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Current research:

The aim of my PhD project is to explore the mechanisms behind carbon nanotube-induced mesothelioma through in vivo and in vitro experiments. Carbon nanotubes are long, hollow nanostructures that can be used in numerous products such as batteries, electronics and sporting goods.  Even though carbon nanotubes have many desirably properties, it is under the suspicion of causing different adverse health effects, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified one subtype of carbon nanotubes to be “possible carcinogenic to humans” (group 2B). Certain types of carbon nanotubes bear a great resemblance with asbestos regarding structure, size and biopersistency, and in vivo studies of carbon nanotubes strongly suggest that exposure can lead to adverse health effects equivalent to those caused by asbestos. Among these is mesothelioma, which is cancer in the pleural tissue covering the surface of the lung. Mesothelioma is an aggressive, often treatment-resistant cancer and it is important to identify exposures and mechanisms leading to this fatal disease. Through in vivo and vitro models, we aim to investigate the possibly harmful effects of carbon nanotubes, mainly focusing on mesothelioma and precursor events. The goal is to elucidate the mechanisms behind the development of mesothelioma with special focus on DNA damage, oxidative stress and inflammation caused by carbon nanotube exposure.

This PhD project is a collaboration between KU and the National Research Center for the Working Environment



The PhD project is funded by The Danish Council for Independent Research

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