Naja Blytmann Trondhjem

Naja Blytmann Trondhjem

Ph.D, Associate professor

  • Karen Blixens Plads 8

    2300 København S

Personal profile

Current research

Last call - Greenlandic dialects as linguistic heritage: is a collaboration between University of Copenhagen, Institute of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, Greenlandic and Arctic Studies, Institute of Cross Cultural and Regional Studies, Language Research Center, Ilisimatusarfik and National Museum and Archives, Greenland and National Museum, Denmark. The project aims to collect, analyse and disseminate Greenlandic dialects through interdisciplinary collaboration between Greenlandic and Danish institutions.  


Teaching in Greenlandic at the primary schools in Greenland: a collaboration between Language Research Center, Ilisimatusarfik, and Greenlandic and Arctic Studies. The aim is to investigate why about half of the graduate students at primary schools get too low grades in Greenland preventing them to start a youth education. 


Frpm 1. January 2023: Grammar and agrammatism in Greenlandic: collaboration between Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, Greenlandic and Arctic Studies, Department of Cross Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen, and Bispebjerg Hospital, Copenhagen, and North Zealand Hospital and Queen Ingrids Hospital, Nuuk, including experts of aphasia from Netherlands and France. The aim is to investigate why Greenlandic aphasia patients do not loose grammatical signs contrary to the Danish aphasia patients who loose the grammatical signs.  

Primary fields of research

My primary research is based on the Greenlandic Language and language use, in which I investigate in syntactic constructions, the use of suffixes in word formation, and fonological changes when attaching different morphemes, and how the language is changing during time. The research areas are in both syntax, morphology and morphophonology. Further, comparing with the other Inuit languages is of interess. 

  • the use of derivational affixes in Greenlandic and other Inuit languages 
  • the use of inflectional affixes in Greenlandic and other Inuit languages
  • differences in sentence construction between dialects of Greenladic 
  • princeples of word formation between Greenlandic dialects and other Inuit languages 



2008              Phd. in West Greenlandic Language

2000              Master in West Greenlandic Language with Linguistics

1984              Physiotherapist



2012            Associate professor at Eskimolog and Arctic Studies

2008            Assistant professor at Eskimolog and Arctic Studies

2007-2008   Exsternal lectorer in Eskimolog and Arctic Studies

2004-2007   Ph.D-candidate in Eskimolog and Arctic Studies   

2000-2004   External lectorer/amanuensis, Institute of Eskimology

2000-2001   Research assistant, Arctic Public Health Research, National Institute of Public Health

1999-2000   Assistant teacher, Institute of Eskimology

1997-1999   Assistant teacher in West Greenlandic, Avedøre Gymnasium

1993-1994   Assistant teacher in West Greenlandic, Home Rule of Greenland

1991-1995   Physiotherapist, Dronning Ingrids Hospital, Nuuk

1986-1991   Physiotherapist, Sisimiut Sygehus - Sisimiut

1985-1986   Assistant teacher, Prinsesse Margrethe skolen, Upernavik

1984-1985   Physiotherapist, Rjukan Sykehus - Norway

Knowledge of languages









  • Greenlandic as a foreign language 
  • General syntactic theories and Greenlandic syntax 
  • General morphological theories and Greenlandic morphology
  • Greenlandic dialogs and communication, progressing the skills of listening, understanding, speaking and writing. 
  • Tranlations from Greenlandic to Danish and vice versa
  • Greenlandic grammatical functions: arguments, semantic/thematic roles, tense, aspect and valency  

External positions

Head of Language Research Center, University of Greenland

1 Jul 2021 → …


  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Greenlandic Language
  • Greenlandic Grammar
  • Greenlandic language in use
  • Greenland
  • Arctic and sub-arctic languages
  • current language
  • morphology
  • usage-based grammar
  • phonology
  • morphophonology
  • affixes
  • derivation
  • polysynthetic
  • ergativity
  • Central Westgreenlandic
  • tense
  • Grammaticalization
  • Eskimology

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