Bent Aalbæk
- Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Veterinary Clinical Microbiology - Associate Professor emeritus
Person: VIP
Helle Klingenberg Iversen
- Department of Clinical Medicine, Department of Clinical Medicine - Clinical Associate Professor
- Department of Clinical Medicine, Neurology
Person: VIP
Páll S. Leifsson
- Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Pathobiological Sciences - Associate Professor
Person: VIP
Per Meden
- Department of Clinical Medicine, Department of Clinical Medicine - Clinical Associate Professor
- Department of Clinical Medicine, Neurology
Person: VIP
Henrik H. El Ali
- Department of Biomedical Sciences, Physiology of circulation, kidney and lung - Associate Professor
Person: VIP
Uffe Kristiansen
- Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology, Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology - Associate Professor
Person: VIP
Peter Busch Østergren
- Department of Clinical Medicine, Department of Clinical Medicine - Clinical Associate Professor
- Department of Clinical Medicine, Urology
Person: VIP
Steen Seier Poulsen
- Department of Biomedical Sciences, Endocrinology and Metabolism - Associate Professor
Person: VIP
Klas Abelson
- Department of Experimental Medicine, Section of Research and Education - Professor
- Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Preclinical Disease Biology - Associate Professor
Person: VIP
Otto Kalliokoski
- Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Preclinical Disease Biology - Associate Professor
Person: VIP
Christina Rostrup Kruuse
- Department of Clinical Medicine, Department of Clinical Medicine - Clinical Professor
Person: VIP
Karsten Overgaard
External person
Mai Bang Poulsen
External person
Linda Katharina Karlsson
- Copenhagen University Hospital - Rigshospitalet
- University of Copenhagen
External person
Bo Zerahn
External person
Anne Merete Boas Soja
External person
Karsten Overgaard
External person
Brian Nilsson
External person
Karsten Overgaard
External person
Mette Sørensen Resen
External person
Ann Mosegaard Johansen
External person
Nicole Elisabeth Ørsted Schultz
External person
K. Overgaard
External person
Anne-Mette Ragle
- University of Copenhagen
- Copenhagen University Hospital - Rigshospitalet
External person
Matthias Nybro Smith
External person
Axel Lerche
External person
Karsten Overgaard
External person
Anahita Rashid
- Copenhagen University Hospital - Rigshospitalet
- University of Copenhagen
External person
Sarah F Thormose
- Afdeling for Eksperimentel Medicin, Forskning og Undervisning, Københavns Universitet
External person
Gagandip Poone
External person
Pernille Corell
External person
Anna Boschian
- Afdeling for Eksperimentel Medicin, Forskning og Undervisning, Københavns Universitet
External person
Peter Sommer Ulriksen
External person
Georg Johannes Müller
External person
Mariana Obreja Kristensen
External person
Maria Pedersen
External person
Elisabeth S Hildebrandt-Eriksen
External person
Jacob Hansen-Schwartz
External person