Personal profile

Short presentation

Ole Lander Svendsen is Clinical Professor in Endocrinology, with special focus on the diabetic foot, at the Department of Clinical Medicine. Ole Lander Svendsen is affiliated with the Department of Endocrinology, at Copenhagen University Hospital – Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg hospital as a consultant. He graduated from the University of Copenhagen as a medical doctor (MD) in 1989 and earned his Doctor of Medical Sciences (DMSc;, University of Copenhagen in 1996. He is board-certified specialist in Endocrinology (2001) as well as Internal Medicine (2002).

The initial research focus of Ole Lander Svendsen was on obesity, osteoporosis, and diabetes. For the last decades his research has focused on diabetic foot diseases.

Potential conflicts of interests:

Research funds:


Research funding obtained from:

Per Henriksen R and wife Foundation; Novo Nordisk Foundation; Amgen Inc; Tværpuljen, Region Hovedstaden; Cell2Cure ApS; Novo Nordisk A/S,

Research with commercial compagnies:

Ole Lander Svendsen has been Sponsor, National Coordinator and Principal Investigator in numerous clinical trials sponsored by Industry, - within the last 5 years with Cell2Cure, Novo Nordisk A/S, Amgen, Ascendis, Samsung Bioepis, and Boehringer Ingelheim.

Travel Grants from:

  • Novo Nordisk A/S, Bayer, MSD, USB Nordic A/S

Speaker fee:

  • Novo Nordisk A/S (2022)


Ole Lander Svendsen has a broad stock portfolio (> 20 different companies), including 7 within Health: ALK-Albello, Coloplast, Demant, Eli Lilly, GN Store Nord, Gubra, Intuitive Surgical, Novo Nordisk, Zealand Pharma.

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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