Susanne Reventlow

Susanne Reventlow

MD, DMSc, PhD, MS in anthropology

  • Øster Farimagsgade 5, 24, opg. Q

    1353 København K


  • Postboks 2099, Øster Farimagsgade 5 opg. Q, 1014 København K

  • Øster Farimagsgade 5 opg. Q

    1353 København K

Personal profile

Short presentation

General practitioner, Dr.Med.Sc, and Master of Arts in Anthropology. Professor and Head of Research Unit for General Practice in Copenhagen and Region Zealand, both of which belong to the Center for Research and Education in General Practice at the University of Copenhagen. Susanne has been the former head of the Centre for over 15 years.

She has worked as a general practitioner for many years while concurrently being involved in academic and professional activities, in the postgraduate education of doctors, and in research in general practice. Got her Master of Arts in Anthropology at the University of Copenhagen in 1996, and got her medical doctoral degree for her doctoral thesis on risk perception and osteoporosis in women from 60 to 70 years in 2008.

Has done research for a number of years and is especially interested in qualitative methods and in the research development and methods of general practice. Special areas of research are chronic diseases, especially in combination with multimorbidity, patient perspecties, patient involvement, communication, risk and prevention, children and families, and research methodology. Interdisciplinary research is also a great interest; takes part in several national and international collaboration projects.

Author and co-author of a number a number of books, including an educational book on health promotion and prevention and a debate book about risk and prevetion. Many years of experience as a teacher and course leader, supervisor for many PhD-students. Active in a great number og committees.


Primary fields of research

  • Chronic diseases / chronic diseases in combination with multimorbidity
  • Patient perspectives, patient involvement,and communication
  • Risk and prevention
  • Children and families
  • Research methodology
  • Interdisciplinary research

Possible conflicts of interest



  • Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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