Theis Lange

Theis Lange

Ph.D. Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, 2008

  • Postboks 2099, Øster Farimagsgade 5 opg. B, 1014 København K, 24 Øster Farimagsgade 5, 24-1-08

  • Øster Farimagsgade 5 entr. B, POBox 2099, DK-1014 Copenhagen K, Building 10, 10-2-29

  • Source: Scopus

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Short presentation

My research involves methodological research within statistics as well as a wide range of applied collaborations with medical doctors, epidemiologists, psychologists etc. My methodological work is focused on causal inference i.e. a formal framework for addressing cause and effect. Methods I have developed have been broadly applied and its novelty recognized by the 2012 Kenneth Rothman Prize. My applied collaborations span from RCTs to complex longitudinal observational studies and from intensive care research to psychology.

Current research

  • Causal inference and mediation
  • Statistical analysis of clinical trials
  • Novel designs and associated statistical methods for creation of evidence in the real world

Possible conflicts of interest

Have served in Data Safety Monitoring Committees for Novo Nordisk and Leo Pharma as well as in a number of investigator sponsored trials. Have done consultancy/teaching work for Bohringer-Ingelheim and BeiGene. Have served under instruction by SSI as part of the work with mathematical modelling of Corona. 


Born: 22nd of February 1978


Ph.D. Mathematical Statistics, University of Copenhagen (Thesis: “Asymptotic Theory in Financial Time Series Models with Conditional Heteroscedasticity”).


M.Sc. Mathematics and Economics, University of Copenhagen (Thesis: “Likelihood Based Inference in the AR-ARCH Model”). 


M.Sc. Econometrics and Mathematical Economics with Distinction at London School of Economics (Thesis: “Consumption, Aggregated Wealth, and Expected Stock Returns in the UK”). 

Bachelor (B.Sc.), Mathematics and Economics, University of Copenhagen (Thesis: “Modeling the Real Exchange Rate Using Threshold Autoregressive Models”).


2021 - present
Head of Dep of Public Health, University of Copenhagen

2021 - present 
Professor of Biostatistics, Dep of Public Health, University of Copenhagen

2009 - 2021
Assistant Professor at the Section of Biostatistics, University of Copenhagen.

2008 – 09
Post.doc at the Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen. 

2008 – 09
Post.doc. at Center for Research in Econometric Analysis of Time Series (CREATES), University of Aarhus. 

2006 – 09
Part time consultant for an upstart IT company, which provides business consulting.

2005 – 08
Ph.D. student at the University of Copenhagen. Main research interest multivariate volatility modeling.

Research Assistant at the consultancy firm London Economics.

Review activity

Biometrics, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Journal of Econometrics, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, Statistica Sinica, Statistics in Medicine, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, The Manchester School. The R Journal

Langue Skills
Danish (native), English (fluent).

Computer Experience (selected references only)
Office (advanced user).
Programming experience with C++, Ox, and R.
The statistical packages SPSS, SAS, R, GiveWin, and PcGive.


Langue Skills

                        Danish (native).

                        English (fluent).

Computer Experience (selected references only)

                        Office (advanced user).

                        Programming experience with C++, Ox, and R.

                        The statistical packages SPSS, SAS, R, GiveWin, and PcGive.


  • Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
  • Statistical analysis
  • evidence-based medicine
  • Causal Inference
  • RCT
  • COVID-19
  • statistics
  • biostatistics
  • sundhedsdata
  • forebyggelse

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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