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Susanne Gjedsted Bügel

Cand. Scient i Eksperimentel Biologi med speciale i human ernæring

  • Nørre Alle 51

    2200 København N

  • Rolighedsvej 26

    1958 Frederiksberg C

Personal profile

Short presentation

ResearcherID: B-1557-2015

Scopus Author ID: 8986298900



My research has primarily focused on health effects of micronutrients, food production methods and food preparation. In my master thesis and PhD project I worked with the influence of dietary factors on uptake and retention of mercury.  Since 1992 my research has focused on bioavailability of essential trace elements and minerals, as well as the effect of micronutrients on disease prevention and health. In the last years I have also included research on vitamins, natural antioxidants, organic food, heat treatment of food and effect on dietary fibres on prevention of disease.


1990: M. Sci (Human nutrition), Odense University, February
1991: Visiting scientist at the Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Prague, Czech Republic
1996: Ph.D. (Environmental Medicine), Odense University, April


1990 - 1991: Research Fellow, Environmental Medicine, Odense
1992 - 1996: Research fellow, Research Department of Human Nutrition, KVL
1997 - 2002: Research Ass. Professor, Research Department of Human Nutrition, KVL
2002 - Associate Professor, Department of Human Nutrition, KVL
2004 - 2005: Head of section (Preventive nutrition)
2005 - Study Director (Master of Science in Human Nutrition)
2007 - Head of section (Preventive nutrition)

2011 -      Study Director, Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition, LIFE/SCIENCE

2012 -      Deputy Head of Department-Education, SCIENCE (LIFE and SCIENCE merged in 2012 and became SCIENCE

Research areas:

Research areas include bioavailability of micronutrients and bioactive dietary components and prevention of lifestyle diseases.


  • Faculty of Science

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