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Kleidergeschichten in der späte Bronzezeit Europas
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Speaker)
May 2015Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
The Ship and the loom. Gendered spaces and shared technology Seminar für Alte Geschichte, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Speaker)
May 2015Activity: Participating in an event - types › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Die Entzifferung von Linear B und ihre Bedeutung für die Altertumswissenschaften. Universität Göttingen, althistorisches Seminar
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Speaker)
Apr 2015Activity: Participating in an event - types › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Linear B. Gefion gymnasium København
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Speaker)
Apr 2015Activity: Participating in an event - types › Organisation of and participation in conference
Into the Wool Zone….Key Note, International conference, Göteborg University
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Invited speaker) & Eva Birgitta Andersson Strand (Invited speaker)
Mar 2015Activity: Participating in an event - types › Organisation of and participation in conference
Les textiles à l'âge du bronze: les traditions et les innovations. Conférence, Ecole Haute des sciences Sociales, Paris
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Speaker)
Mar 2015Activity: Participating in an event - types › Organisation of and participation in conference
L’économie du luxe du 2e au1 millénaire. Seminaire l’économie antique, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Speaker)
Feb 2015Activity: Participating in an event - types › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
L’économie des textiles, en linéaire B et dans la Grèce archaïque, classique et hellénistique. Seminaire l’économie antique, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Speaker)
Jan 2015Activity: Participating in an event - types › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Les cultures textiles, le lin, le chanvre, les plantes de teinture, et leur rôle dans l’économie antique de la fin du 2e millénaire et au 1e millénaire. Seminaire l’économie antique, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Speaker)
Jan 2015Activity: Participating in an event - types › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Conseil scientifique de la Maison Archéologie & Ethnologie (MAE), Université Paris X/CNRS (External organisation)
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Member)
2015 → …Activity: Membership types › Membership in committee, council, board
Danish national UNESCO Commission (External organisation)
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Member)
2015 → …Activity: Membership types › Membership in committee, council, board
Velux Foundation (External organisation)
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Member)
2015 → 2020Activity: Membership types › Membership in committee, council, board
"The Loom weights from the Getty Villa", Textile Tool seminar, CTR, University Copenhagen.
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Speaker) & Caroline Sauvage (Speaker)
Dec 2014Activity: Participating in an event - types › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
“Textiles and Clothing from the 2nd to the 1st millennium BCE”
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Lecturer)
Dec 2014Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
“The ship and the Loom, sailing and weaving”
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Lecturer)
Nov 2014Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Dinner talk, Copenhagen Sustainability Conference.
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Participant)
Oct 2014Activity: Participating in an event - types › Organisation of and participation in conference
“Mycenaean textiles: The Linear B documentation” Textile Society of America, Los Angeles 10-14 September
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Speaker)
10 Sep 2014 → 14 Sep 2014Activity: Participating in an event - types › Organisation of and participation in conference
“The Aegean wool economies of the Bronze Age” Textile Society of America, Los Angeles 10-14 September
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Participant)
10 Sep 2014 → 14 Sep 2014Activity: Participating in an event - types › Organisation of and participation in conference
“Textile Production in the Late bronze Age”
Joanne Elisabeth Cutler (Lecturer) & Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Lecturer)
Apr 2014Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
”Guder og religion in Linear B”. Den Anden Verden. Tro og overtro i antikken Forårsseminar af Phrontisterion – Studenterforeningen ved afdeling for græsk og latin.
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Speaker)
Mar 2014Activity: Participating in an event - types › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
“La production textile mycénienne” Séminaire d’historie et d’archéologie des mondes orientaux (SHAMO). Les textiles dans l’Orient ancien. ArScAn Paris 1
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Participant)
Mar 2014Activity: Participating in an event - types › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
“Animal fibres and Plant fibres in Mycenaean texts: what are the administrative differences and the practical ramifications?” Excellenzcluster 264, TOPOI, Workshop „Fibre Distinction“,Freie universität Berlin
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Participant)
Feb 2014Activity: Participating in an event - types › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
“Men – Women and Textiles”. Speech at Professor Symposium, University of Copenhagen.
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Speaker)
Jan 2014Activity: Participating in an event - types › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Expertenkommission zur Evaluierung der Exzellenzinitiative (External organisation)
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Member)
2014 → 2016Activity: Membership types › Membership in committee, council, board
“The Stamna textile Find”
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Lecturer)
2014Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
“Tradition and innovations in Bronze Age: textiles and clothing in the Aegean and in Northern Europe”
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Lecturer)
2014Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
“Textile crops in Mycenaean palaces agriculture” Hunter College New York, Textile Symposium, USA
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Participant)
2014Activity: Participating in an event - types › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
“Experimental Textile Archaeology”
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Lecturer)
2014Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
“Dye plants in Linear B”
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Lecturer)
2014Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
“Textiles in Greek religion from the 2nd to the 1st mill BCE”
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Lecturer) & Cecilie Brøns (Lecturer)
2014Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Euro Science Open Forum (External organisation)
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Member)
2014 → …Activity: Membership types › Membership in committee, council, board
“Summing up”, Textiles and Cult in the Mediterranean Area in the first Millennium BC. International Workshop, Copenhagen, 21st and 22nd of November 2013
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Participant)
21 Nov 2013 → 22 Nov 2013Activity: Participating in an event - types › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
“Verbal and non-verbal representation in textile terminology” TOTh workshop 2013, The Danish National Research Foundation’s Centre for Textile Research, University of Copenhagen: Verbal and non-verbal representation in terminology
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Participant)
Nov 2013Activity: Participating in an event - types › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
“W(e)ave”. Masterclass Framings, organised by E. Harlizius-Klück
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Participant)
Nov 2013Activity: Participating in an event - types › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
“Textile cosmos and the atomic model” Creativity in science and society. A symposium celebrating Niels Bohr, 7-9 October 2013. Organized by The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Speaker) & Ellen Harlizius-Klück (Speaker)
7 Oct 2013 → 9 Oct 2013Activity: Participating in an event - types › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
“Textile crops and textile labour in Mycenaean Greece” Land, Territory and Population in the Ancient Greece: institutional and mythical aspects, Colloqui Internacional: “Terra, territori i població a la Grècia antiga: aspectes institucionals i mítics”University of Barcelona
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Participant)
Oct 2013Activity: Participating in an event - types › Organisation of and participation in conference
“Table ronde conclusive” Crise et croissance dans les économies des mondes anciens. Qu’est-ce qu’une crise économique dans l’Antiquité ? Université Lumière Lyon 2.
Jean Andreau (Speaker), Natacha Coquery (Speaker), Frédérique Duyrat (Speaker) & Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Speaker)
Oct 2013Activity: Participating in an event - types › Organisation of and participation in conference
Investigating the Mycenaean Bronze Age through Linear B Inscriptions and Experimental Archaeology. Anneliese Maier-Forschungspreis: Preisverleihung und Fachkolloquium Frankfurt am Main, 25.-27. September 2013.
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Speaker)
25 Sep 2013 → 27 Sep 2013Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
“Tradition and innovations in Bronze Age: textiles and clothing in the Aegean and in Northern Europe”. To Εθνι Ίδρυμα Ερευνών και το Κοινωφελές Ίδρυμα Αλέξανδρος Σ. Ωνάσης
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Speaker)
May 2013Activity: Participating in an event - types › Organisation of and participation in conference
“Textile traditions and Textile innovations” Tradition and Innovation in the Mycenaean Palatial Polities, Academy of sciences, Wien
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Speaker)
Mar 2013Activity: Participating in an event - types › Organisation of and participation in conference
National Key Base for Textile Conservation Research, China National Silk Museum, Hangzhou, China (External organisation)
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Member)
2013 → 2017Activity: Membership types › Membership in committee, council, board
“The Wool Economy in Greece, end of IInd millennium and Ist millennium B.C.E.”, ESF Exploratory Workshop: “Wool Economy in the Ancient Near East and the Aegean: From the Beginnings of Sheep Husbandry to Institutional Textile Industry” Nanterre (France), 7-10 November 2012. Convened by Cécile Michel and Catherine Breniquet
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Speaker)
7 Nov 2012 → 10 Nov 2012Activity: Participating in an event - types › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
“What ancient textiles tell us about cultures” Niels Bohr Institute lecture
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Lecturer)
Nov 2012Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
“The Wool economy in Bronze Age Europe”
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Lecturer)
Nov 2012Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
“Dansk Forskning anno 2012- et statustjek set fra Danmarks Forskningspolitiske Råd” Det unge Akademi, Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes selskab, Carlsberg Akademi
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Speaker)
Nov 2012Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
“The Wool economy in Bronze Age and Iron Age Europe”
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Lecturer)
Nov 2012Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
“India as the cupboardful of colourful and luxurious textiles”, INDO-DANISH TEXTILE WORKSHOP – 16th Oct.2012 at JNU. Perspectives on Production, Trade and Cultural Interactions. Convened by Prof. Vijaya Ramaswamy, Centre for Historical Studies, JNU
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Speaker)
Oct 2012Activity: Participating in an event - types › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
„Divinely royal: Garments of Kings and Priests”, Interdisziplinäre Tagung „Weben und Gewebe in der Antike“ Materialität – Repräsentation – Episteme – Metapoetik, Castelen, 30. August – 1. September 2012 (Organisation: Prof. Henriette Harich-Schwarzbauer, Latinistik, Dep. Altertumswissenschaften, Universität Basel)
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Speaker)
Sep 2012Activity: Participating in an event - types › Organisation of and participation in conference
“Response to B. Wagner-Hasel” and “Response to P. Fibiger Bang” Workshop at Harvard, 20-21 April 2012, Exchange along the Silk Roads between Rome and China in Antiquity: The Silk Trade
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Speaker)
20 Apr 2012 → 21 Apr 2012Activity: Participating in an event - types › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
“Textile production in the Aegean Bronze Age”
Marie Louise Bech Nosch (Lecturer)
Apr 2012Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution