No photo of Paul Martin Holm
  • Øster Voldgade 10, 1350 København K, 06 Område VI, 06-2-627

  • Øster Voldgade 10

    1350 København K

Personal profile


Place of work
Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management
University of Copenhagen
Øster Voldgade 10
DK 1350 København K
Phone: +45 3532 2426 (direct), +45 3533 1500,
E-mail: [email protected]

Personal data and education
1972 Geology study for cand. scient. (M. Sc.) degree at University of Copenhagen
1978 Cand. scient. (M. Sc.) in geology, University of Copenhagen
1982 Lic. scient. (Ph. D.), University of Copenhagen

1979 Research assistant, Geological Institute, Univ. Copenhagen
1980-1982 Ph.d.-student, Geological Institute, Univ. Copenhagen
1982-1985 Postdoc., Geological Institute, Univ. Copenhagen
1985-1986 Temporary lecturer, Geological Institute, Univ. Copenhagen
1986-1990 Assistant Professor, Geological Institute, Univ. Copenhagen
1990- 2020 Associate Professor, Geology Section, Deptment of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen

2020- present Associate Professor, Geology Section, Deptment of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen

1979 University of Copenhagen Gold Medal,

Professional activities
Boards and committees
1991 -2002: Member of the board of the Geological Instiute, University of Copenhagen
1991-1992: Member of the research committee of the Geological Instiute, University of Copenhagen
1993-1995: Member of the study board of the Geological Instiute, University of Copenhagen.
1994-1996: Member of the National Committee for Geology
1989-2017: Chairman of the Petrological Club, Geological Society of Denmark
1994-2004 Research Fellow at the Danish Lithosphere Centre (DLC).
1997-2005 Spokesman for the petrology teaching at the Geological Institute, University of Copenhagen
2000-2002: Member of the liaison committee at the Geological Institute, University of Copenhagen
2000-2004: Member of the board of the Nordic Volcanological Institute, Reykjavik (2001-2003: chairman)
2002- IAVCEI (International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the
Earth's Interior) representative for Denmark and member of the Danish IUGG committee
2003- Member of the board of the Geological Society of Denmark (2005- Vice chairman)
2004-2006 Member of the steering committee for the Nordic Volcanological Center at the Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland
2003-2007 Member of ESSAC under ECORD of the IODP (Integrated Ocean Drilling Programme)
2005-2007 Member of the steering committee for the Magellan programme for marine research drilling under ESF (European Science Foundation)
2007-2011 Representative for the geologists at Department of Geography and Geology
2007-2011 Member of the liaison committee at Department of Geography and Geology

2015-2018 Member of the institute council at dpt of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management

2017-2018 Member of the scientific planning committee for 33rd Nordic Geological Winter Meeting

2018-2019 Head of Geochemical, Mineralogical and Petrological Earch Science Research Group, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management

2018-2019 Head of study for the Geology-Geoscience education at University of Copenhagen


Papers: 90 peer reviewed in international journals. Abstracts at meetings: 241. One popular book.



Igneous Petrology/Geochemistry 1st, 2nd and 3rd year courses: lectures, practicals, excursions, reports, exams for 10-60 students/year. >150 courses taught. Geochemistry and Isotope Geology 4th years: lectures, practicals, reports exams for 6-20 studens/year.> 50 times. Field course for 1st year students - 8 times. Field course for 4th year students to the Canaries (18 times 1988-2023), Etna and Aeolian Islands (1998, 2000, 2018), Iceland (2002, 2008, 2013), Cape Verde Islands (2015).

 Supervision: 101 students (since 1984) for their Cand. scient. (M. Sc.) projects of nominally one year’s work load, mostly as principal supervisor. Presently supervising 9 M.Sc. students. Supervised 19 Ph.D. students. Have examined or censored at >150 M. Sc. exams and served as member of evaluation committees for 16 Ph.D. theses.

Laboratory experience (main points)
1970-1980 built the vacuum system and set-up the K/Ar-method
1983-1984 the 40Ar/39Ar-method at the K/Ar-laboratory, Geological Institute, University of Copenhagen.
1985-1995 In charge of the fluorinations laboratory in 1985-1995, Geological Institute, University of Copenhagen.
1987 Set-up at new Rb/Sr preparation system in 1987 and in
1990 preparation lines for U/Pb and Sm/Nd in the Danish Centre for Isotope Geology (Instrumental centre supported by the Danish National Science Research Council) at Geological Institute, University of Copenhagen.
1990-1997 In charge of the Thermal Ionisations Mass Spectrometer laboratory, Geological Institute, University of Copenhagen. Implementated double spike Pb high precision isotope analysis for TIMS in 2006.

Field work
1974-1996 West Greenland
1976-77-86-91-95 East Greenland
2006, 2008 North Greenland .
1975-1994, 2018 Roman Province , Italy
1987-1993 Oslo Province , Norway
1995-2007, 2015-2017 Cape Verdes
2007-2019 Agentina and Chile

2013, 2015-2023 Iceland

Extended visits abroad

Leeds (1980 og 1984), US Geological Survey,
1985 Menlo Park ,
1985 Carleton University, Ottawa ,
1987-88-89 Royal Holloway University of London

Organization of meetings and symposia
1991-2017: Magma Chamber Processes - Annual meeting held alternating between Aarhus and Copenhagen.heldagsmøder. 1988: Poster session of all M.Sc. Projects at the Geological Institute (at the Nordic Winter Meeting in Copenhagen). 1995:Symposium on the use of Isotopes in Danish Geology" Internationalt møde m. abstactbind. 2017 Scientific program planning for Nordic Geological Winter Meeting 2018.


Grants awarded from the Danish Natural Science Research Council (SNF, FNU - 12 times), the Carlsberg Foundation (7 times), Kann Rasmussen Foundation, Galatea-3, Geocenter Danmark (twice).


  • Faculty of Science
  • geochemistry
  • isotope geology
  • petrology
  • volcanology
  • Cape Verde Islands
  • Mendoza
  • Argentine
  • North Atlantic Igneous Province
  • Kap Washington
  • North Greenland
  • Iceland

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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