No photo of Mickey Gjerris
  • Rolighedsvej 23, 1958 Frederiksberg C

  • Rolighedsvej 23

    1958 Frederiksberg C

Personal profile

Short presentation

Mickey Gjerris holds a M.Th. and a PhD in theological bioethics. He has the past 20 years done interdisciplinary research on ethical issues primarily focusing on the relationship between humans, non-human animals and the rest of nature. Since 2007 he has been an associate professor at the Department for Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen.

His main research fields are climate change ethics, animal ethics, ethics of nature, bioethics, and medical ethics. He is currently working on ethical issues related to the use of gene-editing tools in plant breeding, intensive production of insect protein, the treatment of animals in zoos and aquariums and how virtue ethics can improve teaching of responsible conduct of research to PhD students. He has worked on + 10 national and international research projects as a partner.

Mickey has published more than 60 peer reviewed papers, more than 60 book chapters and extended abstracts for conference proceedings, 2 international textbooks on ethics, and more than 250 contributions aimed at a broader audience including several monographs.

From 2011-2016 he was a member of the Danish Council of Ethics, is an often used expert on ethical issues in Danish media and was in 2018 awarded the Mikkel Hindhede Award by the Danish Vegetarian Society for his contributions to the public debate on animal ethics. He gives + 40 public talks a year on ethical issues – and hugs trees whenever he finds a moment.

Possible conflicts of interest

He receives salaries for public lectures given at churches, The Danish People´s University, municipalities etc. (e.g. the Diocese of Copenhagen) and gives talks and run workshops in various settings such as public administration (e.g. Ministry of Environment and Food in Denmark, NGO´s (e.g. The Danish Society for the Protection of Animals), medical companies (e.g. Novo Nordisk) etc. for which he also (sometimes) receive a honorarium. Mickey also writes book chapters, columns and blogs for various parties such news papers (e.g. Kristeligt Dagblad), organisations (e.g. Biologilærerforeningen) and publishers (e.g. Forlaget Politisk Revy) etc. for which he receives payment. Finally, he receives royalties from the sale of the books he has published (e.g. Det Danske Bibelselskab).

Mickey has been part of a think tank hosted by Sustainia (Denmark) since November 2020.
He does not receive payment for his participation in the think tank.



  • ???Bioetik???
  • Geneticallt modified animals, plants and organisms (GMO)
  • Gene splicing
  • Animal cloning
  • ???Nanobiovidenskab og miljønanoteknologi???

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