No photo of Sarah Wadmann

Sarah Wadmann


  • Øster Farimagsgade 5 opg. B

    1353 København K

Personal profile





Master in public health, University of Copenhagen (March 2010)


Bachelor in public health, University of Copenhagen (June 2007)






Ph.d. student, Center for Healthy Aging (CEHA), University of Copenhagen (July 2010-Feb 2014).


Research Assistant, Department of Public Health, Section for Health Services Research, University of Copenhagen(Feb 2010-June 2010).


Research Assistant, Danish Health Institute (Nov 2008-Dec 2009).      


Instructor, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen (Sep 2009-Oct 2009).


Research Assistant, Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen (June 2008-Dec 2008).


Research Assistant, Department of Public Health, Section for Health Services Research, University of Copenhagen (Jan 2008-May 2008).



Hvad betyder information for patienters samtykke til deltagelse i kliniske forsøg? [What does information imply for patient consent in clinical trials?] Annual Meeting of the Danish Research Ethics Committees, Roskilde, Sep. 28, 2012 

Koordination af sundhedsydelser – et reguleringsteoretisk perspektiv. Workshop on care coordination for persons with chronic conditions arranged by the Danish Society for Quality and Healthcare, Nyborg Strand, January 2011.


The changing roles and skills of nurses and social care workers for a better coordination of care in Europe – The experience of Denmark. Policy dialogue arranged by The European Observatory of Health System and Policies on behalf of the European Commission, Stockholm, October 2009.




Emotions in the lab. On extra-ordinary care, extra-services and emotional work in clinical drug testing.Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) & EASST research meeting, Copenhagen. October 17-21 2012.

Socioeconomic conditions for knowledge production about preventive, cardiovascular medication: Physician-industry relations. Presentation at the AcademyHealth Research Meeting, Orlando, Florida, USA, June 2012

Linking up: Morality and materiality in doctor-industry relations. Presentation at the Nordic Health Anthropology Conference, Grenå, Denmark, June 2011.

Getting access: Information retrieval about blood pressure lowering drugs in Danish General Practice. Poster at the Danish Hypertension Association's yearly meeting, Korsør, Denmark, April 2011.

Ordination af blodtryksmidler i dansk almen praksis - Et organisationsteoretisk perspektiv på klinisk praksis. Presentation at Danish Forum for Health Services Research, København, Denmark, November 2010. 

Prescription of blood pressure lowering drugs in Danish general practice: Organizational conditions of possibility. Poster at yearly congress for the International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU), Snekkersten, Denmark, October 2010.

Prescribing blood pressure medication - Reduction in decision-making uncertainty and the shaping of clinical practice. Presentation at Technoscientific and Social Dynamics of Health and Healthcare conference held by the European Sociological Association (ESA) and Sociology of Science and Technology Network (SSTNET), Helsinki, Finland, October 2010.

Prescribing blood pressure medication - Reduction in decision-making uncertainty and the shaping of clinical practice. Presentation at the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) yearly meeting, Tokyo, Japan, August 2010.

Ordination af Blodtryksmedicin i Dansk Almen Praksis - Reduktion af beslutningsusikkerhed og formning af klinisk praksis. Presentation at yearly meeting for the Danish Association for Science and Technology Studies (DASTS), København, Denmark, June 2010.

Tre blik på præstationsbaseret styring – mod en større forståelse af Presentation at Danish Forum for Health Services Research, København, Denmark, November 2007.

Performance-based Management in Hospitals. Poster at yearly meeting for the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Union (ASPHER), Valencia, Spain, October 2007.



17.10.2012: Panel Chair, Establishing Expert Knowledge: Local work in clinical trials. Social Studies of Science (4S) & EASST research meeting, Copenhagen.

14.6.2011: Cross-border healthcare: The EU health directive. Seminar organizer. Association of Public Health Graduates in Denmark.

2.3.2007: Public Health Conference – health promotion and communication. Student conference organizer. Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen.

15.2.2006: Public Health Science – professionalism and competencies. Workshop organizer. Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen.



Reviewer for Social Science & Medicine and Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.

Research stay, Center for Biomedical Ethics and Society, Vanderbilt University, USA (Feb-July 2012)

Elected vice president for the Danish Association of Public Health Graduates (fraction under Danish Society of Public Health) (2010-2011).


Elected member ofthe Academic Council, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen (2007-2009).


Elected member ofthe staff-student committee, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen (2006-2007).



Nov 2011: Travel grant (U.S.), Krista & Viggo Petersen's Foundation: 37500 dkr.

July 2011: Travel grant (U.S.), Knud Højgaard's Foundation: 20000 dkr. 

May 2011: Travel grant (U.S.), Julie von Müllens Foundation: 15000 dkr.

April 2011: Travel grant (U.S.), Copenhagen Graduate School of Health Sciences: 55000 dkr.

April 2011: Travel grant (U.S.), Oticon Foundation: 12000 dkr.

July 2010: Travel grant (Japan), Oticon Foundation: 4500 dkr.

June 2010: One years salary for Ph.D. study, Copenhagen Graduate School of Health Sciences


Oct. 2007: Travel grant (Spain), Oticon Foundation: 1930 dkr.

June 2002: Student grant, Bro’s Legat, Holstebro Gymnasium: 8000 dkr.




Danish Society of Public Health (2009-)

Society for the Social Studies of Science (2010-)




Danish Hypertension Society (2011-)

June 2010: Two years salary for Ph.D. study, Nordea Foundation

Primary fields of research

My primary research interest concerns how the organization of healthcare systems affects the delivering of healthcare services and thereby public health. I am especially interested in quality and audit systems, coordination of healthcare service delivery, public-private collaboration and EU regulation.

In my ph.d. project, I investigate organizational conditions of possibility for knowledge formation about blood pressure lowering drugs. What drives me is a desire to understand what comes to counts as true knowledge (facts) about drugs in various clinical settings, and how this may influence drug prescription. The project is undertaken as a multi-sited, ethnographic study in general practice and research intensive hospital wards in Denmark.


My teaching centers on courses about the organization of healthcare systems – mainly introductory courses focusing on understanding and critically analyzing modes of organization. I teach public health and medicine students at undergraduate and graduate level. Besides, I’ve done guest lecturing for graduate public health students on STS-perspectives in public health analysis.

I am co-supervising undergraduate and graduate public health students in projects about quality management and governance in the Danish healthcare system.


  • Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
  • hypertension
  • elevated blood presure
  • drugs
  • pharmaceuticals
  • medications
  • pharmaceutical industry
  • marketing
  • evidence-based medicine
  • Knowledge
  • Clinical trials
  • Knowledge dissemination
  • General practice
  • Hospitals
  • Organizing
  • Decision-making
  • Prescription
  • Organizational theory
  • Science and Technology Studies (STS)
  • Health Aging
  • Quality assurance
  • Integrated care

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