication, Philosophy Section, University of Copenhagen (x3)
- 2013-2017, I co-instructed the BA course on Fænomenologi og Eksistensfilosofi (15 ECTS), Department of Media, Cognition, and Communication, Philosophy Section, University of Copenhagen (x3)
I have presented more than 240 papers.
+160 papers at national Psychiatric Clinics, District Psychiatric Clinics, Forensic Psychiatric Clinics, Outreach Psychosis teams, and OPUS teams. The topics have covered schizophrenia spectrum disorders, self-disorders, delusion, hallucination, psychosis, insight into illness, double bookkeeping, mysticism, collective intentionality. These papers are not listed below.
18 papers at seminars at Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen. These papers are also not listed here.
Below are listed invited papers and papers presented at major conferences or specialized meetings (NB the list has not been updated since 2018)
- 10.12.2018: "Interviews in phenomenological psychopathology". A new model for a dialogue between philosophy and psychiatry: phenomenological interviews. University of Heidelberg.
- 28.4.2017: "Ontological transformation of self and world in schizophrenia". Disordered Worlds: Self, Person and the Social in philosophy of psychiatry. Södertörn University.
- 02.12.2016: "Intersubjectivity in schizophrenia: self-disorders, complicated we, and compensatory attitudes" (together with Lars Siersbæk Nilsson). The Philosophy and Psychopathology of the We. University of Copenhagn.
- 01.12.2016: "Disturbances of we-intentionality in schizophrenia and autism: an initial comparison" (together with Alessandro Salice). The Philosophy and Psychopathology of the We. University of Copenhagen.
- 10.11.2016: "Insight in Schizophrenia", University of Malmö.
- 13.9.2016: "The Disrupted We" (together with Dan Zahavi). University of Copenhagen Excellence Programme for Interdisciplinary Research Network meeting, Carlsberg, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 24.1.2016: "Insight into illness and self-disorders in schizophrenia". Psychopathology and Clinical Practice; 3-day course organized by European Psychiatric Association (EPA) Section on Philosophy and Psychiatry & Scuola di Psicoterapia e Fenomenologea Clinica, Florence, Italy.
- 3.12.2015: "Mysticisme, skizofreni og selvet". Virkelighedsfølelse og selvfremmedgørelse: Årsmøde for Velux-projektet 'Selvforståelse og selvfremmedgørelse: Eksistentiel hermeneutik og psykopatologi', University of Copenhagen.
- 23.09.2015: “Self-disorders and double bookkeeping in schizophrenia”, Nordic Congress of Psychiatry, Copenhagen.
- 7.09.2015: “Indsigt i skizofreni”, Det Psykiatriske Uddannelsesakademi, Copenhagen.
- 21.05.2015: “Schizophrenia, double bookkeeping, and empathy”, Empathy, Phenomenology, and Psychiatry, Malmö University.
- 12.03.2015: “Sygdomsindsigt ved skizofreni”, Psykiatrigruppen for MedicinStuderende, University of Copenhagen.
- 8.10.2014: ”The Distrupted ’We’: Schizophrenia and Collective Intentionality” (together with Alessandro Salice), Thinking (about) Groups, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 17.9.2014: ”Psychosis and poor insight into illness”, World Psychiatric Association – XVI World Congress of Psychiatry: focusing on access, quality and human care, Madrid, Spain.
- 24.4.2014: “Skizofreni: diagnose og psykopatologi ud fra et filosofisk perspektiv. Foredrag 1”, Akademisk Psykiatrisk Forum, The Danish Royal Library, Copenhagen.
- 24.4.2014: “Skizofreni: diagnose og psykopatologi ud fra et filosofisk perspektiv. Foredrag 2”, Akademisk Psykiatrisk Forum, The Danish Royal Library, Copenhagen.
- 10.04.2014: ”What is poor insight into illness in schizophrenia?”, World Psychiatric Association – Regional Congress: addressing mental health needs, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
- 26.02.2014: "Schizophrenia, psychosis, and self-disorders", New Perspectives on you, me and us, Center for Subjectivity Research Open House, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 05.02.2014: “Self-disorders and schizophrenia: empirical results”, CFS-IMC Joint Workshop: 1st, 2nd and 3rd person perspectives in clinical psychology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 10.10.2013. "What is poor insight into illness in schizophrenia?", Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge, UK.
- 16.05.2013. "Fænomenologiske aspekter ved skizofreni", Civilisation & Medicin, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 19.04.2013. ”Loss of world and disturbed affectivity in schizophrenia”, The significance of phenomenology: 11th Annual Meeting of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 05.04.2013. “Schizophrenia, phenomenology, and empathy”, Methods in Studying Social Cognition, Schloss Mickeln, Heinrich-Heine Universität, Düsseldorf, Germany.
- 11.12.2012. “Reconsidering verbal hallucinations in schizophrenia”, Center for Subjectivity Research, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 06.12.2012. "Udviklingen af høre-hallucinationer fra basis symptomer”, Les Hallucinations, Hvidovre Hospital, Denmark.
- 29.11.2012. “Fænomenologiske perspektiver på høre-hallucinationer i skizofreni”. Forum for Eksistentiel Psykologi og Terapi, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 18.11.2012. “Applied Phenomenology: The Emergence of Auditory Verbal Hallucinations in Schizophrenia”. Annual meeting of the Phenomenological Association of Japan (PAJ), Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.
- 14.11.2012. “Self-disorders in schizophrenia spectrum conditions: theory and empirical studies”. University of Tokyo, Japan.
- 04.04.2012. “Overview of the empirical EASE studies”, McLean Hospital, Harvard University, U.S.
- 02.04.2012. “The EASE in Context”, McLean Hospital, Harvard University, U.S.
- 16.03.2012. “Clinical manifestations of self-disorders and the Gestalt of schizophrenia” (Knud Pontoppidan Competition), Danish Society for Psychiatry, Nyborg, Denmark.
- 16.03.2012. “Clinical manifestations of self-disorders and the Gestalt of schizophrenia” (Poster presentation), Danish Society for Psychiatry, Nyborg, Denmark.
- 14.03.2012. “Clinical manifestations of self-disorders and the Gestalt of schizophrenia” (Poster presentation), Danish Society for Psychiatry, Nyborg, Denmark.
- 02.03.2012. “How do auditory verbal hallucinations arise? A clinical-phenomenological account”, Danish Society for Philosophy, University of Roskilde, Denmark.
- 14.10.2011. “Beyond empathy? Genetic understanding in schizophrenia”, Grenzen der Empathie, Freiburg, Germany.
- 28.04.2011. “Can we understand bizarre schizophrenic delusions?”, Phenomenology in Times of Crisis: 9th Annual meeting of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology, Reykjavic, Iceland.
- 22.06.2010. “On incomprehensibility in schizophrenia”, UniversitätsKlinikum Heidelberg, Germany.
- 22.05.2010. “Psychosis and Psychotherapy: A Phenomenological Approach”. University Psychiatric Clinic Ljubljana, Slovenia.
- 12.04.2010. “Are bizarre schizophrenic delusions really incomprehensible?” (Poster presentation), PhD-day 2011, The Faculty for Health Sciences, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 22.10.2009. “Autism and perplexity in schizophrenia: A Heideggerian approach”.Understanding Mental Disorders: 12th International Conference for Philosophy and Psychiatry, Lisbon, Portugal.
- 16.06.2009. “Understanding symptoms”, Differentiation, Integration and Development: 16thInternational Symposium for the Psychological Treatments of the Schizophrenias and other Psychoses (ISPS), Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 23.04.2009. “Destruction in Heidegger’s later works”. Husserl 150 years: 7th Annual meeting of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology, Tampere, Finland.
- 27.02.2009. “Forståelsens grænser: om skizofreni og vrangforestillinger”. Danish Society for Philosophy, Århus, Denmark.
- 27.04.2008. “The Notion(s) of »Destruktion« in Sein und Zeit”. Phenomenology and Human Sciences: 6th Annual meeting of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology, Kaunas, Lithuania.
Member of
- Interessegruppe for Fænomenologisk Psykopatologi
- Nordic Society for Phenomenology
- Association for Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences
- Research Group for Philosophical Hermeneutics