Personal profile

Short presentation

My research focuses on the role of the brain sensory system and its connection with food processing, to gain a deeper understanding of how flavour is created in the brain, why people eat what they do, and how digital inputs shape our physical realities. To achieve these goals, I take an interdisciplinary approach to develop new ways to study the chemical senses - from natural language processing and Virtual Reality to neurological and biometric measurements.

I have a special professional interest in wine, and am the only person residing in Denmark to have passed the Master of Wine stage two exam. 



2017                Doctor of Philosophy, Dept. of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

                        Supervisor: Prof. Charles Spence

2013                Master of Science, Media Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

2008                Bachelor of Science, Dept of Computer Science, California Institute of Technology, USA



2023 – present  Associate Professor. Dept. of Food Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark



2018 – 2023     Tenure-track assistant professor. Dept. of Food Science, Aarhus University, Denmark (2022: Concurrent appointment Center for Hybrid Intelligence, Dept. of Management)

2017 – 2018     Postdoctoral fellow. Dept. of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, UK

2013 – 2014     Research Specialist. Media Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

2008 – 2011     Software Development Engineer. Microsoft Corporation, USA

Education/Academic qualification

Experimental Psychology, PhD, Oxford Universitet

Award Date: 19 Jul 2017

Media Arts and Sciences, Msc, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Award Date: 1 Aug 2013

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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