Research output per year
Research output per year
Blegdamsvej 3
2200 København N.
The main research focus is studying mechanisms of impaired bone formation and bone fragility during aging and in osteoporosis as well as molecular mechanisms of osteoblast (bone forming cells) differentiation of human skeletal (mesenchymal) stem cells (MSC); studying the phenomenon of biological aging of MSC with respect to lineage fate determination and how the cellular senescent phenotype can be overcome by genetic and non-genetic approaches. I have been combining clinical studies with cellular and molecular studies and employing state-of-the-art technologies of genetics and proteomics in molecular phenotyping of patients’ cohorts. I am studying the possible clinical use of MSC in tissue regeneration in a variety of diseases including fracture healing.
Name: Moustapha Kassem
November 1983 MBBCh., Kasr-Al-Aini Medical School, University of Cairo, Egypt.
March 1985 Egyptian medical license.
January 1988 Danish medical license.
July 1993 License to practice medicine in USA and UK
August 1994 PhD in Medicine, University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark
November 1997 Doctorate of Science (DSc), University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark.
1995 The young investigator award, American Society for Bone and Mineral Research
1996 Award for best research project, the Danish Society of Internal Medicine
2003 Generalkonsul Ernst Carlsens foundation award
2004 Research prize from the Danish Free Masons Society.
2008 Queen Ingrid’s Lecture, Åbenrå Hospital.
2010 Prize for outstanding scientific communication, University of
Southern Denmark, Denmark
2012 Marie & August Krogh award, Danish Medical Association.
2012 Award for outstanding scientific achievement, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark.
2015 SEB-Codan award, Danish Medical Association.
2019 The Olav Thon award for Medical Research, University of Oslo, Norway
2020 Louis Avioli Founder Award, the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research
May 2002 Chief Physician, Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, University Hospital of Odense, Odense, Denmark
May 2002 Professor of Molecular Endocrinology, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark and director for Laboratory of Molecular Endocrinology, Medical Biotechnology Center.
2013 Professor of Stem Cell Biology, Danish National Stem Cell Center (Danstem), Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen
Dec 89-Dec 92 PhD student, Osteoporosis Research Unit, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark.
Aug 93-July 95 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA.
July 2012- July 2013 Visiting professor, Center of System Biology, Faculty of Science, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
February-March 2017 Visiting professor, The Garvan Institute for medical research, Sydney, Austrlia.
Scientific Director of Stem Cell Treatment Centre, University Hospital of Odense, Odense, Denmark.
Principal investigator of the Indo-Danish Initiative of Stem Cells and Nanotechnology which is collaboration between Universities of Southern Denmark, University of Aarhus and Stem Cell Centre at Bangalore and Kerala, India,
Regular reviewer for Nature Medicine, Nature Biotechnology, Journal of bone and Mineral Research, Bone, European Journal of Clinical Investigation, Endocrinology, European Journal of Endocrinology, International Journal of Developmental Biology, Calcified Tissue International, Stem Cells, Tissue Engineering, European Journal of Hematology, Biogerontology, Osteoporosis International.
Reviewed grants for Medical Research councils in Norway, UK, Austria, Singapore, China, Finland and France. Reviewed PhD thesis (15) and Dr.Med (doctorate degree of Medical Sciences) thesis (2). Evaluation of professorships (8).
Lecturing frequently at national and international meetings. In 2015 and 2020 more than 100 presentations at national and international meetings with plenary lectures, symposia presentation, meet the professor sessions in major stem cell and endocrinology conferences including Annual meeting of Endocrine Society, Annual meetings of American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, European Calcified Tissue Society and Annual meetings of European Society of Endocrinology.
Editorship and Board Membership:
Member of editorial board of Biogerontolog (1999- 2004)
Member of editorial board of Clinical Endocrinology (2007-)
Member of editorial board of Stem Cell Reviews (2008-)
Associate editor Aging Cell (2016-)
Editor Bone (2012-)
Editor Stem Cell Research (2015-2017)
Stem Cell Research and Therapy (2014-)
Member of the Scientific-Ethical Committee of Aarhus County (1999-2001).
Board member of the Danish Society for Endocrinology (2002-2007)
Board member of the Danish Bone and Tooth Society (2000-2004)
Board Member of the Centre for Art and Science, University of Southern Denmark (2004- )
Board member of PhD graduate school of Stem Cell Research and PhD graduate school of Metabolic diseases.
Board Member of Nordic Research Foundation, Novo Nordisk Foundation (2004-2014)
Member of the advisory board of International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) (2009-2014)
Member of Nordic Council on Bioethics (2012-2014)
American Society for Bone and Mineral Research Ethics Advisory Committee (2014- )
PhD students 30, post-doctoral scientists 21, Master students 16, Medical Students (research year) 10, bachelor students 3.
1. PCT/EP2012/060997 miRNA-138 for use in regulation of osteoblast differentiation of
2. PCT/EP2013/059207 Identification of a novel molecule (chemical) to enhance bone cell differentiation of skeletal (mesenchymal) stem cells
Research focus
The main research focus is studying mechanisms of impaired bone formation and bone fragility during aging and in osteoporosis as well as molecular mechanisms of osteoblast (bone forming cells) differentiation of human skeletal (mesenchymal) stem cells (MSC); studying the phenomenon of biological aging of MSC with respect to lineage fate determination and how the cellular senescent phenotype can be overcome by genetic and non-genetic approaches. I have been combining clinical studies with cellular and molecular studies and employing state-of-the-art technologies of genetics and proteomics in molecular phenotyping of patients’ cohorts. I am studying the possible clinical use of MSC in tissue regeneration in a variety of diseases including fracture healing.
Research funding:
I have obtained continuous research funding as principal investigator (PI). Here is the list of my last 5 years funding as PI :
1.Novonordiskfonden (190C0057449) (2019-2021): The choir and the soloist: Studying human stromal stem cells at a single cell resolution - Changes in aging and metabolic bone diseases (3 million (M) Dkr).
2. Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond (9039-00215B) (2019-2022): Enhancement of bone regenerationby in vivo targeting of skeletal stem cells (3 M Dkr)
3. Bone Bank 2.0 (2016-2020): Inter-reg EU project: Establishing a German-Danish skeletal stem cell bank for bone regeneration therapies (5%) (1 M €)
4. Lundbeck foundation (2018) (R266-2017-4250) From stem cell transplantation to in vivo targeting: Studying the physiological role and molecular mechanisms of novel stromal (skeletal) stem cell secreted factors (0.5M dkr)
4. The Olav Thon foundation (2019-2022): Enhancement of bone regeneration by in vivo targeting of skeletal stem cells (10 M NORKr)
5. The Innovation Fund Denmark (2016-2020): Indo-Danish Centre for Musculo-Skeletal Stem Cell Targeting (10 M Dkr)
6. Novonordiskfoundation (2021-2023) The role of circulating and bone tissue microRNAs in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetic bone fragility (3.3 M dkr)
Clinical work:
I have 40% of my time (2 days weekly) spent at the endocrine and diabetes outpatient clinic, Odense University Hospital.
I have responsibility for organizing Endocrinology course for biomedical students (a week course twice a year). I do regular teaching for undergraduate and postgraduate medical students and junior physicians in Endocrinology, metabolic bone diseases and osteoporosis.
1994 PhD thesis (University of Aarhus, Denmark): Human bone cell proliferation and differenti¬ation: effects of growth hormone and sex steroids on osteoblasts in vitro.
1997 DSc thesis (University of Aarhus, Denmark): Cellular and Molecular effects of growth hormone and estrogen on human bone cells
Total number of publications: 318
Original papers 244
Invited reviews/book chapters 74
Web of Science: total articles: 240, H-index: 67, citation number 15714
Google scholar citation: H-index : 83, total citation 245557, i10-index 250
Original papers:
1- M.Kassem, E.F.Eriksen, F.Melsen, L.Mosekilde (1991) Antacid-induced osteomala¬cia. J Intern Med 229:275-80. Impact factor: 6.754
2- M.kassem, Li Mosekilde, J. Rungby, F. Melsen, Le. Mosekilde, E.F.Eriksen (1991) Formation of osteoclasts and osteoblast-like cells in long-term bone marrow cultures. Acta Path Microbiol Immunol Scand 99:262-8. Impact factor: 2.026
3- M.Kassem, L.Restilli, F. Melsen, L. Mosekilde, E.F.Eriksen (1991) Formation of osteoblast-like cells in long-term bone marrow cultures. Acta Path Microbiol Immunol Scand 99:270-4. Impact factor: 2.026
4- M.Kassem, E.F.Eriksen, L.Mosekilde (1991) Familiær hypokal¬kurisk hyperkal¬cæmi. Nordisk Medicin 4:107-??
Impact factor: 0.06
5- H.K.Nielsen, K.Brixen, M.Kassem, L.Mosekilde (1991) 1,25 dihydroxy¬vitamin D3 prevents the acute suppressive effects of gluco¬corticoids on serum osteocalcin in normal individuals. J Bone Miner Res. 6:435-41. Impact factor: 2.472
6- H.K.Nielsen, K.Brixen, M.Kassem, S.E.Christensen, L.Mosekilde (1991) Diurnal rhythm in serum osteocalcin. Relationship with sleep, growth hormone and PTH (1-84). Calcif Tissue Int 49:373-7. Impact factor: 3.275
7- M.Kassem, J. Rungby, L. Mosekilde, E.F.Eriksen (1992) Ultrastruc¬ture of human osteoblasts and associated matrix in culture. Acta Path Microbiol Immunol Scand 100:¬491-7. Impact factor: 2.026
8- H.K.Nielsen, K.Brixen, M. Kassem, P.Charles, L. Mosekilde (1992). Inhibition of the morning cortisol peak abolished the expected morning decrease in serum osteocalcin in normal males. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 74:1410-4. Impact factor: 5.789
9- D. Tornehave, B. Teisner, H. Boje-Rasmussen, J. Chemmitz, M. Kassem (1992). Fetal antigen 2 (FA2) in human fetal osteoblasts, cultured osteoblasts and osteogenic osteosarcoma cells. Anatomy and Embryology 186:271-4. Impact factor: 1.75
10- H. Boje-Rasmussen, B. Teisner, F. Bangsgaard-Pedersen, E. Yde-Andersen,
M. Kassem (1992). Quantification of foetal antigen 2 (FA2) in supernatants of cultured osteoblasts, normal human serum and serum from patients with chronic renal failure. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 7:902-7. Impact factor: 4.085
11. M.Kassem, W.Blum, J.Risteli, L.Mosekilde, E.F.Eriksen (1992). Effects of human Growth Hormone on proliferation and differentia¬tion of human osteoblasts in vitro. Calcif Tissue Int 52:222-6. Impact factor: 3.275
12. M.Kassem, L.Mosekilde, E.F.Eriksen (1993). 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D3 potentiates fluoride-stimulated collagen type I production in cultures of human bone marrow stromal cells. J Bone Miner Res 12:1453-8. Impact factor: 6.314
13. M.Kassem, L.Mosekilde, E.F.Eriksen (1993) Effects of triiodothyronine on DNA synthesis and differentiation markers of human osteoblast-like cells. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International 30:779-88. Impact factor: 0.92
14. J.Rungby, M.Kassem, E.F.Eriksen, G.Danscher (1993). The von Kossa reaction for calcium deposits: a revised version suitable also for cell cultures. Histoche¬mistry J 25:446-51. Impact factor: 2.217
15. J.Bollwerslev, S.C.Marks Jr., S.Pockwinse, M.Kassem, K.Brixen, T.Steiniche, L.Moseilde (1993) Ultrastructural investigations of bone resorptive cells in two types of autosomal dominant osteoporosis. Bone 14:865-9. Impact factor: 4.140
16. H.Brockstedt, M.Kassem, E.F.Eriksen, L.Mosekilde, F.Melsen (1993) Age- and sex-related changes in iliac cortical bone mass and remodeling. Bone 14:681-91. Impact factor: 4.140
17. M.Kassem, K. Brixen, L.Mosekilde, E.F.Eriksen (1994) Human marrow stromal osteoblast-like cells do not show reduced responsiveness to in vitro stimulation with growth hormone in patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis. Calcif Tissue Int 54:1-6. Impact factor: 3.275
18. M.kassem, C.Xu, S.Brask, E.F.Eriksen, L.Mosekilde,T.A.Kruse (1994) Familial isolated primary hyperparathyroidism: an allelic form of multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type I. Clinical Endocrinol 41:415-20. Impact factor: 5.455
19. M.Kassem, L.Mosekilde, E.F.Eriksen (1994) Effects of sodium fluoride on bone cells in vitro: differences in responsiveness between marrow precursors and mature osteo¬blasts. European J Endocrinol 130:381-6. Impact factor: 4.333
20. M.Kassem, K. Brixen, W. Blum, L.Mosekilde, E.F.Eriksen (1994) Normal osteoclastic and osteoblastic responses to exogenous growth hormone in patients with postmenopausal spinal osteoporosis. J Bone Miner Res 9:1365-70. Impact factor: 6.314
21. M.Kassem, K. Brixen, W. Blum, L.Mosekilde, E.F.Eriksen (1994) No evidence for reduced spontaneous or growth hormone-stimulated insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I, IGF-II or IGF binding protein 3 (IGFBP-3) in patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis. European J Endocrinol 131:150-5. Impact factor: 4.333
22. P.Hansen, M.Kassem, K. Brixen, L. Mosekilde, O. Faergeman (1995) Effect of short term treatment with recombinant human growth hormone on lipid and lipoproteins in females and males without growth hormone deficiency. Metabolism 44:725-9. Impact factor: 5.963
23. M.Kassem, L.Mosekilde, E.F.Eriksen (1994). Growth hormone stimulates proliferation of human marrow stromal osteoblast-like cells in vitro. Growth Regulation 4:131-5. Impact factor: 2.047
24. L.Ankersen, M.Kassem, L.Østergård, E.F.Eriksen, B.F.Clark, S.Rattan (1994). Aging of human trabecular osteoblasts in culture. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 4:5-12. Impact factor: 2.241
25. K.Brixen, M.Kassem, H.K.Nielsen, A.G. Loft, A.Flyvbjerg, L.Mosekilde (1995). Short-term treatment with growth hormone stimulates osteoblastic and osteoclastic activity in osteopenic postmenopausal women: a dose-response study. J Bone Miner Res 10:1865-74. Impact factor: 6.314
26. M.Kassem, S.A.Harris, T.C.Spelsberg, B.L.Riggs (1996). Estrogen inhibits interleukin 6 production and gene expression in a human osteoblastic cell line with high levels of estrogen receptors. J Bone Miner Res 11:193-9. Impact factor: 6.314
27. D.Rickard, M.Kassem, T.Hefferan, G.Sarkar, B.L.Riggs (1996). Isolation and characterization osteoblast progenitor cells from human bone marrow. J Bone Miner Res 11:312-24. Impact factor: 6.314
28. M.Kassem, S.Khosla, T.C.Spelsberg, B.L.Riggs (1996). Failure to demonstrate estrogen regulation of cytokine production in bone marrow plasma or bone marrow cell cultures in early postmenopausal women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 81:513-8. Impact factor: 5.455
29. M.Kassem, R.Okazaki, S.A.Harris,T.C.Spelsberg, C.A.Conover, B.L.Riggs (1996). Potential mechanism of estrogen-mediated decrease in bone formation: estrogen increases production of inhibitory insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-4 in a human osteoblastic cell line with high levels of estrogen receptors. Proc Assoc Amer Physcian 108:155-64. Impact factor: 1.974
30. M.Kassem, L.Ankersen, E.F.Eriksen, B.F.C.Clark, S.I.S.Rattan (1997). Demonstra¬tion of cellular aging and senescence in human osteoblast cultures established from normal and osteoporotic bone. Osteop Int 7:514-24. Impact factor: 3.591
31. M.Kassem, C.A.Conover, S.A.Harris, T.C.Spelsberg, B.L.Riggs (1998). Estrogen effects on gene expression of insulin-like growth factors in a human cell line with high levels of estrogen receptors. Calcif Tissue Int 62:60-66. Impact factor: 3.275
32. B.Langdal, M.Kassem, M.K.Moeller, E.F.Eriksen (1998). Effects of insulin-like growth factor-I and -II with and without growth hormone on proliferation and differentiation of human osteoblasts in vitro. Europ J Clin Invest 28:176-?? Impact factor: 3.086
33. E.Gonos, A.Derventzi, M.Kveiborg, G.Agiostratidou, M.Kassem, B.Clark, P.Jat, S.Rattan (1998) Cloning and identification of genes that associate with mammalian replicative senescence. Exp Cell Res 240:66-74. Impact factor: 3.246
34. M.Kassem, K.Brixen, L.Mosekilde, W.Blum, A.Flyvbjerg (1998) Effects of growth hormone treatment on serum levels of insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) and IGF binding proteins 1-4 in postmenopausal women. Clinical Endocrinology 49:747-56 Impact factor: 5.455
35. N. Abilgaard, J.Rungby, H.Glerup, K.Brixen, M.Kassem, H.Brincker, K.Heickendorff, E.Eriksen, J.Nielsen (1998) Long-term oral pamidronate treatment inhibits osteoclastic bone resorption and bone turnover without affecting affecting osteoblastic functions in multiple myeloma Eur J Haematol 61:128-34. Impact factor: 2.595
36. M.kveiborg, M.Kassem, B.Langdahl, E.F.Eriksen, S.I.S.Rattan (1999). Telomere shortening during aging of human osteoblasts in vitro and in leucocytes in vivo: lack of excessive telomere loss in osteoporotic patients. Mech Aging Develop 106:261-71. Impact factor: 0.56
37. E.F.Eriksen, B.Langdahl, J.Rungby, M.Kassem (1999) Hormone replacement therapy prevents osteoclastic hyperactivity in early menopasue: a histomorphometric study in early postmenopausal women. J Bone Miner Res 14:1217-21. Impact factor: 6.314
38. N. Abilgaard, H.Glerup, J.Rungby, K.Bendix-Hansen, M.Kassem, K.Brixen, L.Heickendorff, J.L.Nielsen, E.Eriksen (2000) Biochemical markers of bone metabolism reflect osteoclastic and osteoblastic activity in multiple myeloma. Eur J Haematol 64:121-9. Impact factor: 2.595
39. M.Kassem, M.Kveiborg, E.F.Eriksen (2000) Transforming growth factor- production and responsiveness in human osteoblasts in vitro. Europ J Clin Invest 30:549-61. Impact factor: 3.086
40. M.Kveiborg, A.Flyvbjerg, S.I.S. Rattan, M.Kassem (2000) Changes in insulin-like growth factor system may contribute to in vitro age-related impaired osteoblast functions. Exp Gerontol 35:1061-74. Impact factor: 3.224
41. M.Christiansen, M.Kveiborg, M.Kassem, B.F.C.Clark, S.I.S.Rattan (2000) CBFA-1 and Topoisomerase I mRNA levels decline during cellular aging of human trabecular osteoblasts. J Gerontol Biol Sci 55A:B194-200. Impact factor: 4.902
42. M.Kassem, T.Kruse, F.Wong, C. Larsson, B.The (2000) Familial isolated hyperparathyroidism: a variant of MEN-1. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 85:165-7. Impact factor: 5.455
43. M.Kveiborg, S.I.S. Rattan, B.Clark, E.F.Eriksen, M.Kassem (2001) Treatment with 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 reduces impairment of human osteoblast functions during cellular aging in cultrue. J Cell Physiol 186:298-306. Impact factor: 4.080
44. M.Kveiborg, A.Flyvbjerg, E.F.Eriksen, M.Kassem (2001) Calcitriol stimulates the production of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-2, -3 and –4 in human bone marrow stromal cells. Europ J Endocrinol 144:549-57. Impact factor: 4.333
45. K.Stenderup, J.Justesen, E.F.Eriksen, Suresh Rattan, M.Kassem (2001) Number and proliferative capacity of osteogenic stem cells are maintained during aging and in patients with osteoporosis. J Bone Miner Res 16:1120-9. Impact factor: 6.314
46. J.Justesen, K.Stenderup, E.F.Eriksen, M.kassem (2002) Maintenance of osteoblastic and adipocytic differentiation potential with age and osteoporosis in human marrow stromal cell cultures. Calcif Tissue Int 71:36-44. Impact factor: 3.275
47. M. Kveiborg, A.Flyvbjerg, E.F.Eriksen, M.Kassem (2001) Transforming growth factor-B stimulates the production of insulin-like growth factor-I and insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 in human bone marrow stromal osteoblast progenitors. J Endocrinol 169:549-61. Impact factor: 4.012
48. M.kveiborg, A.Flyvbjerg, M.Kassem (2002) Synergistic effects of 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 and TGF-beta1 on the production of insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 in human bone marrow stromal cell cultures. APMIS. 10:410-4. Impact factor: 2.206
49. J.Justesen, K.Stenderup, E.Ebbesen, T.Steiniche, M.Kassem (2001) Adipocyte tissue volume in bone marrow is increased with aging and in patients with osteoporosis. Biogerontology 1:165-71. Impact factor: 3.702
50. L.Torring, L.Mosekilde, J.Justesen, E.Falk, M.Kassem (2001) Troglitazone treatment induces adipogenesis but does not affect osteogenesis in the bone marrow. Calcif Tissue Int 69:46-50. Impact factor: 3.275
51. C.Rosada, D.Melsvik, P.Ebbesen, M.Kassem (2002) The umblical cord blood: a potential source for mesenchymal stem cells. Calcif Tissue Int 72:135-42. Impact factor: 3.275
*52. J. Simonsen, C.Rosada, N.Sernici, J. Justesen, K.Stenderup, S.Rattan, T.Jensen, M.Kassem (2002). Telomerase expression extends lifespan and prevents senescence-associated impairment of osteoblast functions. Nature Biotechnology 20:592-6. Impact factor: 35.724
53. M. Kveiborg, C.Gravholdt, M.Kassem (2001) Evidence of a normal mean telomere fragment length in patients with Ullrich-Turner syndrome. Eur J Hum Genet. 9:877-9. Impact factor: 4.349
54. J. Justesen, Li. Mosekilde, K.Stenderup, J.Gaster, J. Seckl , M.Kassem (2004). Mice deficient in 11 b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogense type 1 lack bone marrow adipocytes but maintain normal bone formation. Endocrinology 145:1916-25. Impact factor: 3.961
55. Villablanca A, Wassif WS, Smith T, Hoog A, Vierimaa O, Kassem M, Dwight T, Forsberg L, Du Q, Learoyd D, Jones K, Stranks S, Juhlin C, Teh BT, Carling T, Robinson B, Larsson C. (2002) Involvement of the MEN1 gene locus in familial isolated hyperparathyroidism. Eur J Endocrinol 147:313-22. Impact factor: 4.333
56. J.Justesen, K.Stenderup, S.B.Pedersen, M.Kassem (2004). Subcutaneous adipocytes differentiate into bone forming cells in vitro and in vivo. Tissue Engineering 10:381-91. Impact factor: 3.508
*57. K.Stenderup, J.Justesen, C.Clausen, M.Kassem (2003). Aging is associated with decreased maximal life span and accelerated senescence of bone marrow stromal cells. Bone 33:919-26. Impact factor: 4.140
58. K.Stenderup, J.Justesen, C.Clausen, M.Kassem (2004). Aged human marrow stromal cells maintain bone forming capaciyt in vivo evaluated using an improved method of visulaization. Biogerontology 5:107-18. Impact factor: 3.702
59. E. Paschalis, A. Boskey, M.Kassem, E.F.Eriksen (2003) Effect of hormone replacement therapy on bone quality in early menopausal women. J Bone Miner Res 18:955-9. Impact factor: 6.314
60. Parkinson C, Kassem M, Heickendorff L, Flyvbjerg A, Trainer PJ (2003) Pegvisomant-induced serum insulin-like growth factor-I normalization in patients with acromegaly returns elevated markers of bone turnover to normal. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 88:5650-5. Impact factor: 5.455
*61. Abdallah BM, Jensen CH, Gutierrez G, Leslie RG, Jensen TG, Kassem M (2004) Regulation of human skeletal stem cells differentiation by Dlk1/Pref-1. J Bone Miner Res. 19:841-52. Impact factor: 6.314
62. Bentzon JF, Stenderup K, Hansen FD, Schroder HD, Abdallah BM, Jensen TG, Kassem M (2005) Tissue distribution and engraftment of human mesenchymal stem cells immortalized by human telomerase reverse transcriptase gene. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 330:633-40. Impact factor: 2.559
63. Abdallah BM, Haack-Sorensen M, Burns JS, Elsnab B, Jakob F, Hokland P,
Kassem M (2005) Maintenance of differentiation potential of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells immortalized by human telomerase reverse transcriptase gene despite of extensive proliferation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 326:527-38. Impact factor: 2.559
64. Fink T, Abildtrup L, Fogd K, Abdallah BM, Kassem M, Ebbesen P, Zachar V (2004) Induction of adipocyte-like phenotype in human mesenchymal stem cells by hypoxia. Stem Cells. 22:1346-55. Impact factor: 5.587
*65. Serakinci N, Guldberg P, Burns JS, Abdallah B, Schrodder H, Jensen T, Kassem M (2004). Adult human mesenchymal stem cell as a target for neoplastic transformation. Oncogene. 23:5095-8. Impact factor: 6.854
66. Niemeier A, Kassem M, Toedter K, Wendt D, Ruether W, Beisiegel U, Heeren J (2005). Expression of LRP1 by human osteoblasts: a mechanism for the delivery of lipoproteins and vitamin K1 to bone. J Bone Miner Res. 20:283-93. Impact factor: 6.314
67. Rejnmark L, Vestergaard P, Kassem M, Christoffersen BR, Kolthoff N, BrixenK, Mosekilde L (2004). Fracture risk in perimenopausal women treated with beta-blockers. Calcif Tissue Int. 75:365-72. Impact factor: 3.275
*68. Burns JS, Abdallah BM, Guldberg P, Rygaard J, Schroder HD, Kassem M (2005). Tumorigenic heterogeneity in cancer stem cells evolved from long-term cultures of telomerase-immortalized human mesenchymal stem cells. Cancer Res. 65:3126-35. Impact factor: 9.130
69. Abdallah BM, Stilgren LS, Nissen N, Kassem M, Jorgensen HR, Abrahamsen B (2005). Increased RANKL/OPG mRNA ratio in iliac bone biopsies from women with hip fractures. Calcif Tissue Int. 76:90-7. Impact factor: 3.275
*70. Kratchmarova I, Blagoev B, Haack-Sorensen M, Kassem M, Mann M (2005) Mechanisms of divergent growth factor effects in mesenchymal stem cell differentiation. Science 308:1472-7. Impact factor: 37.205
*71. Foster LJ, Zeemann PA, Li C, Mann M, Jensen ON, Kassem M (2005)
Differential expression profiling of membrane proteins by quantitative
proteomics in a human mesenchymal stem cell line undergoing osteoblast
differentiation. Stem Cells 23:1367-77. Impact factor: 5.587
72. Kassem M, Burns J, Abd-Allah B (2005) Blood vessels engineered from human cells. Lancet 366:891-2. Impact factor: 53.254
73. Ebert R, Ulmer M, Zeck S, Meissner-Weigl J, Schneider D, Stopper H, Schupp N, Kassem M, Jakob F (2006) Selenium supplementation restores the antioxidative capacity and prevents cell damage in bone marrow stromal cells in vitro. Stem Cells. 24:12226-35. Impact factor: 5.587
76. Abdallah BM, Haack-Sorensen M, Fink T, Kassem M (2006) Inhibition of osteoblast differentiation but not adipocyte differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells by sera obtained from aged females. Bone. 39:181-8. Impact factor: 4.140
77. Serakinci N, Hoare SF, Kassem M, Atkinson SP, Keith N (2006) Telomerase promoter reprogramming and interaction with general transcription factors in human mesenchymal stem cells. Reg Med 1:125-31. Impact factor: 1.152
78. Norgaard R, Kassem M, Rattan SI (2006) Heat shock-induced enhancement of osteoblastic differentiation of hTERT-immortalized mesenchymal stem cells. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1067:443-7. Impact factor: 4.039
79. Woo C, Li H, Baatrup A, Krause A, Kassem M, Bunger C, Lind M (2006)
Effects of bone protein extract on human mesenchymal stem cells proliferation and differentiation. J Biomed Mater Res A. 79:552-6. Impact factor: 2.308
80. Fierro-Monti I, Mohammed S, Matthiesen R, Santoro R, Burns JS, Williams DJ, Proud CG, Kassem M, Jensen ON, Roepstorff P (2006) Quantitative proteomics identifies Gemin5, a scaffolding protein involved in ribonucleoprotein assembly, as a novel partner for eukaryotic initiation factor 4E. J Proteome Res. 5:1367-78. Impact factor: 4.268
81. Imel EA, Peacock M, Pitukcheewanont P, Heller HJ, Ward LM, Shulman D, Kassem M, Rackoff P, Zimering M, Dalkin A, Drobny E, Colussi G, Shaker JL, Hoogendoorn EH, Hui SL, Econs MJ (2006) Sensitivity of fibroblast growth factor 23 measurements in tumor-induced osteomalacia. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 91:2055-61. Impact factor: 5.455
82. Abdallah BM, Boissy P, Tan Q, Dahlgaard J, Traustadottir GA, Kupisiewicz K,Laborda J, Delaisse JM, Kassem M (2007) DLK1/FA1 regulates the function of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC) by modulating gene expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and immune-response-related factors. J Biol Chem. 282:7339-51. Impact factor: 4.010
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85. Qiu W, Andersen TE, Bollerslev J, Mandrup S, Abdallah BM, Kassem M (2007) Patients with High Bone Mass Phenotype Exhibit Enhanced Osteoblast Differentiation and Inhibition of Adipogenesis of Human Mesenchymal Stem cells. J Bone Miner Res. 22:1720-31. Impact factor: 6.314
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87. Abdallah BM, Ding M, Jensen CH, Ditzel N, Flyvbjerg A, Jensen TG,
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88. Bentzon JF, Sondergaard CS, Kassem M, Falk E (2007). Smooth muscle cells healing atherosclerotic plaque disruptions are of local, not blood, origin in apolipoprotein E knockout mice. Circulation. 116:2053-61 Impact factor: 18.88
89. Stiehler M, Lind M, Mygind T, Baatrup A, Dolatshahi-Pirouz A, Li H, Foss M,
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93. Post S, Abdallah BM, Bentzon JF, Kassem M (2008) Demonstration of the presence of independent pre-osteoblastic and pre-adipocytic cell populations in bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Bone. 43:32-39. Impact factor: 4.140
94. Grønbæk K, Ralfkiaer U, Dahl C, Hother C, Burns JS, Kassem M, Worm J,
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96. Kleiveland CR, Kassem M, Lea T (2008). Human mesenchymal stem cell proliferation is regulated by PGE2 through differential activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase isoforms. Exp Cell Res. 314:1831-8. Impact factor: 3.246
97. Prokhorova TA, Harkness LM, Frandsen U, Ditzel N, Burns JS, Schroeder HD,
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98. Bjerre L, Bünger CE, Kassem M, Mygind T (2008). Flow perfusion culture of human mesenchymal stem cells on silicate-substituted tricalcium phosphate scaffolds. Biomaterials. 29:2616-27. Impact factor: 8.806
99. Zou L, Zou X, Chen L, Li H, Mygind T, Kassem M, Bünger C (2008). Effect of hyaluronan on osteogenic differentiation of porcine bone marrow stromal cells in vitro. J Orthop Res. 26:713-20. Impact factor: 3.14
100. Rinne Dahl S, Ramstad Kleiveland C, Kassem M, Lea T, Lundanes E, Greibrokk T (2008) Detecting pM concentrations of prostaglandins in cell culture supernatants by
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102. Diederichsen AC, Møller JE, Thayssen P, Junker AB, Videbaek L, Saekmose SG,
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103. Burns JS, Abdallah BM, Shrøder HD, Kassem M (2008) The histopathology of a human mesenchymal stem cell experimental tumor model: support for an hMSC origin for Ewing's sarcoma? Histol Histopathol. 23:1229-40. Impact factor: 2.025
104. Stiehler M, Bünger C, Baatrup A, Lind M, Kassem M, Mygind T (2009).
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105. Gjerstorff MF, Harkness L, Kassem M, Frandsen U, Nielsen O, Lutterodt M,
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106. Bay-Jensen AC, Tabassi NC, Sondergaard LV, Andersen TL, Dagnaes-Hansen F,
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107. Prokhorova TA, Rigbolt KT, Johansen PT, Henningsen J, Kratchmarova I, Kassem
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108. Heile AM, Wallrapp C, Klinge PM, Samii A, Kassem M, Silverberg G, Brinker T (2009). Cerebral transplantation of encapsulated mesenchymal stem cells improves cellular
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109. Liedert A, Kassem M, Claes L, Ignatius A (2009). Mechanosensitive promoter region in
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111. Gjerstorff M, Burns JS, Nielsen O, Kassem M, Ditzel H (2009). Epigenetic modulation
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112. Hald A, Hansen RR, Thomsen MW, Ding M, Croucher PI, Gallagher O, Ebetino FH,
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113. Dahl SR, Kleiveland CR, Kassem M, Lea T, Lundanes E, Greibrokk T (2009).
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114. Weber C, Pohl S, Potner R, Wallrapp C, Kassem M, Geigle P, Czermak P (2007). Cultivation and Differentiation of Encapsulated hMSC-TERT in a Disposable Small-Scale Syringe-Like Fixed Bed Reactor. Open Biomed Eng J. 1:64-70. Impact factor: 0.87
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116. Kraft DC, Bindslev DA, Melsen B, Abdallah BM, Kassem M, Klein-Nulend J (2010).
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117. Harkness L, Taipaleenmaki H, Mahmood A, Frandsen U, Saamanen AM, Kassem M,
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118. Sondergaard BC, Schultz N, Madsen SH, Bay-Jensen AC, Kassem M, Karsdal MA (2009). MAPKs are essential upstream signaling pathways in proteolytic cartilage
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119. Larsen KH, Frederiksen CM, Burns JS, Abdallah BM, Kassem M (2009). Identifying A
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120. Jensen T, Dolatshahi-Pirouz A, Foss M, Baas J, Lovmand J, Duch M, Pedersen FS,
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121. Diederichsen AC, Møller JE, Thayssen P, Videbæk L, Sækmose SG, Barington T, Kassem M (2010). Changes in left ventricular filling patterns efter repeated injections of autologus bone marrow cells in heart failure patients. Scand Cardiovasc J. 44:139-45. Impact factor: 1.449
122. Qiu W, Hu Y, Andersen TE, Jafari A, Li N, Chen W, Kassem M (2010).Tumour necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 19 (TNFRSF19) regulates differentiation fate of human mesenchymal (stromal) stem cells through canonical Wnt signalling and C/EBP. J Biol Chem 285:14438-49 Impact factor: 4.010
123. Frost M, Andersen TE, Yadav V, Brixen K, Karsenty G, Kassem M (2010). Patients with high bone-mass phenotype owing to Lrp5-T253I mutation have low plasma levels of serotonin. J Bone Miner Res 25:673-5. Impact factor: 6.314
124. Mahmood A, Harkness L, Schrøder HD, Abdallah BM, Kassem M (2010). Enhanced differentiation of human embryonic stem cells to mesenchymal progenitors by inhibition of TGF-beta/Activin/Nodal signalling using SB-431542. J Bone Miner Res 6:1216-33
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126. Isa A, Nehlin JO, Sabir HJ, Andersen TE, Gaster M, Kassem M, Barington T (2010). Imapired cell surface expression of HLA-B antigens on mesenchymal stem cells and muscle cell progenitor. Plos One 5:e10900 Impact factor: 2.766
127. Harkness L, Mahmood A, Ditzel N, Abdallah BM, Nygaard JV, Kassem M. (2011) Selective isolation and differentiation of a stromal population of human embryonic stem cells with osteogenic potential. Bone. 48:231-41 Impact factor: 4.140
128. Andersen MØ, Nygaard JV, Burns JS, Raarup MK, Nyengaard JR, Bünger C, Besenbacher F, Howard KA, Kassem M, Kjems J (2010). siRNA nanoparticle functionalization of nanostructured scaffolds enables controlled multilineage differentiation of stem cells. Mol Ther. 18:2018-27. Impact factor: 6.825
129. Harkness L, Rasmussen IA, Erb K, Kassem M (2010). Derivation and characterisation of hESC lines from supernumerary embryos, experience from Odense, Denmark. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. 46:259-68. Impact factor: 1.447
130. Burns JS, Rasmussen PL, Larsen KH, Schrøder HD, Kassem M (2010). Parameters in three-dimensional osteospheroids of telomerized human mesenchymal (stromal) stem cells grown on osteoconductive scaffolds that predict in vivo bone-forming potential. Tissue Eng Part A. 16:2331-42. Impact factor: 3.508
131. Seefried L, Mueller-Deubert S, Schwarz T, Lind T, Mentrup B, Kober M, Docheva D, Liedert A, Kassem M, Ignatius A, Schieker M, Claes L, Wilke W, Jakob F and Ebert R (2010) A small scale cell culture system to analyze mechanobiology using reporter gene
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132. Rigbolt KT, Prokhorova TA, Akimov V, Henningsen J, Johansen PT, Kratchmarova I, Kassem M, Mann M, Olsen JV, Blagoev B (2011). System-wide temporal characterization of the proteome and phosphoproteome of human embryonic stem cell differentiation. Sci Signal. 4:rs3. Impact factor: 6.494
133. Frost M, Andersen T, Gossiel F, Hansen S, Bollerslev J, Van Hul W, Eastell R, Kassem M, Brixen K (2011). Levels of serotonin, sclerostin, bone turnover markers as well as bone density and microarchitecture in patients with high bone mass phenotype due to a mutation in Lrp5. J Bone Miner Res. 26:1721-8. Impact factor: 6.314
134. Saeed H, Abdallah BM, Ditzel N, Catala-Lehnen P, Qiu W, Amling M, Kassem M (2011).Telomerase-deficient mice exhibit bone loss due to defects in osteoblasts and increased osteoclastogenesis by inflammatory microenvironment. J Bone Miner Res. 26:1494-505 Impact factor: 6.314
135. Abdallah BM, Ditzel N, Mahmood A, Isa A, Traustadottir GA, Schilling AF, Ruiz-Hidalgo M, Laborda J, Amling M, Kassem M (2011). DLK1 is a novel regulator of bone mass that mediates estrogen-deficiency induced bone loss in mice. J Bone Miner Res. 26:1457-71 Impact factor: 6.314
136. Dolatshahi-Pirouz A, Jensen TH, Kolind K, Bünger C, Kassem M, Foss M, Besenbacher F (2011). Cell shape and spreading of stromal (mesenchymal) stem cells cultured on fibronectin coated gold and hydroxyapatite surfaces. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 84:18-25. Impact factor: 3.997
137. Seefried L, Mueller-Deubert S, Schwarz T, Lind T, Mentrup B, Kober M, Docheva D, Liedert A, Kassem M, Ignatius A, Schieker M, Claes L, Wilke W, Jakob F, Ebert R (2010). A small scale cell culture system to analyze mechanobiology using reporter gene constructs and polyurethane dishes. Eur Cell Mater. 20:344-55. Impact factor: 3.667
138. Taipaleenmäki H, Abdallah BM, Aldahmash A, Säämänen AM, Kassem M (2011). Wnt signalling mediates the cross-talk between bone marrow derived pre-adipocytic and pre-osteoblastic cell populations. Exp Cell Res. 317:745-56. Impact factor: 3.246
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140. Limbert C, Päth G, Ebert R, Rothhammer V, Kassem M, Jakob F, Seufert J (2011). PDX1- and NGN3-mediated in vitro reprogramming of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells into pancreatic endocrine lineages. Cytotherapy. 13:802-13. Impact factor: 3.203
141. Eskildsen T, Taipaleenmäki H, Stenvang J, Abdallah BM, Ditzel N, Nossent AY, Bak M, Kauppinen S, Kassem M (2011). MicroRNA-138 regulates osteogenic differentiation of human stromal (mesenchymal) stem cells in vivo. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 108:6139-44. Impact factor: 9.504
142. Bjerre L, Bünger C, Baatrup A, Kassem M, Mygind T (2011). Flow perfusion culture of human mesenchymal stem cells on coralline hydroxyapatite scaffolds with various pore sizes.
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143. Harkness L, Novikov SM, Beermann J, Bozhevolnyi SI, Kassem M (2012).Identification of Abnormal Stem Cells Using Raman Spectroscopy. Stem Cells Dev.; 12:2152-9. Impact factor: 3.315
144. D'Andrea FP, Horsman MR, Kassem M, Overgaard J, Safwat A. (2012).
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145. Taipaleenmäki H, Harkness L, Chen L, Larsen KH, Säämänen AM, Kassem M, Abdallah BM (2012). The crosstalk between transforming growth factor-β1 and delta like-1 mediates early chondrogenesis during embryonic endochondral ossification. Stem Cells. 30:304-13. Impact factor: 5.587
146. Saeed H, Taipaleenmäki H, Aldahmash AM, Abdallah BM, Kassem M. (2012).
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147. Qiu W, Chen L, Kassem M (2011). Activation of non-canonical Wnt/JNK pathway by Wnt3a is associated with differentiation fate determination of human bone marrow stromal (mesenchymal) stem cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 413:98-104. Impact factor: 2.559
148. Burns JS, Kristiansen M, Kristensen LP, Larsen KH, Nielsen MO, Christiansen H, Nehlin J, Andersen JS, Kassem M (2011). Decellularized matrix from tumorigenic human mesenchymal stem cells promotes neovascularization with galectin-1 dependent endothelial interaction. PLoS One. 6:e21888. Impact factor: 2.766
149. D'Andrea FP, Safwat A, Kassem M, Gautier L, Overgaard J, Horsman MR (2011).
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150. Abdallah BM, Bay-Jensen AC, Srinivasan B, Tabassi NC, Garnero P, Delaissé JM, Khosla S, Kassem M (2011). Estrogen inhibits Dlk1/FA1 production: a potential mechanism for estrogen effects on bone turnover. J Bone Miner Res. 26:2548-51. Impact factor: 6.314
151. Aldahmash A, Haack-Sørensen M, Al-Nbaheen M, Harkness L, Abdallah BM, Kassem M (2011). Human serum is as efficient as fetal bovine serum in supporting proliferation and differentiation of human multipotent stromal (mesenchymal) stem cells in vitro and in vivo. Stem Cell Rev. 7:860-8. Impact factor: 5.587
152. Andersen DC, Kortesidis A, Zannettino AC, Kratchmarova I, Chen L, Jensen ON, Teisner B, Gronthos S, Jensen CH, Kassem M (2011). Development of novel monoclonal antibodies that define differentiation stages of human stromal (mesenchymal) stem cells.
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153. Heinonen J, Taipaleenmäki H, Roering P, Takatalo M, Harkness L, Sandholm J, Uusitalo-Järvinen H, Kassem M, Kiviranta I, Laitala-Leinonen T, Säämänen AM (2011).
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154. Al-Nbaheen M, Vishnubalaji R, Ali D, Bouslimi A, Al-Jassir F, Megges M, Prigione A, Adjaye J, Kassem M, Aldahmash A (2012). Human Stromal (Mesenchymal) Stem Cells from Bone Marrow, Adipose Tissue and Skin Exhibit Differences in Molecular Phenotype and Differentiation Potential. Stem Cell Rev. 9:32-43 Impact factor: 5.587
155. D'Andrea FP, Safwat A, Burns JS, Kassem M, Horsman MR, Overgaard J (2012). Tumour microenvironment and radiation response in sarcomas originating from tumourigenic human mesenchymal stem cells. Int J Radiat Biol. 88:457-465. Impact factor: 1.687
156. Larsen SA, Kassem M, Rattan SI (2012). Glucose metabolite glyoxal induces senescence in telomerase-immortalized human mesenchymal stem cells. Chem Cent J. Mar 17;6(1):18. Impact factor: 2.284
157. Elseberg CL, Leber J, Salzig D, Wallrapp C, Kassem M, Kraume M, Czermak P (2012). Microcarrier-based expansion process for hMSCs with high vitality and undifferentiated characteristics. Int J Artif Organs. Feb;35(2):93-107 Impact factor:1.133
158. Harkness L, Novikov SM, Beermann J, Bozhevolnyi SI, Kassem M (2012).Identification of Abnormal Stem Cells Using Raman Spectroscopy. Stem Cells Dev.; 12:2152-9. Impact factor: 3.315
159. Taipaleenmäki H, Harkness L, Chen L, Larsen KH, Säämänen AM, Kassem M, Abdallah BM (2012).The Cross-talk Between TGF-β1 and Dlk1 Mediates Early Chondrogenesis During Embryonic Endochondral Ossification. Stem Cells. Feb;30(2):304-13 Impact factor: 5.587
160. Andries A, Niemeier A, Støving RS, Abdallah BA, Wolf AM, Hørder K, Kassem M (2012). Serum Levels of Fetal Antigen 1 in Extreme Nutritional States. ISRN Endocrinology, Article ID 592648, doi:10.5402/2012/592648. Impact factor: 0.38
161. Kristensen LP, Chen L, Nielsen MO, Qanie DW, Kratchmarova I, Kassem M, Andersen JS (2012). Temporal profiling and pulsed SILAC labeling identify novel secreted proteins during ex vivo osteoblast differentiation of human stromal stem cells. Mol Cell Proteomics. 10:989-1007 Impact factor: 6.540
162. Sabir HJ, Nehlin JO, Qanie D, Harkness L, Prokhorova TA, Blagoev B, Kassem M, Isa A, Barington T (2013). Separate developmental programs for HLA-A and -B cell surface expression during differentiation from embryonic stem cells to lymphocytes, adipocytes and osteoblasts.
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163. Quint P, Ruan M, Pederson L, Kassem M, Westendorf JJ, Khosla S, Oursler MJ (2013).
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164. Pang CN, Tay AP, Aya C, Twine NA, Harkness L, Hart-Smith G, Chia SZ, Chen Z, Deshpande NP, Kaakoush NO, Mitchell HM, Kassem M, Wilkins MR (2013). Tools to Co-visualize and Co-analyse Proteomic data with Genomes and Transcriptomes: validation of genes and alternative mRNA splicing. J Proteome Res.13:84-98. Impact factor: 4.268
165. Jensen J, Rölfing JH, Svend Le DQ, Kristiansen AA, Nygaard JV, Hokland LB, Bendtsen M, Kassem M, Lysdahl H, Bünger CE (2013). Surface-modified functionalized polycaprolactone scaffolds for bone repair: In vitro and in vivo experiments. J Biomed Mater Res A. 102:2993-3003. Impact factor: 2.308
166. Andersen DC, Laborda J, Baladron V, Kassem M, Sheikh SP, Jensen CH (2013).Dual role of delta-like 1 homolog (DLK1) in skeletal muscle development and adult muscle regeneration. Development. 140:3743-53 Impact factor: 5.843
167. Al-Toub M, Almusa A, Almajed M, Al-Nbaheen M, Kassem M, Aldahmash A, Alajez NM. (2013) Pleiotropic effects of cancer cells' secreted factors on human stromal (mesenchymal) stem cells. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2013 Sep 17;4(5):114. doi: 10.1186/scrt325. Impact factor: 4.963
168. Chen L, Holmstrøm K, Qiu W, Ditzel N, Shi K, Hokland LB, Kassem M (2014). MicroRNA-34a Inhibits osteoblast differentiation and in vivo bone formation of human stromal stem cells. Stem Cells. 32:902-12. Impact factor: 5.587
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170. Hamam D, Ali D, Vishnubalaji R, Hamam R, Al-Nbaheen M, Chen L, Kassem M, Aldahmash A, Alajez NM. microRNA-320/RUNX2 axis regulates adipocytic differentiation of human mesenchymal (skeletal) stem cells. Cell Death Dis. 2014 Oct 30;5:e1499. doi: 10.1038/cddis.2014.462. Impact factor: 5.638
171. Hansen M, Nyby S, Eifer Møller J, Videbæk L, Kassem M, Barington T, Thayssen P, Diederichsen AC. Intracoronary injection of CD34-cells in chronic ischemic heart failure: 7 years follow-up of the DanCell study. Cardiology. 2014;129(2):69-74 Impact factor: 1.994
172. Qiu W, Kassem M (2014). miR-141-3p inhibits human stromal (mesenchymal) stem cell proliferation and differentiation. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1843(9):2114-21. doi: 10.1016/j.bbamcr.2014.06.004. Impact factor: 3.679
173. N.Twine, L. Chen, C. N. Pang, M. R.Wilkins, M. Kassem (2014). Identification of differentiation-stage specific markers that define the ex vivo osteoblastic phenotype. Bone 67: 23–32. Impact factor: 4.140
174. Rolandsson S, Andersson Sjöland A, Brune JC, Li H, Kassem M, Mertens F, Westergren A, Eriksson L, Hansson L, Skog I, Bjermer L, Scheding S, Westergren-Thorsson G.
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175. Li H, Ghazanfari R, Zacharaki D, Ditzel N, Isern J, Ekblom M, Méndez-Ferrer S, Kassem M, Scheding S. Low/negative expression of PDGFR-α identifies the candidate primary mesenchymal stromal cells in adult human bone marrow.
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176. Tay AP, Pang CN, Twine NA, Hart-Smith G, Harkness L, Kassem M, Wilkins MR.
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177. Sanz-Nogués C1, Horan J, Thompson K, Howard L, Ryan G, Kassem M, O'Brien T.J (2015). Inefficiency in macromolecular transport of SCS-based microcapsules affects viability of primary human mesenchymal stem cells but not of immortalized cells.
Biomed Mater Res A. 103:3676-88. Impact factor: 2.308
178. Abdallah BM, Ditzel N, Laborda J, Karsenty G, Kassem M (2015).
DLK1 regulates whole body glucose metabolism: A negative feedback regulation of the osteocalcin-insulin loop. Diabetes. 64:3069-80 Impact factor: 7.273
179. He Y, Zheng Q, Jiang M, Sun S, Christiansen TG, Kassem M, Karsdal MA, Bay-Jensen AC. The effect of protease inhibitors on the induction of osteoarthritis-related biomarkers in bovine full-depth cartilage explants. PLoS One. 2015 Apr 24;10(4):e0122700. Impact factor: 2.766
180. Khan AM, Babcock AA, Saeed H, Myhre CL, Kassem M, Finsen B.
Telomere dysfunction reduces microglial numbers without fully inducing an aging phenotype.
Neurobiol Aging. 2015 Jun;36(6):2164-75. Impact factor: 5.153
181. Jafari A, Siersbaek MS, Chen L, Qanie D, Zaher W, Abdallah BM, Kassem M (2015).
Pharmacological Inhibition of Protein Kinase G1 Enhances Bone Formation by Human Skeletal Stem Cells Through Activation of RhoA-Akt Signaling.
Stem Cells. 33:2219-31. Impact factor: 5.587
182. Vishnubalaji R, Hamam R, Abdulla MH, Mohammed MA, Kassem M, Al-Obeed O, Aldahmash A, Alajez NM. Genome-wide mRNA and miRNA expression profiling reveal multiple regulatory networks in colorectal cancer.
Cell Death Dis. 2015 Jan 22;6:e1614. doi: Impact factor: 5.638
183. Saeed H, Qiu W, Li C, Flyvbjerg A, Abdallah BM, Kassem M (2015).
Telomerase activity promotes osteoblast differentiation by modulating IGF-signaling pathway. Biogerontology. 16:733-45. Impact factor: 3.702
184. Chen L, Shi K, Frary CE, Ditzel N, Hu H, Qiu W, Kassem M (2015). Inhibiting actin depolymerization enhances osteoblast differentiation and bone formation in human stromal stem cells. Stem Cell Res. 2015 Jun 30;15:281-289. PMID: 26209815. Impact factor: 3.902
185. Al-Toub M, Vishnubalaji R, Hamam R, Kassem M, Aldahmash A, Alajez NM (2015). CDH1 and IL1-beta expression dictates FAK and MAPKK-dependent cross-talk between cancer cells and human mesenchymal stem cells. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2015 Jul 24;6(1):135.
PMID: 26204886. Impact factor: 4.963
186. Frederiksen AL, Larsen MJ, Brusgaard K, Novack DV, Knudsen PJ, Schrøder HD, Qiu W, Eckhardt C, McAlister WH, Kassem M, Mumm S, Frost M, Whyte MP (2015). Neonatal High Bone Mass With First Mutation of the NF-κB Complex: Heterozygous De Novo Missense (p.Asp512Ser) RELA (Rela/p65). J Bone Miner Res. 31:163-72. Impact factor: 6.314
187. Sanz-Nogués C, Horan J, Thompson K, Howard L, Ryan G, Kassem M, O'Brien T (2015). Inefficiency in macromolecular transport of SCS-based microcapsules affects viability of primary human mesenchymal stem cells but not of immortalized cells. J Biomed Mater Res A.103:3676-88. Impact factor: 2.308
188. Andersen RK, Zaher W, Larsen KH, Ditzel N, Drews K, Wruck W, Adjaye J, Abdallah BM, Kassem M (2015). Association between in vivo bone formation and ex vivo migratory capacity of human bone marrow stromal cells. Stem Cell Res Ther. Oct 8;6:196. doi: 10.1186/s13287-015-0188-9. Impact factor: 4.963
189. Abdallah BM, Al-Shammary A, Skagen P, Abu Dawud R, Adjaye J, Aldahmash A, Kassem M (2015) CD34 defines an osteoprogenitor cell population in mouse bone marrow stromal cells. Stem Cell Res. Sep 21;15(3):449-458. doi: 10.1016/j.scr.2015.09.005. [Epub ahead of print] Impact factor: 4.963
190. Saeed H, Qiu W, Li C, Flyvbjerg A, Abdallah BM, Kassem M (2015).
Telomerase activity promotes osteoblast differentiation by modulating IGF-signaling pathway. Biogerontology. Dec;16(6):733-45. doi: 10.1007/s10522-015-9596-6. Epub 2015 Aug 11. Impact factor: 3.702
191. Aggerholm-Pedersen N, Demuth C, Safwat A, Meldgaard P, Kassem M, Sandahl Sorensen B (2016). Dasatinib and Doxorubicin Treatment of Sarcoma Initiating Cells: A Possible New Treatment Strategy. Stem Cells Int. 9601493. doi: 10.1155/2016/9601493. Epub 2015 Dec 15. PMID: 26788073. Impact factor: 3.989
192. Harkness L, Zaher W, Ditzel N, Isa A, Kassem M. CD146/MCAM defines functionality of human bone marrow stromal stem cell populations (2016). Stem Cell Res Ther. Jan 11;7(1):4. doi: 10.1186/s13287-015-0266-z. PMID: 26753846. Impact factor: 4.963
193. Wienken M, Dickmanns A, Nemajerova A, Kramer D, Najafova Z, Weiss M, Karpiuk O, Kassem M, Zhang Y, Lozano G, Johnsen SA, Moll UM, Zhang X, Dobbelstein M (2016). MDM2 Associates with Polycomb Repressor Complex 2 and Enhances Stemness-Promoting Chromatin Modifications Independent of p53. Mol Cell. 61:68-83. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2015.12.008. Epub 2015 Dec 31. PMID: 26748827. Impact factor: 14.248
194. Galán-Díez M, Isa A, Ponzetti M, Nielsen MF, Kassem M, Kousteni S (2016).
Normal hematopoiesis and lack of β-catenin activation in osteoblasts of patients and mice harboring Lrp5 gain-of-function mutations. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1863(3):490-8. doi: 10.1016/j.bbamcr.2015.11.037. Epub 2015 Dec 8. PMID: 26681532. Impact factor: 3.679
195. Jafari A, Qanie D, Andersen TL, Zhang Y, Chen L, Postert B, Parsons S, Ditzel N, Khosla S, Johansen HT, Kjærsgaard-Andersen P, Delaisse JM, Abdallah BM, Hesselson D, Solberg R, Kassem M (2017). Legumain Regulates Differentiation Fate of Human Bone Marrow Stromal Cells and Is Altered in Postmenopausal Osteoporosis. Stem Cell Reports. 8:373-386. Impact factor: 6.537
196. Abdallah BM, Figeac F, Larsen KH, Ditzel N, Keshari P, Isa A, Jafari A, Andersen TL, Delaisse JM, Goshima Y, Ohshima T, Kassem M. (2016) CRMP4 Inhibits Bone Formation by Negatively Regulating BMP and RhoA Signaling. J Bone Miner Res. 32:913-926. Impact factor: 6.314
197. Wright EJ, Hodson NW, Sherratt MJ, Kassem M, Lewis AL, Wallrapp C, Malik N, Holt CM (2016). Combined MSC and GLP-1 Therapy Modulates Collagen Remodeling and Apoptosis following Myocardial Infarction. Stem Cells Int. 2016;2016:7357096. doi: 10.1155/2016/7357096. PMID: 28003833. Impact factor: 3.989
198. Slots C, Jensen MB, Ditzel N, Hedegaard MA, Borg SW, Albrektsen O, Thygesen T, Kassem M, Andersen MØ (2017). Simple additive manufacturing of an osteoconductive ceramic using suspension melt extrusion. Dent Mater. 33(2):198-208. doi: 10.1016/ PMID: 27979378 Impact factor: 4.070
199. Ali D, Alshammari H, Vishnubalaji R, Chalisserry EP, Hamam R, Alfayez M, Kassem M, Aldahmash A, Alajez NM (2016). CUDC-907 Promotes Bone Marrow Adipocytic Differentiation Through Inhibition of Histone Deacetylase and Regulation of Cell Cycle. Stem Cells Dev. 2016 Nov 9. 26:353-362. PMID: 27829312. Impact factor: 3.315
200. Twine NA, Harkness L, Kassem M, Wilkins MR (2016).Transcription factor ZNF25 is associated with osteoblast differentiation of human skeletal stem cells. BMC Genomics. 2016 Nov 4;17(1):872. PMID: 27814695 Impact factor: 3.730
201. Morsing M, Klitgaard MC, Jafari A, Villadsen R, Kassem M, Petersen OW, Rønnov-Jessen L (2016). Evidence of two distinct functionally specialized fibroblast lineages in breast stroma. Breast Cancer Res. 2016 Nov 3;18(1):108. PMID: 27809866 Impact factor: 6.142
202. Vishnubalaji R, Yue S, Alfayez M, Kassem M, Liu FF, Aldahmash A, Alajez NM (2016). Bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2) induces growth suppression and enhances chemosensitivity of human colon cancer cells. Cancer Cell Int. 2016 Sep 29;16:77.
PMID: 27708551 Impact factor: 3.690
203. Elsafadi M, Manikandan M, Atteya M, Hashmi JA, Iqbal Z, Aldahmash A, Alfayez M, Kassem M, Mahmood A (2016). Characterization of Cellular and Molecular Heterogeneity of Bone Marrow Stromal Cells. Stem Cells Int. 2016;2016:9378081. doi: 10.1155/2016/9378081. PMID: 27610142 Impact factor: 3.989
204. Elsafadi M, Manikandan M, Dawud RA, Alajez NM, Hamam R, Alfayez M, Kassem M, Aldahmash A, Mahmood A (2016). Transgelin is a TGFβ-inducible gene that regulates osteoblastic and adipogenic differentiation of human skeletal stem cells through actin cytoskeleston organization. Cell Death Dis. 2016 Aug 4;7(8):e2321. doi: 10.1038/cddis.2016.196. PMID: 27490926 Impact factor: 3.902
205. El-Hajj Fuleihan G, Baddoura R, Habib RH, Halaby G, Arabi A, Rahme M, Singh RJ, Kassem M, Mahfoud Z, Hoteit M, Daher RT, Kassir MF (2016). Effect of vitamin D replacement on indexes of insulin resistance in overweight elderly individuals: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Clin Nutr. 2016 Aug;104(2):315-23. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.116.132589.
PMID: 27413130 Impact factor: 6.77
206. Ali D, Hamam R, Alfayez M, Kassem M, Aldahmash A, Alajez NM (2016).
Epigenetic Library Screen Identifies Abexinostat as Novel Regulator of Adipocytic and Osteoblastic Differentiation of Human Skeletal (Mesenchymal) Stem Cells. Stem Cells Transl Med. 2016 Aug;5(8):1036-47. doi: 10.5966/sctm.2015-0331. PMID: 27194745 Impact factor: 4.929
207. Hamam R, Ali AM, Alsaleh KA, Kassem M, Alfayez M, Aldahmash A, Alajez NM (2016). microRNA expression profiling on individual breast cancer patients identifies novel panel of circulating microRNA for early detection. Sci Rep. 2016 May 16;6:25997. doi: 10.1038/srep25997. PMID: 27180809 Impact factor: 4.122
208. Vishnubalaji R, Hamam R, Yue S, Al-Obeed O, Kassem M, Liu FF, Aldahmash A, Alajez NM (2016). MicroRNA-320 suppresses colorectal cancer by targeting SOX4, FOXM1, and FOXQ1. Oncotarget. 2016 Jun 14;7(24):35789-35802. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.8937. PMID: 27119506 Impact factor: 5.618
209. Baumgart SJ, Najafova Z, Hossan T, Xie W, Nagarajan S, Kari V1, Ditzel N, Kassem M, Johnsen SA (2017). CHD1 regulates cell fate determination by activation of differentiation-induced genes. Nucleic Acids Res. 2017 Jul 27;45(13):7722-7735. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx377. Impact factor: 11.561
210. Bermeo S, Al-Saedi A, Kassem M, Vidal C, Duque G (2017). The Role of the Nuclear Envelope Protein MAN1 in Mesenchymal Stem Cell Differentiation. J Cell Biochem. 118:4425-4435. Impact factor: 2.959
211. Elsafadi M1, Manikandan M, Alajez NM, Hamam R, Dawud RA, Aldahmash A, Iqbal Z, Alfayez M, Kassem M, Mahmood A (2017). MicroRNA-4739 regulates osteogenic and adipocytic differentiation of immortalized human bone marrow stromal cells via targeting LRP3. Stem Cell Res. Apr;20:94-104. doi: 10.1016/j.scr.2017.03.001. Epub 2017 Mar 8. Impact factor: 4.963
212. Elsafadi M, Manikandan M, Atteya M, Abu Dawud R, Almalki S, Ali Kaimkhani Z, Aldahmash A, Alajez NM, Alfayez M, Kassem M, Mahmood A (2017).
SERPINB2 is a novel TGFβ-responsive lineage fate determinant of human bone marrow stromal cells. Sci Rep. 2017 Sep 7;7(1):10797. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-10983-x. Impact factor: 4.122
213. Rahme M, Sharara SL, Baddoura R, Habib RH, Halaby G, Arabi A, Singh RJ, Kassem M, Mahfoud Z, Hoteit M, Daher RT, Bassil D, El Ferkh K, El-Hajj Fuleihan G (2017). Impact of Calcium and Two Doses of Vitamin D on Bone Metabolism in the Elderly: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Bone Miner Res. 32(7):1486-1495. Impact factor: 6.314
214. Burns JS, Harkness L, Aldahmash A, Gautier L, Kassem M (2017).
Chromosome copy number variation in telomerized human bone marrow stromal cells; insights for monitoring safe ex-vivo expansion of adult stem cells. Stem Cell Res. Dec;25:6-17. doi: 10.1016/j.scr.2017.09.006. Epub 2017 Sep 25. Impact factor: 4.963
215. Tencerova M, Figeac F, Ditzel N, Taipaleenmäki H, Nielsen TK, Kassem M (2018).
High fat diet-induced obesity promotes expansion of bone marrow adipose tissue and impairs skeletal stem cell functions in mice. J Bone Miner Res. 33:1154-1165. Impact factor: 6.314
216. Chang CC, Venø MT, Chen L, Ditzel N, Le DQS, Dillschneider P, Kassem M, Kjems J. (2018) Global MicroRNA Profiling in Human Bone Marrow Skeletal-Stromal or Mesenchymal-Stem Cells Identified Candidates for Bone Regeneration.
Mol Ther. 26:593-605. Impact factor: 5.12
217. Ali D, Abuelreich S, Alkeraishan N, Shwish NB, Hamam R, Kassem M, Alfayez M, Aldahmash A, Alajez NM (2018). Multiple intracellular signaling pathways orchestrate adipocytic differentiation of human bone marrow stromal stem cells.
Biosci Rep. Jan 30;38(1). pii: BSR20171252. Impact factor: 2.899
218. Schmal H, Kowal JM, Kassem M, Seidenstuecker M, Bernstein A, Bøttiger K, Xiong
T, Sdkamp NP, Kubosch EJ (2018). Comparison of Regenerative Tissue Quality following
Matrix-Associated Cell Implantation Using Amplified Chondrocytes Compared to
Synovium-Derived Stem Cells in a Rabbit Model for Cartilage Lesions. Stem Cells
Int. Apr 19:4142031. doi: 10.1155/2018/4142031. Impact factor: 3.989
219. Ali D, Chalisserry EP, Manikandan M, Hamam R, Alfayez M, Kassem M, Aldahmash
A, Alajez NM (2018). Romidepsin Promotes Osteogenic and Adipocytic Differentiation of
Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells through Inhibition of Histondeacetylase Activity.
Stem Cells Int. Mar 14:2379546. doi: 10.1155/2018/2379546. Impact factor: 3.989
220. Chen L, Hu H, Qiu W, Shi K, Kassem M (2018). Actin depolymerization enhances
adipogenic differentiation in human stromal stem cells. Stem Cell Res.
29:76-83. doi: 10.1016/j.scr.2018.03.010. [Epub ahead of print] Impact factor: 3.902
221. Vishnubalaji R, Manikandan M, Fahad M, Hamam R, Alfayez M, Kassem M, Aldahmash
A, Alajez NM (2018). Molecular profiling of ALDH1(+) colorectal cancer stem cells
reveals preferential activation of MAPK, FAK, and oxidative stress pro-survival
signalling pathways. Oncotarget. Feb 5;9(17):13551-13564. doi:
10.18632/oncotarget.24420. Impact factor: 5.168
222. Elsafadi M, Manikandan M, Almalki S, Mobarak M, Atteya M, Iqbal Z, Hashmi JA,
Shaheen S, Alajez N, Alfayez M, Kassem M, Dawud RA, Mahmood A (2018). TGFb1-Induced
Differentiation of Human Bone Marrow-Derived MSCs Is Mediated by Changes to the
Actin Cytoskeleton. Stem Cells Int. 2018 Feb 15;2018:6913594. doi:
10.1155/2018/6913594. Impact factor: 3.989
223. Figeac F, Andersen DC, Nipper Nielsen CA, Ditzel N, Sheikh SP, Skjødt K,
Kassem M, Jensen CH, Abdallah BM (2018). Antibody-based inhibition of circulating DLK1
protects from estrogen deficiency-induced bone loss in mice. Bone. 2018
May;110:312-320. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2018.02.030. Epub 2018 Feb 27. PubMed PMID:
29499415. Impact factor: 4.140
224. Abdallah BM, Alzahrani AM, Kassem M. Secreted Clusterin protein inhibits
osteoblast differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells by suppressing
ERK1/2 signaling pathway (2018). Bone. 2018 May;110:221-229. doi:
10.1016/j.bone.2018.02.018. Epub 2018 Feb 21. PubMed PMID: 29476977. Impact factor: 4.140
225. Chang CC, Ven√∏ MT, Chen L, Ditzel N, Le DQS, Dillschneider P, Kassem M, Kjems
J. Global MicroRNA Profiling in Human Bone Marrow Skeletal-Stromal or
Mesenchymal-Stem Cells Identified Candidates for Bone Regeneration (2018). Mol Ther.
2018 Feb 7;26(2):593-605. doi: 10.1016/j.ymthe.2017.11.018. Epub 2017 Dec 5.
PubMed PMID: 29331291. Impact factor: 5.12
226. Ali D, Abuelreich S, Alkeraishan N, Shwish NB, Hamam R, Kassem M, Alfayez M, Aldahmash A, Alajez NM (2018). Multiple intracellular signaling pathways orchestrate adipocytic differentiation of human bone marrow stromal stem cells.
Biosci Rep. 2018 Jan 30;38(1). pii: BSR20171252. Impact factor 2.9
227. Bosnjak T, Solberg R, Hemati PD, Jafari A, Kassem M, Johansen HT (2019).
Lansoprazole inhibits the cysteine protease legumain by binding to the active site. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. doi: 10.1111/bcpt.13230. [Epub ahead of print] Impact factor 2.6
228. Al-Toub M, Almohawes M, Vishnubalaji R, Alfayez M, Aldahmash A, Kassem M, Alajez NM (2019). CXCR7 signaling promotes breast cancer survival in response to mesenchymal stromal stem cell-derived factors. Cell Death Discov. 5:87. doi: 10.1038/s41420-019-0169-3. eCollection. Impact factor 8.5
229. Vishnubalaji R, Elango R, Al-Toub M, Manikandan M, Al-Rikabi A, Harkness L, Ditzel N, Atteya M, Hamam R, Alfayez M, Aldahmash A, Kassem M, Alajez NM (2019).
Neoplastic Transformation of Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Mediated via LIN28B.
Sci Rep. 9(1):8101. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-44536-1.
230. Twine NA, Harkness L, Adjaye J, Aldahmash A, Wilkins MR, Kassem M (2018).
Molecular Phenotyping of Telomerized Human Bone Marrow Skeletal Stem Cells Reveals a Genetic Program of Enhanced Proliferation and Maintenance of Differentiation Responses.
JBMR Plus. 2018 May 24;2(5):257-267. doi: 10.1002/jbm4.10050.
231. El-Safadi M, Shinwari T, Al-Malki S, Manikandan M, Mahmood A, Aldahmash A, Alfayez M, Kassem M, Alajez NM (2019). Convergence of TGFβ and BMP signaling in regulating human bone marrow stromal cell differentiation.
Sci Rep. 9(1):4977. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-41543-0.
232. Falster C, Poulsen SS, Storaas AM, Schroeder HM, Vinther JH, Kassem M, Joergensen U (2019). Mesenchymal stem cells isolated from both distal femurs of patients with unilateral trauma or osteoarthritis of the knee exhibit similar in-vitro ability of bone formation.
J Orthop Sci. pii: S0949-2658(19)30041-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jos.2019.01.008.
233. Chen L, Shi K, Andersen TL, Qiu W, Kassem M (2019). KIAA1199 is a secreted molecule that enhances osteoblastic stem cell migration and recruitment. Cell Death Dis. 10(2):126. doi: 10.1038/s41419-018-1202-9.
234. Abdallah BM, Alzahrani AM, Abdel-Moneim AM, Ditzel N, Kassem M (2019). A simple and reliable protocol for long-term culture of murine bone marrow stromal (mesenchymal) stem cells that retained their in vitro and in vivo stemness in long-term culture. Biol Proced Online. 21:3. doi: 10.1186/s12575-019-0091-3. eCollection 2019.
235. Frost M, Tencerova M, Andreasen CM, Andersen TL, Ejersted C, Svaneby D, Qui W, Kassem M, Zarei A, McAlister WH, Veis DJ, Whyte MP, Frederiksen AL (2019).
Absence of an osteopetrosis phenotype in IKBKG (NEMO) mutation-positive women: A case-control study. Bone. 121:243-254. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2019.01.014.
236. Rauch A., Haakonsson A.K., Madsen J.G.S., Larsen M., Forss I., Madsen M.R., Van Hauwaert E.L., Wiwie C., Jespersen N.Z., Tencerova M., Nielsen R., Larsen B.D., Röttger R., Baumbach J., Scheele C., Kassem M., and Mandrup S. (2019). Osteogenesis depends on commissioning of a network of stem cell transcription factors that act as repressors of adipogenesis. Nat Genet. 51(4):716-727. doi: 10.1038/s41588-019-0359-1. Impact factor 27.12
237. Tencerova M., Frost M, Figeac F, Nielsen TK, Ali D, Lauterlein JJ, Andersen TL, Haakonsson AK, Rauch A, Madsen JS, Ejersted C, Højlund K, and Kassem M (2019), Obesity-Associated Hypermetabolism and Accelerated Senescence of Bone Marrow Stromal Stem Cells Suggest a Potential Mechanism for Bone Fragility. Cell Reports 27, 2050–2062. Impact factor 7.8
238. Barrio-Hernandez I, Jafari A, Rigbolt KTG, Hallenborg P, Sanchez-Quiles V, Skovrind I, Akimov V, Kratchmarova I, Dengjel J, Kassem M, Blagoev B (2019). Phosphoproteomic profiling reveals a defined genetic program for osteoblastic lineage commitment of human bone marrow-derived stromal stem cells. Genome Res. doi: 10.1101/gr.248286.119.
239. Frost M, Tencerova M, Andreasen CM, Andersen TL, Ejersted C, Svaneby D, Qui W, Kassem M, Zarei A, McAlister WH, Veis DJ, Whyte MP, Frederiksen AL (2019).
Absence of an osteopetrosis phenotype in IKBKG (NEMO) mutation-positive women: A case-control study. Bone.:243-254. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2019.01.014.
240. Tencerova M, Rendina-Ruedy E, Neess D, Færgeman N, Figeac F, Ali D, Danielsen M, Haakonsson A, Rosen CJ, Kassem M (2019). Metabolic programming determines the lineage-differentiation fate of murine bone marrow stromal progenitor cells. Bone Res. ;7:35. doi: 10.1038/s 1413-019-0076-5. eCollection 2019.
241. Dige A, Hougaard HT, Agnholt J, Pedersen BG, Tencerova M, Kassem M, Krogh K, Lundby L (2019). Efficacy of Injection of Freshly Collected Autologous Adipose Tissue Into Perianal Fistulas in Patients With Crohn's Disease. Gastroenterology;156(8):2208-2216.e1. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2019.02.005. PMID: 30772343.
242. Walker JV, Zhuang H, Singer D, Illsley CS, Kok WL, Sivaraj KK, Gao Y, Bolton C, Liu Y, Zhao M, Grayson PRC, Wang S, Karbanová J, Lee T, Ardu S, Lai Q, Liu J, Kassem M, Chen S, Yang K, Bai Y, Tredwin C, Zambon AC, Corbeil D, Adams R, Abdallah BM, Hu B (2019). Transit amplifying cells coordinate mouse incisor mesenchymal stem cell activation. Nat Commun.;10(1):3596. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-11611-0. PMID: 31399601
243. Jafari A, Isa A, Chen L, Ditzel N, Zaher W, Harkness L, Johnsen HE, Abdallah BM, Clausen C, Kassem M (2019). TAFA2 Induces Skeletal (Stromal) Stem Cell Migration Through Activation of Rac1-p38 Signaling. Stem Cells.;37(3):407-416. doi: 10.1002/stem.2955.
244. Weivoda MM, Chew CK, Monroe DG, Farr JN, Atkinson EJ, Geske JR, Eckhardt B, Thicke B, Ruan M, Tweed AJ, McCready LK, Rizza RA, Matveyenko A, Kassem M, Andersen TL, Vella A, Drake MT, Clarke BL, Oursler MJ, Khosla S (2020).
Identification of osteoclast-osteoblast coupling factors in humans reveals links between bone and energy metabolism. Nat Commun.;11(1):87. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-14003-6.
245. Kowal JM, Schmal H, Halekoh U, Hjelmborg JB, Kassem M (2019) . Single-cell high content imaging parameters predict functional phenotype of cultured human bone marrow stromal stem cells. Stem Cells Transl Med. 2019 Nov 23. doi: 10.1002/sctm.19-0171.
246. Ali D, Chen L, Kowal JM, Okla M, Manikandan M, AlShehri M, AlMana Y, AlObaidan R, AlOtaibi N, Hamam R, Alajez NM, Aldahmash A, Kassem M, Alfayez M (2020).
Resveratrol inhibits adipocyte differentiation and cellular senescence of human bone marrow stromal stem cells. Bone. 133:115252. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2020.115252.
247. AlMuraikhi N, Almasoud N, Binhamdan S, Younis G, Ali D, Manikandan M, Vishnubalaji R, Atteya M, Siyal A, Alfayez M, Aldahmash A, Kassem M, Alajez NM (2019).
Hedgehog Signaling Inhibition by Smoothened Antagonist BMS-833923 Reduces Osteoblast Differentiation and Ectopic Bone Formation of Human Skeletal (Mesenchymal) Stem Cells.
Stem Cells Int. 2019:3435901. doi: 10.1155/2019/3435901. eCollection 2019.
248. Prabha RD, Ding M, Bollen P, Ditzel N, Varma HK, Nair PD, Kassem M (2020).
Strontium ion reinforced bioceramic scaffold for load bearing bone regeneration.
Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl. 109:110427. doi: 10.1016/j.msec.2019.110427. Epub 2019 Nov 14.
249. Renaud-Picard B, Vallière K, Toussaint J, Kreutter G, El-Habhab A, Kassem M, El-Ghazouani F, Olland A, Hirschi S, Porzio M, Chenard MP, Toti F, Kessler L, Kessler R (2020).
Epithelial-mesenchymal transition and membrane microparticles: Potential implications for bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome after lung transplantation.
Transpl Immunol. 59:101273. doi: 10.1016/j.trim.2020.101273. Epub 2020 Feb 22
250. Morhayim J, Ghebes CA, Erkeland SJ, Ter Borg MND, Hoogenboezem RM, Bindels EMJ, van Alphen FPJ, Kassem M, van Wijnen AJ, Cornelissen JJ, van Leeuwen JP, van der Eerden BCJ, Voermans C, van de Peppel J, Braakman E (2020).
Identification of osteolineage cell-derived extracellular vesicle cargo implicated in hematopoietic support. FASEB J. 34(4):5435-5452. doi: 10.1096/fj.201902610R. Epub 2020 Feb 21.
Invited reviews and book chapters:
1. E.F.Eriksen, K.Brixen, L.Mosekilde, W.Blum, M.Kassem (1992) Growth hormone and bone. J Pediatric Endocrinol. 5:192. Impact factor: 1.163
2. E.F.Eriksen, M.Kassem (1992) The cellular basis of bone remodeling. Triangle 31:45
3. E.F.Eriksen, A. Vesterby, M.Kassem, L.Mosekilde, F.Melsen (1993). Remode¬ling of Bone. In Physiology and Pharmacology of Bone (Mundy GR, Martin TJ eds.) Springer Verlag: 67
4. K. Brixen, M. Kassem, E.F.Eriksen, A. Flyvberg, W. Blum, L.Mosekilde (1993) Growth hormone and bone remodeling. J Pediatric Endocrinol 6:65 Impact factor: 1.163
5. E.F.Eriksen, M.Kassem, K.Brixen (1993) Growth hormone and insulin-like growth factors as anabolic therapies for osteoporosis. Hormone Res 40:95-8. Impact factor: 1.713
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50. Abdallah BM, Kassem M (2012). New factors controlling the balance between osteoblastogenesis and adipogenesis. Bone 50:540-5. Impact factor: 4.140
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52. Taipaleenmäki H, Bjerre Hokland L, Chen L, Kauppinen S, Kassem M (2012). Mechanisms in endocrinology: Micro-RNAs: targets for enhancing osteoblast differentiation and bone formation. Eur J Endocrinol. 166:359-71. Impact factor: 4.333
53. Harkness L, Prokhorova TA, Kassem M, Blagoev B (2012) . Stable Isotope Labelling with Amino Acids in Cell Culture for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Proteomic Analysis. In Kursad Turksen (ed.), Human Embryonic Stem Cells Handbook, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 873, DOI 10.1007/978-1-61779-794-1_20.
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61. Horwood N, Dazzi MF, Zaher W, Kassem M (2012) Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Application for Immunomodulation and Tissue Repair. In Tissue and Cell Clinical Use: Essential Guide. Book Editor(s): Warwick R and Brubaker S. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
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65. Abdallah BM, Jafari A, Zaher W, Qiu W, Kassem M (2015). Skeletal (stromal) stem cells: an update on intracellular signaling pathways controlling osteoblast differentiation. Bone. 70:28-36. Impact factor: 4.140
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68. Rumman M, Dhawan J, Kassem M (2015). Concise Review: Quiescence in Adult Stem Cells: Biological Significance and Relevance to Tissue Regeneration. Stem Cells. 33:2903-12. Impact factor: 5.587
69. Hotez PJ, Kassem M (2016). Egypt: Its Artists, Intellectuals, and Neglected Tropical Diseases. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2016 Dec 1;10(12):e0005072. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0005072. Impact factor: 4.367
70. Tencerova M, Kassem M (2016). The Bone Marrow-Derived Stromal Cells: Commitment and Regulation of Adipogenesis. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2016 Sep 21;7:127. Review. PMID: 27708616. Impact factor: 3.519
71. Hansen MSS, Tencerova M, Frølich J, Kassem M, Frost M (2017). Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. Effects of gastric inhibitory polypeptide, glucagon-like peptide-1 and glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists on Bone Cell Metabolism. J Biomed Mater Res A. 122:25-37. Impact factor: 2.308
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73. Nehlin JO, Jafari A, Tencerova M, Kassem M (2019).
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74. Tencerova M, Okla M, Kassem M (2019). Insulin Signaling in Bone Marrow Adipocytes. Curr Osteoporos Rep. 2019 Dec;17(6):446-454. doi: 10.1007/s11914-019-00552-8.
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