Morten Hostrup

Morten Hostrup

Associate Professor (Human Physiology), Head of Studies, PhD, MD

    • Nørre Allé 51

      2200 København N

    Personal profile

    Short presentation

    My research interests span integrative physiology from the respiratory system to skeletal muscle. To this end, advanced invasive physiological techniques and drugs are utilized to manipulate various receptor targets and metabolic processes. A particular focus is on anabolic substances and asthma medication – both in terms of understanding their physiological effects, clinical applications in disease conditions (e.g. insulin resistance, obesity, asthma and muscle wasting), and how to detect their abuse as doping in sports (i.e. anti-doping).

    Currently, we are exploring next-generation asthma drugs and anabolic agents, mechanisms of muscle memory and hypertrophy, and harnesh advanced proteomics to study muscle adaptation — efforts supported by strong networks within protein science and clinical research at University-affiliated hospitals.

    Beyond the research, I serve as Head of Studies for the Master's program in Human Physiology.

    If you are interested in becoming a part of the research for a student project, please reach out. Such a project could be within:

    • Mechanisms regulating muscle growth (hypertrophy) in response to training
    • The role of the androgen system in regulating muscle mass
    • Protein-wide adaptations to exercise training using state-of-the-art techniques (e.g. omics)
    • Effect of physical activity, life-style interventions, and new-generation drugs (e.g. monoclonal antibodies, vilanterol) on clinical outcomes in disease conditions
    • Performance-enhancing supplements, methods and doping substances, such as asthma medication and anabolic steroids, and their detection in doping control

    Examples of recently published research:

    Research profile on ResearchGate and Google Scholar

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    ResearcherID: D-9053-2015

    Scopus Author ID: 55303297500

    Education/Academic qualification

    Medicine, MD (Medical Doctor)

    Human Physiology, MSc. (Master of Science)

    Respiratory Medicine & Physiology, PhD


    • Faculty of Science
    • Doping
    • Metabolism
    • Physical Activity
    • Health
    • Training
    • Performance
    • Asthma
    • Athletes
    • Muscle
    • Physiology
    • Pharmacology
    • Asthma medication
    • Beta2-agonists
    • Adrenergic receptor
    • Hypertrophy
    • Atrophy
    • Insulin resistance
    • Insulin sensitivity
    • Diabetes

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