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  • Rolighedsvej 23

    1958 Frederiksberg C

  • Source: Scopus

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With a career dedicated to the intersection of forest ecology, remote sensing technology, and sustainable resource management, my work is driven by a passion for understanding and conserving our planet's forests. I've devoted my career to exploring the dynamics of forest growth, carbon dynamics, and the sustainable provision of ecosystem services.

Research Interests

My primary research interests lie in:

  • Forest Resource Assessment: Leveraging ground-based inventories and advanced remote sensing technologies to enhance our understanding of forest resources.
  • Carbon Dynamics: Investigating the role of forests in carbon sequestration and the implications for climate change mitigation.
  • Sustainable Forest Management: Developing strategies for forest management that support the bio-based economy while ensuring the provision of critical ecosystem services.

Key Achievements

  • Led significant projects like "Forests Fit For Future" and contributed to enhancing the EU's climate policy through cost-effective carbon sequestration strategies.
  • Pioneered in applying remote sensing and statistical analyses for error assessment in forest inventory estimations, pushing the boundaries of traditional methodologies.
  • My dedication to teaching and student mentorship has been recognized with excellent student reviews, and several of my supervised projects have been awarded "Project of the Year."
  • As an associate editor for the Canadian Journal of Forest Research and a valued member of various scientific committees, I contribute to the advancement of our field globally.

Publications and Contributions

With an h-index of 25 and over 72 peer-reviewed journal articles, my work has contributed significantly to the scientific community's understanding of forest ecosystems. My commitment to both scientific excellence and practical applications of research is evident in my role in over 150 research contributions, including technical reports, book chapters, and conference proceedings.


Beyond academia, I engage in public and private advisory roles, providing insights at national and international levels, including the Ministry of Environment and the EU FAO. My expertise has also reached broader audiences through newspaper articles and appearances on national radio and TV, emphasizing the importance of forests in our everyday lives.


For collaboration, consultation, or further discussion about my work, please feel free to contact me.


Education 2003-2006 PhD education at The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University 1998-2000 MSc. Forest Science, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University 1994-1998 BSc. Forest Science, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University Post graduate courses 2008 Project leadership for scientists (Projektledelse for forskere), HR and Organisation, Copenhagen University 2008 Introduction to University Pedagogy (Introduktion til universitetspædagogik), Department of Science Eductaion, Copenhagen University 2007 Counselling PhD-students (vejledning af PhD-studerende), HR and Organisation, Copenhagen University Professional experience 2007- Senior scientist at Forest & Landscape , University of Copenhagen 2006-2007 Post Doc. at Forest & Landscape , The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University 2002-2003 Research assistant, Danish Forest and Landscape Research Institute. 1998-1999 Under graduate employee, Danish Forest and Landscape Research Institute. 1998-1999 Under graduate employee, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University 1996 Under graduate teacher, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University Teaching 2006-2008 Teaching statistics at the Forest College in Nødebo 2003- Co-teaching "Natural resource sampling and modeling", Faculty of LIFE sciences Copenhagen University Presentations, conferences etc. 2008 National correspondent for the Global Forest Resource Assessment 2010 (FRA 2010), FAO 2008 Presenter at the Seminar and meeting of the Nordic Co-operation Group for Forest Inventory, August 20.-22, Iceland 2008 Presenter at the conference on GIS and Geodatabases. COWI. May 26. in Vejle and June 6. in Slagelse 2006 Presentation at the symposium "Kyoto, bioenergi og skovene", November 22., Copenhagen 2006 Presentation at the Conference on Forest Inventory, planning and statistics - from data collection to policy making, September 25.-28., Copenhagen 2004 Visiting scholar at Oregon State University 2004 Presentation at the 2nd International Conference on Forest Measurements and Quantitative Methods and Management, Arkansas, USA 2001-2003 International Energy Agency, Task 31. Biomass Production for Energy from Sustainable Forestry. Publications
  • Nord-Larsen, T., A. Bergstedt, O. Farver, and N. Heding. Drying of firewood - the effect of harvesting time, tree species and shelter of stacked wood. Biomass & Bioenergy, in press.
  • Skovsgaard, J.P., C. Bald, and T. Nord-Larsen, 2011. Functions for biomass and basic density of stem, crown and root system of Norway spruce ( Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in Denmark. Scandianavian Journal of Forest Research 26, 3-20.
  • Nord-Larsen, T., A. Bastrup-Birk, I. M. Thomsen, B. B. Jørgensen and V. K. Johannsen, 2010. Skove og plantager 2009. Forest & Landscape, Frederiksberg. 35 p. ill.
  • Nord-Larsen, T. and T. Riis-Nielsen, 2010. Developing an airborne laser scanning dominant height model from a countrywide scanning survey and national forest inventory data. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 25, 262-272.
  • Nord-Larsen, T. H. Meilby and J. P. Skovsgaard, 2009. Site-specific height growthj models for six common tree species in Denmark. Scandianavian Journal of Forest Research 24, 194-204.
  • Nord-Larsen, T., V. K. Johannsen, L. Vesterdal, B. B. Jørgensen and A. Bastrup-Birk, 2009. Skove og plantager 2008. Forest & Landscape, Hørsholm. 21 p. ill.
  • Martinussen, T., T. Nord-Larsen and V. K. Johannsen, 2008. Estimating forest cover in the presence of missing observations. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 23 266 - 271.
  • Nord-Larsen, T. and K. Suadicani, 2008. Hugst fra toppen i mellemaldrende gran. SKOVEN 40, 42-45.
  • Nord-Larsen, T. and V.K. Johannsen, 2007. A state-space approach to stand growth modelling of European beech. Annals of Forest Science 64, 365-374.
  • Nord-Larsen, T., 2007. Hugst af hetræflis - bæredygtig energi? SKOVEN 39, 36-39.
  • Nord-Larsen, T., 2007. Hugst af hetræflis - bæredygtig energi? Dansk Skovbrugs Tidsskrift 92, 62-72.
  • Nord-Larsen, T., 2006. Developing dynamic site index curves for European beech in Denmark. pp. 297-306. In: Cieszewski, C.J. and Strub, M. (eds.) Proceedings of the second international conference on forest measurements and quantitative methods and management & The 2004 Southern Mensurationists Meeting. Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia, Athens, GA., 412 pp.
  • Nord-Larsen, T., 2006. Modelling individual tree growth from data with highly irregular measurement intervals. pp. 95-105. In: Cieszewski, C.J. and Strub, M. (eds.) Proceedings of the second international conference on forest measurements and quantitative methods and management & The 2004 Southern Mensurationists Meeting. Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia, Athens, GA., 412 pp.
  • Nord-Larsen, T., 2007. Hugst af hetræflis - bæredygtig energi? SKOVEN 39, 36-38.
  • Nord-Larsen, T., 2006. En diameterfordelings model for bøg. Videnblad 9.2 - 5, Skov & Landskab, Hørsholm. 2 pp.
  • Nord-Larsen, T., 2006. En enkelttræ-tilvækstmodel for bøg. Videnblad 9.3 - 4, Skov & Landskab, Hørsholm. 2 pp.
  • Nord-Larsen, T., 2006. Dynamiske bevoksningsmodeller for bøg. Videnblad 9.3 - 4, Skov & Landskab, Hørsholm. 2 pp.
  • Nord-Larsen, T., 2006. Nye bonitetskurver for bøg. Videnblad 9.2 - 4, Skov & Landskab, Hørsholm. 2 pp.
  • Nord-Larsen, T. and Q.V. Cao, 2006. A diameter distribution model for even-aged beech in Denmark. Forest Ecology and Management 231, 218-225..
  • Nord-Larsen, T., C. Damgaard, and J. Weiner, 2006. Quantifying size-asymmetric growth among individual beech trees. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 36, 418-425.
  • Nord-Larsen, T., 2006. Modelling individual tree growth from data with highly irregular measurement intervals. Forest Science. 52, 198-209.
  • Nord-Larsen, T., 2006. Developing dynamic site index curves for European beech in Denmark. Forest Science. 52, 173-181.
  • Nord-Larsen, T. and B. E. Talbot, 2004. Assessment of forest fuel resources in Denmark: production potential and economic availability. Biomass & Bioenergy. 27, 97-109
  • Talbot, B. E. and T. Nord-Larsen, 2003. Using haulage distance as a determinant of supply strategy for the bio-energy sector in Denmark. In Wide, M. I. and Baryd, B. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 2nd Forest Engineering Conference 12-15 May 2003, Växjö, Sweeden. Pp. 139-148.
  • Nord-Larsen, T. and N. Heding, 2003. Træbrændselsressourcer fra danske skove over ½ ha - opgørelse og prognose 2002. Dansk Skovbrugs Tidsskrift 87(1), 1-72.
  • Nielsen, C. N., B. Glent-Madsen, M. Gaarde and T. Nord-Larsen, 2002. Udvikling i stormstabilitet i mellemalrende rødgrantræer efter stærk fristilling Dansk Skovbrugs Tidsskrift 87, 41-72.
  • Nord-Larsen, T. and P. Holten-Andersen, 2002. Økonomien ved konvertering til naturnær drift på hedelokaliteter ved skærmstilling af rødgran. In: Skov & Landskabskonferencen 2002. Eds. Christensen, C. J. and Koch, N. E.. Center for Skov Landskab og Planlæging, Hørsholm. Pp. 59-64.
  • Nord-Larsen, T., A. Bechsgaard, M. Holm and P. Holten-Andersen, 2002. Economic analysis of near-natural beech stand management in Northern Germany. Forest Ecology and Management. 184 (1-3), pp. 149-165.
  • Nord-Larsen, T., 2001. Stand and site productivity response following whole-tree harvesting in early thinnings of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H.Karst). Biomass & Bioenergy 23, 1-23.
  • Nord-Larsen, T., 2001. Heltræudnyttelse og tilvækst ved tyndinger i ung rødgran. Videnblad nr. 8.5-15. Forskningscentret for Skov & Landskab. Hørsholm. 2 pp.
  • Nord-Larsen, T., 2001. Assessment of fuel-wood resources in the Madona District in Latvia. In: Danish Energy Agency - Environmental-related Energy Sector Programme, Latvia. Fuel Conversion from Mazut to renewable fuels. Project no. 2136/00054-0013. Danish Energy Agency. Copenhagen. 36 pp.
  • Nord-Larsen, T., 2001. Flishugst i tynding og træernes vækst. FSL-forsøg nr. 1508. Klosterheden Statsskovdistrikt, Gudumhus Skovpart, afd. 221, Anlægsrapport nr. 599. Forskningscentret for Skov & Landskab. Hørsholm. 18 pp.
  • Nord-Larsen, T., 2001. Flishugst i tynding og træernes vækst. FSL-forsøg nr. 1509. Mangehøje Plantage, afd. 12ac, Anlægsrapport nr. 600. Forskningscentret for Skov & Landskab. Hørsholm. 18 pp.
  • Nord-Larsen, T., 2001. Sortimentsudfald ved fladefald i nåletræ. SKOVEN. 5: 221-224.
  • Nord-Larsen, T., 2001. Udspredning af pelleteret aske i skov. FJERNVARMEN 8, 32-37
  • Nord-Larsen, T., 2001. Udspredning af pelleteret aske i skov. SKOVEN 9, 418-42l.

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