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Signe Marie Jensen

cand scient oecon, PhD Applied statistics

  • Højbakkegård Allé 13, 2630 Taastrup

  • Højbakkegård Allé 13

    2630 Taastrup

Personal profile

Short presentation

2007:MSc in Mathematical economics, University of Copenhagen.

2015: PhD in Applied Statistics, University of Copenhagen


2007 – 2008: Research assistant at Department of Biostatistics, Health Science, University af Copenhagen

2008 - 2010: Statistician at DBAC (Dansk BørneAstma Center)

2010 – 2014: PhD student, Department of Human Nutrition, LIFE, University of Copenhagen

2014 - 2015: Statistician at Danish Cancer Research Society

2015 - present: Post doc, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, LIFE, University of Copenhagen 

Research field
Statistical methods for simultaneous inference

Statistical methods for analysis of phenotyping data


Research projects


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