Marie Bojsen-Møller
  • Emil Holms Kanal 2, 2300 København S

  • Emil Holms Kanal 2

    2300 København S

Personal profile

Primary fields of research

The language and genre of threats

Everyday written genres

Forensic Linguistics

Rhetorical Genre Studies

Danish Funcional Linguistics

Danish grammar and pragmatics

Current research

My research combines a Forensic Linguistics approach with a Danish Functional Linguistics and Rhetorical Genre Studies framework.

I hold a PhD from University of Copenhagen, Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics. My dissertation examined threats - or threatening communications - as an illicit genre.  My PhD project was part of the research project ‘The Language and Genre of Threats’ that was funded by the Carlsberg Foundation.


I currently teach BA courses in philosophy of science and Danish literary history at Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen.
I have previously taught BA courses in Danish grammar, phonetics, semantics, interactional analysis and general linguistic theory.