No photo of Per Svejstrup
  • Rolighedsvej 23, 1958 Frederiksberg C

  • Rolighedsvej 23

    1958 Frederiksberg C

Personal profile

Short presentation

Throughout my academic career I have had a strong focus on management and on educational activities, and most often a combination of the two. I have been director of studies for various economics programmes, and I have extensive experience in students first year experience.

Primary fields of research

Having been employed for many years at a life science university and later faculty, where working interdisciplinary both in terms of research, teaching, and management has been the trademark, I have a broad overview of the life science disciplines and land use in particular. My own focus areas are international economics and macroeconomics in a broad sense, and with a keen eye on agricultural policy aspects hereof. Generally, I am interested in applying economics to real world problems.


Teaching: Introduction to Agricultural Economics, Macroeconomics, and Macroeconomics and Business Cycles.

Supervision: international economics and macroeconomics in a broad sense and related agricultural policy aspects hereof.


Curriculum Vitae


Per Svejstrup Hansen


Date of birth:  4 August 1970                                                      

Nationality: Danish


Phone:             +45 5059 1342 (cell phone)


e-mail:             [email protected]




1998                                           Ph.d. in economics, University of Aarhus.

1995                                           cand. oeconUniversity of Aarhus.

1993 – 1997                                Ph.d.-student in economics at University of Aarhus.

1993 – 1994                                M.Sc.-student at University of Warwick, England.

1989 – 1994                                Student of economics, University of Aarhus.

1986 – 1989                                Grammar school, Silkeborg Amtsgymnasium.



2012 -                                   Deputy Head of Department (teaching), Department of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen


2009 - 2012                       Head of Unit, International Economics and Policy Unit, Institute of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen


                                                Director of Studies, Bachelor’s and Master’s programme in Agricultural Economics, and Master’s programme in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics


2009 -                                   Associate Professor, Institute of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen


2008 - 2009                       Head of Department, Department of Business and Economics, University of Southern Denmark.


2007 - 2008                       Director of Study for the bachelor’s and master’s programme in Economics, University of Southern Denmark.


2005 - 2009                       Associate Professor, Dept. of Business and Economics, University of Southern Denmark.


2005 -                                   Associate Analyst, CEBR, CopenhagenBusinessSchool.


2004 - 2005                       Program Director, International Business and Economics Program, Denmark’s International Study Program.


2003 - 2004                       Director of Study (de jure) for the bachelor and master programme in Agricultural Economics, and the master programme in Environmental Economics, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen, Denmark


2001 - 2004                       Head of Unit, Unit of Economics, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen, Denmark.


                                                Director of Study (de facto) for the bachelor’s and master’s programme in Agricultural Economics, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen, Denmark.



2001 - 2003                       Vice Head of Department, Department of Economics and Natural Resources, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen, Denmark.


2000 - 2004                       Associate Professor Department of Economics and Natural Resources, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen, Denmark. (From 1 January 2004 Food and Resource Economics Institute)


1998 – 2000                      Assistant Professor, Institute of Economics, University of Copenhagen.


1997                                     Assistant Professor, Dept. of Economics, Odense University, Denmark.




2009 -                                   University of Copenhagen: International Economics and Food policy, Macro Economics, Economic Policy, The Economics of Globalization


2005 - 2009                       University of Southern Denmark: Macro Economics (3rd year), Micro economics (1st year), Macro economics (1st year) Sports Economics (master), International Macroeconomics (master), Economics of Globalization (master)


2000 – 2004                      The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University: International Economics and Agriculture (master), Micro economics (2nd year), Economics (1st year).


2001                                     University of Southern Denmark: Micro economics (2nd year). External lecturer.


2000                                     University of Copenhagen: International Economics (3rd year). External lecturer.


1998 – 2000                      University of Copenhagen: International Economics (3rd year), Macro economics (2nd year, math econ), Economics (1st year, math econ).


1997                                     Odense University: Micro economics (1st year).


1993 – 1997                      University of Aarhus: Teaching assistant, Statistics (2nd year), Macro economics (1st year).




2011                                     Casper Worm Hansen, Some Macroeconomic Aspects of Mortality, defended at The University of Southern Denmark


                                                Lars Lønstrup, On the interrelationships between income and life expectancy, defended at The University of Southern Denmark




2006 – 2008                      Candidate for the Danish Parliament (Folketinget) for the Danish Social-Liberal Party, ran for the election in 2007 without getting elected.


2004 - 2011                       Jury Member Copenhagen City Court


2001                                     Chairman of the organizing committee, ”6th Spring Meeting of Young Economists” in Copenhagen.


2000 – 2002                      Chairman, the Society of Social Economics (SØS).






Trade Liberalization and the Degree of Competition in International Duopoly, Review of International Economics, Volume 21, 5, 1048–1059, 2013



Equilibrium Selection in Coordination Games with Simultaneous Play, Economic Theory, vol. 20, 4, 793 - 809, 2002

together with Oddvar Kaarbøe, University of Bergen, Norway. 



Frequent Price Changes under Menu Costs Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 23, 1065-1076, 1999



Asymmetric Adjustment in Menu Cost Duopoly, Economics Letters 53, 2, 183- 188, 1997

together with H.P. Møllgaard, P.B. Overgaard, and J.R. Sørensen. 



Permanent Effects of Monetary Policy in a Dynamic Menu Cost Model Economics Letters, 52, 61-66, 1996




Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership : notat med baggrund og danske interesser,2015, IFRO Udredning; Nr. 2015/16


Together with Lind, Kim Martin Hjorth; Elleby, Christian; Hansen; Zobbe, Henrik.



Landbrugets økonomi 2009 : Danish Agricultural Economy 2009. / Jensen, Jørgen Dejgård (Redaktør); Lund, Mogens (Redaktør); Hansen, Per Svejstrup (Redaktør); Zobbe, Henrik (Redaktør).  København : Fødevareøkonomisk Institut, Københavns Universitet, 2010. 139 s. (Landbrugets økonomi, Vol. 2009).



Macroeconomic Framework Conditions and the Management of Research and Development in the Nordic Countries, TemaNord 2005:586, The Nordic Council of Ministers, 2005


together with Svend Jespersen, CEBR


Valutakurssystemer, Euro'en og Danmark, Hvordan ser verden ud?: 73 bidrag om økonomi, institutioner og værdier: Professor Niels Kærgård 70 år. red. / Peder Andersen; Ingrid Henriksen; Jørn Henrik Petersen; Henrik Zobbe. Djøf / Jurist- og Økonomforbundet, s. 196 – 203, 2012





Trade Liberalization and the Degree of Competition in International Duopoly, Discussion Papers on Business and Economics 10/2008, Department of Business and Economics, University of Southern Denmark


together with Damoun Ashournia and Jonas Worm Hansen



Destabilising Stabilisation Policy in a Dynamic Menu Cost Model, Unit of Economics Working Papers 2001/3, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University



Equilibrium Selection and the Rate of Convergence in Coordination Games with Simultaneous Play, Discussion Paper 98-14, Institute of Economics, University of Copenhagen

together with Oddvar Kaarbøe, University of Bergen, Norway. 



Quantity Adjustment Costs and Price Rigidity, Memo 1996-12 Department of Economics, University Aarhus






Commitment or Flexibility in Price and Quantity Games: Endogenous Sequential Moves



Strategic Adjustment Asymmetries

together with H. P. Møllgaard, P. B. Overgaard, J. R. Sørensen



Price and Quantity Adjustment Costs and the Rigidity of Prices



Increased Uncertainty, Increased FDI? A Real Options Approach