• Karen Blixens Plads 8

    2300 København S

Personal profile


Curriculum Vitae


Marie-Louise Bech NOSCH

 born Bech Gregersen, 27 January 1970 in Viborg, Denmark.



Academic employment

Since 2017     Professor, ancient history, SAXO Institute, University of Copenhagen.

2020-2024       President, Royal Danish Academy of Science and Letters

2023-2030       Co-director, UCPH Forward Talent Programme, with T. Gilbert, M. N. Lund and J. Hjorth.

2018-2022       Co-director, UCPH Forward Talent Programme, with U. Viskum and J. Hjorth.

2005-2016       Director of the Danish National Research Foundation’s Centre for Textile Research, University of Copenhagen.

2009-2017       Research professor (professor med særlige opgaver), SAXO Institute, University of Copenhagen.

2003-2005       Carlsberg postdoc. Research Fellowship, University of Copenhagen

2001-2002       Werkvertrag, Mycenaean Commission, Austrian Academy of Science.


University diplomas

2000           Ph.D. University of Salzburg, Austria, June 2000: The Organisation of Work in the Mycenaean Textile Industry.

1996           Cand. mag. from the University of Copenhagen in history and classical philology.

1996           Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies (DEA), Université Nancy II, France

1995           Maitrise d’historie, Université Nancy II, France

1995           Licence d’historie, Université Nancy II, France

1990-1992  Diplôme d’Enseignement Universitaire Général (DEUG), Université Nancy II, France.


Education, university studies

1996-2000  Phd studies, Institut für Vor- und Frühgeschichte und Institute für Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Salzburg, Austria.  Supervisors: Professor S. Deger-Jalkotzy and Professor O. Panagl.

1994-1995  MA Studies in preparation of Ph.D, thesis, Université Nancy II, France

1992-1994  MA Studies (Erasmus) in ancient Greek history, Mycenaean philology and classical archaeology at the University Frederico II of Naples, Italy.

1990-1992  BA Studies in history, geography, archaeology and Mycenaean philology at Université Nancy II, France.


Research projects

2023: Collaborator in the research group "Institucions i mites a Grècia i a Roma: formes de lideratge i poder (IMGRA)". Institution: Generalitat de Catalunya. Identification number: 2021 SGR 00724

2020-2024: Management Committee member COST ACTION network, EuroWeb, 24 countries,

2018-2021  Collaborator in ‘Textiles and Seals. Relations between Textile Production and Seals and Sealing Practices in Bronze Age Greece’ funded by the National Science Centre, Poland, in the Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw (UMO-2017/26/D/HS3/00145), directed by A. Ulanowska.

2018-2022  PI, The Fabric of My Life, Creative Europe Cooperation project with six partners in DK, DE and GR.

2017-2019  PI, Innovation Fund Danmark, THREAD project of innovation and integration, with six Danish partner institutions.

2015-2018  Co-investigator, GDRI Groupement de developement de recherche international ATOM: Ancient Textiles in the Orient and Mediterranean, in collaboration with Cécile Michel CNRS France and Mary Harlow, Leicester University, funded by CNRS.

2011-2013  Co-investigator, Programmes international de coopération scientifique TexOrMed: Textiles de l'Orient à la Méditerranée du IIIe au Ier millénaire avant J.-C. / Textiles from Orient to the Mediterranean from the Third to the First millennia BC, in collaboration with Cécile Michel CNRS.

2010-2015  Research manager, Textile Economies in the Mediterranean Area (TEMA), with ca 25 collaborators.

2010-2013 Principal Investigator, Fashioning the Early Modern. Creativity and Innovation 1500-1800. Humanities in the European Research Area.

2005-2010  Research manager, Tools and Textiles, Texts and Contexts research program, in collaboration with Eva Andersson, CTR and app. 30 partners.

2008-2010  Research manager, Terminology of Textiles in the 3rd and 2nd mill BCE research program, in collaboration with Cécile Michel, CNRS Paris.

2007-2013  Coordinator for Denmark, CTR, of the research and exhibition project DressID. Clothing and Identities in the Roman World, under the Directorate-General for Education and Culture of the European Commission in coordination with the Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency.

2006-2008 Medieval broadcloth. In collaboration with K. Vestergård.

2003-2005  Mycenaean palace economy, in the light of the Near Eastern palace economies.

2001-2002 The Knossos Od Series, postdoc project. Mycenaean Commission, Austrian Academy of Science.



1991 and 1992: Soleto, Salento, Italy with Université Libre de Bruxelles, dir. prof Thierry van Compernolle.

1995: Delos. Ecole française d’Athènes, dir. prof. Alexandre Farnoux.

1997: Excavations in Thebes, Boeotia, Greece, with the Ephorie of Boeotia/Thebes Archaeological Museum, dir. prof. Vasilis Aravantinos.



2002 (spring) Mykenische Philologie, in Institut für klassische Philologie, Universität Ludwig-Maximilian, Munich.

2002 (fall)  Greek History, Department of Greco-Roman studies, University of Odense, Denmark

2011 (spring) Coordinator and teacher, collaborative master course European textile production in Antiquity, 3 h x 14 weeks, UCPH (15 ECTS).

2012 (Spring) Coordinator and teacher, collaborative master course Mediterranean fashion and textiles in Antiquity, 4h x 14 weeks, UCPH, with M. Harlow (15 ECTS)

2013           Summer school, International Hellenic University, Thessaloniki, on Ancient Greek technology (August)

2015           3 seminars for students in Ecole normale supérieure, Paris, and 1 seminar for students in EHESS, Paris

2015 (spring) Sommersemester Hannover Universität, Historisches Seminar, Full course of 14 lectures/seminars on Linear B and Mycenaean history

2016 (fall)  Hellenistic Culture and history, with M. Papadopoulou. Full semester course, 4h x 14 weeks, UCPH, BA and MA level (15 ECTS)

2017           Saxo-CTR summer school (15 ECTS)

2017 (fall)  BA project course, 3h x 14 weeks, UCPH (15 ECTS)

2018 (spring) MA course, Dragt og Magt, 8h x 14 weeks, UCPH, with Sidsel Frisch (30 ECTS)

2018           Saxo-CTR summer school (15 ECTS)

2019 (fall) Social and cultural history of ancient Greece (15 ECTS)

2020 (spring) MA course, Historiens Brug /The Use of History (15 ECTS)

2021 (spring) Research and education project, integrating students into research, Use, second-hand and repair (”Brug, genbrug og reparation”). Extra curricular activity for students in history, law, communication and theology.

2023           Summer school, Dressing the World, 15 ECTS, University of Copenhagen, with E. Andersson Strand and M. Riegels Melchior.




1997           Travel grant, Press and Information Office, Nicosia, Cyprus.

2001           Michael Ventris Memorial Award.

2008           Honorary award for research in the Humanities, Einar Hansens Fond

2008           Award, outstanding interdisciplinary research, Dansk Magisterforening

2009           Award: Danish Elite Research 2009, Ministry of Research and Technology

2010           Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes académiques, La République Française, Ministère de l’éducation nationale.

2011           Optaget i Kraks Blå Bog.

2012           Category A Research Grant from the Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation of six months of research in Greece 2012-2013 in collaboration with the National Hellenic Research Foundation, Institute for Greek and Roman Antiquity (KERA).

2013           Anneliese Maier Award awarded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

2014           Research fellow at the Getty Research Institute Los Angeles (September-December)

2015           Guest lecturer, Leibnitz Universität Hannover (April-July)

2017           Iris Foundation Award for Outstanding Mid-Career Scholar, Bard Graduate Center, New York.

2019           Dronning Margrethe IIs Videnskabspris/Queen Margrethe II’s Science Prize, awarded by the Danish Royal Academy.

2020           Tagea Brandts rejsestipendie

2020           Ridder af Dannebrog

2022           Gad Rausings pris för framstående humanistisk forskargärning

2023           Honorary doctor, University of Gothenburg, Sweden



Membership of scientific committees of governments, organisations and institutions

  • Elected member of CIETA (Centre International d’Étude des Textiles Anciens) since 2005
  • Appointed representative for the Scandinavian countries since 2006 in CIPEM (Comité International Permanent d’Études Mycéniennes)
  • Elected secrétaire général 2010-2015 in CIPEM (Comité International Permanent d’Études Mycéniennes)
  • Member, Vice-chairman, wissenschaftliche Beirat, Zentrum für Baltische und Skandinavische Archäologie, Archäologischen Landesmuseum in Schleswig (Schleswig, Germany) since 2009
  • Member, Vice-chairman, Danish Council for Research Policy/ Danmarks Forsknings-politiske Råd, appointed by the Minister of Research and Innovation, 2011-2014.
  • Member of local organizing committee, Euro Science Open Forum, Copenhagen 2014.
  • Appointed member of the committee board of the National Key Base for Textile Conservation Research, China National Silk Museum, Hangzhou, China, 2013-2017.
  • Member, Expertenkommission zur Evaluierung der Exzellenzinitiative, appointed by Bundesministerin für Bildung und Forschung Johanna Wanka and Ministerin für Bildung, Wissenschaft, Weiterbildung und Kultur des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz Doris Ahnen, 2014-2016.
  • Member, Conseil scientifique de la Maison Archéologie & Ethnologie (MAE), Université Paris X/CNRS, since 2015
  • Member, Danish national UNESCO Commission, appointed by the Danish minister of education, 2014-2020.
  • Member of 5-person Executive Committee, International Association of the Study of Silk Road Textiles, 2016-2020.
  • Member, conseil scientifique du département d’histoire de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, 2016-2020.
  • Member, kernegruppe for migration, sikkerhed og kulturmøder, Det Humanistiske Fakultet, 2017-2018.
  • Member, KU’s Tenure Track Committee, appointed by the vice-chancellor of UCPH, 2018-2020.
  • Member, advisory board Politiken Historie, 2019-2023
  • Member, Expertenkommission zur Evaluierung der VolksWagenStiftung, appointed by Kuratorium, Volkswagenstiftung, 2019-2020.
  • Member of the board of the Danish Institute in Damascus, appointed by the Danish Minister for higher education, 2021-2025.
  • Member of the Conseil d'orientation stratégique du réseau des écoles françaises à l'étranger, appointed by the Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche
    et de l'Innovation, 2022-
  • Member, Expertengremium zur Exzellenzstrategie, appointed by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and Wissenschaftsrat
  • Member, Advisory board, Danish Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Southern Denmark.
  • Funding member, Young Network TransEurope, since 2024
  • Board member ALLEA, Alle Euroepan Academies 2024-2027.



Membership of scientific committees of international journals

  • Member of scientific committee of the international scientific journal Praehistorica Mediterranea (Catania)
  • Member of scientific committee of the international scientific journal Rivista di filologia e antichità egee (Rome)
  • Member of editorial committee of the international scientific journal Textile History
  • Member of the Advisory Board (Consejo Científico) of the international A-rated journal Minos. Revista de Filología Egea y del Epos Arcaico, published at the Departamento de Filología Clásica e Indoeuropeo (Universidad de Salamanca, Spain), since 2012
  • Appointed member of advisory board, Archaeologia Austriaca. Journal on the Archaeology of Europe, issued by the Institute for Oriental and European Archaeology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2015-2017.
  • Member, advisory board of Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien
  • Member, Advisory Editorial Board, Studi Micenei ed Egeo Anatolici, since 2015


Membership of national and international funding bodies

  • Member of the board, VELUX Foundation 2015-2025
  • Member of the Pasold Research Fund, advisory board, UK, 2017-2021
  • Member of the international selection committee of Norwegian Centres of Excellence, responsible for selecting the 4th generation of Centres of Excellence in Norway (SFF-IV) of 1.5 billions NOK funding (2016-2017)
  • Rigsbankens Jubileumsfond, Stockholm (2015, 2016, 2017)
  • Swedish Research Council (2018, 125 mio SEK), (2019), (2020, 82 mio SEK)
  • ERC Consolidator Grant SH6 panel (2018) (26.2 mio €)
  • Member of the board in H. P. Hjerl Hansens Mindefondet for Palæstinaforskning since 2020
  • Member of the board in Professor Ludvig Wimmer og Hustrus Legat til fremme af videnskabelige, særlig historiske og sproglige studier ved Københavns Universitet, since 2020
  • Julie von Müllens Fond 2020-2021
  • Niels Bohr Fondet 2020-2024
  • Suhrs Legat 2020-2024
  • L. Davids Fond since 2022.
  • Elisabeth Munksgaards Fonden since 2021
  • L. Davids Fond since 2022
  • Fonden ADBC since 2023
  • Internationalen Expertenkommission, Elitenetzwerk Bayern, since 2021-24 and 2024-2027, appointed by Staatsminister Blume.
  • Politiken-Fonden and A/S Politiken Holding


Membership of learned societies

Since 2017, member of the Danish Royal Society. Copenhagen.

Since 2019, corresponding member abroad of the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Austrian Academy of Sciences

2019-2022, member of council, det Kongelige Danske Geografiske Selskab (KDGS).

Since 2022, member of Selskabet til Udgivelse af Danske Mindesmærker



MA thesis supervisor

John Guldborg, ”Paederasty in Classical Greece” (2018)

Camilla Nielsen, “”Den moderne kvinde” set gennem tøj, Berlin 1926” (2019)

Morten Grymer, ”Ideal og praksis: tre københavnske borgerkvinders liv i slutningen af 1700-tallet” (2019)

Kirstine Viktoria Rattleff, ”Hells Angels brand” (2019)

Frederik Virklund Carlsen, “I Krig Gælder Alle Kneb. En undersøgelse af reguleringer for græsk krigsførelse i Thukydids Den Peloponnesiske Krig og Xenofons Anabasis” (2020)

Alexandra Yasmin Spardahl (2020), “Klæd dig på! En historisk undersøgelse af den danske modejournal ‘Moderne i Kiøbenhavn for begge Kiøn og Værelsers Møblering efter Moden’ fra 1776-1777, sammenlignet med et udvalg af det danske riges Luksus-forordninger fra 1683-1783 med henblik på at undersøge hvad mode er” (2020)

Emilie Hancock, “Tidens kvinde – en undersøgelse af den unge, moderne kvindes mode- og skønhedsidealer i midten af 1920erne i Danmark (2020)

Jacob Vingaard, ”Maskulinitet og pankration” (2023)

Mie Stadager Bæk, ”Folkemedicin i det 20. århundrede” (2024)

Simon Daniel Larsen, “Maskinstornerne i 1800-tallets første halvdel i England” (2024)



PhD supervisor

  • Cecilie Brøns, Copenhagen University, 2011-2014 (primary supervisor) Gods and Garments
  • Charlotte Rimstad, Copenhagen University, 2012-2017 (secondary supervisor) Renaissance Clothes of Copenhagen
  • Karolina Hutkova, University of Warwick, 2012-2015 (secondary supervisor) Bengal Raw Silk. The British Silk Connection: The English East India Company’s Bengal Silk Enterprise, 1757-1812
  • Elena Soriga, Università degli studi di Napoli ‘Orientale’, 2013-2016 (secondary supervisor)
  • Juliane Müller, Humboldt Universität Berlin 2013-2018 (secondary supervisor)
  • Beata Kaczmarek, Institute of Archaeology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland 2016-2019, Young People in Mycenaean Sources. Archaeological and Philological Study (secondary supervisor)
  • Madeline Bowers, Macquarie University 2021-2024, Tracing Change and Continuity through Textiles in the Postpalatial Aegean (co-supervisor)


PhD assessment committees

  • Vibeke Riisberg, School of Architecture Aarhus/Design School Kolding (2006)
  • Christopher Britsch, Early Textile Technologies in the Anatolian-Aegean World. From the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age. Wien Universität (2019)
  • Juliane Müller, Der Chiton im Wandel, Humboldt Universität Berlin (2020)
  • Rosannguaq Rossen, Branding igennem moden. Den vestgrønlandske kvindedragt som symbol, Institut for Kultur, Sprog & Historie, Ilisimatusarfik - Grønlands Universitet, Greenland (2020)
  • Beata Kaczmarek, Young people in Mycenaean sources. Archaeological and philological study, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland (2020)
  • Alistair Frederick Dickey, Cloth Culture in Early Egypt: Textile techniques, production and uses from the Neolithic to Early Dynastic period, University of Liverpool, UK (2022)


Supervisor for Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant holders

  1. Hedvig Landenius Enegren (2012-2014) “West and East: Textile Technologies and Identities in the 1st Millennium BC South Italy and Cyprus”
  2. Berit Hildebrandt (2013-2015) “The Emperor’s New Clothes. Power Dressing in the Roman Empire from Augustus to Honorius”
  3. Miguel-Ángel Andres Toledo (2013-2015) “Zoroastrian Text(ile)s. Regulations, Symbolism, Identity”
  4. Paula Hohti (2013-2015) “Global Encounters: Fashion, Culture and Foreign Textile Trade in Scandinavia, 1550-1650”
  5. Matteo Vigo (2013-2015) “Textile Terminology of Hittite Anatolia”
  6. Salvatore Gaspa (2013-2015) “ASTEX. A Study on the Terminology and the Material Culture of the Textiles in the Neo-Assyrian Empire”
  7. Malgozata Siennicka (2013-2017) “Greek Textile Tools. Continuity and Changes in Textile Production in Early Bronze Age Greece”
  8. Caroline Sauvage (2014-2015) “Identities and Transformation in the Eastern Mediterranean: the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age 13th–10th century BCE”
  9. Romina Laurito (2014-2016) “Textiles and Textile Technology in Central Tyrrhenian Italy from Prehistory to the Roman Period”
  10. Flavia Carraro (2014-2016) “Textile Studies: between Knowledge and know-how”
  11. Maria Papadopoulou (2015-2016) “Chlamys: The Cultural Biography of a Garment in Hellenistic Egypt”
  12. Kalliopi Sarri (2015-2017) “NETIA. Neolithic Textile Industries in the Aegean”
  13. Corinne Thepaut-Cabasset (2015-2017) “Dressing in the New World. The Trade and the Culture of Clothing in the New Spanish Colonies 1600-1800”
  14. Jane Malcolm Davies (2015-2017) “KEME. Knitting in the Early Modern Era: Materials, Manufacture and Meaning”
  15. Magdalena Ohrmann (2016-2018) “Textile reflections: multi-sensory representation of textile work in Latin poetry and prose”
  16. Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert (2017-2020) “MONTEX. Monks, nuns and textiles: Production, Circulation, and Distribution of Textiles in the Monastic Environment in Egypt (4th-8th Centuries AD).”
  17. Christina Margariti (2017-2019) “Fibres in Ancient European Textiles”
  18. Elsa Yvanez (2018-2020) “TEX-MEROE. Archaeology of Textile Production in the Kingdom of Meroe. New approaches to cultural identity and economics in ancient Sudan and Nubia”
  19. Corinne Mühlemann (2021-2023) “Goods of the Earth”
  20. Magali Berthon (2021-2023) “TEX-KR. Reclaiming Cambodian dress and textile practices, identities, and collections under the Khmer Rouge (1970s-1980s): New approaches to archival materials of conflict”
  21. Rachele Pierini (2021-2023), “TRANS-Plant. Transformational uses of dye Plants on Linear B tablets. New approaches to cultural identity and technologies in the Bronze Age Aegean”
  22. Linda Rocchi (2025-2026), “Prosec.co: Voluntary Prosecution in its Ancient Greek Context”



Evaluator and reviewer

  • External evaluator for research proposals in Greece. Higher Education, Research and Innovation (2011)
  • European Science Foundation, evaluator (2010)
  • International expert for the Romanian Research Assessment Exercise (RRAE) (2011, 2012)
  • Reviewer for Agence national de recherche in France (2010, 2011 ANR, LABEX)
  • Reviewer Italian Ministry for Education University and Research (MIUR) (2012-2014)
  • Reviewer for Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Austria (2011, 2013)
  • Reviewer, La Sapienza, Rome (2017)


Assessment committees for permanent positions in academia

  • Lund University, professorship in Ancient History and Archaeology (2020)


Languages: Danish, English, German, French, Italian.


Head editor of: Ancient Textiles Series (Oxbow Books, Oxford)


Hosting, organising and publishing international conferences and workshops

Ancient Textiles. Production, Crafts and Society. International conference held at Lund and Copenhagen (80 scholars), March 2003; Published in Nosch & Gillis eds. Ancient Textiles 2007.   

1st Tools and Textiles – Texts and Contexts workshop, organised by CTR, hosted at the Danish Institute at Athens (50 scholars), January 2006

2nd Tools and Textiles – Texts and Contexts workshop, CTR and Lejre Experimental Centre, Denmark (28 scholars), June 2006        

Medieval Broadcloth – Production, trade, consumption and use. International seminar at CTR, University of Copenhagen (50 scholars) August 2006. Published: Vestergård & Nosch eds. The Medieval Broadcloth: Changing Trends in Fashions, Manufacturing, and Consumption.

2nd General Meeting DressID. Clothing and Identity in the Roman World. CTR and Directorate-General for Education and Culture of the European Commission (30 scholars), May 2008

 International conference on Military and Textile, CTR, University of Copenhagen co-organised by the Royal Danish Defence College/ CTR and NATO Science (35 participants) May 2008. Published: Honeyman, Galster & Nosch eds., Textile History and the Military. Textile History. Supplement volume 1 (2010).

Textile Terminologies from the 3rd to the 1st millennium BC in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Near East. ESF Exploratory Workshop in March 2008 at CTR, arranged in collaboration with C. Michel, CNRS, with 30 participants. Published: Michel & Nosch, Textile Terminologies from the 3rd to the 1st millennium BC in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Near East, Ancient Textiles Series 8 (2010)

KOSMOS. Jewellery, Adornment and Textiles in the Aegean Bronze Age. 13th Aegaeum conference held in University of Copenhagen, 19-23 April 2010. 106 papers (because of the Icelandic volcanic eruption, I arranged for the papers to be broadcast on the internet). Published: Nosch & Laffineur, KOSMOS, volumes I-II (2011).

Spinning Fates and the Song of the Loom: the use of textiles, clothing and cloth production as metaphor, symbol and narrative device in Greek and Latin literature.  A round-table at the Danish National Research Foundation’s Centre for Textile Research, Saxo Institute, University of Copenhagen, 1st- 2nd June 2012.

Spinning Fates and the Song of the Loom: the use of textiles, clothing and cloth production as metaphor, symbol and narrative device in Greek and Latin literature.  Second round-table at the Danish National Research Foundation’s Centre for Textile Research, Saxo Institute, University of Copenhagen, 6-7 June 2013.

Textiles and Cult in the Mediterranean Area in the first millennium BC. Copenhagen, 21-22 November 2013. With Cecilie Brøns

Textile Terminologies from Orient to the Mediterranean and Europe, 1000 BC to 1000 AD, CTR, Copenhagen, June 2014. With Salvatore Gaspa, Cécile Michel.

Aegean Scripts. 14th International Congress on Aegean Scripts, Copenhagen, 2-5 September 2015, with H. Landenius-Enegren

Textile trade and distribution from the Ancient Near East to the Mediterranean 1000 BC to 400 AD / Textilhandel und -distribution. Vom Alten Orient zum Mittelmeerraum, 1000 v.Chr. bis 400 n.Chr. Funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and the Humboldt Foundation. Organisers Kerstin Dross-Krüpe and M.-L. Nosch, Kassel Universität, 11.-14 November 2015.

Gaben, Waren und Tribute. Stoffkreisläufe und antike Textilökonomie/ Don, marchandise et impôt. La circulation des biens textiles et l'économie antique / Gifts, Commodities and Dues. The Circulation of Textiles and Ancient Economy. 9-10 June, 2016. Leibniz Universität Hannover. Organisers Beate Wagner-Hasel and Marie-Louise Nosch.

Dyes and Spices. Interdisciplinary exploratory international workshop, Copenhagen and Lejre, 31 August 2016. Organisers: Cécile Michel, Ida Demant, Philippe Abrahami, Marie-Louise Nosch, Eva Andersson Strand.


Funding ID

1996-2000:     PhD grant from the Danish Ministry of Research (€ 160 000)

2001-2002:     Postdoc. grant from The Institute of Aegean Prehistory, Philadelphia, USA ($23000)

2001:               Statens humanistiske Forskningsråd, support for hosting conferenc Ancient Textiles (DKK 30,000)

2002:               ESF Exploratory Workshop for hosting and publication of Ancient Textiles (€14000)

2003:               Elisabeth Munksgaard Foundation, grant for publication of Ancient Textiles (DKK 20,000)

2003:               Dronning Margrethe og Prins Henriks Fond, grant for publication of Ancient Textiles (DKK 25,000)

2005:               Danish Research Council for Culture and Communication, grant for the publication of my monograph The Knossos Od Tablets (DKK 25,000)

2003-2005:     Postdoc. grant from Carlsberg Foundation, Denmark (ca. DKK 800 000)

2005-2010:     Funding for the Centre for Textile Research from the Danish National Research Foundation (€2.4 million)

2006:               Danish Research Council for Culture and Communication, grant for laboratory analyses (€ 22 266)

2007:               Danish Research Council for Culture and Communication, grant for EU application (€ 13 333)

2007:               Dan og Lilian Finks Fond, grant for publication of book Medieval Broadcloth (€2000)

2008:               ESF Exploratory Workshop (€14 000) for hosting and publishing Textile Terminologies from the 3rd to the 1st mill. BC in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Near East

2007-2010:     Directorate-General for Education and Culture of the European Commission, in coordination with the Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency (€270000)

2009:               Eliteforsk 2009 (€ 120 000)

2010-2014:     Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA JRP) project Fashioning the Early Modern: Innovation and Creativity in Europe, 1500-1800 (€ 185 000)

2010-2015:     Funding for the 2nd period of Centre for Textile Research from the Danish National Research Foundation (€3.3 million)

2012:               Funding Danish Ministry of Research, for hosting a conference on textile research in Europe and China at Hangzhou, China, April 2013 (DKK 347.000)

2012-2014:     1 Marie Curie researcher grants from the 7th Frame Program (€300,000)

2012-2014:     7th Frame Program bonus from UCPH (DKK 500,000)

2013-2015:     6 Marie Curie researcher grants from the 7th Frame Program (€1.5 million)

2013-2015:     7th Frame Program bonus from UCPH (DKK 3,000,000)

2013-2018:     Anneliese Maier Award awarded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, (€ 250,000)

2014-2016:     3 Marie Curie researcher grants from the 7th Frame Program (€700,000)

2014-2016:     7th Frame Program bonus from UCPH (DKK 1,500,000)

2014:               Getty Research Institute fellowship (17,000 $)

2015-2017:     4 Marie Sklodowska Curie researcher grants from Horizon2020 (€1million)

2015:               EuOpstart (DKK 50,000)

2016-2018:     2 Marie Sklodowska Curie researcher grants from Horizon2020 (€420,000)

2016-2017:     Funding for Web of Knowledge, exchange between Egypt and Denmark, The Arab Initiative, Ministery of Foreign Affairs (DKK 950,000) (declined)

2017-2019:     THREAD. Funding from the Innovation Fund Danmark (DKK 4,900,000)

2017-2019:     2 Marie Sklodowska Curie researcher grants from Horizon2020 (€420,000)

2017:               EuOpstart (DKK 50,000)

2017:               INSTAP publication subvention for Mycenological Proceedings ($7500)

2017:               INSTAP publication subvention for J. Cutler monograph ($7500)

2017:               R. K. Rasks legat, publication subvention for Mycenological Proceedings (DKK20,000)

2018:               EuOpstart (DKK 75,000)

2018-22:         The Fabric of My Life, Creative Europe Cooperation project (€188,000)

2019:               Fonden for Kontorchef E. Spang-Hanssens legat (DKK 24,000)

2019:               Carlsberg Foundation Semper ardens monograph (DKK 926,766)

2019:               Dronning Margrethe IIs Videnskabspris (DKK 100,000)

2020:               Tagea Brandts rejsestipendie (DKK 75,000)

2020-22:         1 Marie Sklodowska Curie researcher grant from Horizon2020 (€219,312)

2020-24:         COST network, EuroWeb, 24 countries, 101 partners (€480,000, transferred to Warsaw)

2021-23:         1 Marie Sklodowska Curie researcher grants from Horizon2020 (€207,312)

2022-24:          1 Marie Sklodowska Curie researcher grants from Horizon2020 (€207,312)


Research administrative tasks and qualifications

Member, Research Council, Faculty of the Humanities, University of Copenhagen (2006)

Member, Research Council, SAXO Institute, Faculty of the Humanities, University of Copenhagen (2007-2014)

Research Management Course, Copenhagen Business School (2005-2006)

Research Management Course Lyst til Ledelse, University of Copenhagen (2007)

Research Management Course, The Danish National Research Foundation (2007-2008)

Diploma in board governance (2012)

Member, SAXO Institute Council, Faculty of the Humanities, University of Copenhagen (2014-2016)

Member, Research Council, SAXO Institute, Faculty of the Humanities, University of Copenhagen (2017-2018)

INSEAD course, Leadership Transision (2018-2019, 5+3 days on campus)




Primary fields of research

Marie-Louise Nosch is a historian, specialized in ancient Greek history. She studied in France and Italy and received her Ph.D. from Universität Salzburg, Austria. Her special area of study is Aegean epigraphy and Mycenaean textile production.

Current research

History of textile, Greek history, Aegean epigraphy

Knowledge of languages

Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, English, German, French & Italian.

Fields of interest

See CV

Introductory remarks on publicationslist

Academia.edu : https://ku-dk.academia.edu/marienosch

Google scholar : https://scholar.google.dk/citations?user=N_upGzwAAAAJ&hl=da



External positions

President, Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab

24 Sep 20201 Jun 2024


  • Faculty of Humanities
  • ancient history
  • Greek history
  • historiography
  • Bronze Age
  • textile
  • ancient Greek history
  • epigraphy
  • ægæisk område
  • mycenology
  • Minoan culture
  • textile tools
  • Bronze Age religion
  • palaeography
  • Aegean area
  • dress history
  • Textile History

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