Nanna Roos
  • Source: Scopus
1997 …2024

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Short presentation

ResearcherID: D-7671-2015

Scopus ID: 16064551900


  • Nutrition in developing countries
  • Micronutrients
  • Edible insects
  • Fish

Primary fields of research

  • Linkages between food production, diet, nutrition and nutritional status in vulnerable populations in low-income countries
  • The role of animal source foods in diets in low-income countries
  • Nutritional quality of complementary foods, incl. micronutrient contents and bioavailability and anti-nutritional compounds
  • Insects in food and feed
  • Small indigenous fish as a source of micronutrients in diets in Asia
  • Human intervention studies on nutritional quality of complementary food and food aid products



Research projects

2020-2024 ‘HEALTHYNSECT – Insect farming for health and livelihoods’, Funded by The Consultative Research Committee for Development Research (FFU), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Danida), Denmark.   

2019-2023 WP lead: SUSINCHAIN - SUStainable INsect CHAIN. H2020 EU funded. 

2018-2020 ‘Produktion af spiselige insekter ved udnyttelse af urbane ressourcestrømme (InUrban)’ (Production of edible insects by utilizing urban waste streams, InUrban). Supported by the Danish government through ‘Grønt Udviklings- og Demonstrationsprogram (GUDP)’. Research partner with advisory functions 

2017-2019 inVALUABLE (Insect value chain in a circular economy). Partner. Coordinated by Danish technological Institute (DTI). Funded by Innovation Fund Denmark. 

2017-2018 Aquatic Food for Health and Nutrition (AQN): A metric for assessing the impacts on nutrition and health of agroecosystems producing farmed seafood. Partner. Coordinated by University of Stirling, UK. Funded by UKAid. 

2014-2017  Grant holder and project leader: Insects for Green Economy (GREEiNSECT). Funded by The Consultative Research Committee for Development Research (FFU), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Danida), Denmark. 10 mill DKK

2012-April 2014  Work package leader: EU FP7 project: Sustainable Micronutrient Interventions to control deficiencies and Improved Nutritional status and General health in Asia (SMILING). Project coordinated by Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD), Montepellier, France. Total 2 mill EURO/WP budget 205.000 EURO

2012-2014  Work package leader: EU FP7 project: Aquaculture for Food Security, Poverty Alleviation and Nutrition (AFSPAN). Project coordinated by FAO. Total 1 mill EURO/WP budget 52.000 EURO

2009-2011  Project leader and grant holder: Assessment of anti-nutritional factors in complementary foods and therapeutic foods for young children. Funded by the Global Alliance for Improving Nutrition (GAIN, Geneva, Switzerland). 50.000 US$

2008-2013  Project researcher and manager for the research project: “Alleviating childhood malnutrition in developing countries through improved utilisation and processing of traditional foods – WINFOOD”. Funded by The Consultative Research Committee for Development Research (FFU), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Danida), Denmark. Total 11.5 mill DKK

2007  Write FP/ proposal for WINFOOD project for a “Large Collaborative Project” (6 mill. EURO), submitted to EUs 7th Framework (FP7). The proposal was evaluated to 14.5 scores of maximum 15. The proposal was not funded.

2004-2007  Project manager on behalf of the grant holder for the research and capacity building project “The role of fish on food and nutrition security in developing countries: focus on combating micronutrient deficiency”. Partner institutions in Bangladesh and Cambodia. Funded by the Research Council for Development Research (RUF), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark. Budget 5.6 mill DKK

2005-2007  Project manager on behalf of the grant holder for research project on biofortification and nutritional value of beans, Kenya. Responsible for laboratory project component. Funded by the CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research) Challenge programme “HarvestPlus”, Washington DC, USA. Component budget 250.000 DKK

2001-2003  Project manager on behalf of grant holder of nutrition workpackage in research project “Content and bioavailability of iron, zinc and vitamin A in commonly consumed foods in developing countries”. Funded by the Research Council for Development Research (RUF), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark. WP budget 1.7 mill DKK

1995-2001  Grant holder of funds for Ph.D. project about aquaculture in Bangladesh, funded by The Research Council for Development Research (RUF), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark. Total 1.9 mill DKK

Principal supervisor: PhD projects

2008-2013 Preventing undernutrition in Cambodia: assessing the effect of improved local complementary food on growth. WinFood study. (Jutta Skau)

2014-2017 The impacts and outcomes of cricket farming systems on rural livelihoods and the environment in Kenya and Thailand. GREEiNSECT. (Afton Halloran)

2010-2017 Enhancing utilization of fish resources for improved child nutrition. WinFood study. Cambodia. (Mulia Nurhasan)

2013-2017 Introduction of Fortified Rice for School Meals in Cambodia (FORISCA) to Improve Health and Development of Cambodian School Children: An effectiveness study. FORISCA study. Cambodia. (Kuong Khov)

2016-2019 Effectiveness of the locally produced fish-based RUTF (Num Trey) in comparison with the current imported RUTF (BP-100TM) for the management of severe acute malnutrition in Cambodian children: a Randomized Controlled Trial. Cambodia. (Sanne Sigh)

2015-2018 Effectiveness of the locally produced RUTF (Num Trey) in comparison with the current imported RUTF (BP-100TM) for the management of severe acute malnutrition in Cambodian children: a Randomized Controlled Trial. Cambodia. (Daream Sok)

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