Marina Bergen Jensen
  • Source: Scopus
1996 …2024

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Short presentation

Marina Bergen Jensen, Professor in Design and Construction of Urban Landscapes Adapted to Climate Change. PhD 2000, University of Copenhagen. My main interest is to invent and document nature-based solutions for climate adaptation, environmental protection, and biodiversity support of cities. Examples include: i) the patented dual porosity filtration technology for treatment of stormwater runoff, which is currently developed further for treatment of greywater and flue gas condensate, ii) methods to enhance infiltration of stormwater runoff in clayey sediments, iii) landscape design for combined stormwater management and biodiversity support, referred to as bio-SUDS, and iv) the green climate-screen as an evapotranspiration based stand-alone solution for management of roof top runoff. Additional interests concern the wider aspects of integration and implementation of nature-based solutions in the urban context, e.g. mapping of challenges and development of efficient methods for collaboration and innovation, urban planning and decision-making, testing of solutions and knowledge sharing. I am responsible for the masters’ courses ‘Urban Ecosystems - structures, functions and design’ at KU, and ‘Urban Water Management’ at SDC, and the training for professionals ‘Klimatilpasning ved hjælp af Grønne Teknologier’. Currently I supervise or co-supervise 11 PhD-students. 




CV Marina Bergen Jensen

Phone +45 35 33 17 90, mobile : +45 27 24 44 47, e-mail [email protected]       

Office address : University of Copenhagen, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, Rolighedsvej 23, DK-1958 Frederiksberg C, Denmark

Education and employment

1994 – 1998             Ph.D. in Soil Science, Royal Veterinary & Agricultural University, Denmark

1997 – 2003             Post Doc at Research Centre Forest and Landscape, Denmark

2003 – 2011             Associate Professor at University of Copenhagen (UCPH)

2011 – 2018             Professor with special task: ‘Design and construction of urban landscapes adapted to climate change’, UCPH

2018 –                       Professor: ‘Design and construction of urban landscapes adapted to climate change’, UCPH


Marina Bergen Jensen has a background in environmental soil science. She holds a PhD in the geochemical and physical processes controlling phosphorus leaching from agricultural till. As a post doc she first investigated contaminant distribution patterns along highways, and later developed the patented technology Dual Porosity Filtration for treatment of road runoff to a high standard, employing exclusively nature-based unit operations. Since 2007 she has focused on climate adaptation of Danish cities to the escalating risks of pluvial flooding, by means of green infrastructure and optimized ecosystem services. Adopting a multidisciplinary approach, she suggests attractive ways to integrate water storages in the urban fabric, paying due diligence to the issues of water quality and environmental protection. In 2010 she manifested the green approach to climate adaptation in Denmark by initiating a nationwide network for knowledge sharing and triple-helix organized innovation among professionals (; a network that today has more than 150 partners.  Since 2013 she has also engaged herself in climate adaptation of rapidly developing cities in Global South, exploring the potential of green infrastructures to both manage all the major urban water flows of supply, sanitation and drainage, and to guide overall urban development by addressing livelihood and livability parameters. Marina Bergen Jensen was appointed a professor in 2011 and is the supervisor of more than 20 graduated and ongoing PhD-students. She is responsible for several master level courses and courses for professionals.

Major research projects

Leader and co-leader of five major research projects since 2010, including the 5-y Strategic Partnership ‘Water in Urban Areas’ with more than 150 partners, the 4-y Innovation Consortium ‘Cities in Water Balance’ with 11 partners, the 4-y Green Technology project ‘Geen Repetition – innovation of a multifunctional climate screen for dense urban areas’ with 7 partners, the 5-y Danida project ‘Water Resilient Cities for Africa’ with partners from Ethiopia and Tanzania, the 4-y Green Technology project ‘Towards sustainable cities – technologies and concepts for greywater recycling’, with a total UC-share of about DKK 30 mill.

Peer reviewed research publications and patents

Research articles, peer reviewed, 1998 – 2019: 62

Patent: PCT/DK2003/000443 (EPA + Canada), Patent No: 7,588,686 (USA) 


  • Climate
  • Climate change adaptation
  • Soil Science
  • Water quality
  • Environmental Chemistry
  • Urban planning
  • Urban biodiversity
  • Urban transition
  • Urban planning

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