Sven Frøkjær
  • Universitetsparken 2

    2100 København Ø

Personal profile



Contact details

Vice-Dean Sven Frokjaer

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen
Blegdamsvej 3B, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
Telephone:   +45 35 32 64 39
E-mail:  [email protected]

Professional qualifications

Cand. Pharm. (MSc) (1970)
PhD, Physical Chemistry (1973)
Recipient of The H.C. Ørsted Award (1970)
Adjunct Professor of Pharmaceutics, Royal Danish School of Pharmacy (1991)

Current and previous appointments

2012 - present Vice-Dean, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen
2007 - 2012 Dean, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Copenhagen
2003 - 2006  Rector, The Danish University of Pharmaceutical Sciences
1993 - present Professor, Department of Pharmaceutics and Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 1974 - 1993  Novo Nordisk A/S (positions held listed below)
1992 - 1993  ManagerR, Enzyme Supplementation Technology. Responsible for identification and development of products within the field of therapeutic enzyme applications.
1991 - 1992  Director, Nutritional Product R&D, FERROSAN. Responsible for implementing clinical nutrition in the FERROSAN organization. Continuously responsible for the R&D activities within clinical nutrition, including clinical documentation.
1985 - 1990  Manager, Product R&D, Food Ingredients Team. Responsible for development and production of products for clinical nutrition, including clinical documentation.
1982 - 1985  Manager, Physical Chemistry. Responsible for preformulation activities and drug delivery systems for peptides.
1981 - 1982  Manager, Pharmaceutical R&D II. Responsible for biopharmaceutics and drug delivery R&D.
1974 - 1981  Responsible for R&D on drug delivery systems (liposomes).
1973 - 1974  Assistant professor, Department of Pharmaceutics, Royal Danish School of Pharmacy.

Professional activities

1993 - 1999 Chairman of the Biopharmaceutical Section, The Danish Pharmaceutical Society
1994 - 1997 Member of the Danish Research Council for Technical Sciences, Committee on Chemistry 1996 - present Member of the Danish Pharmacopoeia Commission
1996 - present Member of the Committee on Pharmacy, Danish Pharmacopoeia Commission
1996 - present Member of the Drug Registration Committee, Danish Medicine Agency.
1997 - 1999  Member of Fagligt Forum, The Danish Research Council for Technical Sciences
1997 - 2002  Director, Centre for Drug Design and Transport
1999 - present Member of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences (ATV)
1999 - 2004  Member of the Danish Medical Research Council 2000 - present Trustee of the Alfred Benzon Foundation
2002 - 2005 Director of the graduate school, Drug Research Academy
2005 - present Chairman of the graduate school, Drug Research Academy
2006 - present Chairman of the European University Consortium for Pharmaceutical Research (ULLA) 2006 - 2009 Chairman of The Danish Pharma Consortium 2000  Co-founder of Lica Pharmaceuticals A/S. Co founder of LiPlasome Pharma A/S

Research and scientific publications

Peptide and protein formulation with a special emphasis on particulate drug delivery systems, e.g. microspheres, liposomes and lipid emulsions, and peptide transport across biological membranes including carrier-mediated mechanisms (more than 100 publications in these fields).


The Pharmaceutical Society of Denmark Controlled Release Society American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences European Association of Pharma Biotechnology

Editorial boards/editor

European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (member of the editorial board from 1998-2001, section editor from 2001)
Journal Drug Delivery Science and Technology (member of the editorial board from 2001)
Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology (member of the editorial board from 2003-2009)
Pharmaceutical Technology Europe (member of the editorial board from 2005)
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (member of the editorial board from 2006)
The Open Drug Delivery Journal (member of the editorial board from 2007)

Publications 1996-2008

1 Nielsen, H.M., Brøndsted, H., Frokjaer, S. & Hovgaard, L.; Drug delivery studies in Caco-2 monolayers V. Ethyl glucoside esters as a novel type of absorption, S.T.P. Pharm. Sci. 6 (1996) 157-161.

2 Hedeman, H., Brøndsted, H., Müllertz, A. & Frokjaer, S.; Fat Emulsion Based on Structured Lipids (1,3-specific triglycerides): An Investigation of the in Vivo Fate, Pharm. Res. 13 (1996) 725-728.

3 Friis, G.J., Bak, A., Larsen, B.D. & Frøkjær, S.; Prodrugs of peptides obtained by derivatization of the C-terminal peptide bond in order to effect protection against degradation by carboxypeptidases, Int. J. Pharm. 136 (1996) 61-69.

4 Hedeman, H., Lück, M., Blunk, T., Frokjaer, S. & Müller, R.H.; Fat Emulsion Based on Structured Lipids (1,3-specific triglycerides): An Investigation of the in vitro interaction with plasma proteins, Clin. Nutr. 15 (1996) 175-178.

5 Taub, M., Larsen, B., Steffansen, B. & Frokjaer, S.; ß-Carboxylic acid esterified D-Asp-Ala retains a high affinity for the oligopeptide transporter in Caco-2 monolayers, Int. J. Pharm. 146 (1997) 205-212.

6 Taub, M., Moss, B., Steffansen, B. & Frokjaer, S.; Influence of oligopeptide transporter binding affinity upon uptake and transport of D-Asp(OBzl)-Ala and Asp(OBzl)-Sar in filter-grown Caco-2 monolayers, Int. J. Pharm. 156 (1997) 219-228.

7 Sorensen, M., Steenberg, B., Knipp, G.T., Wang, W., Steffansen, B., Frokjaer, S. & Borchardt, R.; The Effect of ¿-Turn Structure on the Permeation of Peptides Across Monolayers of Bovine Brain Microvessel Endothelial Cells, Pharm. Res. 14 (1997) 1341-1348.

8 Chen, M., Brøgger, S.C., Zhai, L., Rasmussen, M.H., Theander, T.G., Frøkjaer, S., Steffansen, B., Davidsen, J. & Kharazmi, A.; The Novel Oxygenated Chalcone, 2,4-Dimethoxy-4-Butoxychalcone, Exhibits Potent Activity against Human Malaria Parasite Plasmodium falciparum In Vitro and Rodent Parasites Plasmodium berghei and Plasmodium yoelii In Vivo, J. Infect. Diseases. 176 (1997) 1327-1333.

9 Jakobsen, D.F., Frokjaer, S., Larsen, C., Niemann, H. & Buur, A.; Application of isothermal microcalorimetry in preformulation. I. Hygroscopicity of drug substances. Int. J. Pharm. 156 (1997) 67-77.

10 Schultz, K., Møllgaard, B., Frokjaer, S. & Larsen, C.; Rotating dialysis cell as in vitro release method for oily parenteral depot solutions. Int. J. Pharm. 157 (1997) 163-169.

11 Hovgaard, L., Jorgensen, S.W., Eigtved, P., Frokjaer, S. & Brøndsted, H.; Drug delivery studies in Caco-2 monolayers. VI. Studies of substituion therapy for phenylketonuria - a new application of Caco-2 monolayers, Int. J. Pharm. 161 (1998) 109-114

12 Taub, M.T., Moss, B., Steffansen, B. & Frokjaer, S.; Oligopeptide transport mediated  uptake and transport of D-Asp(OBzl)-Ala, D-Glu(OBzl)-Ala, and D-Ser(Bzl)-Ala in filter-grown Caco-2 monolayers, Int. J. Pharm. 174 (1998) 223-232.

13 Kreilgaard, L., Jones, L.S., Frokjaer, S., Flink, J.M., Randolph, T.W., Manning, M.C. & Carpenter; J.F.; Effect of Tween 20 on freeze-thawing and agitation-induced aggregation of recombinant human Factor XIII, J. Pharm. Sci. 87 (1998) 1597-1603.

14  Kreilgaard, L., Frokjaer, S., Flink, J.M., Randolph, T.W. & Carpenter, J.F.; Effects of additives on the stability of recombinant human factor XIII during freeze-drying and storage in the dried solid. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 360 (1998) 121-134

15 Steffansen,B., Lepist, I.E., Taub, M.T., Larsen, B.D., Frokjaer, S. & Lennernäs, H.; Stability, metabolism and transport of D-Asp(OBzl)-Ala - a model prodrug with affinity for the oligopeptide transporter, Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 8 (1999) 67-73.

16 Bak, A., Fich, M., Larsen, B.D., Frokjaer, S. & Friis, G.J.; N-terminal 4-imidazolidinone prodrugs of Leu-enkephalin: synthesis, chemical and enzymatic stability studies. Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 7 (1999) 317-323.

17 Bjerregaard, S., Söderberg, I., Vermehren, C. & Frokjaer, S.; The effect of controlled osmotic stress on release and swelling properties of a water-in-oil emulsion. Int. J. Pharm. 183 (1999) 17-20.

18 Vermehren, C., Jørgensen, K. & Frokjaer, S.; Influence of lipopolymer concentration on liposome degradation and blood clearance. Int. J. Pharm. 183 (1999) 13-16

19 Pedersen, T. B., Frokjaer, S., Mouritsen, O. G. & Jørgensen, K.;Phase behavior and lipid-membrane structure of phospholipid-glycosphingolipid liposomes and the thermal unfolding of insulin. J. Liposome Res. 9 (1999) 261-274

20 Kreilgaard, L., Frokjaer, S., Flink, J.M., Randolph & Carpenter, J.F.; Effects of Additives on the Stability of Humicola lanuginosa Lipase during Freeze-Drying and Storage in the Dried Solid, J. Pharm. Sci. 88 (1999) 281-289

21 Krarup L.H., Berglund, A., Sandberg, M., Christensen, I.T., Hovgaaard, L. & Frokjaer, S.; Predicting peptide absorption, Proceeding from the 12th European QSAR Conference, Molecular modelling and prediction of biological activity, Plenum Press (1999)

22 Alifrangis, L.H., Christensen, I.T., Berglund, A., Sandberg, M., Hovgaard, L. & Frokjaer, S.; A structure-property model for membrane partitioning of oligopeptides, J. Med. Chem. 43 (2000) 103-113

23 Bjerregaard, S., Söderberg, I., Vermehren, C. & Frokjaer, S.; Formulation and evaluation of release and swelling mechanism of a water-in-oil emulsion using factorial design, Int. J. Pharm. Sci. 193 (1999) 1-11

24 Christensen, K.L., Christensen, J.Ø., Frokjaer, S., Langballe, P. & Hansen, L.L.; Influence of temperature and storage time after light exposure on the quinine monohydrochloride chemical actinometric system, Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 9 (2000) 317-321

25 Qvist, M.H., Hoeck, U., Kreilgaard, B., Madsen, F. & Frokjaer, S.; Evaluation of Göttingen Minipig skin for transdermal in vitro permeation studies, Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 11 (2000) 59-68

26 Lepist, E.I., Kusk, T., Larsen, D.H., Andersen, D., Frokjaer, S., Taub, M.E., Veski, P., Lennernäs, H., Friedrichsen, G. & Steffansen, B.; Stability and in vitro metabolism of dipeptide model prodrugs with affinity for the oligopeptide transporter, Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 11 (2000) 43-50

27 Nielsen L., Frokjaer, S., Carpenter, J. F. & Brange, J.; Studies of the structure of insulin fibrils by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and electron microscopy, J Pharm Sci 90 (2001) 29-37

28 Vermehren, C., Jørgensen, K., Schiffelers, R. & Frokjaer, S.; Activity of mammalian secreted phospholipase A2 from inflammatory peritoneal fluid towards PEG-liposomes. Early indications, Int. J. Pharm. 214 (2001) 93-98.

29 Pedersen, T.B., Sabra, M.C., Frokjaer, S., Mouritsen, O.G. & Jørgensen, K.; Association of an acylated model peptide with DPPC-DPPS lipid membranes, Int. J. Pharm. 214 (2001) 77-81

30 Bjerrgaard, S., Pedersen, H., Vedstesen, H., Vermehren, C., Söderberg, I. & Frokjaer, S.; Parenteral water/oil emulsions containing hydrophilic compounds with enhanced in vivo retention: formulation, rheological characterisation and study of the in vivo fate using whole body gamma-scintigraphy, Int. J. Pharm. 215 (2001) 13-27

31 Nielsen, C. U., Andersen, R., Brodin, B., Frokjaer, S. & Steffansen, B.; Model prodrugs for the intestinal oligopeptide transporter: model release in aqueous solution and in various biological media, J. Control. Release, 73 (2001) 21-30.

32 Nielsen, C.U., Amstrup, J., Steffansen, B., Frokjaer, S. & Brodin, B.; Epidermal growth factor inhibits glycylsarcosine transport and hPepT1 expression in a human intestinal cell line, Am. J. Physiol. Gastrointest. Liver Physiol. 281 (2001) G191-G199.

33 Bjerregaard, S., Wulf -Andersen, Stephens, R.W., Lund, R.L., Vermehren, C., Söderberg, I. & Frokjaer, S.; Sustained elevated plasma aprotinin concentration in mice following intraperitoneal injections of w/o emulsions incorporating aprotinin, J. Contr. Release, 71 (2001) 87-98

34 Bjerregaard, S., Söderberg, I., Vermehren, C. & Frokjaer, S.; Accelerated stability testing of a water-in-oil emulsion, J. Disper. Sci. Tech., 22 (2001) 23-31

35 Nielsen, L., Khurana, R., Coats, A., Frokjaer, S., Brange, J., Vyas, S., Uversky, V.N. & Fink, A.L.; The effect of enviromental factors on the kinetics of insulin fibril formation: Elucidation of the molecular mechanism. Biochemistry, 40 (2001) 6036-6046

36 Pedersen, T.B., Frokjaer, S., Mouritsen, O.M. & Jørgensen, K.; A calorimetric Study of Phoshocholine membranes mixed with desmopressin and its diacylated prodrug derivative (DDP), Int. J. Pharm. (2001)

37 Pedersen, T.B., Sabra, M.C., Frokjaer, S., Mouritsen, O.G. & Jørgensen, K.; Association of Acylated cationic Deca-peptides with DPPS-DPPC Lipid Membranes, Chem. Phys. Lipids, 113 (2001) 83-95

38 Nielsen, L., Frokjaer, S., Brange, J., Uversky, V.N. & Fink, A.L.; Probing the Mechanism of Insulin Fibril Formation with Insulin Mutants. Biochemistry 40 (2001) 8397-8409

39 Davidsen, J., Vermehren, C., Frokjaer, S., Mouritsen, O. & Jørgensen, K.; Enzymatic degradation of polymer covered SOPC-liposomes in relation to drug delivery. Adv. Colloid and Interface Sci 89-90 (2001) 303-311

40 Davidsen, J., Vermehren, C., Frokjaer, S., Mouritsen, O. & Jørgensen, K.; Drug delivery by phospholipase A2 degradable liposomes, Int. J. Pharm. 214 (2001) 67-69

41 Qvist, M.H., Hoeck, U., Kreilgaard, B., Madsen, F. & Frokjaer, S.; Release of Chemical Permeation Enhancers From Drug-in-Adhesive Transdermal Patches. Int.J.Pharm., 231 (2002) 253-263.

42 Jensen, M., Hansen, P., Birch, Murdan, S., Frokjaer, S. & Florence, A.T.; Loading into and electro-stimulated release of peptides and proteins from chondroitin 4 sulphate hydrogels, Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 15 (2002) 139-148.

43 Qvist, M.H., Hoeck, U., Kreilgaard, B., Madsen, F., Hovgaard, L. & Frokjaer, S.; Application of Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy in Characterization of Chemical Enhancers in Drug-in- Adhesive Transdermal Patches, AAPS PharmSci. 4 (2002) (1) article 3

44 Taub, M., Kristensen, L. & Frokjaer, S.; Optimized conditions for MDCK permeability and turbidimetric solubility studies using compounds representative of BCS classes I-IV, Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 15 (2002) 331-340

45 Brodin, B., Nielsen, C.U., Steffansen, B., & Frøkjær, S.; Transport of Peptidomimetic Drugs by the intestinal Di/tri-peptide Transporter, PepT1, Pharmacol. Toxicol. 90 (2002) 285-296

46 Nielsen, C.U., Brodin, B., Jørgensen, F.S., Frokjaer, S. & Steffansen, B.; Human peptide transporters: therapeutic applications, Expert Opin. Ther. Patents 12 (2002) (9) 1329-1350

47 Nielsen, C.U., Supuran, C.T., Scozzafava, A., Frokjaer, S., Steffansen, B. & Brodin, B.; Transport Characteristics of L-Carnosine and Anticancer Derivative 4-Toluenesulfonylureido-Carnosine in Human Epithelial Cell Line, Pharm. Res. 19 (2002) 1337-1344

48 Garriques, L.N., Frokjaer, S., Carpenter, J.F. & Brange, J.; The Effect of Mutations on the Structure of Insulin Fribrils Studied by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy and Electron Microscopy. J. Pharm Sci. 91 (2002) 2473-80

49 Vermehren, C., Hansen H.S., Clausen-Beck, B. & Frokjaer S.; In vitro and in vivo aspects of N-acyl-phosphatidylethanolamine-containing liposomes, Int. J. Pharm. 254 (2003) 49-53

50 Uversky, V.N., Garriques, L.N., Millett, I.S., Frokjaer, S., Brange, J., Doniach, S. & Fink, A.L.; Prediction of the association state of insulin using spectral parameters, J. Pharm. Sci. 92 (2003) 847-58

51 Jørgensen, L., Vermehren, C., Bjerregaard, S. & Frokjaer, S.; Secondary Structure alteration in insulin and growth hormone water-in-oil emulsions, Int. J. Pharm. 254 (2003) 7-10

52 Thomsen, A.E., Friderichsen, G.M., Sørensen, A.H., Andersen, R., Nielsen, C.U., Brodin, B., Begtrup, M., Frokjaer, S. & Steffansen, B.; Prodrugs of purine and pyrimidine analogues for the intestinal di/tri-peptide transporter PepT1: affinity for hPepT1 in Caco-2cells, drug release in aqueous media and in vitro metabolism, J. Control. Release 86 (2003) 279-292

53 Nielsen, C.U., Amstrup, J., Nielsen, R., Steffansen, S., Frokjaer, S. & Brodin, B.; Epidermal growth factor and insulin short-term increase hPepT1-mediated glycylsarcosine uptake in Caco-2 cells, Acta Physiol. Scand. 178 (2003) 139-148

54 Steffansen, B., Nielsen, C.U., Brodin, B., Erikson, A.H., Andersen, R. & Frokjaer S.; Intestinal solute carriers: an overview of trends and strategies for improving oral drug absorption. Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 21 (2004) 3-16

55 Bravo, S.A., Nielsen, C.U., Amstrup, J., Frokjaer, S. & Brodin B.; Epidermal growth factor decreases PEPT2 transport capacity and expression in rat kidney tubule cell line SKPT0193 cl. 2. Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol. 286 (2004) F385-F393

56 Soenderkaer, S., Carpenter, J.F., van de Weert, M., Hansen, H.L., Flink, F. & Frokjaer, S.; Effects of sucrose on rFVIIa aggregation and methionine oxidation. Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 21 (2004) 597-606

57 Jorgensen, L., Weert, M.v.d., Vermehren, C., Bjerregaard, S. & Frokjaer, S.; Probing structural changes of proteins incorporated into water-in-oil emulsions. J. Pharm. Sci. 93 (2004) 1847-1859

58 Bravo, S.A., Nielsen, C.U., Amstrup, J., Frokjaer, S. & Brodin B.; In-debth evaluation of Gly-Sar transport parameters as a function of culture time in the Caco-2 cell model, Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 21 (2004) 77-86

59 Jorgensen, L., Kim, D.H., Vermehren, C., Bjerregaard, S. & Frokjaer, S.; Micropipette manipulation - a technique to evaluate the stability of water-in-oil emulsions containing proteins, J. Pharm. Sci. 93 (2004) 2994-3003.

60 Jorgensen, L., Vermehren, C., Bjerregaard, S. & Frokjaer, S.; In vitro release of insulin aspart incorporated into water-in-oil emulsions, J. Drug Delivery Sci. Techn, (2004) in press.

61 Foged, C., Arigita, C., Sundblad, A., Storm, G. & Frokjaer, S.; Interaction of dendritic cells with antigen-containing liposomes: effect of bilayer composition, Vaccine 22 (2004) 1903-1913

62 Steffansen, B; Nielsen, C. U. & Frokjaer, S.; Delivery aspects of small peptides and substrates for peptide transporters. Eup J Pharm Biopharm; 60 (2005) 211-245

63 Bravo, S.A. Nielsen, C.U., Frokjaer, S., & Brodin, B.; Characterization of peptide transport parameters in the rat kidney proximal tubule cell line SKPT0193 cl. 2 cultured in basic growth media. Mol Pharm; 2 (2005) 98-108

64 Frokjaer, S. & Otzen, D.E.; Protein Drug Stability: A formulation Challenge, Nature Rev. Drug Discovery, 4 (2005) 298-306.

65 Huss, K. Havelund, S., Olsen, H.B., van de Weert M. & Frokjaer, S.; Thermal Dissociation and Unfoldning of Insulin, Biochemistry 44 (2005) 11171-11177

66 Foged, C., Brodin, B., Frokjaer, S. & Sundblad, A.; Particle size and surface charge affect particle uptake by human dendritic cells in an in vitro model. Int. J. Pharm. 298 (2005) 315-322

67 Soenderkaer, S., van de Weert, M., Lindgaard Hansen, L., Flink, J.& Frokjaer, S.; Evaluation of statistical design/modelling for prediction of the effect of amino acids on agitation-induced aggregation of human growth hormone and human insulin. J. Drug Delivery Sci. Techn, 15 (2005) 427-434

68 Mollmann, S.,H., Bukrinsky, J.,T., Frokjaer, S.& Elofsson, U.; Adsorption of human insulin and AspB28 insulin on a PTFE-like surface. J. Colloid and Interface Sci. 286 (2005) 28-35

69 van de Weert, M., Jorgensen, L., Horn Moeller, E., & Frokjaer, S.; Factors of importance for a successful delivery system for proteins. Expert Opinion 2 (2005)1029-1037

70 Vermehren, C., Frokjaer, S., Aurstad, T.& Hansen, J.; Lung surfactant as a delivery system. Int. J. Pharm. 307 (2006) 89-92

71 Moller Horn, E., Fano, M., van de Weert, M., & Frokjaer, S.; Comparability of protein pharmaceuticals and the suitability of methods for secondary structure analysis. Pharm. Tech. Europe (2006) 1-4

72 Villesen, H.H., Hedal, B., Engbaek, J., Frokjær, S., Hansen, S.H., Jensen, N.H., Rasmussen, M., Skram, U., Stevner, L., & Christrup, L.L.; Pharmacokinetics of M6G following intravenous and oral administration in healthy volunteers. Acutepain 8 (2006) 63-71

73 Andersen, R., Nielsen, C.U., Begtrup, M., Jorgensen, F.S., Brodin, B., Frokjær, S. & Steffansen, B.; In vitro evaluation of N-methyl amide tripeptidomimetics as substrates for the human intestinal di-/tri-peptide transporter hPEPT1. Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 28 (2006) 325-335

74 Mollmann, S.H., Bukrinsky, J.T., Elofsson, U., Elversson, J., Frokjær, S., Thalberg, K. & Millqvist-Fureby, A.; The Stability of Insulin in Solid Formulations Containing Melezitose and Starch. Effects of Processing and Excipients. Drug Dev Ind Pharm 32 (2006) 765-778

75 Huus, K., Havelund, S., Olsen, H.B., van de Weert, M. & Frokjær, S.; Chemical and Thermal Stability of Insulin: Effects of Zinc and Ligand Binding to the Insulin Zinc-Hexamer. Pharm. Res. (2006) DOI: 10.1007/s11095-006-9098-y

76 Jorgensen, L., Moeller, E.H., van de Weert, M., Nielsen, H.M. & Frokjær, S.; Preparing and evaluating delivery systems for proteins. Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 29 (2006) 174-182

77 Stigsnaes, P., Frokjaer, S., Bjerregaard, S., van de Weert, M., Kingshott, P. & Horm Moeller, E.; Characterisation and physical stability of PEGylated glucagons. Int. J.  Pharm. 330 (2007) 89-98

78 Vestergaard, B., Jensen, M.G., Roessle, M., Kastrup, J.S., van de Weert, M., Flink, J.M., Frokjaer, S., Gajhede, M. & Svergun, D.I.; A helical structural nucleus is the primary elongating unit of insulin amyloid fibrils. PLos biology. 5 (2007) 1089-1097

79 Jensen, M.G., Norrman, M., Flink, J.M., van de Weert, M., Bukrinsky, J.T., Schluckebier, G. & Frokjaer, S.; Binding mode of Thioflavin T in insulin amyloid fibrils. J. structural biology, 159 (2007) 483-497

80 Yang, M., Velega, S., Yamamoto, H., Takeuchi, H., Kawashima, Y., Hovgaard, L., van de Weert, M. & Frokjaer, S.; Characterisation of salmon calcitonin in spray-dried powder for inhalation. Effect of chitosan. Int. J. Pharm. 331 (2007) 176-181

81 Host, J., Christensen, I.T., Jorgensen, F.S., Frokjaer, S. & Hovgaard, L.; Computational prediction of solubilizers' effect on partitioning. Int. J. Pharm. 329 (2007) 46-52

82 Foged, C., Nielsen, H.M. & Frokjaer, S.; Liposomes for phospholipase A2 triggered siRNA release: Preparation and in vitro test. Int. J. Pharm. 331 (2007) 160-166

83 Jensen, M.G., Olsen, L., van de Weert, M., Flink, J.M., Frokjaer, S. & Jorgensen, F.S.; Study on the binding of Thioflavin T to #-sheet-rich and non-#-sheet cavities. J. structural biology 158 (2007) 358-369

84 Soehoel, A., Plum, A., Frokjaer, S., Thygesen, P.; I-125 used for labelling of proteins in an absorption model changes the absorption rate of insulin aspart. Int. J. Pharm. 330 1-2 (2007) 114-120

85 Foged, C., Nielsen, H.M. & Frokjaer, S.; Phospholipase A2 sensitive liposomes for delivery of small interfering RNA (siRNA). J. Liposome Res. 17 (2007) 3-4

86 Soendergaard, H.B., Bravo, S.A., Nielsen, C.U., Frokjaer, S. & Larsen, B.B.; Cloning of the pig PEPT2 (pPEPT2) and characterization of the effects of epidermal growth factor (EGF) on pPEPT2-mediated peptide uptake in the renal porcine cell line LLC-PK1. Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 33 4-5 (2008) 332-342

87 Foged, C., Franzyk, H., Bahrami, S., Frokjaer, S., Jaroszewski, J., Nielsen, H.M. & Olsen, C.A.; Cellular uptake and membrane-destabilising properties of ?-peptide/?-peptoid chimeras: lessons for the design of new cell-penetrating peptides. BBA 1778 11 (2008) 2487-2495

Book chapters

1 Hedeman, H., Brøndsted, H., Müllertz, A. & Frokjaer, S.; Fat Emulsions Based on Structured Lipids as Delivery Systems for Intravenous Use, in Future Strategies for drug Delivery with Particulate Systems. Eds. J.E. Diederichs & R.H. Müller. Medpharm Sci. Publ., Stuttgart (1998)

2 Frokjaer, S., Steffansen, B. & Taub, M.T.; Assessment of side-chain modified dipeptides that interact with the oligopeptide transporter, in  Peptide and Protein Delivery. Eds. S. Frokjaer, L. Christrup & P. Krogsgaard-Larsen. Munksgaard, Copenhagen (1998) 287-297.

3 Steffansen, B., Thomsen, A.E. & Frokjaer, S.; Prodrugs, in Drug Availability. Eds. H. van de Waterbeemd, H. Lennernäs & P. Artursson. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2003)

4 Frokjaer, S., Hovgaard, L. & van de Weert, M.; Formulation, Stability, and Characterization of Protein and Peptide Drugs, in Biomaterials for delivery and targeting of proteins and nucleic acids, Ed. R.I. Mahato. CRC Press (2005)

5 Steffansen, B., Thomsen, A.E. & Frokjaer, S.; Prodrugs. Estimation of solubility, permeability, absorption and bioavaibility. Eds. H. van de Waterbeemd, H. Lennernäs & P. Artursson. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2007) 532-546


1 Frøkjær, S., Christrup, L. & Krogsgaard-Larsen, P.(Eds.) Peptide and Protein Drug Delivery, Munksgaard, Copenhagen, 1998.

2 Frokjaer, S. & Hovgaard, L. (Eds.) Pharmaceutical Formulation Development of Peptides and Proteins, Taylor & Francis, London, (2000).

Patents/patent applications

1 Frøkjær, S., Eriksen, S. & Adler Nissen, J.L. (1987); Enteral diet product, agent and methods for its production, EP 0246747 A1.

2 Hansen, T.T., Godtfredsen, S.E & Frøkjær, S. (1989); Emulsion and use of the emulsion as a parenteral preparation, 3256.234-WO.

3 Hansen, T.T., Godtfredsen, S.E. & Frøkjær, S. (1989); Emulsion and use of the emulsion as a parenteral preparation, 3256.244-WO.

4 Frøkjær, S., Eriksen, S. & Wørts, O. (1989); Nutritionally complete enteral diet product, 3409.000-DK.

5 Frokjaer, S. & Hansen, T.T.; Use of a material, the main constituent of which is a triglyceride, as an agent with biological effect on the intestinal mucosa and preparation containing such agent, European Patent Specification, nr. 0 509 009 B1 (1995)

6 Frøkjær, S., Steffansen, B., Larsen, B.D. & Taub M.; Oligopeptide transporter, Danish Patent Application,DK 96/01226 (1996).

7 Berthelsen, J., Frøkjær, S., & Saltin, B.; Additive for use in any energy supplementation, use of a protein hydrolysate to the preparation of energy supplementation and an energy supplement containing such an additive. WO 97/39641 (1996)

8 Jorgensen, K., Davidsen, Vermehren, C., Frokjaer, S. & Mouritsen, O.G.; Lipid-based drug delivery systems containing phospholipase A2 degradable lipid derivatives and the therapeutic uses thereof. WO 01/58910

9 Jorgensen, K., Davidsen, Vermehren, C., Frokjaer, S. & Mouritsen, O.G.; Lipid-based drug delivery systems containing phospholipase A2 degradable lipid derivatives for topical application to the skin WO 01/76555

10 Jorgensen, K., Davidsen, Vermehren, C., Frokjaer, S. & Mouritsen, O.G.; Lipid-based drug delivery systems for targeting diagnostics agents. WO 01/76644

11 Jorgensen, K., Davidsen, Vermehren, C., Frokjaer, S. & Mouritsen, O.G.; Lipid-based drug delivery systems containing phospholipase A2 degradable lipid derivatives for medical use against parasitic infections. WO 01/76556


Short presentation

Degrees and positions in academia
Professor Sven Frokjaer received his MSc (Pharm.) in 1970 and his PhD in physical chemistry in 1973 from the Danish University of Pharmaceutical Sciences. He has been Professor of Pharmaceutics at the Department of Pharmaceutics since 1993 and Rector at the Danish University of Pharmaceutical Sciences from 2003 to 2007.

After the merge with the University of Copenhagen, Sven became Dean at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Since 2012, he is Vice-Dean at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen. From 2002 to 2005 he held the position as director of the industrial-oriented graduate research school Drug Research Academy where he his is now chairman of the board.

Research field
Before joining the university, Sven Frokjaer spent nearly 20 years at Novo Nordisk A/S involved in research on drug delivery systems and various aspects of peptide and protein formulation.

Today, his primary research interest is focussed on peptide and protein formulation with a special emphasis on particulate drug delivery systems, e.g. microspheres, liposomes and lipid emulsions, and peptide transport across biological membranes including carrier-mediated mechanisms. He has published more 100 scientific papers in these fields.

Sven Frokjaer is a member of several boards and committees including The Danish Pharmacopeia Commission and the Drug Registration Committee under the Danish Health and Medicines Authority. He serves as member of editorial boards on several pharmaceutical journals. He has also served as member at the Danish Medical Research Council for a period of 5 years.

Sven Frokjaer is the co-founder of two biotech companies, Lica Pharmaceuticals A/S and LiPlasome Pharma A/S.

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