Per Ole Rindel

Per Ole Rindel

associate professor

  • Karen Blixens Plads 8

    2300 København S

  • Source: Scopus

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Primary fields of research

Geographical and chronological specialization: 

The Iron Age and Viking Age in Southern Scandinavia, especially the Pre Roman Iron Age (a.o. in the network SIMB

Thematic specialization

  • Settlement dynamics and formation of village communities
  • Fortifications and fortified settlements
  • Settlement and landscape
  • landscape archaeology
  • continuity and change

Current research

  • settlement and landscape in the PreRoman Iron Age  at Grøntoft, Western Jutland
  • the fortified settlement from the Late PreRoman Iron Age at Lyngsmose, Western Jutland
  • the fenced village from the Late PreRoman Iron Age at Nørre Holsted, Southern Jutland


I teach/have teached several courses at BA and MA level including: Archaeology, period 3 (Neolithic and Bronze Age in Denmark and Northern Europe); Archaeology, period 4 (Early Iron Age in Denmark and Northern Europe); Archaeological Documentation and Analysis; Archaeological Field Techniques and Excavation; Introduction to Archaeology; European Connections (and related excursions in Europe); Archaeological Research Project. Furthermore I have supervised projects on BA and MA level.

Supervision of MA theses

I mainly supervise theses concerning the Iron Age but also more methodological theses.

Ph.D supervision

I have supervised 3 theses as main supervisor:

  • 2019: Defining Wetlands. New perspectives on wetland living with case studies from early Iton Age in North Zealand, Denmark (with Tim Flohr Sørensen)
  • 2019: Den typologiske udvikling af østsjællandske huse fra førromersk til germansk jernalder – et værktøj til udredning af bosættelsesmønstre, bebyggelsesudvikling og ressourceområder (with Tim Flohr Sørensen)
  • 2021: I konflikt med det sædvanlige. Social kompleksitet i Vestjyllands hav- og fjordlandskab i perioden 1-1200 e.Kr. (with Tim Flohr Sørensen and Daniel Löwenborg)



1998      PhD, Saxo Institute, section of Archaeology, UCPH

1991 in Prehistoric Archaeology, Institute for Prehistoric and Classical Archaeology, UCPH


2004 -     Associate professor, Institute for Archaeology and Ethnology/Saxo-institute, UCPH

2004   Amanuensis (assistant lecturer), Institute for Archaeology and Ethnology, UCPH

2001-04: Assistant professor, Institute for Archaeology and Ethnology, UCPH

1999-2000: Amanuensis (assistant lecturer), Institute for Archaeology and Ethnology, UCPH

1997-1999: Research assistant, Institute for Archaeology and Ethnology, UCPH

1994-96:  PhD candidate, Institute for Archaeology and Ethnology, UCPH

1991-94:  Archaeologist, Sønderskov Museum

Institutional responsibilities

Chair of Board of Studies, Saxo Institute, UCPH, 2020-2021

Member, Board of Studies, Saxo Institute, UCPH, since 2007

Member, Board of Studies for Prehistoric Archaeology, Institute for Archaeology and Ethnology/Saxo Institute, UCPH, 2002-2007,

Head of programme, Prehistoric Archaeology, Saxo Institute, UCPH, 2020-2021

Coordinator of programme, Prehistoric Archaeology, Saxo Institute, UCPH, 2010-2019

Vice head of programme, Prehistoric Archaeology, Institute for Archaeology and Ethnology, UCPH, 2002-2004

Chair of dissemination committee, Saxo Institute, UCPH, 2007-2014

IT coordinator and chair of IT committee, Institute for Archaeology and Ethnology, UCPH, 1997-1998 and 2001-2003

Member, merging committee, Institute for Archaeology and Ethnology, UCPH, 2003

Participation in assessment committees

Chair, PhD assessment committee, UCPH, 2005, 2014, 2017, 2018 & 2021

Member, PhD assessment committee, University of Aarhus, 2008 & 2012

Positions of trust outside UCPH

2008-2010: member, Archaeological Board, Agency of Cultural Heritage

2013- : member, Board of Directors, the foundation Ingeniør Svend G. Fiedler og Hustrus legat til fremme af botanisk og arkæologisk forskning

2017- : chair, Board of Directors, the foundation Ingeniør Svend G. Fiedler og Hustrus legat til fremme af botanisk og arkæologisk forskning

2013- : member, Board of Directors, the foundation Kazimierz Salewicz og hustru Marit Jensens Studiefond

Participation in major research programmes

2003-05:  Öresund – barriär eller bro ….? Kulturella kontakter och samhällsutveckling under järnålder och tidig medeltid. 3-year multi-institutional archaeological project related, financed by NOS-H (Nordic research councils in the Humanities).

2000-01:  Kulturelle relationer i Øresundsregionen i jernalder og vikingetid – bebyggelses- og samfundsudvikling i Skåne og på Sjælland 500 f.Kr.-1050 e.Kr. Cross-institutional archaeological project related to the research program of the Øresund University ”Sjælland og Skåne – før, under og efter broen”.

1997-99: Fortid og Flora: 5 year interdisciplinary research project related to the Research Councils research program 'Menneske, landskab og biodiversitet' (Man, Landscape and Biodiversity).

1994-96:  Bebyggelse og Kulturlandskab (Settlement and Landscape): Research program reated to the Humanities Research Council (1993-1997)

Participation in international networks

2015-  :  Archaeological network: Regional and transregional interaction between the Baltic and the Mediterranean spheres in the first Millennium BC ( Nakoinz, Univ.Kiel). The network includes archaeologists from Germany, Norway, Denmark, Poland, Moldova and Russia (

2006-08:  Archaeological network Denmark-Poland

1999-     Sachsensymposia (netværk including archaeologists from Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, France, Netherlands, UK and Poland.

Other tasks

2020-     Member in group of consultants in relation to Museum Southeast-Denmark's project regarding Iron Age settlements at Køge North

2020-     Member in group of consultants in relation to Museum Roskilde's project regarding publishing of exavations of Iron Age settlements and cemeteries and burials at Vindinge.

Education/Academic qualification

prehistoric archaeology, PhD, University of Copenhagen

Award Date: 25 Feb 1998

prehistoric archaeology,, University of Copenhagen

Award Date: 30 Jun 1991