• Thorvaldsensvej 40

    1871 Frederiksberg C

Personal profile

Short presentation

How do plants integrate complex input signals, adapt and respond? Are we able to simulate these cellular circuits to control plant processes on command? Could these circuits be applied to achieve more efficient bioproduction? These questions drive my research.

My previous research was directed on genetic regulation developing switches that integrate one or more inputs like light or chemicals to get different types of responses in the plant. The development and successful implementation in planta of PULSE is one of my major achievements. PULSE is an optogenetic switch that turns on the gene expression of a gene while keeping it ‘off’ in ambient light. This foundational tool opens up the possibilities for the optogenetics plant field in basic and applied research.

My current research aims to understand how plants store high amounts of natural compounds in biocondensates while avoiding auto-toxicity. This will be key to expanding current green bio-production systems and removing current bottlenecks related to the storage of high-value compounds in the production host.

One of my career goals is to bring new technologies into the plant and microalgae field that may be applied to advance sustainable bioproduction of high-value compounds and facilitate a green transition in society

Education/Academic qualification

Molecular and Synthetic Biology, PhD, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf

1 Jan 20157 Jul 2020

Award Date: 7 Jul 2020

B.Sc & M.Sc in Biotechnology , Polytechnic University of Valencia

1 Sep 20099 Jul 2014

Award Date: 9 Jul 2014


  • Faculty of Science
  • Biochemistry

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