Marie Pedersen
  • Bartholinsgade 6Q, 2. sal, 1356 København K, 24 Øster Farimagsgade 5, 24-2-23

  • Øster Farimagsgade 5 opg. B

    1415 København K

Personal profile


Name: Marie Pedersen

Date of birth: November 24, 1978

Nationality: Danish


2007-2010: PhD, University of Copenhagen, Department of Public Heath, Section of Environmental Health, Copenhagen, Denmark. Title: ‘Transplacental exposure to environmental pollutants: Biomarkers of exposures and effects in blood from mother-newborn pairs.’ Main advisor Professor Lisbeth E. Knudsen, Co-advisor Professor Steffen Loft.

2003-2005: MSc in Biology received on May 10, 2005, University of Copenhagen, Department of Biology, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2000-2003: BA in Biology received on January 1, 2003, University of Copenhagen, Department of Biology, Copenhagen, Denmark.


2015-now: Associate Professor, Section of Epidemiology, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen. 

2020-now: Researcher, Statens Serum Insitut, Epidemiology, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2014-2019: Researcher, Danish Cancer Society Research Center, Diet, Genes and Environment, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2010-2014: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL), Barcelona, Spain and National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM), Environmental Epidemiology Applied to Reproduction and Respiratory Health, Grenoble, France. 

2004-2007: Research Assistant, Section of Environmental Health, Department of Public Heath, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2004: Student intern, International Symposium on Uncertainty and Precaution in Environmental Management, Technical University of Denmark and The European Environmental Agency, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2002-2005: Student intern, The Danish Ministry of the Environment, Copenhagen, Denmark.


  • Top reviewer award for 2020 for Environmental Health Perspectives
  • Best Paper of the Year 2017, 'Ambient air pollution and primary liver cancer incidence in four European cohorts within the ESCAPE project', Environmental Research
  • Outstanding Abstract by a New Investigator, International Society of Environmental     Epidemiology (ISEE) 25th Annual Meeting 2013, Basel, Switzerland. 
  • Rebecca James Baker Award: ‘Awarded for scientific excellence, integrity, compassion, resourcefulness and patience in cross-cultural research for the improvement of public health’, ISEE 25th Annual Meeting 2013, Basel, Switzerland.
  • Best Environmental Epidemiology Paper: ‘as being the best published scientific paper in the field of environmental epidemiology in 2012. The paper makes an outstanding contribution to the knowledge of environmental epidemiology and was selected because of its quality, originality, importance and expected impact’, ISEE 25th Annual Meeting, Basel, Switzerland.
  • Best Scientific Poster Award NewGeneris (Newborns and Genotoxic Exposure Risk) Annual Meeting 2011, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
  • Selected among the 10 Best Danish Research Projects of 2009 (
  • Best Scientific Poster Award NewGeneris Annual Meeting 2009, Barcelona, Spain.


2020: Marie Curie postdoc grant for Tim Cadman (my role: mentor), EU

2020: Research exchange stay support for Tim Cadman (my role: mentor), Lifecycle, EU 

2020: Research support for Vanessa Coffmann (my role: mentor), NIH, US

2017: ERC Starting grant, European Research Council, Bruxelles, Belgium 

2017: Walter A. Rosenblith New Investigator Award, the Health Effects Institute, Boston, Ma, US

2014: Research Fellowship, the Danish Council for Independent Research, the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science, Copenhagen, Denmark

2014: Travel Grant, CREAL, Barcelona, Spain

2013: Travel Grants, CREAL, Barcelona, Spain

2012: Travel Grant, CREAL, Barcelona, Spain

2011: Post-Doctoral Fellowship (full salary and costs, 3 years), Juan de la Cierva, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Madrid, Spain.

2006: PhD Scholarship (full academic, 3 years), Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

2005: Grant to buy a microscope, the Danish Test Animal Protection (Forsøgsdyrenes Værn)

2005: Exchange Fellowship to cover costs of genome-wide transcriptomic analyses, salary and 3-months stay in Maastricht, Netherlands, ECNIS (Environmental Cancer Risk, Nutrition and Individual Susceptibility)


  • Ongoing collaboarting with researcher from Denmark (Statens Serum Institute, Aarhus University, University Hospital of Copenhagen, University of Copenhagen and Danish Cancer Society), Iceland, Sweden, other European countries and the US.
  • Collaboration in Athlete (Advancing Tools for Human Early Lifecourse Exposome Research and Translation), a European-funded project that aims to better understand and prevent health effects of numerous environmental hazards and their mixtures, starting from the earliest stages of life. 
  • Collaboration in Lifecycle a Europe-wide network of cohort studies that started in early-life on studies with focus on urban environmental stressors
  • Since 2010 through my joint postdoctal position at the CREAL in Barcelona, Spain and the INSERM in Grenoble, France I have had substantial experience in working with scientists in other countries and cultures and development extensive international collaboration largely due to my involvment in the EU funded projects, ESCAPE and NewGeneris.
  • Participation in consulting for the the City of Copenhagen (Københavns kommune), the Ministry of Health on human biomonitoring and participated in international meetings with policy makers, NGOs and researchers.
  • Collaboration with the maternity unit at Righospitalet, University of Copenhagen and the National Environmental Research Institute, Roskilde, Aarhus University.
  • As part of my Master and PhD studies I worked 6 months abroad in different European research centres including the Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo; the Department of Chemical Toxicology, Division of Environmental Medicine, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway; the Department of Health Risk Analysis and Toxicology, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands; the Laboratory of Cell Genetics, Free University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium and the Laboratory of Molecular Epidemiology, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, the Czech Republic.


  • Ad hoc reviewer for e.g. Environment Health Perspective, American Journal of Epidemiology, Epidemiology, Journal of Pediatrics, Mutation Research, Environment International, Environmental Research, Environment Health, Food and Chemical Toxicology and Science of the Total Environment, etc.
  • Reviewer and chair at the International Society of Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE) Annuals Meetings.
  • Reviewer for the Health Effect Institute, Boston, MA, US
  • Grant reviewer for ERC and various National research boards in Europe


  • Supervision of Bachelor and Master Students
  • Co-supervision of Post- and Predoctoral Research Fellows
  • Lecturing and class-room teaching in Epidemiology, Perinatal Epidemiology, Human Exposome,  Environment and Reproduction, Environment and Birth Outcomes, Environment and Children's Health, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark (Students in Public Health, Medicine and Global Health at bachelor, master and pre-doc levels).


2006-now: The International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE):

2005-now: European Environmental Mutagen Genomic Society (EEMGS):

2015-now: Dansk Epidemiologisk Selskab (DES):


2020-now: PI of studies of health effects of living near animal farms

2017-now: PI of prospective biomarker-based studies to evaluate effects of prenatal exposure to dietary acrylamide as part of CHIPS (Children's Health in relation to Intrauterine Exposure to Heat-Generated Pollutants)

2017-now: PI of epidemiological studies on ambient air pollution and health of children and pregnant women

2014-2017: Coordination of pooling of cohort-specific results for a meta-analyses on cancer in bladder, liver and kidney as part of the ESCAPE (

2011-2017: Coordinated the collection, harmonization, pooling and analyses of data on air pollution, birth outcomes, postnatal growth and personal characteristics from women participating in 14 European birth cohorts as part of the ESCAPE (

2010-2015: Coordinated the collection, harmonization, pooling and analyses of data on biomarkers, birth outcomes, diet and personal characteristics from women participating in 5 European birth cohorts as part of the NewGeneris (

2007-2010: Coordinated the collection, processing and analyses of questionnaires, air, dust, urine, blood and placenta samples from 250 women as part of my PhD. Recruited and interviewed the participants.


  • Children's health in relation to Intrauterine Exposure to Heat-Generated Pollutants (CHIPS, ERC Starting grant European Union grant agreement No 758151). I am the PI.
  • Impact of exposure to air pollution on asthma: a multple-exposure assesment (Walter A Rosenblith New Investigator Award, the Health Effects Institute, US, CR-83590201). I am the PI.
  • Advancing tools for human early lifecourse exposome research and translation (Athlete, European Union grant agreenment No 874583). Im co-investigator
  • Lifecycle: Early-life stressors and LifeCycle health ( European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 73320. My role is to contribute to the development of datashield and its application to environmental epidemiological studies based on data from multiple birth cohorts.
  • Nitrates in drinking water and the risk of adverse birth outcomes (NIH, R01) Co-investigator
  • ESCAPE: European Study of Cohorts For Air Pollution Effects (, EU Large-scale Integrated Project, 7th Framework Programme, Theme Environment. Contract No. 211250, . My role was to co-coordinate the birth outcome studies, to collect, pool and analyse data as well as writing papers on fetal and early growth. As well as meta-analyses of selected cancer in adults.
  • NewGeneris: Newborns and Genotoxic exposure risk. Development and application of biomarkers of dietary exposure to genotoxic and immunotoxic chemicals and of biomarkers of early effects, using mother-child birth cohorts and biobanks (, EU Integrated Project, 6th Framework Programme, Priority 5: Food Quality and Safety. Contract no. FOOD-CT-2005 016320, February, 2006- July, 2011. My role was to co-coordinate the epidemiological studies, to collect, pool and analyse data as well as writing papers on birth outcomes, environment and biomarkers.
  • AIRPOLIFE: Air Pollution in a Life Time Health Perspective (, The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation Grant 2052-03-16, January, 2004-January, 2008. My role was to monitor the homes of pregnant women for air pollution, analyse data and write paper on associations between air pollution and biomarkers of DNA damage in mother-newborn pairs.
  • ECNIS: Environmental Cancer Risk, Nutrition and Individual Susceptibility (, EU Contract no. 513943, January, 2005-January, 2012. Participated in workshops, courses and obatained an exchange fellowship. Assisted in reporting for EU and other stakeholders.
  • ChildrenGenoNetwork: European network on children's susceptibility and exposure to gentoxicants (, EU Contract no. QLK4-CT-2002-02198, January, 2003-January, 2005. Assisted in the planning and conduction of a family study in the Czeck Republic with air monitoring and biomarkers. Analysed data and drafted papers. Assisted in reporting for EU.
  • ESBIO:  Expert team to support human biomonitoring (, EU SSPE Contract 022580, January, 2004-January, 2008. Assisted in consulting for the Health Ministry of Denmark, arrangements of meetings, reporting for EU and other stakeholders.
  • The SCALE initiative: Scientific evidence, focused on Children, meant to raise Awareness, improve the situation by use of Legal instruments, and ensure a continual Evaluation of the progress made to the development of a European Environment and Health Strategy, EU, Jan., 2003-Decmber, 2003. Assisted in reporting for EU and other stakeholders. 


2020: Data safety

2017: ERC StG Interview Training

2016: University Peadagogy 

2015: Supervision of master students, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2015: Livable Future Cities, edx.

2015: Responsible Conduct of Research, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2015: R – an introduction, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2015: The Successful ERC Applicant, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2014: Occupational Hazards and Reproductive Health, NIVA, Espoo, Finland.

2013: European Educational Programme in Epidemiology, Florence, Italy.

2012: Leading for Success in Science, Team Leadership & Management Skills, Spain.

2011: Principles of Genetic Association Studies, University Pompeu Fabra, Spain.

2009: Critical Windows of Exposures and Vulnerability, Paris, France.

2008: Paediatric Research, School of Health Sciences, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2008: Practical oral communication, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark.

2006: Use of SAS Statistical Software, Biostatistics, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

2006: Toxicogenomics, TNO, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands.

2006: Molecular Nutrition in Relation to Cancer Res., Karolinska Institute, Sweden.

2006: Nutritional Epidemiology, Preventive Medicine, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

2006: Gene-Environment Interactions, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.

2005: Health: Individual and Environment, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

2005: Applied Toxicology, National University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2004: Environmental Multidiscipline, University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark.

2003: Epidemiology, Medicine, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

2003: Environmental Management and Ethics, Technical University of Denmark.

2003: Practical Application of Environmental Principles, Technical University of Denmark.



Please see:

Primary fields of research

Marie's research focuses on the evaluation of effects of environmental exposures early in life. Currently she is involved in Danish as well as European birth cohort studies that examine the influence of exposure to dietary and environmental toxicants during pregnancy on maternal and child health. 

Marie has a degree in Biology from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark and a PhD at the Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (2010). Marie did her postdoctoral work at the Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology, Barcelona, Spain and in the Team of Environmental Epidemiology Applied to Reproduction and Respiratory Health, National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM), Grenoble, France (2010-2014). Afterwards she worked as researcher at the Danish Cancer Society Research Center, Diet, Genes and Environment, Copenhagen, Denmark (2014-2018). In 2015 Marie started as associate professor at the Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen.


Acrylamide is a chemical formed in many commonly consumed foods and beverages. It is neurotoxic, crosses the placenta and has been associated with restriction of fetal growth in humans. In animals, acrylamide causes heritable mutations, tumors, developmental toxicity, reduced fertility and impaired growth. Therefore, the discovery of acrylamide in food in 2002 raised concern about human health effects worldwide. Still, epidemiological studies are limited and effects on health of prenatal exposure have never been evaluated. Epidemiological studies have mostly addressed exposure during adulthood, focused on cancer risk in adults, and relied on questionnaires entailing a high degree of exposure misclassification. Biomarker studies on prenatal exposure to acrylamide from diet are critically needed to improve exposure assessment and to determine whether acrylamide leads to major diseases later in life.

The aim of CHIPS (Children’s Health in Relation to Intrauterine Exposure to Heat-Generated Pollutants) is to determine the effects of prenatal exposure to acrylamide alone and in combination with other potentially toxic adduct-forming exposures on the health of children and young adults. Both well-established and innovative biomarker methods will be used for characterization of prenatal exposure to acrylamide and related toxicants in blood from pregnant women and their offspring in prospective cohort studies with long-term follow-up. Risk of neurological disorders, impaired cognition, disturbed reproductive function and metabolic outcomes such as obesity and diabetes will be evaluated.

This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 758151).


Air pollution and asthma

Asthma is the most common chronic disease in children. There is growing experimental and epidemiological evidence that exposure to ambient air pollution from combustion such as motor vehicle emissions not only exacerbates existing asthma, but also contributes to the development of asthma. Asthma has a complex multifactorial etiology, which is still not fully understood, as multiple factors starting from fetal life, may interact.

The aim of this research is to examine the individual and joint effects of early-life exposure to air pollution from multiple outdoor and indoor sources on risk of development of asthma in children and adolescents. Furthermore, we seek to determine the mechanistic basis for these effects by studying changes in lung function, inflammation, immunological markers and airway DNA methylation.

Individual health, home, home neighborhood and personal characteristics from national registers will be used for prospective studies of all children and adolescents born in Denmark since 1997 together with detailed questionnaire data from the Danish National Birth Cohort (DNBC) and repeated measurements of lung function and biomarkers from the COPenhagen Prospective Studies on Asthma in Childhood (COPSAC). Early-life exposure to outdoor air pollution to a wide range of air pollutants will be estimated at home addresses with validated and novel prediction models. Register and questionnaire data on asthma incidence from birth to 18 years of age, home characteristics, home neighborhood will be evaluated. Confounding and effect modification by personal characteristics and exposures will be considered.

The research described above is being conducted under contract to the Health Effects Institute (HEI), an organization jointly funded by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (Assistance Award No. CR-83590201) and certain motor vehicle and engine manufacturers. The contents of this research do not necessarily reflect the views of HEI, or its sponsors, nor do they necessarily reflect the views and policies of the EPA or motor vehicle and engine manufacturers.

Current research

  • Environmental epidemiology
  • Effects of environmental exposures early in life on human health
  • Air pollution and noise from road traffic
  • Dietary exposure to carcinogens
  • Biomarkers of genotoxic exposure and effect measured in maternal and umbilical cord blood
  • In utero and early growth (birth weight, rapid growth and child obesity)
  • Preterm birth, preeclampsia, pregnancy-induced hypertension and gestational diabetes
  • Asthma and related respiratory and allergic outcomes in children
  • Cohort studies

National and International Collaboration

  • Department of Environmental Science, Stockholm University, Sweden (
  • Centre for Fetal Programming, Department of Epidemiology Research, Statens Serum Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark (
  • Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, Aarhus University, Roskilde, Denmark (
  • Danish Cancer Society Research Center (DCRC), Copenhagen, Denmark (
  • Danish National Birth Cohort, (
  • Copenhagen Prospective Studies on Asthma in Childhood, (
  • ISGlobal Barcelona Institute for Global Health, Barcelona, Spain (

Education/Academic qualification

Biology, PhD, University of Copenhagen

1 Nov 200731 Mar 2010

Award Date: 7 Aug 2010

External positions

Statens Serum Institut

1 Jun 2020 → …

Danish Cancer Research Society, Diet, Genes and Environment

1 Nov 20141 Sep 2019

Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL), Barcelona, Spain

1 Apr 201031 Oct 2014

National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM), Environmental Epidemiology Applied to Reproduction and Respiratory Health, Grenoble, France

1 Apr 201031 Oct 2014


  • Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
  • Air Pollution
  • Biomarkers
  • Cancer-related biomarkers
  • Children
  • Dietary carcinogens
  • Environmental epidemiology
  • Fetal programming
  • Fetal and early growth
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Pregnancy
  • preeclampsia and preterm delivery
  • Road traffic noise

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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