Research output per year
Research output per year
Dr. phil., dr. h.c. (bis)
Karen Blixens Plads 8
2300 København S
Born 1946. Studies in Copenhagen and Salonica (Greece) 1964-72
Degrees in Modern Greek and Classical Philology, University of Copenhagen, 1968, 1972. Dr. phil., University of Copenhagen, 1981. Fil. dr. h.c. Gothenburg 2013, Dr. h.c. Bologna 2020.
1972-2016 employed at the Institute of Greek and Latin Medieval Philology, University of Copenhagen, and it sucessor institutes (Institute for Greek and Latin 1992-2004, Saxo Institute 2004-). Since 2016 Prof. em. at the Saxo Institute.
Fellow of The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters since 1989. Member of Academia Europaea since 2014. Honorary member of Società Italiana per lo Studio del Pensiero Medievale 2020.
Since 1966 editor for Corpus Philosophorum Danicorum Medii Aevi. Editor-in-chief since 1982. Editor-in-chief of the Buridan Society's edition of Buridan's Summulae. Editor of Cahiers de l'Institut du moyen-âge grec et latin since 1982. Member of the commission for Union Académique Internationale's Aristoteles Latinus project. On the advisory board of several journals.
Member of several learned societies. 1992-2000 on the board of Société Internationale pour l'Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale (president of the society's commission for the trivium 1982-2012).
Prizes: Einar Hansen's Prize for Outstanding Humanistic Research 1991, Gad Rausing's Prize for Outstanding Achivement in the Humanities 2017.
2009-2016 leader of Centre for the Aristotelian Tradition at the Saxo Institute, University of Copenhagen. 2013-early 2020 participant in the project Representation and Reality directed by Christina Thomsen Thörnqvist, Gothenburg.
Bibliography Sten Ebbesen
1. ‘Zu Oxforder Gedichten des Primas Hugo', Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 3: 250-253.
2. ‘Zum Carmen Cantabrigiense VI', Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 3: 254-256.
2a. ‘Betragtninger over en delfisk fest’, Museum Tusculanum 7: 9-17.
2b. ‘Kamplege’, Museum Tusculanum 11: 35-45.
2c. ‘Vaticinia’, Museum Tusculanum 11: 56-58.
2d. ‘Ovidianske flotheder’, Museum Tusculanum 11: 70-71.
2e. ‘Græske humanister’, Museum Tusculanum 12: 45-48.
3. (& J. Pinborg), ‘Studies in the Logical Writings Attributed to Boethius de Dacia', CIMAGL 3: 1-54.
5. Lærebog i moderne græsk. Akademisk Forlag: København. (2nd ed. 1977; Swedish ed. Göteborg Universitet 1979).
6. (A.Bülow-Jacobsen & ): ‘Five Copenhagen Papyri', CIMAGL 6: 1-41.
7. ‘Three Greek Etymologies', CIMAGL 8: 1-2.
8. ‘Anonymi Bodleiani in Sophisticos Elenchos Aristotelis Commentarii fragmentum', CIMAGL 8: 3-32.
9. ‘Galeni libellus de captionibus. New Manuscripts', Hermes 101: 374-379.
10. '‘¿ Yell¿V ka¿ o¿ Sofistiko¿ ¿¿legcoi', BYZANTINA 5: 427-444.
11. ‘Manlius Boethius on Aristotle's Analytica Posteriora', CIMAGL 9: 68-73.
12. ‘Another Fragment of a Commentary on Aristotle's Sophistici Elenchi: The Anonymus Admont', CIMAGL 9: 74-76.
13. ‘Paris 4720A: A 12th Century Compendium of Aristotle's Sophistici Elenchi'. CIMAGL 10: 1-20.
14. ‘Simon of Faversham on the Sophistici Elenchi' CIMAGL 10: 21-28.
15. ‘Index quaestionum super Sophisticos Elenchos' CIMAGL 10: 29-44.
16. ‘Pindaros O.1, 106-108'. Hermes 102: 503.
17. ‘Prooemium Mertonense anonymi cuiusdam in Arist. APo. commentarii literalis'. CIMAGL13: 42-48.
18. Katharevousa. Grammatik og tekstsamling beregnet for nygræskstuderende ved Kbhv. Universitet. IKF: København.
19. Anonymus Aurelianensis II, Aristotle, Alexander, Porphyry and Boethius. Ancient Scholasticism and 12th century Western Europe. CIMAGL 16: 1-128.
20. [Review of] Gabriel Nuchelmans, Theories of the Proposition (1973). Lingua 40: 89-97.
21. ‘The Summulae, Tractatus VII, De Fallaciis'. In: J. Pinborg (ed.), The Logic of John Buridan. Acts of the 3rd European Symposium on Medieval Logic and Semantics. = Opuscula graecolatina 9: 139-160. Museum Tusculanum: Copenhagen.
22. ‘Hoc aliquid - quale quid and the Signification of Appellatives', Philosophia 5-6 (1975-76): 370-392. Athens.
23. ‘Can Equivocation be Eliminated?', Studia Mediewistyczne 18: 103-124.
24. ‘Jacobus Veneticus on the Posterior Analytics and some early 13th century Oxford Masters on the Elenchi', CIMAGL 21: 1-9.
25. (ed.): Incertorum Auctorum Quaestiones super Sophisticos Elenchos = Corpus Philosophorum Danicorum Medii Aevi VII. DSL/Gad: København. Pp. lxi + 419.
26. ‘The Sophism ‘Rationale est animal' by Radulphus Brito', CIMAGL 24: 85-120.
27. ‘The Dead Man is Alive', Synthese 40: 43-70.
28. [Review of] Aristoteles Latinus VI.1-3. Vivarium 17: 67-80.
29. ‘"Contract verbs" in Common Modern Greek'. ¿LLHNIKA 31: 62-107.
30. (ed.): Anonymi Aurelianensis I Commentarium in Sophisticos Elenchos. CIMAGL 34: i-xlviii + 1-200.
31. ‘Logica docens/utens'. Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie 5: 353-355. Schwabe: Basel.
32. ‘Is "canis currit" ungrammatical? Grammar in Elenchi commentaries'. Historiographia Linguistica 7.1/2:: 53-68.
33. ‘Gerontobiologiens Grundproblemer'. Museum Tusculanum 40-43: 269-288.
34. ‘The Contribution of the Greek Commentators on the Organon to the Formation of Western Scholasticism'. Proceedings of the World Congress on Aristotle, Thessaloniki August 7-14, 1978 I: 183-186, Ministry of Culture and Sciences: Athens.
35. ‘Analyzing Syllogisms or Anonymus Aurelianensis III - the (presumably) Earliest Extant Latin Commentary on the Prior Analytics, and its Greek Model'. CIMAGL 37: 1-20.
36. Commentators and Commentaries on Aristotle's Sophistici Elenchi. A Study of Post-Aristotelian Ancient and Medieval Writings on Fallacies, vols. I-III = Corpus Latinum Commentariorum in Aristotelem Graecorum VII.1-3. Brill: Leiden. Pp. x+355, xxxviii + 557, 415. (Diss.). [Part of vol. 1 reprinted as ‘Porphyry's legacy to logic: a reconstruction' in R.Sorabji (ed.), Aristotle Transformed, London 1990, pp. 141-171]
37. ‘Albert (the Great?)'s Companion to the Organon'. Miscellanea Mediaevalia 14: 89-103.
38. ‘Early Supposition Theory (12th - 13th cent.)'. Histoire Épistémologie Langage 3,1: 35-48.
39. ‘Suprasegmental Phonemes in Ancient and Mediaeval Logic'. In H.A.G.Braakhuis & al. (eds.), English Logic and Semantics from the End of the Twelfth Century to the Time of Ockham and Burleigh. Acts of the 4th European Symposium on Mediaeval Logic and Semantics = Artistarium, Supplementa I: 331-359. Ingenium: Nijmegen.
40. (& J.Pinborg): ‘Bartholomew of Bruges and his Sophisma on the Nature of Logic'. CIMAGL 39: iii-xxvi + 1-80.
41. ‘The Present King of France wears Hypothetical Shoes with Categorical Laces. Twelfth-century Writers on Well-Formedness'. Medioevo 7: 91-113.
42. ‘Ancient scholastic logic as the source of medieval scholastic logic'. In: N.Kretzmann, A.Kenny, J.Pinborg (eds.): The Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy: 101-127. [Italian translation in: La logica nel medioevo, Jaca Book: Milano 1999]
43. Filosofgræsk, del 1-2. = Rudimenta graecolatina 6.1-2. Museum Tusculanum: København. Pp. 75, 87.
44. (& J.Pinborg): Gennadios and Western Scholasticism. Radulphus Brito's Ars Vetus in Greek Translation. Classica et Mediaevalia 33 (1981-82): 263-319.
45. [Review of] R.W.Hunt, The History of Grammar in the Middle Ages. Historiographia Linguistica 9.1/2: 161-163.
46. (A.Bülow-Jacobsen & S.E.): ‘Vaticanus Urbinas Graecus 35. An edition of the Scholia on Aristotle's Sophistici Elenchi'. CIMAGL 43: 45-120.
47. [Review of] Guillelmi de Ockham Expositio super libros Elenchorum, ed. F. del Punta. Vivarium 20: 142-153.
48. (& J.Pinborg): ‘Thott 581° 4, or De ente rationis, De definitione accidentis, De probatione terminorum'. In: A.Maierù (ed.), English Logic in Italy in the 14th and 15th Centuries. Acts of the 5th European Symposium on Medieval Logic and Semantics = History of Logic I: 111-146. Bibliopolis: Napoli.
49. ‘The Odyssey of Semantics from the Stoa to Buridan'. In: A.Eschbach & J.Trabant (eds.), History of Semiotics = Foundations of Semiotics 7: 67-85. J.Benjamins: Amsterdam. Italian trl. "L'Odissea della semantica della Stoa a Buridano" in: R. Fedriga & S. Puggioni, eds., Logica e linguaggio nel medioevo, Milano 1993, pp., 165-183.
50. [Review of] Hans Ruef, Augustin über Semiotik und Sprache. Journal of the History of Philosophy 21: 563-565.
51. (& Y.Iwakuma): ‘Instantiae and 12th-century "Schools"‘. CIMAGL 44: 81-85.
52. (& K.M.Fredborg & L.O.Nielsen, eds.): Compendium logicae Porretanum ex codice Oxoniensi Collegii Corporis Christi 250: A Manual of Porretan Doctrine by a Pupil of Gilbert's. CIMAGL 46: iii-xviii + 1-113.
53. (ed.): Jan Pinborg, Medieval Semantics. Selected Studies on Medieval Logic and Grammar. Variorum: London. Pp. 358.
54. (& Th. Izbicki & J.Longeway & F. del Punta & E.Stump, eds.): Simon of Faversham, Quaestiones super Libro Elenchorum. Studies and Texts 60, PIMS: Toronto. Pp. xiv + 270.
55. ‘Proof and its Limits according to Buridan, Summulae 8'. In: Z.Kaluza & P.Vignaux (eds.), Preuve et raisons à l'Université de Paris. Logique, ontologie et théologie au XIVe siècle: 97-110. Vrin: Paris
56. ‘Semantics - Stoic, Late Ancient, and Medieval'. In: K.Oehler (ed.), Zeichen und Realität: 383-388. Stauffenburg: Tübingen.
57. (J.Pinborg & S.E.): ‘Thirteenth Century Notes on William of Sherwood's Treatise on Properties of Terms. An edition of Anonymi Dubitationes et Notabilia circa Guilelmi de Shyreswode Introductionum logicalium Tractatum V from ms Worcester Cath. Q.13'. CIMAGL 47: 103-141.
58. Rationes quod sic. CIMAGL 48: 189-190.
59. ‘Anders Sunesen'. In: S.Kaspersen & al. (eds.), Dansk litteraturhistorie 1: 295-304. Gyldendal: København.
60. ‘Danske skolastikere i udlandet'. Ibidem 414-425.
61. ‘OXYNAT: A Theory about the Origins of British Logic'. In: P.O.Lewry (ed.), The Rise of British Logic, Acts of the Sixth European Symposium on Medieval Logic and Semantics = Papers in Medieval Studies 7: 1-17. PIMS: Toronto.
62. ‘Kirkefædrene og den aristotelske logik'. [Acta] Platonselskabet, Symposium Juni 1983:71-85. IKF: København.
63. (ed.), Anders Sunesen - Stormand, teolog, administrator, digter. Femten studier. Gad: København. Pp. 284 + xii.
64. ‘Hexaemerons svære passager: kvæstioner og teologisk logik'. In: S.Ebbesen (ed.), Anders Sunesen... (No. 63): 137-150.
65. (& L.B.Mortensen), ‘A Partial Edition of Stephen Langton's Summa and Quaestiones with Parallels from Andrew Sunesen's Hexaemeron'. CIMAGL 49: 25-224.
66. (& L.B.Mortensen, eds.), Andreae Sunonis filii Hexaemeron .. pars I, praefationem et textum continens = Corpus Philosophorum Danicorum Medii Aevi XI.1. DSL/Gad: København. Pp.328.
67. ‘The Chimera's Diary'. In: S.Knuuttila & J.Hintikka (eds.), The Logic of Being: 115-143. Reidel: Dordrecht.
68. ‘Corpus Philosophorum Danicorum Medii Aevi, Archbishop Andrew (+1228), and Twelfth-Century Techniques of Argumentation'. In: M.Asztalos (ed.), The Editing of Theological and Philosophical Texts from the Middle Ages = Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis, Studia Latina Stockholmiensia 30: 267-280.
69. ‘Termini accidentales concreti. Texts from the late 13th Century'. CIMAGL 53: 37-150.
70. 'Boethius as an Aristotelian Scholar'. In: J.Wiesner (ed.), Aristoteles, Werk und Wirkung 2: 286-311, Walter de Gruyter: Berlin/N.Y. [Reprint w. minor changes in R.Sorabji (ed.), Aristotle Transformed, London 1990, pp. 373-391]
71. ‘Just War?' In: B.McGuire (ed.), War and Peace in the Middle Ages, pp. 179-194 . CEMS / C. A. Reitzel: København.
72. ‘The Way Fallacies were Treated in Scholastic Logic'. CIMAGL 55: 107-134.
73. ‘Talking about what is no more. Texts by Peter of Cornwall (?), Richard of Clive, Simon of Faversham, and Radulphus Brito'. CIMAGL 55: 135-168.
74. [Review of] Ch.B. Schmitt and D. Knox, Pseudo-Aristoteles Latinus. In Speculum 62: 992-993.
75. ‘The Semantics of the Trinity according to Stephen Langton and Andrew Sunesen'. In: J.Jolivet & A. de Libera (eds.), Gilbert de Poitiers et ses contemporains. Actes du septième symposium européen d'histoire de la logique et de la sémantique médiévales. = History of Logic 5, pp. 401-435. Bibliopolis: Napoli.
76. (& L.B.Mortensen, eds.), Andreae Sunonis filii Hexaemeron .. pars II, commentarios et indices continens = Corpus Philosophorum Danicorum Medii Aevi XI.2. DSL/Gad: København. (Pp. 329-568).
77. ‘Concrete Accidental Terms: Late Thirteenth-Century Debates about Problems Relating to such Terms as ‘album''. In: N.Kretzmann (ed.), Meaning and Inference in Medieval Philosophy, pp. 107-174. Kluwer: Dordrecht.
78. ‘A Grammatical Sophisma by Nicholas of Normandy ALBUS MUSICUS EST'. CIMAGL56: 103-116.
79. (& Paul Vincent Spade): ‘More Liars'. CIMAGL 56: 193-227.
80. ‘Les grecs et l'ambiguité'. In: Rosier, Irène (ed.), L'ambiguité. Cinq études historiques. Presses Universitaires de Lille, pp. 15-32..
81. ‘Stray Questions: Little Logical Notes in British and French Manuscripts' CIMAGL 57: 68-80.
82. ‘Buridans kommentarer til Aristoteles' Etik og Politik'. In: Clausen, U. Hamilton & Mejer, J. (eds.), Platonselskabets Symposium København juni 1987. Antikkens Moraltænkning, Institut for klassisk Filologi, Københavns Universitet, København, pp. 89-103.
83. ‘Three 13th-century Sophismata about Beginning and Ceasing'. CIMAGL 59: 121-180.
84. ‘Philoponus, "Alexander" and the Origins of Medieval Logic'. In: R.Sorabji (ed.), Aristotle Transformed. Duckworth: London, pp. 445-461.
85. (G.L.Bursill-Hall & S.E & K.Koerner, eds.) De ortu Grammaticae. Studies in medieval grammar and linguistic theory in memory of Jan Pinborg. = Studies in the History of the Language Sciences 43. Benjamins: Amsterdam/Philadelphia. X+372 pp.
86. ‘[Review of] K.M.Fredborg, The Latin Rhetorical Commentaries by Thierry of Chartres', Speculum 65: 502-504.
87. ‘[Review of] E.Stump, Boethius's in Ciceronis Topica', Journal of the History of Philosophy 28: 607-609.
88. (& Y. Iwakuma), ‘Anonymus Parisiensis, Compendium Sophisticorum Elenchorum (ms. Paris BN 4720A)', CIMAGL60: 47-112
89. ‘New Fragments of "Alexander's" Commentaries on Analytica Posteriora and Sophistici Elenchi', CIMAGL60:113-120
90. (Andrea Tabarroni & ), ‘A Fragmentary 13th-century Commentary on the Sophistici Elenchi in ms Paris BN lat. 16618', CIMAGL60:121-128
91. ‘Bits of Logic in Bruges, Brussels and Copenhagen Manuscripts', CIMAGL60:129-144
92. (Simo Knuuttila & Reijo Työrinoja & S.E., eds.) Knowledge and the Sciences in Medieval Philosophy. Proceedings of the eighth international congress on medieval philosophy, vol. II. Publications of Luther-Agricola Society Series B 19 : Helsinki.
93. ‘[Review of] H.-U. Wöhler, Geschichte der mittelalterlichen Philosophie', Mediaevistik 3: 297-298.
94. ‘Videnskabelig autoritet', in: McGuire, Brian (ed.), Autoritet i Middelalderen, C.A.Reitzel: København, pp. 81-94.
95. ‘[Review of] M.G.Henninger, Relations. Medieval Theories 1250-1325', Philosophical Books 32: 146-147
96. ‘[Review of] Christos Evangeliou, Aristotle's Categories and Porphyry', Isis 82:2:312, pp. 363-364.
97. ‘Retorik som filosofisk disciplin i 13. - 14. århundrede'. Filosofiske studier 12: 17-26.
98. ‘Is Logic Theoretical or Practical Knowledge?', In: J.Biard (ed.), Itinèraires d'Albert de Saxe, actes du Colloque .... à l'occasion du 600e anniversaire de la mort d'Albert de Saxe, pp. 267-283.
99. ‘Two Nominalist Texts', CIMAGL 61: 429-440
100. ‘Zacharias of Parma on the Art of Tempting', in B.Moisisch & O.Pluta (eds.) Historia Philosophiae Medii Aevi 2: 211-226. B.R.Grüner: Amsterdam/Philadelphia
101. ‘Doing Philosophy the Sophismatic way. The Copenhagen School, with Notes on the Dutch School'. In: Alfonso Maierù (ed.), Gli studi de filosofia medievale tra Otto e Novecento, pp. 331-359.
102. ‘[Reviews of] J.Magee, Boethius on Signification and Mind & J.Brams & W.Vanhamel, Guillaume de Moerbeke', Vivarium 29: 150-155.
103. ‘Græsk og latinsk middelalderfilologi'. In O.Pedersen (ed.), Strejflys. Træk af dansk videnskabs historie 1917-92, pp. 152-161. Munksgaard, København.
104. ‘Western and Byzantine Approaches to Logic', CIMAGL 62: 167-178.
105. ‘Deus scit quicquid scivit. Two sophismata from Vat. lat. 7678 and a reference to Nominales', CIMAGL 62: 179-195
106. ‘Small Finds. Philosophical Texts in Erfurt, Hamburg, Oxford and Paris', CIMAGL 62: 197-218.
107. [Review of] Alexander of Aphrodisias, On Aristotle's Prior Analytics 1.1-7. Translated by Jonathan Barnes, Susanne Bobzien, Kevin Flannery, and Katerina Ieradiakonou. (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle.) Isis 83: 477-478
108. 'What Must one Have an Opinion about?', Vivarium 30: 62-79
109. (& Y.Iwakuma), ‘Logico-theological Schools from the Second Half of the Twelfth Century. A List of Sources', Vivarium 30: 173-210.
110. ‘[Review of] Ammonius, On Aristotle's Categories. Translated by S. Marc Cohen and Gareth B. Matthews. (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle)', Isis 83: 643-644
111. ‘Boethius de Dacia et al. The sophismata in mss Bruges SB 509 and Florence Med.-Laur. S. Croce 12 sin., 3', in: Read, Stephen (ed.), Sophisms in Medieval Logic and Grammar. Acts of the 9th European Symposium for Medieval Logic and Semantics, Kluwer: Dordrecht, pp. 45-63.
112. ‘Medieval Latin Glosses and Commentaries on Aristotelian Logical Texts of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries'. In Ch.Burnett (ed.), Glosses and Commentaries on Aristotelian Logical Texts, Warburg Institute Surveys and Texts 23, Warburg Institute: London, at pp. 129-177.
113. ‘Boethius de Dacia' ‘Johannes de Dacia' ‘Martinus de Dacia' ‘Sunesen, Anders' In Ph.Pulsiano (ed.), Medieval Scandinavia, An Encyclopedia.Garland: New York & London, pp. 51, 342, 410, 621-22
114. ‘The Theory of loci in Antiquity and the Middle Ages', in K.Jacobi (ed.), Argumentationstheorie. Scholastische Forschungen zu den logischen und semantischen Regeln korrekten Folgerns, Brill: Leiden, pp. 15-39.
115. (& Iwakuma Y.), ‘Fallaciae Lemovicenses', CIMAGL 63: 3-42
116. ‘ANIMAL EST OMNIS HOMO. Questions and Sophismata by Peter of Auvergne, Radulphus Brito, William Bonkes, and Others', CIMAGL 63: 145-208
117. ‘Tu non cessas comedere ferrum, A Sophisma in cod. Marc. Ven. Lat. VI. 145 (2756)', CIMAGL 63: 225-230.
118. ‘[Review of] Simplicius, Corollaries on Place and Time. Translated by J.O.Urmson. (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle)', Isis 84: 560-561.
119. ‘[Review of] U. Eco & C.Marmo, On the Medieval Theory of Signs', Vivarium 31: 269-270
120. ‘Middelalderfilosofi', Filosofi 1994/1: 16-23.
121. ‘[Review of] McKirahan, Richard D., Principles and Proofs: Aristotle's Theory of Demonstrative Science', Isis 85: 138-140
122. 'Papyrology and the Study of Greek Language. Comments on the Thematic Session'. In A. Bülow-Jacobsen, ed., Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Papyrologists, Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum, pp. 95-97.
123. ‘Tractatus de signativis dictionibus', CIMAGL 64: 151-163
124. ‘Sophismata and Physics Commentaries' CIMAGL 64: 164-195
125. ‘[Review of] B. Patar, Le traité de l'âme de Jean Buridan [De prima lectura]. Édition, étude critique et doctrinale', Dialogue 33: 758-762.
126. ‘Saint Thomas Aquinas and Education', International Encyclopedia of Education, 2nd edition, Pergamon Press: Oxford, vol. 9, pp. 5121-5124.
126. (ed.) Sprachtheorien in Spätantike und Mittelalter (= P. Schmitter, ed., Geschichte der Sprachtheorie 3), Tübingen: Narr. Pp. XX + 408.
127. ‘Introduction', in S.Ebbesen (ed.), Sprachtheorien in Spätantike und Mittelalter (= P. Schmitter, ed., Geschichte der Sprachtheorie 3), Tübingen: Narr, pp. XI-XX.
128. ‘Hellenistisk Græsk - Koiné', in: T. Engberg-Pedersen (udg.) Sproget i Hellenismen (= Hellenismestudier 10), Århus Universitetsforlag, pp. 7-24.
129. ‘Middelalderen', in: B. Rabek (ed.) Når mennesket undrer sig, Centrum, pp. 126-145.
130. ‘Thirteenth-century Logic. Selected texts.' CIMAGL 65: 213-361.
131. ‘Menneskeret, dyreret, planteret'. Filosofiske Studier 15: 63-70.
132. ‘Tantum unum est. 13th-century sophismatic discussions around the Parmenidean Thesis', The Modern Schoolman 72: 175-199
133. ‘[Review of] C. Atherton, The Stoics on ambiguity', Vivarium 33: 242-246.
134. ‘[Review of] A. Broadie, Trl. of Robert Kilwardby, On Time and Imagination', Philosophical Books, 104-105.
135. ‘Sophisma; Sophismata', Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie 9: 1069-1075. Schwabe & co.: Basel.
136. ‘[Review of] Bernard of Chartres, Glosae super Platonem. Edited by Paul Edward Dutton', Speculum 71: 123-125.
137. ‘Einleitung' in: Alexandri Aphrodisiensis In VIII Libros Topicorum Aristotelis Commentatio, Pseudo-Alexandri Annotationes in Librum Elenchorum Aristotelis, Übersetzt von Guillelmus Dorotheus, Neudruck der 1. Ausgabe Venedig 1541, Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca, Versiones latinae temporis resuscitatarum litterarum 6, pp. V-XVI, Fromman-Holzboog: Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt.
138. ‘Det Store Brag og Den Helligånd', in M.S. Christensen & al. (eds.), Hvad tales her om? Festskrift til Johnny Christensen. Museum Tusculanum: København, pp. 311-314.
139. ‘How Danish were the Danish Philosophers?', in: B. McGuire, ed., The Birth of Identities. Denmark and Europe in the Middle Ages, Reitzel, Copenhagen, pp. 213-224.
140. ‘Greek and Latin Medieval Logic', CIMAGL 66: 67-95.
141. ‘George Pachymeres and the Topics', CIMAGL 66: 169-185
142. (& L.O. Nielsen) ‘Texts Illustrating the Debate about Christology in the Wake of Alexander III's 1177 Condemnation', CIMAGL 66: 217-251.
143. ‘Anonymi Parisiensis Compendium Sophisticorum Elenchorum. The Uppsala Version', CIMAGL 66: 253-312
144. ‘Approaches to Medieval Philosophy', in: S. Knuuttila & I. Niiluouto, eds., Methods of Philosophy and the History of Philosophy = Acta Philosophica Fennica 61: 133-143.
145. ‘The More the Less. Natural Philosophy and Sophismata in the Thirteenth century'. In: S. Caroti & P. Souffrin (eds.), La nouvelle physique du XIVe siècle, Olschki: Firenze, pp. 9-44
146. (& I. Rosier-Catach) ‘Le trivium et la Faculté des Arts', in: O. Weijers & L.Holtz, eds., L'enseignement des disciplines à la Faculté des arts (Paris et Oxford, XIVe-XVe siècles, Studia artistarum 4, Brepols: Tournhout, pp. 97-128.
147. ‘The Ars Nova in the Ripoll Compendium', in Cl. Lafleur (ed.), L'enseignement de la philosophie au XIIIe siècle, Studia Artistarum 5, Brepols: Tournhout, pp. 325-352.
148. (& H.A.G. Braakhuis) ‘Anonymi Erfordensis (= Roberti Kilwardby ?) Sophisma TANTUM UNUM EST'. CIMAGL 67: 105-125
149. ‘Texts on Equivocation.' CIMAGL 67: 127-199
150. (& I. Rosier-Catach), ‘Two Roberts and Peter of Spain' CIMAGL 67: 200-288
151. ‘Doing Theology with Sophismata', in: C. Marmo (ed.), Vestigia, imagines, verba. Semiotics and Logic in Medieval Theological Texts (XIIth-XIVth Century), Semiotic and Cognitive Studies 4, Brepols: Turnhout, pp. 151-169.
152. ‘Le bestiaire de la logique', in: B.Cassin & J.-L.Labarrière (eds.), L'animal dans l'antiquité, Vrin: Paris, pp. 533-544.
153. (& N.J. Green-Pedersen, eds.), Nicolai Drukken de Dacia Opera = Corpus Philosophorum Danicorum Medii Aevi XII, DSL/Reitzel: Copenhagen
154. ‘The Paris Arts Faculty', in: Marenbon, John (ed.), Medieval Philosophy, = Routledge History of Philosophy 3, Routledge: London - New York, pp. 269-290.
155. ‘Averroism', ‘Boethius of Dacia', ‘Radulphus Brito' ‘Medieval Theories of Language', in: Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy 1: 595-598, 812-816; 2: 21-23; 5: 389-414; Routledge: London - N.Y.
156. ‘Logic - Philosophy of Language and a Whetstone for the Philosopher's Linguistic Tools', Miscellanea Mediaevalia 26: 38-47. Berlin-N.Y.
157. ‘[Review of ] M.T. Gibson and Lesley Smith, Codices Boethiani 1', Speculum 73: 178-179. 1998
158 ‘[Review of ] Aristoteles Latinus XXV 3.1-2, Metaphysica, lib. I-XIV, Recensio et Translatio Guillelmi de Moerbeka. Edidit Gudrun Vuillemin-Diem', Speculum 73: 181-183
159. ‘Texts on Equivocation. Part II. Ca. 1250-1310', CIMAGL 68: 99-307
160. (& Andrea Tabarroni, eds.) Thuonis de Vibergia Opera, Corpus Philosophorum Danicorum Medii Aevi XIII, DSL/Reitzel: Copenhagen.
161. ‘Trivium', Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale 40: 7-13.
162. (& F.S. Pedersen & R.Friedman), [Translation from Latin of] H.C. Ørsted, "Dissertation on the Structure of the Elementary Metaphysics of External Nature", in: K. Jelved, A. D. Jackson & O. Knudsen, eds., Selected Scientific Works of H.C. Ørsted, Princeton University Press, at pp. 79-100.
163. (& R. Friedman, eds.), Medieval Analyses in Language and Cognition. Acts of the symposium "The Copenhagen School of Medieval Philosophy, January 10-13, 1996". Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, Historisk-filosofiske Meddelelser 77. Pp. 563.
164. ‘Danskerne, videnskaben og bøgerne i middelalderen', in: E. Petersen, ed. Levende ord & lysende billeder. Den middelalderlige bogkultur i Danmark. Essays, Det Kongelige Bibliotek/Moesgård Museum 1999, pp. 119-126. [English trl.: ‘The Danes, science, scholarship, and books in the Middle Ages' in: E. Petersen, ed. Living Words & Luminous Pictures. Essays. 1999, pp. 119-126]
165. ‘Anonymus D'Orvillensis' Commentary on Aristotle's Categories', CIMAGL 70: 229-423
166. ‘Radulphus Brito. The Last of the Great Arts Masters. Or: Philosophy and Freedom', Miscellanea Mediaevalia 27: 231-251.
167. ‘Artes liberales og bios theoretikós som dannelsesmål ved 1200-tallets Pariseruniversitet', in : Andersen, Øivind (ed.), Dannelse, humanitas, paideia, Sypress: Oslo, 1999, pp. 97-106.
168. ‘Anthony, Albert, Anonymus Mazarineus and Anonymus Pragensis on the Elenchi'. Documenti i Studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale 11: 259-295.
169. (& I. Rosier-Catach) ‘Robertus Anglicus on Peter of Spain´, in P. Pérez-Ilzarbe & I.Angelelli, eds., Medieval and Renaissance Logic in Spain, Acts of the 12th Symposium on Medieval Logic and Semantics, Olms: Hildesheim/Zürich/New York, pp. 61-95.
170. ‘[Review of] T.J. Holopainen, Dialectic and Theology in the Eleventh Century', Speculum 75: 480-482
171. ‘Caspar Bartholin', in: M. Pade, ed. Renaissance Readings of the Corpus Aristotelicum, Museum Tusculanum: København, pp. 207-224.
172. ‘De interpretatione och Om sofistiska vederläggningar genom historien', in: Aristoteles, De interpretatione, Om sofistiska vederläggningar, Thales: Stockholm, pp. vii-xix.
173. ‘Words and Signification in 13th-century Questions on Aristotle's Metaphysics' CIMAGL 71: 71-114
174. ‘A Note on Ockham's Defender', CIMAGL71: 275-277.
175. ‘Boethius of Dacia: Science is a Serious Game', Theoria 66: 145-158
176. ‘Radulphus Brito on the Metaphysics', Miscellanea Mediaevalia 28: 450-492
177. [Review of] W.J. Courtenay, Parisian Scholars in the Early Fourteenth Century', Vivarium 38: 277-280.
178. ‘A Porretanean Commentary on Aristotle's Categories' CIMAGL 72: 35-88.
179. [Review of] Boethius, De divisione, ed. J. Magee, Speculum 76: 1003-1004.
180. ‘Greek-Latin Philosophical Interaction', in K. Ierodiakonou (ed.), Byzantine Philosophy and its Ancient Sources, Clarendon Press: Oxford, at pp. 15-30.
181. ‘Late-ancient Ancestors of Medieval Philosophical Commentaries', in: Fioravanti, G. & al. (eds.), Il commento filosofico nell' occidente latino, Rencontres de Philosophie Médiévale 10, Brepols: Turnhout, at pp. 1-15.
182. Dansk middelalderfilosofi ca. 1170 - 1536 (= S. Ebbesen & C.H. Koch, Den Danske Filosofis Historie 1), Gyldendal: København. Pp. 255.
183. ‘Communia "Visitatio" & Communia "Feminae"', CIMAGL 73: 167-258.
184. ‘Skolastikernes Athen' i J. Blomqvist, ed., Bilden av Athen genom tiderna. Rapport från Platonsällskapets sextonde symposium (Lund 8-10 juni 2001), Klassiska och semitiska institutionen, Lunds uiversitet, pp. 122-135.
185. (& C.H. Koch), Dansk filosofi i renæssancen 1537-1700, (= S. Ebbesen & C.H. Koch, Den Danske Filosofis Historie 2, Gyldendal: København. Pp. 350.
186. ‘Boethius on the Metaphysics of Words', in Galonnier, A., ed., Boèce ou la chaîne des savoirs, Philosophes Médiévaux 44, Éditions de l'Institut Superieur de Philosophie/Peeters: Louvain-Paris, pp.257-275.
187. ‘Hvad har man universiteter til?', Rubicon, 5-9.
188. (& M. Sirridge & P. Streveler, ‘The Pupils of the Master of Abstractions: Abstractiones Digbeianae, Regiae & Venetae', CIMAGL74: 89-150
189. ‘Burley on Equivocation in his Companion to a Tractatus Fallaciarum, and in his Questions on the Elenchi', CIMAGL 74: 151-207.
190. 'Anonymus D'Orvillensis on the Categories', in: J. Biard & I. Rosier-Catach, eds., La Tradition médiévale des Catégories (XIIe-XVe siècles, Philosophes Médiévaux 45, Éditions de l'Institut Superieur de Philosophie/Peeters: Louvain-la-Neuve/Louvain & Paris, pp. 347-363.
191. ‘Questions and Sophismata. Tracking Peter of Auvergne.' In H.A.G. Braakhuis & C.H. Kneepkens, eds., Aristotle's Peri hermeneias in the Latin Middle Ages. Essays on the Commentary Tradition, Artistarium. Supplementa X, Ingenium Publishers: Groningen - Haren, pp. 31-49.
192. ‘[Review of] Matthew of Orléans, Sophistaria, ed. J. Spruyt, Vivarium 41: 307-316.
193. ‘[Reviews of] (1) Johannes Venator Anglicus, Logica, ed. L.M. de Rijk; (2) P. Uiblein, Die Universität Wien im Mitttelalter', Vivarium 41: 323-326.
194. ‘[Review of] Zupko, J., John Buridan: Portrait of a Fourteenth-Century Arts Master, University of Notre Dame Press, 2003', Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2004.02.08,
195. ‘To lærde ærkebiskopper' in: Ahrén, P.-O. & Jarlert, A., eds., Lund - medeltida kyrkometropol, Stiftshistoriska sällskapet i Lunds stift, Årsbok 2004 = Bibliotheca historico.ecclesiastica Lundensis 47, Lund., pp. 145-170.
196. (&. R.L. Friedman, eds.), John Buridan and Beyond. Topics in the Language Sciences, 1300-1700., Historisk-filosofiske Meddelelser 89, Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab: Copenhagen. Pp. 275
197. ‘Introduction' in R.L. Friedman & S. Ebbesen, eds., John Buridan and Beyond. Topics in the Language Sciences, 1300-1700., Historisk-filosofiske Meddelelser 89, Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab: Copenhagen, pp 7-15.
198. ‘Echoes of the Posterior Analytics in the Twelfth Century', in M. Lutz-Bachmann, A. Fidora & P. Antolic, eds., Erkenntnis und Wissenschaft - Probleme derEpistemologie in der Philosophie des Mittelalters, Akademie Verlag: Berlin, pp. 69-92.
199. ‘The Trivium', Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale 45: 11-16.
200. ‘Where Were the Stoics in the Late Middle Ages?', in S. Strange & J. Zupko, eds., Stoicism: Traditions and Transformations, Cambridge University Press, pp. 108-131.
201. ‘[Review of] J. Marenbon. Aristotelian Logic, Platonism, and the Context of Early Medieval Philosophy in the West, Variorum Collected Studies 2000', British Journal for the History of Philosophy 12: 756-759.
202. (w. I. Rosier-Catach) ‘Petrus de Alvernia + Boethius de Dacia: Syllogizantem ponendum est terminos' CIMAGL 75: 161-218.
203. ‘Porretaneans on Propositions' in A. Maierù & L.Valente, eds., Medieval Theories on Assertive and Non-Assertive Language, Acts of the 14th Symposium on Medieval Logic and Semantics, Olschki: Firenze, pp. 129-139.
204. ‘Hellenistic Theories of Language and Theories of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries', in: Frede, D. & Inwood, B., eds., Language and Learning. Philosophy of Language in the Hellenistic Age, Cambridge University Press, pp. 299-319.
205. ‘The Man who Loved Every: Boethius of Dacia on Logic and Metaphysics' The Modern Schoolman 82: 235-250.
206. ‘The Reception of Aristotle in the 12th century: Logic', in: L. Honnefelder, R. Wood, M. Dreyer, M.-A. Aris, eds. Albertus Magnus und die Anfänge der Aristoteles-Rezeption im lateinischen Mittelalter, Subsidia Albertina 1, Aschendorff: Münster, pp. 493-511.
207. ‘Les Catégories au Moyen Âge et au début de la modernité' in O. Bruun & L. Corti, eds., Les Catégories et leur histoire , Vrin: Paris, pp. 245-274.
208. ‘Gualterus Burleus, Quaestiones super Sophisticos Elenchos 4-12. A revised edition', CIMAGL76: 239-282.
209. ‘[Review of] G. Jaritz & G. Moreno-Riaño, eds., Time and Eternity. The Medieval Discourse, International Medieval Research 9, Brepols: Turnhout 2003', Collegium medievale 18: 205-212.
210. ‘Lukian: Phalaris 1-2', in: Bent Christensen & Chr. Gorm Tortzen (eds.), Romersk Antologi, Museum Tusculanum: København, pp. 239-247.
211. ‘By necessity', in V. Hirvonen & al. eds., Mind and Modality, Brill's Studies in Intellectual History 141, Brill: Leiden, at pp. 141-151. ISBN 978-90-04-15144-4
212 ‘Sprogteori og logik', i: Hans Siggaard Jensen & al., udg., Tankens Magt, Lindhart & Ringhof: København, 1: 359-384. ISBN 978-87-595-2671-2
213. ¿Skolastikken' ibidem 1.385-410.
214. ¿Brynjólfur Sveinssons position i dansk filosofi', i: Jón Pálsson & al., udg., Brynjólfur biskup. Kirkjuhöfdingi, frædimadur og skáld, Häskolaútgáfan: Reykjavík 2006. ISBN 978-9979-54-717-4., pp. 323-331, islandsk oversættelse i samme bind pp. 208-217
215. ‘Transcasus - A Change of Mind', in Stefano Caroti & al., eds., "Ad Ingenii Acuitionem". Studies in Honour of Alfonso Maierù, Textes et Études du Moyen Âge 38, FIDEM: Louvain-la-neuve, pp. 93-101.
216. ‘Antik og middelalderlig tegnlære', i: T. Thellefsen & B. Sørensen, udg., Livstegn - Encyklopædi, Haase & søn: København, pp. 12-15. ISBN 8755912087
217. ‘Corpus Philosophorum Danicorum Medii Aevi', in Annette Sell, ed., Editionen - Wandel und Wirkung, Beiheft zu Editio 25, ISBN 978-3-484-29525-4, Max Niemeyer: Tübingen, pp. 45-54.
218. ¿[Review of] P. Vignaux, Philosophie au Moyen Âge', Vivarium 45: 125-127. ISSN 0042-7543
219. ¿The Tradition of Ancient Logic-cum-Grammar in the Middle Ages - What's the Problem?', Vivarium 45: 136-152.
220. [Review of] Dominik Perler & Ulrich Rudolph, eds., Logik und Theologie. Das Organon im arabischen und im latinischen Mittelalter, Archiv für die Geschichte der Philosophie 89: 89-93. issn 0003-9101
221. ¿Essentiae accidit esse ¿ Significato accidunt supposita' in Christophe Erismann & Alexandrine Schniewind, eds., Compléments de substance : Études sur les propriétés accidentelles offertes à Alain de Libera, Paris : J. Vrin, pp. 127-131.
222. Greek-Latin Philosophical Interaction : Collected Essays of Sten Ebbesen, Volume I, Aldershot : Ashgate.
223. ¿Cicero logicus', Filosofiske Studier 24: 41-52
224. ‘Jacques de Venise' in: Max Lejbowicz, ed., L'Islam médiéval en terres chrétiennes : science et idéologie, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion: Villeneuve d'Ascq, pp. 115-132. ISBN 978-2-7574-0088-3
225. Topics in Latin Philosophy from the 12th-14th centuries: Collected Essays of Sten Ebbesen, Volume II, Aldershot : Ashgate.
226. (w. David Bloch), ‘Videnssamfundet før og nu', Humaniora 2009/1: 14-17.
227. (overs.) ‘Hyperides: Forsvar for Euxenip', Aigis 9.1.1-13.
228. ‘The Aristotelian commentator' in: John Marenbon, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Boethius, Cambridge University Press, pp. 33-55.
229. 'Priscian and the Philosophers', in M- Baratin, B. Colombat & L. Holtz, eds, Priscien: transmission et refondation de la grammatire de l'altiquité aux modernes, Studia Artistarum 21, Brepols: Turnhout, pp. 85-107.
230. (w. David Bloch), Videnssamfundet i det 12. og 13. århundrede. Forskning og formidling, Historisk-filosofiske Skrifter 33, Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, København. Pp. 179.
231. ‘The Prior Analytics in the Latin West: 12th-13th centuries’, Vivarium 48: 96-133.
232. (w. Frédéric Goubier), A Catalogue of 13th-century Sophismata, 2 vols.. Vrin: Paris.
233. ‘Protagoras’ sprogteori’, Aigis 10,2, Suppl.: Platonselskabets acta, pp. 17.
234. ‘[Review of] Charles Barber & David Jenkins, eds., Medieval Greek Commentaries on the Nicomachean Ethics’, The Medieval Review,
234b ‘The Trivium’, Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale 52: 15-24, Brepols, ISSN BE-0068-4023
234c ‘København, Centre for the Aristotelian Tradition, Saxo Institute’, Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale 52: 254-258, Brepols, ISSN BE-0068-4023
235. ‘What Counted as Logic in the Thirteenth Century?’, in M. Cameron & J. Marenbon, eds., Methods and Methodologies, Investigating Medieval Philosophy 2, Brill: Leiden, pp. 93-107. isbn 978 90 04 18885 3
236. ‘Four Decades of Life with Aristoteles Latinus’, in P. De Leemans & C. Steel, eds., The Aristoteles Latinus: Past, Present, Future, Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van Belgie voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten: Brussel, pp. 157-160. ISBN 9789065690463.
237. ‘An Argument is a Soul’, in I. Rosier-Catach, ed., Arts du langage et théologie aux confins des XIe/XIIe siècles, Studia artistarum 26, Brepols: Turnhout, 2011, pp. 695-708. ISBN 978-2-503-53518-0
238. ‘What Did the Scholastics Know about Greek History and Culture?’, in Martin Hinterberger and Chris Schabel, eds., Greeks, Latins, and Intellectual History, 1204-1500 (Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales – Bibliotheca vol. 11), Leuven: Peeters, 169-182. ISBN 978-90-429-2440-6
239. ‘Context-sensitive Argumentation: Dirty Tricks in the Sophistical Refutations and a Perceptive Medieval Interpretation of the Text’, in C. Marmo, ed. Acts of the 19th European Symposium on Medieval Logic and Semantics, Vivarium 49: 75-94.
240. ‘Yet another Fragment of James of Venice’s Translation of Michael of Ephesus on the Sophistical Refutations’ CIMAGL 80: 136-137.
241. ‘Boethius as a Translator and Aristotelian Commentator¨ in Josef Lössl & John W. Watt, eds., Interpreting the Bible and Aristotle in Late Antiquity – The Alexandrian Commentary Tradition between Rome and Baghdad, Ashgate: Farnham, pp. 121-133. ISBN 9781409410072
242. ‘[Review of] Petri Abaelardi Glossae super Peri Hermeneias, ed. Klaus Jacobi & Christian Strub (Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaevalis 206, Brepols: Turnhout, 2010)’, Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie médievales 78: 507-517.
243. ‛Den aristoteliske tradition - Er den der? Hvad er den? Hvorfor?’, Aigis 11,2: 1-13.
244. (s.m. D. Bloch), ‘Aristoteles før og nu’, Villum Fonden – Velux Fonden, Årsskrift 2011, pp. 54-59, issn 0905-1015
245. (s.m. D.Bloch, M.S. Christensen, J.L. Fink, H. Hansen & A.M. Mora-Márquez), Aristoteles gennem tiderne, Klassikerforeningens kildehæfter, isbn 978-87-89504-53-7.
246. ‘Lidt om græske æbler’ Aigis 12,1, pp. 4.
247. ‘Fra det labre til det ædle – filosofiens sublimering af skønheden’, Aigis 12,1, pp. 14.
248. ‘Andreas Sunonis’ ‘Boethius de Dacia’, ‘Iohannes de Dacia’, ‘Martinus de Dacia’, ‘Simon de Dacia’, ‘Thuo de Vibergia’ in: S. Borgehammar, K. Friis-Jensen, L.B. Mortensen & Å. Ommundsen, eds., Medieval Nordic Literature in Latin. Accessible at
249. ‘Herskerlyrens oder. Pindars første og tiende pythiske’, Aigis 12,2, pp. 8.
250 ‘Anekdoter om Diogenes, alias “Hunden”’, Aigis 12,2, pp. 24.
251. (w. Troels Engberg-Pedersen), ‘Foreword’ in J. Christensen, An Essay on the Unity of Stoic Philosophy, 2nd ed., Museum Tusculanum Press: Copenhagen, pp. v-xii. isbn 978 87 635 3898 5
252. ‘[Review of] F. de Haas, M. Leunissen & M. Martijn, eds., Interpreting Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics in Late Antiquity and Beyond, Aestimatio 9: 355-366. ISSN: 1549-4470 EISSN: 1549-4497
253. ’Introduction’, in J.L. Fink, H. Hansen & A. M. Mora-Márquez, eds., Logic and Language in the Middle Ages, Investigating Medieval Philosophy 4. Brill: Leiden-Boston, isbn 978-90-04-23592-2, pp. 1-12.
254. ‘Den 159nde statsforfatning: Leonardo Brunis Florentinernes Statsforfatning’, Aigis 13,1. pp. 12.
255. ‘Georgios Gemistos, også kaldet Plethon; Memorandum til kejser Manuel Palæologos om forholdene på Peloponnes’ Aigis 13,1, pp. 28.
256. ‘Early Supposition Theory II’, Vivarium 51: 60-78.
257. (w. F.S. Pedersen), ‘Justinian: To love fra 530-erne om moral og præstestyre’, Aigis, suppl. II, pp. 9.
258. (w. J. Marenbon & P. Thom), ed., Aristotle’s Categories in the Byzantine, Arabic and Latin Traditions, Scientia Danica series H, Humanistica, 8 vol. 5, Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters.
259. ‘The Categories in Lutheran Denmark’, in S. Ebbesen, J. Marenbon & P. Thom, eds, Aristotle’s Categories in the Byzantine, Arabic and Latin Traditions, Scientia Danica series H, Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, pp. 315-332.
260. ‘Logical Texts. 12th or 13th Century? Paris or Elsewhere?’, in J. Verger & O. Weijers (eds.), Les débuts de l’Université de Paris, Studia Artistarum 38, Brepols: Turnhout, pp. 77-87. ISBN 978-2-503-55154-8.
261. ‘Simon of Faversham, Quaestiones super librum De somno et vigilia. An Edition’, CIMAGL 82: 90-145.
262. ‘Five Parisian Sets of Questions on the Metaphysics from the 1270s to the 1290s’, in F. Amerini & G. Galluzzo, eds., A Companion to the Latin Medieval Commentaries on Aristotle’s Metaphysics, Brill: Leiden-Boston, pp. 277-314. ISBN 978-90-04-26128-0
263. (w. D. Bloch, J.L. Fink, H. Hansen & A.M. Mora-Márquez), History of Philosophy in Reverse, Scientia Danica series H 8.7, Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and letters: Copenhagen, Pp. 220. ISBN 978-87-7304-379-0.
264. ‘Geoffrey of Aspall, Quaestiones super librum De somno et vigilia. An Edition’, CIMAGL 83: 257-341.
265. ‘The Logical Writings of Peter of Auvergne’, in Christoph Flüeler, Lidia Lanza & Marco Toste, eds., Peter of Auvergne. A University Master of the 13th century, Scrinium Friburgense 26, De Gruyter, pp. 71-88. ISBN 978-3-11-022848-9
266. ‘The Posterior Analytics 1100-1400 in East and West’in J. Biard, ed., Raison et démonstration. Les commentaires médiévaux sur les Seconds Analytiques, Studia Artistarum 40, Brepols: Turnhout, pp. 11-30. ISBN 9978-2-503-55440-2
267. ‘James of Douai on Dreams’, CIMAGL 84: 22-92.
268. ‘Dialektik i praksis gennem tiderne’, Aigis 15,1, pp. 10.
269. ‘[Review of] John Buridan, Treatise on Consequences. Translated with an Introduction by Stephen Read‘, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews. Published 2015.07.08
270. ‘Si tantum pater est non tantum pater est. An English Sophisma from the Late Thirteenth Century’, Vivarium 53: 336-352. Rp. in P. Paloma-Ilzarbe & M. Cerezo, History of Logic and Semantics. Studies on the Aristotelian and Terminist Traditions, Brill: Leiden 2017, pp. 192-208.
271. ‘[Review of] Thomas Böhm, Thomas Jürgasch, Andreas Kirchner, eds., Boethius as a Paradigm of Late Ancient Thought’, The Medieval Review 15.08.2015.
272. ‘Simplikios’ forord til kommentaren til Aristoteles’ Kategorier’, Aigis 15.2, pp. 18.
273. ‘[Review of] Charles Bolyard & Rondo Keele, eds., Later Medieval Metaphysics. Ontology, Language, & Logic’, Collegium Medievale 28: 172-174.. ISSN 0801-9282
274. (w. C. Thomsen Thörnqvist & V. Decaix), ‘Questions on De sensu et sensato, De memoria and De somno et vigilia. a Catalogue’, Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale 57: 59-115.
275. ‘I anledning af en ny latin-norsk ordbog’, Aigis 16,1, pp.27.
276. (udg.) ‘Theokrits 15. idyl Konerne fra Syrakus til Adonisfest’ oversat af Eva Sprogøe Petersen med en indledning ved Sten Ebbesen. Aigis 16,1. 13 sd.
277. ‘Radulphus Brito on Memory and Dreams. An edition.’, Cimagl 85: 11-86.
278. ‘Platonisme uden Platon – Platon i den vestlige middelalder’, i J. L. Fink & J.K. Larsen (udg.), Platon. Værk og virkning, Gyldendal: København, pp. 462-476.
279. (w. P. Huby, D. Langslow, D. Russell, C. Steel, M. Wilson), trl., Priscian: Answers to King Khosroes of Persia, Ancient Commentaries on Aristotle, Bloomsbury: London &c. Pp. 176.
280. ‘Bibel, Koran og Aristoteles-fortolkning’ i C. S. Jensen & C. Gottlieb, red., Teologien i Historien – Historien i Teologien, Festskrift til Professor Lauge O. Nielsen, Eksistensen: København. isbn-13: 978-87-410-0088-6; pp. 9-13.
281. (w. Mary Sirridge & E.J. Ashworth, eds), Master Richard Sophista, Abstractiones, Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi25. British Academy/Oxford University Press. Pp. 386. isbn 978-0-19-726597-0
282. ‘Anonymus Orielensis 33 on De memoria. An Edition.’ Cimagl 85: 128-161.
283. ‘[Review of] P. Riedlberger, Domninus of Larissa, Encheiridion and Spurious Works’, Gnomon 88: 749-750.
284. ‘Anonymus Parisini 16160 on Memory. An edition’, Cimagl 85: 162-217.
285. ‘Habitudines locales’, in L. Cesalli, F. Goubier & A. de Libera (eds.), Formal Approaches and Natural Language in Medieval logic, Proceedings of the XIXth European Symposium on Medieval Logic and Semantics, Textes et Études du Moyen Âge 82, Fédération des Instituts d’Études Médiévales: Barcelona–Roma, pp. 197-215. isbn 978-2-503-56735-8.
286. ‘[Review of] Mirjam E. Kotwick, Alexander of Aphrodisias and the Text of Aristotle’s Metaphysics’, Journal of the History of Philosophy 55: 159-160.
287. ‘Introduction. The Aristotelian Tradition’, in B. Bydén & C. Thomsen Thörnqvist (eds.) The Aristotelian Tradition, Papers in Mediaeval Studies 28, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies: Toronto, pp. 1-11. isbn 978-0-88844-828-6.
288. ‘Demonstrative Disputation – A contradictio in adiecto? Medieval and Recent Commentators on Aristotle’s Sophistical Refutations’, in B. Bydén & C. Thomsen Thörnqvist (eds.) The Aristotelian Tradition, Papers in Mediaeval Studies 28, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies: Toronto, pp. 162-187.
289. ‘From the Academy to KUA. A Brief History of Learned Institutions or Madhouses’ in What is Education?, Próblēma: s.l., pp. 223-252. isbn 978-87-999950-0-4
290. ‘Does Language Acquisition Depend on Hearing a Language? A Text Corpus’, Cimagl 86: 138-215.
291. ‘Anonymus Vaticani 3061 and Anonymus Vaticani 2170 on Aristotle’s Parva Naturalia. An Edition of Selected Questions.’, Cimagl 86: 216-312.
292. ‘Psammetichus’s Experiment and the Scholastics. Is Language Innate?’ in J. Pelletier & J.M. Roques, eds., The Language of Thought in Late Medieval Philosophy, Essays in Honor of Claude Panaccio,Historical-Analytical Studies on Nature, Mind and Action 5, Springer, isbn 978-3-319-66633-4, pp. 287-302
293. ‘Andrew Sunesen’s Language’, in D. Tamm, ed, The Liber legis Scaniae, Routledge: London and NY., pp. 159-173. ISBN 978-1-138-68084-5.
294. ‘Michael of Ephesus on the Fallacy of Consequent’, Cimagl 87: 34-38.
295. ‘Modi significandi in Logic and Grammar’, in C. Kann, B . Loewe, C. Rode, S. L. Uckelman, eds., Modern Views of Medieval Logic, Bibliotheca 16, Peeters: Leuven–Paris–Bristol, 55-70. ISBN 978-90-429-3663-8
296. ‘Every man necessarily is an animal’, in Jean-Baptiste Brenet & Laurent Cesalli, eds., Sujet libre, Vrin: Paris, pp. 131-135. isbn 978-2-7116-2837-7
297. ‘Sprog, logik og diskussion i europæisk tænkning og akademisk praksis’, Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien, Årsbok 2018, Stockholm 2018, pp. 141-154. ISBN 978-91-88763-08-2. ISSN 0083-6796.
298. ‘Imposition of Words in Stoicism and Late Ancient Grammar and Philosophy’, Methodos 19. pp. 17, URL ISSN: 1769-7379
299. ‘The Un-Byzantine Byzantine on two sophisms’ in P. Golitsis & K. Ierodiakonou, eds., Aristotle and his Commentators, Studies in Memory of Paraskevi Kotzia, Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca et Byzantina – Quellen und Studien 7, De Gruyter: Berlin–Boston, pp. 195-206. ISBN 978-3-11-060183-1 ISSN 1864-4805
300. ‘Stoikerne om sprogdannelse’, Logos, Acta fra Platonselskabet Rom 2017, Aigis 19,1, pp. 1-18
301. Anonymus Cantabrigiensis, Commentarium in Sophisticos Elenchos Aristotelis, Scientia Danica. Series H, Humanistica, 8 vol. 19, Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab: København 2019, isbn 978-87-7304-424-7. 407 pages.
302. ‘Exegetic Strategies in Late 12th- and13th-century Logical Commentaries (and a few Non-Logical ones)’ in Pascale Bermon & Isabelle Moulin, eds., Commenter au Moyen Âge, pp. 49-67, Vrin: Paris. Isbn 978-2-7116-2925-1
303. (w. Costantino Marmo), ‘Parts and Wholes in Brito’s Questions on Boethius’ De divisione’, in F. Amerini, I. Benini & M. Mugnai (eds.), Mereology in Medieval Logic and Metaphysics, Proceedings of the 21st European Symposium on Medieval Logic and Semantics, Edizioni della Normale: Pisa, pp. 247–266, ISBN 978-88-7642-667-4.
305. ‛An Anthology of Questions on De anima in ms Praha, MK M.80. An Analysis with an Edition of Selected Questions’ Cimagl 89 (2020); 1–44.
306. ‛Anonymus Metropolitanus on De somno et vigilia – A new manuscript of a part of Albert the Great’s De homine’ Cimagl 89 (2020) 45–50.
307. ‘What was Logic Like in England in the Decades Preceding the Foundation of King’s Hall, Cambridge?’, in J. Marenbon (ed.), King’s Hall, Cambridge and the Fourteenth-Century Universities. New Perspectives, Brill: Leiden–Boston 2020, pp. 87–100. ISBN: 978-90-04-43013-6
308. ‘Boethius of Dacia’, in E.N. Zalta, ed., The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2020 Edition), URL = <>. 32 pages
Speaks Danish, English, Modern Greek, German, French, some Italian, Swedish of sorts, a little Spanish and a wee bit of Russian.
Reads the same languages + Ancient Greek, Latin & Dutch.
Writes Danish, English, Modern Greek, German, Latin, and a flawed French.
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Book chapter › Communication
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Book chapter › Research › peer-review
Research output: Book/Report › Book › Research › peer-review
Research output: Book/Report › Book › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Communication
Research output: Contribution to journal › Literature review › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Book chapter › Research › peer-review
Sten Ebbesen (Member)
Activity: Membership types › Membership in committee, council, board
Sten Ebbesen (Member)
Activity: Membership types › Membership in committee, council, board
Sten Ebbesen (Lecturer)
Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Sten Ebbesen (Lecturer)
Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Sten Ebbesen (Lecturer)
Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Sten Ebbesen (Lecturer)
Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Sten Ebbesen (Lecturer)
Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Sten Ebbesen (Lecturer)
Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Ebbesen, Sten (Recipient), 1991
Prize: Prizes, scholarships, distinctions
Ebbesen, Sten (Recipient), 20 Mar 2017
Prize: Prizes, scholarships, distinctions