Personal profile


Dr. M.H. Hansen was educated at Copenhagen University where he read Greek and History. In 1969 he was appointed lecturer in classics at the University of Copenhagen. In 1973 he became doctor of philosophy. He has been visiting fellow at Wolfson Colle­ge, Cambridge (1974), the Insti­tu­te for Advanced Study, Princeton (1983), and Churchill College, Cambridge (1990). In 1984 his work on the Athenian assembly was selected as the Greek theme for the Norman Baynes Annual Meeting of British Ancient Historians. In the autumn of 1988 he was visiting professor at Melbourne University and in 2001 visiting professor at Green College, University of British Columbia at Vancouver. In 1989 he was appointed Reader in Greek. From 1993 to 2005 he was director of the Copen­hagen Polis Centre. He is a fellow of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Let­ters (elected 1987), and a corre­spon­ding fellow of the British Academy (elected 1997) and of Deut­sches archaeo­lo­gisches Institut (elected 1995). He has been invited to give lectures at 48 universiti­es outside Denmark, including Oxford, Cambridge, London UCL, Harvard (where in 1991 he was offered the chair of ancient history), Stanford, Princeton, Yale, Sorbonne (Paris II), Berlin, München, Milano and Leiden. In 2004 he gave the Fordyce Mitchel Memorial Lectures at the University of Missouri-Columbia. In addition to a number of scholarly publica­tions in Danish, he has publis­hed 12 mono­graphs, 7 fa­scicles, 124 ar­ticles, and 8 review articles and reviews. The synthe­sis of his study of Athenian insti­tutions is The Athenian Demo­cracy in the Age of Demost­henes (Oxford 1991, 2nd edn. 1999)which has been translated into French (1993), German (1995), Polish (1999) and Italian (2003). As director of the Polis Centre he has edited and/or contri­buted to Acts of the Copen­hagen Polis Centre 1-7 (1993-2005) and Papers from the Copen­hagen Polis Centre 1-8 = Historia, Einzelschriften 87, 95, 108, 117, 138, 162, 180, 198 (1994-2007). He is the editor and main contributor to A Compara­tive Study of Thirty City-State Cultures (Copen­hagen 2000), A Comparative Study of Six City-State Cultures (Copenhagen 2002) and An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis (with T.H. Nielsen, Oxford 2004). The results of the Polis Project are summarised in Polis: An Introduction to the Ancient Greek City-State (Oxford 2006, French edn. Paris 2007). In 2007 he has won Gad Rausings pris för fremstående huma­nistsik forskargerning (800,000 S.Kr.).