No photo of Stig Skelboe
  • Universitetsparken 5, bygn. D

    2100 København Ø

Personal profile

Primary fields of research

Development of numerical methods for eScience problems.

Development, analysis and implementation of parallel numerical algorithms. 


Current research

Parallel methods for numerical integration of implicit differential equations.

Parallel methods for inversion of large block-tridiagonal matrices with application in quantum






 Courses in scientific computing, numerical solution of differential equations, scientific visualisation and introduction to programming.

Supervision of projects in eScience methods. 




M. Eng. 1973, Ph. D. 1976, Dr. Techn. 1983 

Since 2009 professor at NBI

1988-2009 professor at DIKU

1993-1996 scientific director Uni-C (leave from DIKU)

1990 -1991 visiting professor at Coordinated Science Laboratory  and  Dept. Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois,  Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, U.S.A (leave from  DIKU)

1982-1988 associate professor at DIKU

1978-1982 Elektronikcentralen (today: Delta Lys og Lyd)

1977-1978 post doc  at Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

1975-1977 post doc DTU.


  • Faculty of Science
  • numerical mathematics
  • computer architecture
  • scientific computing
  • parallel algorithms
  • hardware/software interface
  • supercomputing
  • eScience methods