Personal profile

Short presentation

Research areas

Physical and chemical stability of foods with a focus on the mechanistic understanding of oxidative changes such as lipid and protein oxidation. Investigations of antioxidants and pro-oxidants and their mechanistic effects on foods and model systems. Understanding of complex antioxidant mechanisms in connection with protection of oxidation sensitive ingredients and vitamins in foods. ESR spectroscopic investigation of radicals as reactive intermediates in oxidative processes, and as probes for investigations of molecular mobility of components in food, including the influence of microviscosity and phase transitions on the oxidative stability and storage. Detailed investigations of radical processes in connection with storage of beer, wine and other beverages.


Course responsible: The compulsory BSc course “Food Chemistry”.  PhD-course "ESR spectroscopy in food research"

Teacher on the courses  ”Molecular Food Science”, ”Beverage Technology”, ”Brewing 1” and ”Brewing 2” .



1993: PhD, Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen

1990: MSc (cand.scient.), Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen



  • 2012 - : Professor with special responsibilities, Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen.
  • 2001 - 2012: Associate professor, Dept. Dairy and Food Science, KVL (later LIFE, University of Copenhagen)
  • 1996 - 1999: Research associate professor, Department of Dairy and Food Science, KVL (The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University)
  • 1996 - 1999: Research assistant professor, Department of Dairy and Food Science, KVL (The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University)
  • 1996  Research assistant professor, University of Copenhagen.
  • 1995  Research assistant professor, University of Roskilde.
  • 1993 - 1995: Research associate. National Research Council of Canada
  • 1990 - 1993: PhD-student, Chemistry Department, University of Copenhagen.
  • 1990  Research assistant, Utah State University.



2013-present    Editorial board Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists

2012-present    Brewing Science Group, European Brewery Convention (invited member)

2011-present    Appointed external opponent, Censorkorps for Levnedsmiddelvidenskab

2010-present    Joint committee on the brewing science education, University of Copenhagen & The Scandinavian Brewing School.

2009-2012        The Ministry of Education: “Det faglige forum for kemi på det gymnasiale område”

2007-2013        The Food Science Study Board, LIFE. (Chairman)

2006-2007        Ad hoc Infrastructure Committee, KVL


  • Antioxidants in food
  • Fatty acids
  • Food chemistry
  • Food quality
  • ???Kemi???
  • ???Kinetik???
  • ???Oxidation???
  • ???Spektroskopi???
  • ???Termodynamik???
  • Faculty of Science
  • antioxidants
  • fatty acids
  • food chemistry
  • food quality
  • food stability
  • oxidation
  • beer

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