Personal profile

Primary fields of research

Objective: Biogeochemical cycles and transport pathways of C and N in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum with a current focus on Arctic. Activities: ● Emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG; CO2, N2O and CH4), C-sequestration and soil nitrogen cycling in response to management and climate ● Experiences with work in small-medium laboratory scale installations and in large scale, complex field experiments ● Responsible for the stable isotope facility at Center for Permafrost (Cenperm) at IGN.

External positions

Senior scientist, Institut for Kemiteknik, DTU

201130 Nov 2014

Senior scientist, Forskningscenter Risø


Visiting research associate, Michigan State University


Scientist, Forskningscenter Risø


Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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