Niels Jørgen Cappelørn

Niels Jørgen Cappelørn

  • Karen Blixen Plads 16

    2300 København S

  • Source: Scopus

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Short presentation


Niels Jørgen Cappelørn is an emeritus professor of Søren Kierkegaard Studies. He has previously served as director of the Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre and has overseen the publication of the text critical, annotated edition of Søren Kierkegaards Skrifter (Søren Kierkegaard’s Writings, SKS), published in 55 volumes (28 volumes of text, 27 volumes of explanatory notes). He has also been involved in the many translations based on the new edition.

Cappelørn is currently engaged with the republication of Kierkegaard’s published works and some of his unpublished writings in a 15 volume paperback edition titled Søren Kierkegaards Værker (Søren Kierkegaard’s Works, SKV) from Gyldendal Press. In order to accommodate a wider reading audience, SKV includes an adjusted and expanded selection of linguistic notes from the research edition. The typography of SKV has been electronically scaled down so that the text, page numbers, and line numbers are identical to SKS. The first volume was published in 2015 and the entire series is expected to be published by 2019.  

Cappelørn has worked concurrently on a study treating the unique strategic role of Kierkegaard’s pseudonymous work Either/Or in his activity as an author and in the dialectical structure of his authorship. It will be published in a German anthology in 2018.

In addition, Cappelørn is currently doing research for a project focused on Kierkegaard’s thirteen ‘Friday Communion Discourses.’ This theological reading and analysis of the discourses is envisaged as a monograph.




Cappelørn Niels Jørgen

Date of Birth   February 11, 1945

Place of Birth  Baastrup, Denmark


Home Address

Lavendelstræde 1, 1. tv.

DK-1462 Copenhagen K

Cell Phone (+ 45) 28 40 10 80

e-mail [email protected]



1977      Pastoral Seminary

1977      Master of Theology (cand.theol.), University of Copenhagen


Honorary Doctorates 

2014      Dr.theol. h.c., University of Oslo, Norway

2013      Dr.theol. h.c., University of Copenhagen, Denmark

2003      Dr.theol. h.c., Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany

1996      Dr. of Humane Letters h.c., St. Olaf College, Minnesota, USA


Positions Held

2014                Head of Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre, Faculty of Theology,

                        University of Copenhagen

2010-2015      Professor of Kierkegaard Studies, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen

2010-2013      Director, Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre Foundation

1994-2009      Director, Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre

1980-1993      General Secretary, Danish Bible Society

1978-present  Volunteer Priest at the Holy Spirit Church in Copenhagen              

1978-1979      Research Fellow, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen

1977               Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen


Other Academic Activities

2005-present   Examiner, Ilisimatusarfik / University of Greenland

1988-2008      Examiner, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen

1988-2008      Examiner, Faculty of Theology, University of Aarhus

2001-present   Member, Advisory Board for the Hong Kierkegaard Library, St. Olaf College,


1996-1997      Member, Evaluation Committee for Ibsen Centre, University of Oslo, Norway

1987-1992      Chairman, Committee for Revision of the 1992 Authorized Danish Translat­ion of

                        the Bible

1986-1988      Member, Committee for Revision of the Danish Hymn Book, Ministry of

                       Church Affairs



1978-1979      Scholarship, Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen

1973-1977      Søren Kierkegaards Papirer, second expanded edition, vol. XIV, Index A-F; vol. XV,

                        Index G-Q; vol. XVI, In­dex R-Ø og Bibel­index, funded by the Danish Research

                        Council for the Humanities and the Carlsberg Foundation


Group Grants

2007-2012      Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre Foundation, funded by the Danish Ministry of

                       Science, Technol­ogy and Innovation

2004-2006      Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre Foundation funded by the Danish Ministry of

                       Culture, the Danish Ministry of Science, Technol­ogy and Innovat­ion, and the

                       Danish National Research Foundation

1999-2003      Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre Foundation funded by the Danish National

                        Research Foundation

1994-1998      Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre funded by the Danish National

                        Research Foundation


Learned Societies

2009-present   Member, The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters

2001-present   Member, The Aarhus Learned Society



2002-present   Member, Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Theologie, Fachgruppe Syste­ma­tische

                        Theologie (Scholarly Society for Theology: Systematic Theology Group)

2000-2013      Member, American Academy of Religion (AAR)

1995-1999      Deutsch-Scandinavische Gesellschaft für Religionsphilosphie (German-Scandinavian

                        Society for Philosophy)

1995-present   Member, Scandinavian Network for Scholarly Editons (NNE)

1989-present   Member, Danish Language and Literature Society

1981-1987      Member, Board of the (Danish) Søren Kierkegaard Society

1971-1975      Member, Board of the (Danish) Theological Society, Copenhagen


Member, Editorial Boards

2004-2012      Editorial Board of the electronic edition of Søren Kierkegaards Skrifter

1994-2012      Editorial Board of the edition of Søren Kierkegaards Skrifter (55 vols.)


2008-2015      Editorial Board of the Dutch Kierkegaard Translation, Søren Kierkegaard Werken

2004-present   Editorial Board of the Hungarian Kierkegaard Translation, Søren Kierke­gaard Művei

2001-present   Editorial Board of the Chinese Kierkegaard Translation, Kierkegaard Anthology

2001-present   Editorial Board of the French Kierkegaard Translation, Søren Kierkegaard Journaux

                        et cahiers de notes

2000-present   Editorial Board of the German Kierkegaard Translation, Deutsche Søren Kierkegaard

                        Edition. Journale und Aufzeichnungen

2000-present   Editorial Board of the English Kierkegaard Translation, Kierkegaard’s Journals

                       and Notebooks

1998-present   Editorial Board of the Spanish Kierkegaard Translation, Escritos Søren Kierkegaard

1996-2010      Editorial Board, Kierkegaard Studies: Monograph Series (25 vols.)

1995-2010      Editorial Board, Kierkegaard-Studies: Yearbook (15 vols.)

1982-1988      Editorial Board, Kierkegaardiana (3 vols.)


2010-present   Editorial Board, Grundtvigs Værker


1985-1991      Executive Editorial Board, New Danish Translation of the New Testament

1982-1985      Editorial Board, New Danish Translation of the Apostolic Fathers


Member, Official Councils and Committees

2007-2013      The Danish Council of Ethics

1990-1994      The Council of Interchurch Relations of the Evangelic Lutheran Church of Denmark


1986-1988      Committee for Revision of The Danish Hymn Book, appointed by the Ministry of

                        Church Affairs

1984-2008      Parochial Council of the Holy Spirit Church (Chairman, 1996-2004), Copenhagen


  • Faculty of Theology