Noel Parker
  • Øster Farimagsgade 5

    1353 København K

Personal profile

Short presentation

  • Since retirement, he has focussed on writing shorter pieces concerned with boundaries/margins/mobility and on empire and its aftereffects.    He is also preparing a memoir currently entitled 'Living with British Post-Imperialism: a Memoir'
  • From 2003 to 2016, Associate Professor in Political Theory and the History of Ideas at the University of Copenhagen.  Previously (1993-2002) Lecturer/Reader in European Politics at the University of Surrey (UK). From 1977 to 1993, he was a member of the academic staff at the British Open University.  He holds a B.A. in Philosophy, an M.A. in the History of Ideas, a Maîtrise de Philosophie, and Ph.D. in Government (from the London School of Economics).
  • Current research interests centre on the spatial, geopolitical and identity construction of socio-political orders: their borders, boundaries and margins; and empires as non-sovereign-state forms extending over space.  Longer-standing interests have been the meaning and historical evolution of practices of contention such as revolution and terrorism; and the validity and force of survivals from Enlightenment thought. 
    • Spring 2014: Honorary Research Fellow at University or Sussex Centre for Advanced International Theory
    • Spring 2010: Honorary University Fellow at the University of Exeter, UK


  • Basic undergraduate course on political theory and the history of political ideas
  • MA-level teaching on: Terrorism, Empires, Identity v. otherness, Space and territory, America and Europe, Ideology, Religion and politics
  • Ph.D. supervision on: international society, political identities

Fields of interest

Borders, Empire, Enlightenment, European identity, Identity, Imperialism, Margins, Regionalization, Revolution, Spatiality, Territory, Terrorism, World History


Higher Education degrees:

  • BA philosophy & MA History of Ideas, University of Surrey (UK) (1967)
  • MA History of Ideas, University of Surrey (UK) (1969)
  • Maîtrise de Philosophie, University of Nice (France) (1976)
  • Ph.D. government, London School of Economics (1976)
  • Certificate in Counselling, University of Manchester (1990)

Academic positions:

  • Current: Associate Professor in Political Theory and the History of Ideas
  • Previous: 1993-2003 University of Surrey (UK): final position Reader in European Politics; 1977-1993 UK Open University: final position Lecturer in Arts

Primary fields of research

  • The spatial, geopolitical and identity construction socio-political orders, notably:
  1. their borders, boundaries and margins;
  2. empires, with regard to their role as non-state political entities that extend to create order beyond their own boundaries. 
  • Longer-standing interests have been
  1. the meaning and historical evolution of practices of contention such as revolution and terrorism; 
  2. the validity and force of survivals from Enlightenment thought.