Personal profile

Short presentation

Research areas

  • Translational plant science
  • Floriculture, horticultural science and applied plant sciences
  • Postharvest biology and plant quality improvement
  • Ethylene biology, ethylene signal transduction pathways in flowering plants
  • Molecular biology, from genes to functions
  • In vitro culture and biotechnology
  • Plants for a better life - People plant relationships
  • Plants and human health

My research is focussing on the following topics

Floriculture and postharvest biology: Biology of quality improvement of ornamental plants with focus on studies of senescence proces­ses in plants, stress responses and hormonal regulation of flowering and senescence. Flower physiology and reproduction biology of ornamental plants. Examination of postharvest treatments of horticultural plants and development and evaluation of environmental friendly alternatives.

Translational Plant Science: Identification, cloning, characterisation of genes involved in quality and postharvest performance in ornamental plants. Genetic modification and other biotechnological techniques are used to engineer ornamental plants with improved quality and postharvest performance targeting reducing the use of chemicals in ornamental plant production.

Production physiology: Improvement of plants and production methods, domestication and creation of new plants, as well as alternative use of plants and plant products with the aim to reduce use of resources especially pesticides, fertilizer and energy.

Phosphate metabolism in plants: Phosphate sensing and starvation responses, interaction with carbohydrate metabolism. Gene expression studies by microarray analysis, characterization of mutants and transformation approaches.

People-plant relationships: Studies on how ornamental plants in indoor environments influence human health and well-being, directly and indirectly by affecting indoor climate. Analysis of the effect of plants on indoor air quality and removal of volatile compounds from the air.


Personal Data


Name                                      Renate Müller, maiden name Wimmer

Date and place of birth             September 16, 1959 in Frankfurt/M, Germany

Residence                                 Sjöbogatan 10 SE 21228 Malmö

Marital status                           married since 1979, 1 child (born 1986)

Citizenship                               German

Language skills                         German - native speaker

                                               Danish - fluent (Certificate of Proficiency)

                                               English - fluent

                                               Swedish – fluent


Working address                     Department of Agriculture and Ecology, Crop Sciences,

                                             University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Sciences   

                                             Campus Taastrup

                                             Højbakkegaard Allé 13

                                             DK 2630 Taastrup

                                             Phone: +45 3533 3534, Fax: +45 3533 3478

                                             e-mail: [email protected]




Since Febr 2012                    

Professor with special responsibilities within Floriculture and Translational Plant Science at Dept. of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Crop Sciences, University of Copenhagen Faculty of Sciences, Taastrup, Denmark

April 2006 – Jan 2012            

Associate Professor at Dept. of Agriculture and Ecology, Crop Sciences, University of Copenhagen Faculty of Life Sciences (formerly KVL), Taastrup, Denmark

March 2004 – March 2006    

Associate Professor at Department of Plant Biology, Plant Biochemistry Laboratory, PlaCe – Center for Molecular Plant Physiology, KVL.

Oct 2002 – March 2004         

Assistant Professor at Department of Plant Biology, see above.

Jan 2002 – Sept 2002            

Teacher (German and English language, Biology) at Herlev kommunes sproghus and Hammergårdskole, Herlev, Denmark.

Nov 2001 – June 2002          

Academic advisor for The Nordic Joint Comitee for Agricultural Research (NKJ), working group gene technology, Oslo, Norway.

Sept 2000 – Dec 2001           

Post Doc at Department for Crop Science, Biotechnology Horticulture, Swedish Agricultural University, Alnarp, Sweden, on leave from Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (KVL), Copenhagen

Jan 2000 – Aug 2000             

Assistant professor at Department for Agricultural Sciences, Horticulture. Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (KVL), Copenhagen


Pedagogical work with school children at St. Petri School, Copenhagen.


Employed as horticultural engineer by Hydro-Rotter, Wiesbaden, Germany.                                      

  • Manager of the plant production organization of five Hydro-Rotter nurseries (1989-1993)
  • Coach and coordinator of the sales team (1981-1989)


Academic Degrees


2011 D.Sc.                             

Department of Agriculture and Ecology, KU-LIFE, Denmark. Doctoral  thesis: Physiology and Genetics of Plant Quality Improvement. Basic and transcriptional research within ethylene biology, growth control and phosphate metabolism.

2000 Ph.D.                             

Horticulture, Department of Agricultural Sciences, KVL, Denmark Subject: Physiology of greenhouse plants. PhD thesis: Physiological and genetic reasons for different postharvest characteristics in miniature potted roses.

1996 cand. hort. (M.Sc.)

Horticulture, Department for Agricultural Sciences, KVL, Denmark  Master thesis: Importance of ethylene for storage of cuttings and subsequent rooting with special consideration of foliage plants.

1981 Dipl.- Ing. Gartenbau (B.Sc.)

Fachhochschule Wiesbaden, Geisenheim, Germany Diplom thesis: Mutagene treatment of Gesneriaceae tissue cultures.


Courses - Continuing Education

Oct 2012 - Nov 2012             

  • Leadership course for section and research group leaders, Summit Consulting and KU-Science.

Sept 2011 - Jan 2012            

  • Pre-leader course med specific focus on leadership, development and carrier, Summit Consulting and KU-LIFE.

Oct 2010 – July 2011             

  • Development Local Supervision Environments, KU-LIFE


  • Project management course, Implement

Nov 2006 and April 2007       

  • PhD-supervision course, University of Copenhagen.

March, 2001                          

  • Teach your subject in English, The Language Center, CBS, Cph.

May/June, 2001                    

  • Problem Based Learning (PBL), SLU, Alnarp.

Aug 2000 – April 2001           

  • KVLs Pedagogic Training for Assistant Professors (adjunktpædagogikum). Department for Philosophy,Pedagogic and Rhetoric. University of Copenhagen.

May/June 2000                     

  •  KVL course Supervision, Department for Philosophy, Pedagogic and Rhetoric. University of Copenhagen.


Teaching Experience and Supervision:               

  • Teaching of undergraduate and graduate students (BSc, MSc, PhD) at KU, Denmark and at SLU, Sweden since 1997.
  • Extensive experience as PBL-facilitator.                            
  • Supervision of undergraduate and graduate students since 2002.
  • Main supervisor of presently three PhD students, one post doc, 5 master students,
  • Academic supervisor for one assistant professor during his pedagogic training at KU (2011)


       Committees related to teaching and education

  • Member of the education committee (undervisningsudvalg) 2006-2007, and 2010-2012
  • Member of the Study Board for Natural Sciences (NSN) 2010 –2012
  • Member of the working group Agriculture/Horticulture education 2011


Scientific Merits


Award July 2000                    

  • Rudolf Hermann Award, prize for excellent scientific work, Geisenheim.

Referee for

  •    European Journal of Horticultural Science
  •    Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica
  •    Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science
  •    Journal of Experimental Botany
  •    Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture
  •    Plant Cell Reports
  •    HortScience
  •    Plant Science
  •    Plant Biology
  •    Frontiers in Crop Science and Horticulture
  •    Plant Growth Regulation

Board member                      

  • Produktionsafgiftsfond for frugt og gartneriprodukter, Odense, Denmark
  • "Fond til støtte for studerende fra Det Biovidenskabelige Fakultet ved Københavns Universitet”

Reviewer for                          

  •  Qatar National Research Fund, Qatar
  •  Israel Science Foundation
  •  Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Editor for                                

Acta Horticulturae, 9th International Symposium on Postharvest Quality of Ornamentals. ISHS. 11.-14.8.2008, Odense, Denmark.

Working periods abroadin the laboratories of

  • Prof. E. Sisler, North CarolinaStateUniversity, Raleigh, North Carolina
  • Prof. M. Welander, Biotechnology Horticulture, Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultureal Sciences, Alnarp, Sweden



  • Scientific articles in refereed journals, proceedings, books:    48 
  • Technical and trade papers, popular science:                        54
  • GenBank (NCBI) entries:                                                    17
  • Horticultural books and edited proceeding:                             4
  • Conference abstracts:                                                         51

ISI-citation report  h-index: 14, sum of citations: 518 (Dec 2012)


Professional Experience


Administrative experience    

Academic advisor (“faglig sekretær”) for The Nordic Joint Committee for Agricultural Research (NKJ), working group gene technology, Oslo, Norway.

Horticulture industry              

Profound knowledge and experience within horticultural production in Europe. Twelve years experience from employment as horticultural engineer in a nursery for ornamental plants (Hydro-Rotter, Wiesbaden). Responsibility comprised purchase of seeds, cuttings and plants in other European countries and overseas, as well as vegetative and generative propagation of plants in the company’s own production facilities. Responsibility for plant cultivation processes, planning of plant production, quality control, cost-benefit calculations in the five nurseries of the company. Involved in customer support and customer seminars, sales and marketing activities.         

Leadership experience

Employment as manager of the plant production organization at Hydro-Rotter with responsibility for five production leaders. Formal leadership and project management education.


Research management        


  • Group leader of the research group Floriculture and Translation Plant Science working with quality, postharvest biology and biotechnology of ornamental plants.
  • Member of the coordination group, organizing activities belonging to the Laboratory of Plant Innovation, a joint project of KU-LIFE, Department of Agriculture and Ecology, Plant Biology and Biotechnology and AgroTech.
  • Research responsible for KU-LIFE and member of the project management group for “Innovative plants”, a consortium funded by the Danish Agency for Research. Technology and Innovation, coordinated by AgroTech, with five participating industry partners, two universities and the Danish grower association.


  • Project leader for “Alternative to chemical growth control”, funded by the Danish Agency for Reseach, Technology and Innovation, a joint project with AgroTech and industry partners
  • Responsibility for the coordination of the KU activities belonging to the research program “Prydplantepakken”, a joint project with AarhusUniversity and the Danish Grower Association
  • Member of the steering committee for the Asia-link program “Development of a Curriculum – Supply Chain Management and Post-Harvest Technology for Vegetables and Fruit”.
  • Project leader for the innovation project: Ornamental Plants, compact plants with improved longevity via natural tranformation, funded by The Directorate for Food, Fisheries and Agri Business, DFFE.
  • Project leader for project: Plant quality, stress, climate and pests (Project belonging to “Prydplantepakken” funded by DFFE).


Research focus

Regulation of flowering and senescence: Flower physiology and reproduction biology of ornamental plants. Examination of postharvest treatments of horticultural plants and development and evaluation of environmental friendly alternatives.

Translational Plant Science: Identification, cloning, characterisation of genes involved in quality and postharvest performance in ornamental plants. Genetic modification and other biotechnological techniques are used to engineer ornamental plants with improved quality and postharvest performance targeting reducing the use of chemicals in ornamental plant production.

Production physiology: Improvement of plants and production methods, domestication and creation of new plants, as well as alternative use of plants and plant products with the aim to reduce use of resources especially pesticides, fertilizer and energy.

Phosphate metabolism in plants: Phosphate sensing and starvation responses, interaction with carbohydrate metabolism. Gene expression studies by microarray analysis, characterization of mutants and transformation approaches.

People-plant relationships: Studies on how ornamental plants in indoor environments influence human health and well-being, directly and indirectly by affecting indoor climate. Analysis of the effect of plants on indoor air quality and removal of volatile compounds from the air.


Publications complete


Refereed publications in international journals, proceedings and books

  1. Müller, R., Serek, M., Sisler E.C. and  Andersen, A.S. (1997). Poststorage quality and rooting ability of Epipremnum  pinnatum L. cuttings after treatment with ethylene action inhibitors.  J. Hort. Sci. 72: 445-452.
  2. Müller, R., Serek, M., Sisler E.C. and  Andersen, A.S. (1998a). Ethylene action inhibitors influence poststorage performance of Codiaeum variegatum var. pictum (Lodd.) Muell.  ‘Aucubaefolia’. Gartenbauw. 63: 66-71.
  3. Müller, R., Andersen, A.S. and Serek, M. (1998b). Differences in display life of miniature potted roses (Rosa hybrida L.).   Scient. Hort. 76: 59-71.
  4. Müller, R., Andersen, A.S.,Stummann, B.M. and Serek, M.  (1998c). Differences in postharvest characteristics of miniature potted roses (Rosa hybrida L.). In: Biology and  Biotechnology of the Plant Hormone Ethylene: 443-444.
  5. Müller, R., Stummann, B.M., Andersen, A.S. and Serek, M. (1999). Involvement  of ABA in postharvest life of miniature potted roses. Plant Growth Regul.  29: 143-150.
  6. Müller, R., SislerE.C. and Serek, M. (2000a). Stress induced ethylene production, ethylene binding,  and the response to the ethylene action inhibitor 1-MCP in miniature roses. Scient. Hort. 83: 51-59.
  7. Müller, R., Lind-Iversen, S., Stummann B.M. and Serek, M. (2000b). Expression  of genes for ethylene biosynthetic enzymes and an ethylene receptor in senescing flowers of miniature roses. J. Hort. Sci. & Biotechn.75:12-18.
  8. Müller, R., Stummann B.M. and Serek, M. (2000c). Characterization of an ethylene receptor family with differential expression in rose (Rosa hybrida L.) flowers. Plant Cell Rep.19: 1232-1239.
  9. Müller, R., Stummann, B.M., Andersen, A.S. and Serek, M. (2001a). Physiological and genetic reasons for different postharvest characteristics in miniature  potted roses. Acta Hort. 543: 153-159
  10. Müller, R., Stummann, B.M., Sisler E.C. and Serek, M. (2001b).  Cultivar  differences in regulation of ethylene production in miniature rose flowers  (Rosa hybrida L.). Gartenbauw. 1: 34-38.
  11. Müller, R., Stummann, B.M., Andersen, A.S. and Serek, M. (2001c). Effects and interactions of ethylene and abscisic acid in detached and intact miniature rose flowers. Acta Hort. 553: 173-174.
  12. Müller, R., Stummann B.M. and Andersen, A.S. (2001d). Comparison of postharvest properties of closely related miniature rose cultivars (R. hybrida) 1647: Scient. Hort. 91. 325-337.
  13. Müller, R., Owen, C.A., Xu, Z.-T, Welander, M. and Stummann,  B.M. (2002). Characterization of two CTR-like protein kinases in Rosa hybrida  and their expression during flower senescence and in response to ethylene.  J. Exp. Bot. 371: 1223-1225.
  14. Müller, R., Owen, C.A., Xu, Z.-T,  Welander, M. and Stummann, B.M. (2003) The transcription factor EIN3 is  constitutively expressed in miniature rose flowers with differences in postharvest life. J. Hort. Sci. & Biotechn.78: 10-14.
  15. Müller, R. and Stummann, B.M. (2003) Genetic control of ethylene perception and signal     transduction related to flower senescence. International Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment 1: 87-94.
  16. Müller, R., Owen, C.A., Xu, Z.-T, Welander, M. and Stummann, B.M. (2003) Expression of genes for ethylene receptors, CTR-gene homologues and the transcription factor EIN3 in      miniature rose flowers with differences in postharvest life. Acta Hort. 628:261-268
  17. Müller, R. and Stummann, B.M. (2003). Encyclopedia of Rose Science. Ethylene. Ed. A. Roberts, Elsevier Science Publishers: 557-564
  18. Müller, R., Nilsson, L., Krintel, C., Nielsen T. H. (2004). Gene  expression during recovery from phosphate starvation in roots and shoots  of Arabidopsis thaliana. Physiol. Plant. 122: 233-243
  19. Müller, R., Nilsson, L., Nielsen L.K., Nielsen T. H. (2005). Interaction between phosphate starvation  signalling and hexokinase-independent sugar sensing in Arabidopsis leaves. Physiol. Plant. 124: 81-90
  20. Müller, R. and Stummann, B.M. (2005). Genetic control of ethylene biosynthesis, perception and signal transduction related to flower senescence in ornamentals. Crops. Growth, Quality and Biotechnology. Ed. R. Dris. WFL Publishers: 1343-1356.
  21. Müller, R., Morant, M., Jarmer H., Nilsson, L. and Nielsen  T.H. (2007). Genome-wide analysis of the Arabidopsis leaf transcriptome reveals interaction of phosphate and sugar metabolism. Plant Physiology 143: 156-171
  22. Nilsson, L., Müller, R. and Nielsen T.H. (2007). Increased expression of a MYB-related transcription factor, PHR1, leads to enhanced phosphate uptake in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant, Cell  & Environment. 30: 1499-1512
  23. Stummann, B.M. and Müller, R. (2008) Crosstalk between ethylene, abscisic acid and sugar signalling pathways in  senescence of ornamentals. In: Floriculture, Ornamental and Plant Biotechnology: Advances and Topical Issues (1st Edition, Volume 5), Teixeira da Silva JA      (Ed), Global Science Books, Isleworth, UK, pp 68-78 (Print ISBN 978-4-903313-12-2).
  24. Christensen B., Sriskandarajah S., Serek M. and Müller, R.  (2008) In vitro culture of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.: The influence of iron, calcium and BAP on establishment and multiplication.  Plant Cell,Tissue and Organ Culture 93: 151-161
  25. Christensen B., Sriskandarajah S., Serek M. and Müller, R. (2008).  Transformation  of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana with rol-genes  of Agrobacterium rhizogenes is  useful in molecular breeding towards compact growth. Plant Cell Reports 27: 1485-1495.
  26. Christensen B. and Müller R. (2009) Kalanchoe blossfeldiana transformed with rol-genes exhibits improved postharvest performance and increased  ethylene tolerance. Postharvest Biology and Technology 51: 399-406.
  27. Christensen B., Sriskandarajah S. and Müller R. (2009) Transformation of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. by Agrobacterium rhizogenes. J.Hort. Sci & Biotech 84: 204-208.
  28. Sun Y, Christensen B,  Liu F, Wang H, Müller R. (2009). Effects of ethylene and 1-MCP (1-methylcyclopropene) on bud and flower drop in mini Phalaenopsis cultivars. Plant Growth Regulation 59: 83-91.     
  29. Christensen B, Sriskandarajah S, Müller R. (2009). Biomass      distribution in Kalanchoe      blossfeldiana transformed with rol-genes  from Agrobacterium rhizogenes. HortScience 44(5): 1233-1237.
  30. Christensen B. and Müller R. (2009). Improved Postharvest Life and Ethylene Tolerance in Kalanchoe blossfeldiana transformed with rol-genes of Agrobacterium rhizogenes. Acta Hort. 847: 87-93
  31. Petersen K.K., Rosenqvist E.,  Andersson N.E. and Müller R. (2009). Growing conditions, plant appearance and postharvest performance Acta Hort. 847: 155-160
  32. Christensen B. and Müller R. (2009) Agrobacterium  rhizogenes and its rol-genes in ornamentals. Journal of European Horticulture. 6 (Vol. 73): 275-287.
  33. Lütken H., Topp S.H., Mibus H., Müller R.  and Rasmussen, S.K. (2010). Production of compact plants by overexpression of AtSHI in the ornamental Kalanchoe. Plant Biotechnology Journal 8: 211-222.
  34. Nilsson L., Müller R. and Nielsen T.H. (2010). Dissecting the plant transcriptome and the regulatory response to phosphate deprivation. Physiologia Plantarum 139: 129-143.
  35. Zakizadeh, H., Stummann B.M., Lütken H. and Müller R. (2010). Isolation and characterisation of somatic embryogenesis receptor-like kinase (RhSERK) genes from miniature potted rose (Rosa hybrida cv. Linda). Plant Cell,Tissue and Organ Culture 101: 331-338.
  36. Christensen B., Sriskandarajah S., Jensen E.B., Lütken H. and Müller R. (2010). Transformation with  rol-genes of Agrobacterium rhizogenes as a strategy to breed compact ornamental plants with improved postharvest quality. Acta Hort. 855: 69-75.
  37. Thomsen D. J. and Müller R. (2010). Plants for a better life. Plant human interactions in an indoor environment. ISHS.  Landscape and Urban Horticulture. Bologna 9.-13.6.2009. Acta Hort 881:  837-841
  38. Thomsen D. J., Sønderstrup-Andersen H. Müller R. (2011). An Example of People-Plant Relationships in an Office Workplace – Benefits in Relation to the Working Environment and Well-being of the Employees. HortScience 46(5): 744-754
  39. Christensen,  B., Sriskandarajah, S., Müller, R.  and Serek, M. (2011). Quality improvement of  ornamental plants by introducing dwarfism into Kalanchoe blossfeldiana. Acta Hort. 941:109-116.
  40. Thomsen J.D., Sønderstrup-Andersen H.H.K and Müller R. (2012). Using exploratory factor  analysis to explore personal attitudes influencing the people-plant relationship in Danish workplaces. Acta Hort. 937: 1167-1172.
  41. Lütken H., Wallström S.V, Jensen E.B., Christensen B., and Müller R. (2012). A non-GMO breeding method, based on natural transformation with Agrobacterium rhizogenes, monitored through two progeny generations. Euphytica 3. 397-407      
  42. Lütken H., Clarke J.L. and Müller R. (2012). Genetic engineering and sustainable  production of ornamentals: current status and future directions. Plant Cell Reports.  31(7) 1141-1157.
  43. Röper AC , Lütken HV ,  Hegelund JN , K. Petersen K , Christensen, B & Müller R (2012) Effect of Different Ovule Isolation Times on the Embryo Development of Campanula Hybrids. Acta Hort. 953: 161-166
  44. Lütken H, Jensen EB, Wallström SV, Christensen B and Müller R. (2012). Development and Evaluation of a non-GMO Breeding Technique exemplified by Kalanchoë. Acta Hort 961: 51-58.
  45. Lütken H., Jensen E.B.,  Christensen B. and Müller R. (2012). Expression   levels of growth reducing genes transferred by Agrobacterium rhizogenes  used as a genetic tool in ornamental plants. Acta Hort. 938: 495-502
  46. Lütken, H.; Jensen E.B., Wallström S.V., Christensen B. and Müller R. (2012). Phenotypical and genotypical characterisation of compact  Kalanchoë lines produced by a non-GMO transformation strategy. Acta Hort. 938: 503-508
  47. Zakizadeh, H, Lütken, H, Sriskandarajah, S, Serek, M and Müller, R (2012). Transformation    of miniature potted rose (Rosa hybrida cv. Linda) with PSAG12-ipt gene delays leaf senescence and enhances resistance to exogenous ethylene. Plant Cell Reports. DOI 10.1007/s00299-012-1354-5
  48. Kuligowska, K, Boye Simonsen, M,  Lütken, HV, Christensen, B and Müller, R (2013) Breeding of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis for garden use in Denmark. 2nd International Symposium on Woody Ornamentals of the Temperate Zone. Acta Hort. In Press


Conference abstracts

  1. Serek, M., Sisler, E.C., Müller, R., Prabucki, A. and Andersen, A.S. (1997). Influence of ethylene action inhibitors on postharvest quality and rooting ability of cuttings.   International Symposium on Plant Senescence and Postharvest Biotechnology, Taipei, Taiwan, 1-3.12.1997.
  2. Müller, R.,  Andersen, A.S., Stummann, B.M. and Serek, M. (1998). Differences  in postharvest characteristics of miniature potted roses (Rosa hybrida L.). In: Biology and      Biotechnology of the Plant Hormone Ethylene. 5-8.9.1998, Fira, Santorini, Greece, Book of Abstracts: 91.
  3. Müller, R., Stummann, B.M., Andersen, A.S. and Serek, M. (1999). Physiological  and genetic reasons for different postharvest characteristics in miniature potted roses. In: Seventh International Symposium on Postharvest  Physiology of Ornamental Plants, Nov. 13-18.1999, Ford Lauderdale, Florida, Books of Abstracts: 59.
  4. Müller, R., Stummann, B.M., Andersen, A.S. and Serek, M. (2000). Effects and interactions of ethylene and abscisic acid in detached and intact miniature rose flowers. 4th International Conference on  Postharvest Science, Jerusalem, Israel, March 26-31, 2000. Book of  Abstracts: 60.
  5. Tinggaard, M., Müller, R., Serek, M., Sisler, E. and Andersen A.S. (2000). Rooting of Codiaeum cuttings. Third International Symposium on Adventitious  Root Formation 27. June –1.July 2000, Veldhoven, The Netherlands. Book of Abstracts: 45.
  6. Müller, R., Xue, Z.-T., Welander, M. and Stummann, B.M. (2001). Differentially expressed  ethylene receptor genes and CTR-gene homologs and their possible effect on post harvest life of miniature rose flowers. Second meeting of the COST  843 WG3. Quality enhancement of plant protection through tissue culture. April 19-21, 2001, Carcavelos, Portugal.
  7. Müller, R., Owen, C., Xue, Z.-T., Welander, M. and Stummann, B.M. (2001). Differentially  expressed ethylene receptor genes and two CTR-gene homologs and their possible impact on postharvest life of rose flowers. XX. Congress of the  Scandinavian Society for Plant Physiology, Røros, Norway, June 18-20, Book  of Abstracts: 18.
  8. Xue, Z.-T., Müller, R., Welander, M. (2001). Isolation of rooting related genes in Apple (Malus domestica). Second meeting of the COST 843 Quality enhancement of  plant protection through tissue culture WG1: Developmental Biology of Regeneration, Oct, 18-20, 2001, Rome, Italy.
  9. Müller, R., Owen, C., Xue, Z.-T., Welander, M. and Stummann, B.M. (2002). Expression of Genes for Ethylene Receptors, CTR-Gene Homologues and the Transcription Factor EIN3 in Miniature Rose Flowers with Differences in Postharvest Life. XXVI International Horticultural Congress, Toronto, Aug. 11.-17, 2002,      Book of Abstracts 236.
  10. Nilsson, L., Müller, R., Krintel, C., Nielsen, T. H. (2003) Phosphate sensing in Arabidopsis, 2nd Symposium “Signals, Sensing and Plant Primary Metabolism”.  9.-12. April. Potsdam, Germany. Book of Abstracts 70.
  11. Nilsson, L., Krintel, C., Müller, R. and Nielsen, T. H. (2003). Phosphate sensing in Arabidopsis. 7th Int. Congress of Plant Mol. Biology, June, 16-21, 2003. Barcelona, Spain. Book of Abstracts 216.
  12. Nilsson, L., Müller, R., Krintel, C., Nielsen, T. H.  (2003). Interaction between phosphate sensing and carbohydrate metabolism. XXI. Congress of the Scandinavian Society for Plant Physiology, Bornholm, Denmark,      21-24. Aug. Book of Abstracts 8.
  13. Nielsen, T.H., Müller, R., Nilsson, L. and Krintel, C. (2003). Phosphate sensing in Arabidopsis. 2nd Intern. Symposium on Phosphorus Dynamics in  the Soil-Plant Continuum 21.-26. Sept. 136-137
  14. Müller, R., Nilsson L., Nielsen T. (2004). Interaction of phosphate- and sugar-sensing in Arabidopsis      thaliana, Arabidopsis conference, Berlin, Germany, July
  15. Müller, R., Nilsson L., Nielsen T. (2004). Interaction between phosphate- and sugar sensing in Arabidopsis thaliana, FEPBS conference, Krakow, Polen, 23.-27.Aug, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 187-188
  16. Nilsson, L., Müller, R., Nielsen, T.H. (2005). Transcriptional regulation of phosphate starvation response in Arabidopsis, Keystone Symposia, St. Fe, New Mexico. Febr., 1–6., 2005. Book of Abstracts.
  17. Müller, R., Nilsson L., Nielsen T. (2005). Impact of phosphate and sugar on the Arabidopsis transcriptome. XXII. Congress of the Scandinavian Society for Plant Physiology, Umeå, Sweden, June,16-19. Book of Abstracts 17.
  18. Nilsson, L., Müller, R., Nielsen, T. H. (2005). Transcriptional regulation of phosphate starvation response in Arabidopsis, XXII. Congress of the Scandinavian Society for Plant  Physiology, Umeå, Sweden, June,16-19. Book of Abstracts 17.
  19. Nielsen,  T.H., Nilsson L., Müller, R., (2006).Transcriptional regulation in response to phosphate starvation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Biotech Denmark. Annual Meeting 1.-2.2. 2006.
  20. Müller, R., Nilsson, L., Nielsen, T. (2006). How do plants sense phosphate? Plant Stress Network Meeting, Odense, Danmark.
  21. Müller, R., Morant, M., Jarmer, H., Nilsson, L., Nielsen, T.H. (2006). Genome-wide      analysis of the Arabidopsis transriptome in response to phosphate and sucrose. XV FESPB Congress, Federation of European Societies of Plant  Biology, 17-21. July 2006, Lyon, 104.
  22. Nilsson, L., Müller, R., Nielsen, T.H.   (2006). Increased  expression of a MYB-related transcription factor, PHR1, leads to enhanced P-uptake in Arabidopsis thaliana. Intercellular signalling in plants. Biochemical society, Sheffield, 4-5. September 2006. P015.
  23. Müller, R., Morant, M., Jarmer, H., Nilsson, L., Nielsen, T.H. (2007). Genome-wide analysis of the Arabidopsis   transriptome in response to phosphate and sucrose. Plant Biotech Denmark. Annual Meeting. 23./24. 1. 2007
  24. Nilsson, L., Müller, R., Nielsen, T.H.  (2007). Increased  expression of a MYB-related transcription factor, PHR1, leads to enhanced P-uptake in Arabidopsis thaliana. Intercellular      signalling in plants. Plant Biotech Denmark. Annual Meeting. 23./24. 1. 2007
  25. Christensen,  B., Sriskandarajah, S., Müller, R.,  Serek, M. (2007). Quality improvement of ornamental plants by introducing dwarfism in Kalanchoe. Plant Biotech Denmark. Annual Meeting. 23./24. 1. 2007
  26. Nilsson L., Nielsen T.H., Müller R. (2007). Constitutive  over-expression of the MYB-related transcription factor PHR1 results in  accumulation of high levels of phosphate in shoots of Arabidopsis. 18th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, Beijing, China, June  20-23: 171
  27. Christensen B., Sriskandarajah S, Müller R., Serek M. (2007) Quality improvement of ornamental plants by introducing dwarfism into Kalanchoe. ISHS International Symposium. Genetic Modifications – Challenges and Opportunities for Horticulture in the World. 16-20. Sept. 2007, Ski, Norway, Book of Abstracts. 46.
  28. Christensen      B., Sriskandarajah S., Serek, M. and Müller,  R. (2008) Dwarfism by introducing rol-genes from  Agrobacterium rhizogenes into Kalanchoe. Plant Biotech Denmark Annual meeting 29-30 January 2008, Faculty of Life  Sciences, University of Copenhagen. Book of Abstracts.
  29. Christensen   B. and Müller R. (2008). Improved Postharvest Life and Ethylene Tolerance  in Kalanchoe blossfeldiana transformed with rol-genes of Agrobacterium rhizogenes. 9th International Symposium on Postharvest Quality of Ornamentals. ISHS. 11.-14.8.2008, Odense, Denmark, Book of Abstracts 18
  30. Petersen KK, Rosenqvist E, Andersson NE and Müller R. (2008). Growing conditions, plant appearance and postharvest performance. 9th International Symposium on Postharvest Quality of Ornamentals. ISHS.  11.-14.8.2008, Odense, Denmark, Book of Abstracts 32
  31. Christensen  B. and Müller R. (2008). Transformation of Kalanchoe with rol-genes  of Agrobacterium rhizogenes changes plant morphology, resource allocation and improves ethylene tolerance.  FESPB 2008, Tampere,  Finland, 17-22. August 2008, Book  of Abstracts, P07-045, In: Physiol. Plant.133
  32. Lütgen H., Topp S.H., Müller R. and Rasmussen, S.K.  (2008). SHI - establishing a GMO platform for improving the quality of ornamental plants. 6th ISHS International Symposium on In Vitro Culture and Horticultural Breeding. 2020 Vision for in vitro horticultural breeding, 24-28- August 2008, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Book of Abstracts 50
  33. Christensen B., Sriskandarajah S., Müller R. (2009). Transformation of Kalanchoe with rol-genes of Agrobacterium rhizogenes changes plant morphology, resource  allocation, improves flower longevity and ethylene tolerance. Plant Biotech Denmark, Annual Meeting, 29.-30. January, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen. Book of Abstracts.
  34. Lütken H., Topp S.H., Müller R. and Rasmussen, S.K. (2009). SHI - establishing a GMO platform for improving  the quality of ornamental plants. Plant Biotech Denmark, Annual Meeting,  29.-30. January, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen. Book of Abstracts.
  35. Rasmussen SK, Topp SH, Müller R, Sander L., Lütken H. (2009). SHI-Gene modification of Kalanchoe, Plant & Animal Genomes XVII Conference, January 10-14.2009, San Diege, CA. Book of Abstracts.
  36. Thomsen D. J. and Müller R. (2009). Plants for a better life. Plant human interactions in indoor environment. ISHS. Landscape and Urban Horticulture. Bologna 9.-13.6.2009. Book of Abstracts
  37. Christensen B, Sriskandarajah S, Jensen EB and Müller R. (2009). Transformation with  rol-genes of Agrobacterium rhizogenes as a strategy to breed compact ornamental plants with  improved postharvest quality. XXIII International Symposium, Section  Ornamentals “Colourful Breeding and Genetics” Aug 31 - Sept 4, 2009, Leiden, The Netherlands. Book of Abstracts 56.
  38. Lütken H, Topp SH, Müller R. and Rasmussen S (2009). SHI – establishing a GM-platform for improving the quality of ornamental plants. St. Louis. 9th IPMB congress, Oct 25-30, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, Book of Abstracts 384.
  39. Christensen B, Lütken H,Jensen EB, Sriskandarajah S and Müller  R. (2010). Transformation with rol-genes of Agrobacterium  rhizogenes as a strategy to breed compact ornamental plants with improved postharvest quality. Plant Biotech Denmark, Annual Meeting, 4. and 5. March, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen. Book of Abstracts 82
  40. Lütken, H.,  Jensen, E.B. Wallström  S.V., Christensen B., Müller R. (2010). Phenotypical and Genotypical Characterisation of Compact Kalanchoë Lines Produced by a Non-GMO Transformation Strategy.  28th   International Horticultural Congress. IHC Lisboa 2010 Science and Horticulture for People. Abstract book. 54.
  41. Lütken, H.,  Jensen, E.B. Wallström  S.V., Christensen B. and  Müller R. (2010). Expression Levels of Growth Reducing Genes Transferred by Agrobacterium rhizogenes Used as a Genetic Tool in Ornamental Plants. 28th International Horticultural Congress. IHC Lisboa 2010 Science and Horticulture for People. Abstract book. 53
  42. Thomsen, J. D. Sønderstrup-Andersen, H. H. K and Müller R. (2010). Using exploratory factor analysis to explore personal attitudes influencing the people-plant relationship in Danish workplaces 28th International Horticultural Congress. IHC Lisboa 2010. Science and Horticulture for People. Abstract book.
  43. Lütken HV, Wallström SV, Jensen EB, Christensen B, Müller R. (2011) Phenotypical and genotypical characterisation of compact Kalanchoë lines produced by a non-GMO transformation stragegy. 2011. Abstract from Plant Biotech Denmark 2011, Frederiksberg, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  44. Dela Cruz M., Christensen J.H., Müller R. (2011) System Development for the Investigation of Air Contaminant Removal by Indoor Plants. 2011. Abstract. EmCon 2011, Copenhagen, Danmark.
  45. Lütken H, Jensen EB, Wallström SV, Christensen B and Müller R. (2011). Development and Evaluation of a non-GMO Breeding Technique exemplified by Kalanchoë. IVCHB. Biotechnological advances in in vitro horticultural breeding, September 18-22, 2011. Ghent Belgium. Book of Abstracts 70.
  46. Hansen  MM, Müller R, Lütken H. (2012) Effect of the ethylene inhibitor 1-MCP in  postharvest chains of mini-Phalaenopsis. 2012. Abstract from International Conference on Quality Management in Supply Chains of Ornamentals 2012, Bangkok, Thailand.
  47. Kuligowska K, Lütken H, Christensen B. and Müller, R.  (2012) Breeding of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis for garden use in Denmark, Abstract from II International Symposium on Woody Ornamentals of the Temperate Zone, Ghent, Belgium, 1. - 4. July 2012.
  48. Kuligowska K, Christensen B, Lütken H, Müller R. (2012) Increasing Genetic Variability of Kalanchoë blossfeldiana -Derived Cultivars through Wide Hybridization. 2012. Abstract from 24th International EUCARPIA      Symposium - Section Ornamentals, Warsaw, Poland.
  49. Hegelund, JN, Lütken H, Christensen, B, Müller R. (2012).  Genetic modification of oilseed rape to create new quality and flower characteristics. Abstract from Brassica 2012 12.-16. 2012 - November 2012, Catania,  Italy
  50. Lauridsen UB, Müller R, Lütken H. (2012) Ethylene sensitivity and responses in Hydrangea.  Abstract from 10th International Symposium on Postharvest Quality of Ornamental Plants. Porto de Galinhas, Brazil. 16.-19. October 2012.


Technical and trade papers, popular science

  1. Müller R., 1988: Chancen in der Innenraumbegrünung. Deutscher Gartenbau 10: 3002-3003.
  2. Müller R., 1989: Ein Tag als Berater am Infostand. Deutscher Gartenbau 43: 2604-2605.
  3. Müller R., 1990: Die richtige Temperatur für Hydrokulturen. Gartenpraxis 11: 64-66.
  4. Müller R., 1993: Eindrücke von der Trädgårds Tekniska Mässan. Deutscher Gartenbau 47: 2958-2960.
  5. Müller R., 1993: Tips für den Hydro-Service-Gärtner. Deutscher Gartenbau 49:3078-3079.
  6. Müller R., 1994: Primel-Tage im hohen Norden. Deutscher Gartenbau 9: 588-591.
  7. Müller R., 1994: Konkurrenz der Giganten in Dänemark. Deutscher Gartenbau 11: 705
  8. Müller R., 1994. Extra-Rechnung für die dänischen Gärtner. Deutscher Gartenbau 12: 726
  9. Müller R., 1994: Erfolgskurs der dänischen Topfrosen. Deutscher Gartenbau 20: 1204-1207.
  10. Müller R., 1994: Objektbegrünung mit Steinwolle. Deutscher Gartenbau 23:1352-1354.
  11. Müller R., 1994: Schwerpunkt Begonien. Deutscher Gartenbau 24: 1407-1409.
  12. Müller R., 1994: GASAs vereinbaren Fusion. Deutscher Gartenbau 24: 1396.
  13. Müller R., 1994: Millionen-Verluste einer Tomatengärtnerei. Deutscher Gartenbau 31: 1806-1808.
  14. Müller R., 1994: Trends bei Topfpflanzen. Deutscher Gartenbau 32: 1846-1848.
  15. Müller R., 1994: Efeuranken einmal anders. Deutscher Gartenbau 32: 1858-1859.
  16. Müller R., 1994: Topfrosenzüchtungen aus Dänemark. Der Gartenbau - L’Horticulture 33: 26-27.
  17. Müller R., 1994: Erfolgreiches Messe-Duo in Dänemark. Deutscher Gartenbau 40: 2389-2394.
  18. Müller R., 1994: Wachstum im dänischen Gartenbau. Der Gartenbau - L’Horticulture 43: 23-26.
  19. Müller R., 1995: Muehlenbeckia - eine Pflanze mit Zukunft. Der Gartenbau -L’Horticulture 16: 8-10.
  20. Müller R., 1995: Gezielt Neuheiten suchen. Deutscher Gartenbau 41: 2386-2388.
  21. Müller R., 1995: Figyeljük a divatot ! Kertészet és Szölészet 51-52: 8-9
  22. Müller R., 1995: Was ist ein Eisbrecher? Deutscher Gartenbau 51-52: 2954-2955.
  23. Müller R. & Serek, M., 1995: Die Haltbarkeit lässt sich verbessern. Forschungsarbeiten in Dänemark. Der Gartenbau - L’Horticulture 48: 12-15.
  24. Serek M. & Müller R., 1995: Neues Haltbarkeitsmittel. Deutscher Gartenbau 12: 694- 696.
  25. Müller R., 1996: Qualitätssicherung bei Topfpflanzen nach ISO 9002. Deutscher Gartenbau 2: 88-89.
  26. Müller R., 1996: Aktiv an die Kundschaft herangehen. Der Gartenbau - L’Horticulture 10: 7-10.
  27. Müller R., 1996: Die Gärtnerinsel Fünen - 1: Das Forschungszentrum in Årslev. Deutscher Gartenbau 20: 1185-1187.
  28. Müller R., 1996: Die Gärtnerinsel Fünen - 2: Auf Spezialitätensuche. Deutscher Gartenbau 23: 1323-1324.
  29. Müller R., 1996: Noch mehr Forschung in Dänemark. Deutscher Gartenbau 31: 1696- 1698.
  30. Müller R., 1996. Messeneuheiten aus Dänemark. Deutscher Gartenbau 38: 2136-2140.
  31. Müller R., 1996. Gartenrosen mit Tradition und Zukunft. Deutscher Gartenbau 43: 2394-2395.
  32. Müller R., 1996. DAN PLANT ´96. Kertészet és Szölészet 51-52: 27-30
  33. Müller R., 1997. Osteospermum auf Erfolgskurs. Deutscher Gartenbau 6: 359-361.
  34. Müller R., 1997. Dänische Innovationen drängen auf den Markt. Der Gartenbau - L’Horticulture 10: 7-9.
  35. Müller R. & Aaslyng, J. 1997. Dynamische Klimasteuerung hilft Energie sparen. Der Gartenbau - L’Horticulture 42: 32-33.
  36. Müller R., 1997. Stecklings-Qualität. Deutscher Gartenbau 43: 2316-2318.
  37. Müller R. & Serek M.. 1998. Kan stiklingernes holdbarhed forbedres? Gartner Tidende 16: 12-13.
  38. Müller R. & Serek M.1998: Årsager til forskelle i holdbarhed af potteroser. Gartner Tidende 5:18-20.
  39. Müller R. & Serek M. 1998. Unterschiede in der Haltbarkeit. Deutscher Gartenbau 43: 16-19
  40. Müller R. 2001. Topf-Kultur mit Zukunft. Deutscher Gartenbau 40: 15-18.
  41. Müller R. 2004. Holdbare potteroser. Naturens Verden 3: 22-29.
  42. Serek M. Sisler E.C. & Müller R. 2004. Nowy srodek przedluzajacy trwalosc owocow, warzyw i kwiatow. Haslo Ogrodnicze 4: 10-13
  43. Serek M, Müller R. & Sisler E.C. 2005 Jakosc sadzonek. Rosliny Ozdobne, czasopismo dla producentow, handlowcow, florysto 1: 13.
  44. Müller R., Nielsen T.H. & Nilsson L. 2005. Fosfat og planter. Bedre planter – bedre miljø. Naturens Verden 5: 12-19.
  45. Müller R., Nilsson L. and Nielsen T.H. 2005: Planters tilpasning til fosfatmangel - grundforskning med perspektiver. 10: 1-4 
  46. Lund J, Skou PT, Jakobsen L, Müller R. 2006: ’Grønne spørgsmål’ and ’Sidste salgsdato på potteplanter?’ Frederiksberg avis, 4. may 2006, no. 18, p. 14 and 15
  47. Rosenqvist E. & Müller R. 2007: To nøgleord: Energi og Plantekvalitet. Gartner Tidende 10: 12-13
  48. Kuehn A., Ottosen CO, Petersen KK, Müller R. 2008: Kan kvalitet og holdbarhed forbedres? Gartner Tidende 2: 46-49
  49. Christensen B and Müller  R. 2008: Alternativ til kemisk retardering. Gartner Tidende 19: 50-51
  50. Christensen B and Müller  R. 2009: Én indgang til innovation og produktudvikling. Gartner Tidende 11: 28-29
  51. Müller R. and Grout B. 2009. LIFE uddanner for livet. Gartner Tidende 15: 20-21
  52. Jensen L. and Müller R. 2009. Miltoniopsis – en ny orkidé i dansk produktion? Gartner Tidende 16: 28-29
  53. Thomsen D. J. and Müller R. 2009. Plants for a better life. Gartner Tidende 16: 18-19
  54. Simonsen M.B. and Müller R. 2011. Økologiske potteplanter – hvorfor ikke? Gartner Tidende 8: 36-37.


Books and proceedings

  1. Müller, R., 1996: Hydrokultur. Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart.  ISBN 3-8001-6851-0
  2. Müller, R., 1996: Zimmerbrunnen. Falkenverlag, Niedernhausen. ISBN 3-8068-1705-7 (translated to Russian)
  3. Müller, R., 2006. Hydrokultur. 2. ed. Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart. ISBN 3-8001-4957-5 (translated to Polish and Hungarian)
  4. Ottosen, CO, Grout BWW and Müller R. [editors] (2009). Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Postharvest Quality of Ornamental Plants, pp 400; ISHS.



  1. Müller, R. (1981). Mutagene treatment of Gesneriaceae tissue cultures. Diplomarbeit. Fachhochschule Wiesbaden, Geisenheim, Germany.
  2. Müller, R. (1996). Importance of ethylene for the storage of cuttings and subsequent rooting with special consideration of foliage plants. Master thesis. Horticulture, Dept. for Agricultural Sciences, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  3. Müller, R. (1999). Physiological and genetic reasons for different postharvest characteristics in potted miniature roses. PhD.-thesis. Horticulture. Dept. of Agricultural Sciences. The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  4. Müller, R. (2011). Physiology and Genetics of Plant Quality Improvement. Basic and translational research within ethylene biology, growth control and phosphate metabolism with emphasis on ornamental plants. Doctoral dissertation. Faculty of Life Sciences. University of Copenhagen.  ISBN 978-87-7611-410-7. 390 pp.


GenBank Entries

  1. AF159172 [1999, 534 bp] Rosa hybrida ethylene receptor (ETR4) gene, partial cds.
  2. AF154119 [1999, 798 bp] Rosa hybrida ethylene receptor (ETR3) gene, partial cds.
  3. AF127221 [1999, 665 bp] Rosa hybrida ethylene receptor (ETR1) gene, partial cds.
  4. AF127220 [1999,1299 bp] Rosa hybrida ethylene receptor (ETR2) gene, partial cds.
  5. AF271206 [2000, 561 bp] Rosa hybrida CTR1 protein kinase gene, partial cds.
  6. AF413668 [2001, 618 bp] Campanula carpatica putative membrane-bound ethylene receptor 1 (ERS1) gene , partial cds.
  7. AF413669 [2001, 600 bp] Campanula carpatica putative membrane-bound ethylene receptor 2 (ERS2) gene , partial cds.
  8. AF413670 [2001, 825 bp] Campanula carpatica putative membrane-bound ethylene receptor 4 (ERS4) gene, partial cds.
  9. AY029067 [2001, 681 bp] Rosa hybrida CTR2 protein kinase mRNA, partial cds.
  10. AY032953 [2001,3121 bp] R. hybrida CTR1 protein kinase mRNA, complete cds.
  11. AY052825 [2001, 407 bp] R. hybrida EIN3-like transcription factor mRNA, part. cds.
  12. AF394913 [2001, 2497 bp] Rosa hybrid cultivar photoregulatory zinc-finger protein COP1 mRNA, complete cds.
  13. EF631967 [2007,660 bp] Rosa hybrid cultivar somatic embryogenesis receptor-like kinase 1 (SERK1) gene, partial cds.
  14. EF631968 [2007,595 bp] Rosa hybrid cultivar somatic embryogenesis receptor-like kinase 2 (SERK2) gene, partial cds.
  15. EF631969 [2007, 381 bp] Rosa hybrid cultivar somatic embryogenesis receptor-like kinase 3 (SERK3) gene, partial cds.
  16. EF631970 [2007, 404 bp] Rosa hybrid cultivar somatic embryogenesis receptor-like kinase 4 (SERK4) gene, partial cds.
  17. EF631971 [2007, 264 bp] Rosa hybrid cultivar actin gene, partial cds.




  • ???Potteplanter???
  • ???Prydplanter???
  • ???Væksthusproduktion???
  • .
  • Geneticallt modified animals, plants and organisms (GMO)
  • Gene splicing

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