Peter Kjær Kruse-Andersen

Peter Kjær Kruse-Andersen


  • Øster Farimagsgade 5, 1014 København K

Personal profile

Short presentation

Primary fields of interest: economic growth, climate change economics, environmental economics, and macroeconomics.

Personal Website

Current research


Kruse-Andersen, P.K. (2023). Directed Technical Change, Environmental Sustainability, and Population Growth, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.

Kruse-Andersen, P.K. (2023). Testing R&D-Based Endogenous Growth Models, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics.

Beck, U. R., P.K. Kruse-Andersen, and L.B. Stewart (2023). Carbon Leakage in a Small Open Economy: The Importance of International Climate Policies. Energy Economics.

Kruse-Andersen, P.K., and Jacobsen, M.S. (2023). A coordination failure between EU climate policies exemplified by the North Sea energy island. Climate Policy.

Kruse-Andersen, P.K. (2023). Climate Policy in the Shadow of National Security. Economics Letters.

Kruse-Andersen, P.K., and Sørensen, P.B. (2022). Optimal carbon taxation in EU frontrunner countries: coordinating with the EU ETS and addressing leakage. Climate Policy.

Kruse-Andersen, P.K., and Sørensen, P.B. (2022). Optimal energy taxes and subsidies under a cost-effective unilateral climate policy: Addressing carbon leakage. Energy Economics, 109, 105928.

Beck, U., and Kruse-Andersen, P.K. (2020). Endogenizing the Cap in a Cap-and-Trade System: Assessing the Agreement on EU ETS Phase 4. Environmental and Resource Economics 77, 781–811.

Kruse-Andersen, Peter K. (2019). Comment on B. Carlén and B. Kriström: Are Climate Policies in the Nordic Countries Cost-Effective? Nordic Economic Policy Review 2019: Climate Policies in the Nordics, 148-151. DOI: 6027/Nord2019-012

Working Papers

Kruse-Andersen, P.K., and Sørensen, P.B. (2022). Optimal Carbon Taxation with Carbon Leakage at the Extensive and the Intensive Margin, CESifo Working Paper No. 9185, 2021 (link).

Kruse-Andersen, P.K. (2016). Directed Technical Change and Economic Growth Effects of Environmental Policy, University of Copenhagen, Department of Economics, Discussion Paper No. 16-06., 2016.


Teaching Advanced Economics of the Environment and Climate Change, master's course, Deparment of Economics, UCPH

Supervising bachelor and master's students in the fields:

  • Environmental Economics
  • Economics of Climate Change
  • Economic Growth



  • Environmental Economics
  • Climate Change
  • Economic Growth
  • Macroeconomics



  • Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, since November 2018.
    • Parental leave June-May 2019 and January-April 2022.
  • Senior Economist (Specialkonsulent), Secretariat of the Danish Economic Councils, September 2018 – October 2018.
  • Economist, Secretariat of the Danish Economic Councils, September 2017 – August 2018.
  • PhD Fellow, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, September 2013 – August 2017.



  • PhD in Economics, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, December 2017.
  • Visiting researcher, Tilburg Sustainability Center, Tilburg University, January 2016 – June 2016.
    • Visiting Sjak Smulders.
  • Master of Economics, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, December 2014.
    • Dissertation: “Growth Effects of Environmental Policy, when Production and Abatement Technologies are Embodied in Separate Intermediates”.
    • Dissertation nominated for the Zeuthen Prize of 2015.
  • Exchange Student, University of California, San Diego, September 2012 – June 2013.
    • Courses included graduate courses in macroeconomics, international trade, and public economics.
  • Bachelor of Economics, Department of Economics, the University of Copenhagen, Summer 2012.




  • Kruse-Andersen, P.K. (2017). Testing R&D-Based Endogenous Growth Models, University of Copenhagen, Department of Economics, Discussion Paper No. 17-05 (link).
  • Kruse-Andersen, P.K., and Sørensen, P.B. (2022). Optimal Carbon Taxation with Carbon Leakage at the Extensive and the Intensive Margin, CESifo Working Paper No. 9185, 2021 (link).
  • Kruse-Andersen, P.K. (2019). Directed Technical Change, Environmental Sustainability, and Population Growth, University of Copenhagen, Department of Economics, Discussion Paper No. 19-12, 2019 (link).
  • Kruse-Andersen, P.K. (2016). Directed Technical Change and Economic Growth Effects of Environmental Policy, University of Copenhagen, Department of Economics, Discussion Paper No. 16-06., 2016 (link).




  • Course Coordinator, Lecturer, and Developer, Advanced Economics of the Environment and Climate Change, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, Fall 2022 (link).
  • Lecturer, Perspectives on sustainability, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Fall 2022 (link).
  • Lecturer, Klimapolitik: Valg af diskonteringsrente, instrumenter og virkemidler [Continuing and Professional Education course], Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, Spring 2022.


  • Course Coordinator, Lecturer, and Developer, Advanced Economics of the Environment and Climate Change, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, Fall 2021 (link).
  • Co-organizer (with Frikk Nesje), PhD workshop in Climate Economics, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, Spring 2021.
  • Course Coordinator, Lecturer, and Developer, En udfordring for Danmark som klimapolitisk foregangsland: Hvordan undgår vi CO2e-lækage? [Continuing and Professional Education course], Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, Spring 2021.


  • Course Coordinator, Lecturer, and Developer, Advanced Economics of the Environment and Climate Change, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, Fall 2020.
  • Course Coordinator and Developer, Seminar: Environmental Economics, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, Spring 2020.


  • Course Coordinator and Lecturer, The Economics of the Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, Fall 2019.


  • Teaching Assistant, Macroeconomics C, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, Spring 2014.
  • Teaching Assistant, Macroeconomics C, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, Fall 2013.
  • Teaching Assistant, Macroeconomics 2, Department of Mathematical Sciences,

University of Copenhagen, Fall 2013.

  • Teaching Assistant, Microeconomics B, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, 

Spring 2012.


  • Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Macroeconomics
  • Economic Growth
  • Environmental Economics
  • Directed Technical Change

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