Thomas Szanto

Thomas Szanto

  • Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 København S

  • Karen Blixens Plads 8

    2300 København S

Personal profile

Short presentation


AoS: Phenomenology, Philosophy of Mind and Action, Philosophy of Emotion, Social Ontology, Social Cognition, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Political Theory

AoC: Epistemology, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language, Critical Thinking, (Applied and Meta-)Ethics

Short presentation

I'm a philosopher with a background in phenomenology and analytic philosophy of mind. Currently, I am working at the intersection of phenomenology, philosophy of emotions, social cognition and social ontology. 

Particularly, I am interested in understanding irrational or disruptive phenomena concerning emotions in social, collaborative, collective, and most recently in political contexts (such as emotional alienation, collaborative akrasia and self-deception, group-related distrust, Ressentiment and hatred). I continuously engage with the relevant strands in the empirical and social sciences, and especially the sociology of emotions, social psychology, social identification theory and political psychology.

I am an Associate Professor at the Center for Subjectivity Research, Dept. of Communication, at the University of Copenhagen, affiliated to the Carlsberg Foundation research project “Who are We? Self-identity, Social Cognition, and Collective Intentionality” (2020-2024; PI: Prof. Dan Zahavi). You can find more information on this project here:

2019, I was a Research Assistant at the Institute of Philosophy, University of Vienna, employed within the framework of my Austrian Research Council (FWF) research project "Antagonistic Political Emotions" (2019-2021).

 2018-2019, I was a Senior Researcher at the Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, at University of Jyväskylä.

2016-2018, I was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Center for Subjectivity Research (CFS), working on my Marie Curie research project, "SHARE: Shared Emotions, Group Membership, and Empathy" (SHARE-655067).

2014-2016, I have spent two Postdoc years at CFS in the VELUX Fonden research project “Empathy and Interpersonal Understanding”.

2012-2013, I was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the School of Philosophy, University College Dublin, affiliated to the Irish Research Council project "Discovering the 'We': The Phenomenology of Sociality" (PI: Prof. Dermot Moran).

I have also held a number of Adjunct Lecturer positions, among others at the Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna (2008-2014).

You can find more information about my work and access my publications here: 


For the most up-to-date CV, see here:


Academic Degrees


2010         PhD in Philosophy (Dr. phil.) (summa cum laude), University of Vienna
2004         MA in Philosophy (Mag. phil.) (summa cum laude),  University of Vienna


Academic Appointments


  • 2020 -  Associate Professor in Philosophy, Center for Subjectivity Research, Department of Communication, University of Copenhagen (non-tenured/non-tenure track)
  • 2019:  Research Assistant at the Institute of Philosophy, University of Vienna, employed within the framework of my Austrian Research Council (FWF) research project "Antagonistic Political Emotions" (2019-2021).
  • 2018 - 2019:  University Researcher, University of Jyväskylä, Affiliated Academy of Finland Research Project: “Marginalization and Experience: Phenomenological Analyses of Normality and Abnormality” (PI: Sara Heinämaa) (14 months)
  • 2016 - 2018:  Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen; Research Project: SHARE: “Shared Emotions, Group Membership and Empathy” (24 months)
  • 2017:  Visiting Researcher at the DFG-Collaborative Research Center  “Affective Societies”, Free University Berlin (3 months)
  • 2014 - 2016:  Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen
  • 2012 - 2013:  Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University College Dublin, School of  Philosophy
  • 2008 - 201:  Lecturer (Adjunct), University of Vienna, Department of Philosophy
  • 2010 - 2012:  Lecturer (Adjunct), University of Klagenfurt, Department of Philosophy
  • 2010:  Teaching Fellow, University of Applied Pedagogy, Vienna
  • 2006 - 2007:  Teaching Fellow, Medical University of Graz
  • 2005 - 2006:  Junior Visiting Fellow, Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna
  • 2002 - 2003:  Visiting Graduate Student, Université Paris 8


Grants and Scholarships


  • 2019 - 2021:  The Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Stand-Alone Project: “Antagonistic Political Emotions”, University of Vienna, PI: Thomas Szanto (36 months)
  • 2016 - 2018       Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (score: 96.2/100) (24 months)
  • 2013                  UCD SEEDS Grant, University College Dublin (co-applicant, twice)
  • 2012                  Publication Grant, University of Vienna
  • 2012                  Travel Grant, Austrian Research Community
  • 2009 - 2010        Research Scholarship, University of Vienna (12 months)
  • 2005 - 2007        DOC-Scholarship, Austrian Academy of Science (24 month)
  • 2005 - 2006        Junior Visiting Fellowship, Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna
  • 2004                  Grant for Excellent Studies, University of Vienna
  • 2002 - 2003        Erasmus Scholarship, Université Paris 8


Conferences & Workshops Organized


  • Sept. 7-8, 2022:  International Conference: “For, Against, Together: Antagonistic Political Emotions”, Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen  (organized with L. Osler, R. Tietjen)
  • Oct. 4-5, 2021:  International Conference: “Affective Enclaves: Forging Communities Online and Offline”, Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen  (organized with L. Osler)
  • Jun. 10, 2021: Book Symposium: “The Phenomenology of Emotions: Recent Debates and Future Perspectives”, 8th Annual Conference the European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions (EPSSE) (online)
  • Oct. 11-12, 2018: International Conference: “From Shame to Disgust and Hatred: Philosophical and Empirical Perspectives on Political Emotions”, University of Helsinki (organized with S. Heinämaa, M. Salmela)

    Jun. 13-15, 2018: Symposium: “The Politics of Resentment and Ressentiment”, 5th Annual Conference the European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions (EPSSE), Tallinn

  • May 18 - 19, 2017: International Conference: "Shared Cultural Contexts", Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen (organized with D. Zahavi, S. Overgaard, F. León)
  • Mar. 29 - 31, 2017:  Spring School: "Empathy, Direct Perception and Other Minds", Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen (organized with D. Zahavi, S. Overgaard, F. León)
  • May 21 - 22, 2015:  International Conference: "Emapthy, Group Membership and We-Intentionality." Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen (co-organizer: Dan Zahavi)
  • Dec. 16, 2013:  International Workshop: "Empathy, Community and the State: The Social Philosophy of Edith Stein", University College Dublin (co-organizer: Dermot Moran)
  • Aug. 6, 2013:  Roundtable: "Current Issues in Phenomenological Ontology", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, Athens (co-organizers: Dermot Moran, Alessandro Salice, Genki Uemura)
  • May 8 - 10, 2013:  International Conference: "Discovering the ‘We’: The Phenomenology of Sociality", University College Dublin (co-organizer: Dermot Moran)
  • Feb. 27 - 28, 2013:  Research Workshop: "Edith Stein’s Social Philosophy", University College Dublin (co-organizers: Mette Lebech, Danielle Petherbridge, Alessandro Salice)
  • Mar. 21 - 23, 2013:  International Conference: "Social Reality: The Phenomenological Approach", Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna (co-organizers: Hans Bernhard Schmid, Alessandro Salice)
  • Dec. 14, 2012:  Workshop: "Social Cognition and Group Cognition", University College Dublin (co-organizers: Cathal O’Madagain, Alessandro Salice)
  • Nov. 29 - 30, 2012:  International Workshop: "Life-World and Natural World. Husserl and Patočka", University College Dublin (co-organizers: Dermot Moran, Ivan Chvatík and Lubica Učník)




  • 2021/22 - "Applied Phenomenology", Department of Communication, University of Copenhagen (BA/MA course) (with Dan Zahavi and others)
  • 2021 - "Philosophy of Emotions", Department of Communication, University of Copenhagen (MA course) (course responsible; with Mikko Salmela)
  • 2016 - "Classical Text: Husserl's Experience and Judgment", Department for Media, Communication and Cognition, University of Copenhagen (MA course) (with Søren Overgaard)
  • 2015/16 - "Classical Text: Husserl’s Crisis", Department for Media, Communication and Cognition, University of Copenhagen (MA course) (with Dan Zahavi)
  • 2012/13 - "Philosophy of Mind", School of Philosophy, University College Dublin, (graduate seminar) (together with Maria Baghramian and Cathal O’Madagain)
  • 2012/13 - (Responsible Session Leader): “Introduction to Phenomenology” (Seminar Leader: Dermot Moran), Trinity College Dublin (BA-seminar)
  • 2012 - "Consciousness and Intentionality: Fundamental Problems in Philosophy of Mind", Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna (BA-seminar)
  • 2012 - "Teamwork: Collective Intentionality and Social Action” Department of Philosophy, University of Klagenfurt (BA-seminar)
  • 2011/12 - "Practical Irrationality”, Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna (BA-seminar)
  • 2011 - "Analytical Philosophy of Action”, Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna (BA-seminar)
  • 2011 - "Self-Deception and Weakness of Will", Department of Philosophy, University of Klagenfurt (BA-seminar) 
  • 2011 - "Argumentation Theory and Rhetorics", Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna (BA lecture course & seminar)
  • 2010:  "Action Theory", Department of Philosophy, University of Klagenfurt (BA-seminar)
  • 2010 - "Husserl’s Transcendental Phenomenology", Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna (BA-seminar)                
  • 2010 - "Argumentation Theory and Rhetorics", Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna (BA lecture course & seminar)
  • 2010 - "Introduction to Ethics and Anthropology", University of Applied Pedagogy, Vienna (graduate seminar) (together with Michael Wallner)
  • 2009 - "Argumentation Theory and Rhetorics", Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna (BA lecture course & seminar)
  • 2008 - "Argumentation Theory and Rhetorics", Department of Philosophy,University of Vienna (BA lecture course & seminar)
  • 2007 - "Medical Ethics", Medical University of Graz (BA-seminar)
  • 2006 - "Medical Ethics", Medical University of Graz (BA-seminar)



  • Oct. 2022, "The Pull of Things, The Pull of the Self: Stein‘s Multi-Dimensional Account of Affective Intentionality", Conference: “Intentionality as Tendency: Phenomenological Perspectives”, University of Würzburg 
  • Aug. 2022 (with Linas Tranas): "Affective Resonance and Shared Emotions", Conference of the International Society of Social Ontology, Vienna
  • Jun. 2022 (with Ruth Tietjen): "The Fittingness and Appropriateness of Political Emotions", Annual Conference the European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions, Graz
  • Mar. 2022, "What are Political Emotions?" Peace Research Institute Oslo (webinar) (invited)
  • Mar. 2022  Epistemically Exploitative Bullshit, Center for Ethics and Critical Thought, University of Edinburgh  (webinar) (invited)
  • Feb. 2022  Corporate Distrust and Dehumanization, California State University, East Bay, (webinar) (invited)
  • Oct. 2021, "Recognizing the Imagined Community: A Critical Reappraisal of Husserl and Stein on the State". Workshop: “Husserl and Community”, Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen (invited)
  • Oct. 2021, "Corporate Distrust and Dehumanization." Symposium: “Dehumanization: New Philosophical Perspectives”, University of Helsinki (online) (invited)
  • May 2021, "Collective Emotions: A Phenomenological Account." Lecture Series: “Collective Intentionality in Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind”; Zhejiang University, May 10, 2021 (online) (invited)
  • May 2021, "Recognizing the Imagined Community: A Critical Reappraisal of Husserl and Stein on the State." Workshop: “Social Ontology and Objective Spirit: Classical and Contemporary Perspectives, University of Cologne & Marquette University (online) (keynote) 
  • Jan. 2021, "Kollektive Emotionen." MA-Workshop „Soziale Kognition“; University of Cologne (Guest Lecture) 
  • Nov. 2020, "What are Political Emotions?" (Guest Lecture), BA/MA-course “Forgiveness, Reconciliation, and Apology in Politics and Political Theory”, Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen 
  • [Mar. 2020, Political Atmospheres and Political Emotions. Conference: “Public Feelings: Affects and Political Participation.” University of Helsinki [Cancelled, due to COVID-19 Pandemic] 
  • Mar. 2020, "Feeling of Belonging and Feeling Solidarity: Two Forms of Social Cohesion?" Workshop Social Cohesion, Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen (invited)
  • Nov. 2019, "Fanaticism: A Collective Affective Mechanism?" Confronting Fanaticism: Theoretical and Applied Perspective, University of Vienna (keynote)
  • Sept. 2019, "Imagining Collectives. A Normative Account." Conference of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Phänomenologische Forschung (DGPF), University of Vienna 
  • Jun. 2019, "Kollektive Emotionen und die anti-individualistischen Herausforderungen der Philosophie des Geistes", University of Potsdam (invited)
  • May 2019, "Can Hatred be ever Appropriate?" (Guest Seminar) Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade (invited)
  • May 2019,   "The Politics of Ressentiment: From Value-Illusion to False Solidarity." Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade (invited)

  • Apr. 2019,   "Political Atmospheres and Political Emotions", Workshop Atmospheres of Shared Emotion, University of Vienna (invited)

  • Mar. 2019,   "The Politics of Ressentiment: From Value-Illusion to False Solidarity." Workshop: Hostile Emotions: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives, Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), University of Bielefeld (invited)

  • Oct. 2018,    (with Jan Slaby): "Affects and Emotions: What Makes them Political?", Conference: From Shame to Disgust and Hatred: Philosophical and Empirical Perspectives on Political Emotions, University of Helsinki

  • Sept. 2018,   "From Empathy to Emotional Co-Regulation and Shared Body Schemas", Performative Symposium; Corporeality: On Practicing Empathy and Embodiment, Museum Folkwang, Essen (invited)

  • Sept. 2018,   "Essential Normativism about Collective Belief", Workshop: Non-reductive Accounts of Shared Intentionality, University of Copenhagen (invited)

  • Aug. 2018,   "Situated Emotions and Emotional Self-Alienation", Round Table “Situated Approaches to Emotions and Affectivity”, XXIV World Conference of Philosophy, Beijing (invited)

  • Jun. 2018,    "The Politics of Ressentiment: A Collective Affective Intentionality Account", 5th Annual Conference the European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions (EPSSE), Tallinn (invited)

  • Apr. 2018,  "Ressentiment: A Collective Affective Intentionality Account", ‘Phenomenology of Solidarity: Community, Practice and Politics’: The 16th Annual Conference of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology, Gdansk (refereed)

  • Feb. 2018,  "Stein and Walther on Shared Emotions: A Critical Comparison", Workshop: Early Phenomenology on Affective Sharing, FU Berlin (invited)

  • Nov. 2017,  "Imagining Collectives", Conference: Perspectives on Personhood and Communality: Emotions, Norms, and Imagination, University of Helsinki (invited)

  • Sept. 2017,  "Kollektiver Hass", Die Phänomenologie und das Politische, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Phänomenologie, Fern-Universität Hagen (refereed)

  • Aug. 2017,  "Collective Hatred", 5th Conference of the European Network on Social Ontology (ENSO V), Lund University (refereed)

  • Jun. 2017, "Empathy and Imaginative Resistance", Empathies Conference, University of Basel (invited)

  • May 2017,  "Emotional Self-Alienation", Collaborative Research Center Affective Societies, FU Berlin (invited)

  • May 2017,  (with Alba Montes Sánchez) "Imagining Collectives", Conference: Shared Cultural Contexts, Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen

  • Apr. 2017,  "Situated Emotions and Emotional Self-Alienation", Workshop: Affective Spaces, Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen (invited)

  • Apr. 2017,  "Distrusting Collectives", University of Linköping (invited)

  • Mar. 2017,  "Social Identity and Social Perception Biases", CFS Spring School: Direct Perception and Other Minds, Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen

  • Mar. 2017,  "Shared Emotions: Re-Assessing the Phenomenological Account." Charles University Prague (invited)

  • Mar. 2017,  "Essential Normativism about Collective Belief", Hradec University (invited)

  • Feb. 2017,  "Extended Emotions and Emotional Alienation", University of Verona (invited)

  • Dec. 2016, "Empathy Biases, Social Salience and Group Entitativity", CFS Workshop: Emapthy in and with Groups, University of Copenhagen
  • Nov. 2016,  "Shared Emotions: Re-Assessing the Phenomenological Account", Sketches of a Social Phenomenology. University of Liège (invited)

  • Oct. 2016,  "The Temporality of Negative Collective Emotions: The Case of Hatred", Time and Intentionality, University of Montreal (invited)

  • Sept. 2016,  "The Temporality of Collective Emotions", Collective Intentionality X, Den Haag (refereed)

  • Jun. 2016, "The Temporality of Negative Collective Emotions: The Case of Hatred", European Society for the Philosophy of Emotions, Athens (refereed)

  • Apr. 2016, (with Alessandro Salice): "Terrorism and Distrust: A Collective Agency Account", CFS Workshop We-identity and its Social and Political Implications, University of Copenhagen (invited)

  • Mar. 2016,  "Shared Emotions: Phenomenological and Empirical Perspectives", Center for Phenomenological Studies, Trnava University, Slovakia (invited)

  • Mar. 2016,  "Collective Irrationality and Collective Wrongdoing", Center for Phenomenological Studies, Trnava University, Slovakia (invited)

  • Feb. 2016,  "Stein and Walther on Shared Emotions: A Critical Comparison", Women Phenomenologists on Social Ontology, Paderborn University (invited)

  • Jan. 2016, "A Phenomenological Account of Shared Emotions." Consciousness & Cognition Research Colloquium, Ruhr-Universität Bochum Bochum (invited)

  • Sept. 2015, (with Alba Sanchez Montes) "Imagining Collectives and Collective Imagination", 4th Conference of the European Network on Social Ontology, University of Palermo (refereed)

  • July 2015, "Imagining Collectives and Collective Imagination", Imagination, Intersubjectivity, and Perspective-Taking, Villa Vigoni, Loveno di Menaggio, Como (invited)

  • July 2015 (with Joel Krueger): "Emotional Co-Regulation and Social Identification: An Embodied Approach", 2015 Conference of the International Society for Research on Emotions, (ISRE 2015), University of Geneva (refereed)

  • May 2015 (with Joel Krueger): "Emotional Co-Regulation and Social Identification", Emapthy, Group Membership and We-Intentionality, University of Copenhagen

  • Apr. 2015, "Empathy, Direct Perception, and Disjunctivism", 13th Annual Meeting of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology, Södertörn University, Stockholm (refereed)

  • Mar. 2015, "Imagining Collectives and Collective Imagination", Multicentered Phenomenology Workshop, KU Leuven (invited)

  • Nov. 2014, "Disjunctivism and Empathy", Workshop: Perception in Phenomenology, University of Fribourg

  • Sept. 2014, "Distrusting Collectives", Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen

  • Sept. 2014, "Distrusting Collectives", Collective Intentionality IX Conference, Indiana University, Bloomington (refereed)

  • Aug. 2014, "Shared Emotions and Empathy", 37th International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel (invited)

  • Jun. 2014, "Distrust in Collectives and Collective Distrust", Common Minds: A Workshop with Philip Pettit, University College Dublin (invited)

  • Jun. 2014,  "Collective Emotions and Collective Empathy", Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen (invited)

  • Dec. 2013, "Stein on Shared Experiences and Collective Empathy", Empathy, Community, and the State: Edith Stein’s Social Philosophy, University College Dublin

  • Nov. 2013,  "Stein on Shared Experiences and Collective Empathy", The Phenomenology of We, Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen (invited)

  • Oct. 2013, "Essential Normativism about Collective Beliefs", 3rd Conference of the European Network on Social Ontology (ENSO III), University of Helsinki (refereed)

  • Oct. 2013, Comment on Dan Zahavi: Self and Other: Exploring Subjectivity, Empathy and Shame, Werkstatt Phänomenologie, University of Vienna

  • Aug. 2013, "Social and Corporate Akrasia", Collective Responsibility and Group Agency, University College Cork (invited)

  • Aug. 2013, "Shared Extended Minds: Towards a Socio-Integrationist Account", Mind, Language and Action. 36th International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel (refereed)

  • Aug. 2013, "Groups as Higher-Order Entities: A Phenomenological Account." Roundtable: "Current Issues in Phenomenological Ontology", XXIII. World Congress of Philosophy,Athens (refereed)

  • Jun. 2013, "Stein on Sharing Minds", Lotze to Husserl: Psychology, Mathematics, Philosophy in Göttingen, KU Leuven (invited)

  • May 2013, "Anti-Individualism and Self-Knowledge: Gareth Evans' Compatibilism." Post-Doc Research Workshop, University College Dublin (invited)

  • May 2013, "Group Persons: A Phenomenological Controversy in Contemporary Perspective." Conference: Discovering the ‘We’: The Phenomenology of Sociality, University College Dublin
  • May 2013, "Anti-Individualism and Self-Knowledge. Evans’ Two-dimensional Account." Workshop: The Varieties of Evans II, University of Stuttgart (invited)
  • Apr. 2013, "Husserl über Kollektive Intentionalität", University of Graz (invited)
  • Mar. 2013, "Husserl and Stein on Collective Consciousness and Shared Experiences", Conference: Social Reality. The Phenomenological Approach, University of Vienna
  • Jan. 2013,  "Externalismus und Immunität gegen Fehlidentifizierung. Evans’ Kompatibilismus." Workshop: The Varieties of Evans I, University of Stuttgart (invited)
  • Dec. 2012,  "Social Akrasia and Group Akrasia", Workshop: Social Cognition and Group Cognition, University College Dublin
  • Nov. 2012, "Husserl and Stein on Community and Higher-Order Personality", Workshop: Life-World and Natural World: Husserl and Patocka, University College Dublin
  • Sept. 2012,  "Collective Self-Deception", 1st European Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences Conference, University of Copenhagen (refereed)
  • Aug. 2012, "Collective Akrasia", Collective Intentionality VIII, University of Manchester (refereed)
  • Mar. 2012, "How to Share a Mind. The Extended and the Group Mind Thesis", Werkstatt Phänomenologie, University of Vienna
  • Dec. 2011, "Gruppen-Akteure, Gruppen mit einem eigenen Geist und kollektives Bewusstsein", Department of Philosophy, University of Klagenfurt (invited)
  • Sept. 2011, "Supersizing the (Social) Mind. The Extended and the Group Mind Thesis", 2nd Conference of the European Network on Social Ontology, Rome (refereed)
  • Jun. 2011, "Wer hat Angst vor grenzenlosen Geistern? Von Extended Minds zum Gruppengeist und zurück", 9th Congress of the Austrian Society for Philosophy, University of Vienna (refereed)
  • Oct. 2009, "Does Phenomenology Have a Theory of Meaning?", Workshop: The Space of Reasons. A Debate with Steven G. Crowell on Crucial Issues of Transcendental Phenomenology, University of Graz (invited)
  • Aug. 2008,  "Impliziert der intentionale Irrealismus einen psychologischen Eliminativismus? Fodor und das Problem psychologischer Erklärungen", 31th International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel (refereed)
  • Sept. 2007,  "Realismus, Anti-Realismus oder Nicht-Realismus? Dummett und Husserl zur neueren Realismusdebatte", 1st Austrian Graduate Conference for Phenomenology, University of Vienna (refereed)
  • Sept. 2007, Response to: Harald A. Wiltsche: „Einige Bemerkungen zum Verhältnis zwischen Transzendentalphänomenologie und wissenschaftlichem Realismus“,1st Austrian Graduate Conference for Phenomenology, University of Vienna
  • Jul. 2007, "Ist das Bewusstsein im Selbst? Eine phänomenologische Kritik
    (meta)repräsentationaler Theorien des Selbstbewusstseins", 8th Congress of the Austrian Society for Philosophy, University of Graz (refereed)
  • Dec. 2006,  "Ist Husserl ein interner Realist? Transzendentale Phänomenologie vor dem Hintergrund der Internalismus/Externalismus-Debatte", Workshop: Experience and Reflection. What is the Place for Phenomenology in Contemporary Thought?, University of Graz (invited)
  • Jun. 2006, "What ‘Science of Consciousness’? A Phenomenological Take on Naturalizing the Mind", IWM Junior Fellows Conference, Vienna
  • Apr. 2006, "Constitution, Determination and the Naturalization of Intentionality. A Husserlian Perspective", 6th Conference of the Nordic Society for Pheno­meno­logy, University of Island, Reykjavik (refereed)
  • Aug. 2005,  "Naturalizing Intentional Consciousness – What for?", Conference: Towards a Science of Consciousness 2005, University of Copenhagen (refereed)
  • Feb. 2004, "'Die Zeit des Anderen’. Zeitlichkeit und Intersubjektivität bei E. Husserl", 7th Congress of the Austrian Society for Philosophy, University of Salzburg (refereed)


Interviews & Public Outreach Activities


(Oct. 2022) Interview-Partner for Radio-Feature “Zusammen dagegen: Geteilte politische Gefühle“, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Oct. 27, 2022

(Aug. 2022) Interview-Partner for Radio-Feature “80. Todestag von Edith Stein: Vordenkerin der Empathie“, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Aug. 7, 2022, (Podcast:

(Oct. 2020) Magazine Article: “Why Should We Give a Damn? On Shared Emotions.”
The Philosopher 108/4, 32-37.

(Aug. 2018) Interview/Research Report “Empathy and Group Attitude” (SHARE: Results in Brief) on CORDIS: Community, Research and Development Information Service;

(Jun. 2018) Blog “Beyond Solitary Reveries: On the Possibility of Collective Imagination”, The Junkyard – A Scholarly Blog Devoted to the Study of Imagination;

(Apr. 2017) Research Lab: “Designing for Inclusive Identities”, Cnergi: Center for the Emergence of Inclusive Identities in collaboration with Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen

(May 2016) Presentation: Writing the Marie Curie Proposal & Supervisor/Fellow Relationship, Workshop for Marie Curie Applicants for the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen

(Apr. 2015) "Not only paying lip service to interdisciplinarity", Interview with HUMANIST,The Magazine of Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen, 2015, Nr. 14. (Online:

(Oct. 18, 2011) Co-organizer and moderator of panel discussion: "Is Hungary still a Democracy?" (with the Hungary-correspondent of Süddeutsche Zeitung and others), Depot, Vienna

(Feb. 16, 2011) Interview partner for the radio series "Philosophische Brocken", Radio Orange, FM 94.0, Vienna: “Umstrittene Philosophen in Ungarn” (Podcast:

(Oct. 26, 2011) Interview partner for the radio series "Philosophische Brocken", Radio Orange, FM 94.0, Vienna: "Das iPhone und mein Gehirn zusammen" (Podcast:


Professional & Departmental Services


2021 - 2023            Member of the Review College of the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO)

2022                     Chair of Assessment Committee for Postdoc in Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen

2020 - 2022            Member of the Assessment Committee for 3 PhD-positions in Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen

2018 -                 Editorial Advisory Board Member, Journal of Philosophy of Emotions

2017 - 2018         Steering Committee Member of theTemporary Research Employees (TER) Forum, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen, and the
Danish Labor Union for University Graduates (Dansk Magisterforening)

2015 -               Junior Researchers’ Advisory Board Member of Centro di Ricerca in Fenomenologia e Scienza della Persona (PERSONA), Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan

2013 -               Advisory Board Member of e-Journal Philosophie der Psychologie

2013                 Convener of the Cognitive Science Reading Group, School of Philosophy, University College Dublin

2012 - 2013       Member (Substitute) of the Faculty Council, Faculty for Philosophy and Education, University of Vienna

2010 - 2013      Member of the Board of Studies, Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna



Journals (50x): 

Acta Analytica;  Analysis;  British Journal for the History of Philosophy; Continental Philosophy Review (2x);  Diametros;  Erkenntnis; Études phénoménologiques;  Ethical Theory and Moral Practice; European Journal of Philosophy;  Frontiers in Psychology; Grazer Philosophische Studien;  Husserl Studies;  Inquiry;  International Journal of Philosophical Studies;  Journal of Philosophy of Emotion;  Journal of Social Ontology (4x);  Journal of Social Philosophy; Metodo;  Mind;  Mind and Language;  Moral Philosophy and Politics; New Ideas in Psychology;  Phänomenologische Forschungen;  Phenomenology and Mind;  Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences (8x);  Philosophia (2x);  Philosophy;  Philosophical Psychology (3x); );  Ratio;  Res Publica;  Review for Philosophy and Psychology (2x);  Studia Phaenomenologica; Synthese;  The Monist; The New Yearbook of Philosophy and Phenomenological Research

Publishers (5x):

Duquesne University Press; Oxford University Press; Routledge (3x)

Research Agencies (11x):

Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW); Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research (OeAD); a.r.t.e.s. EUmanities, Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne; Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS); European Research Council (ERC) (Starting Grant); KU Leuven Research Council; Polish National Science Centre (OSF); Research Foundation Flanders (FWO); Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF); Study Abroad in Scandinavia (DIS); University of Iceland, Postdoc Recruitment Fund

Conferences (2x):

Conference of the European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions (EPPSE) 2022; UCD School of Philosophy Graduate Conference 2014


Supervision and Examination of Academic Theses


  • PhD-Thesis, Co-Supervisor (2022 -): Julia Zaencker, University of Copenhagen: “The Plurality of Reciprocity: Second-Person Engagement and its Status in the Formation of We-Perspectives” (Co-supervisor: Dan Zahavi)


  • PhD-Thesis, Co-Supervisor (2022 -): Tristan Hedges, University of Copenhagen: “Us and Them: A Phenomenological Account of We-Identity”, (Co-supervisor: Dan Zahavi)
  • PhD-Thesis, Co-Supervisor (2022 -): Rosario Croce, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa: “Social Structure and the Phenomenology of Social World”

  • PhD-Thesis, Co-supervisor (2019 -): Linas Tranas, University of Cologne & University of Copenhagen (Co-tutela): “To We through You and Me: On the Relationship between Second-Person and We-Perspective” (Co-supervisors: Thiemo Breyer, Mikko Salmela)


  • PhD-Thesis, Co-Supervisor (2019-): Olli-Pekka Paananen, University of Jyväskylä, Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy: “The Ego and its Home: A Husserlian Phenomenology of Being-at-Home”; Co-supervisor with Prof. Sara Heinämaa and Dr. Joona Taipale


  • PhD-Thesis, Reviewer (2021): Minna-Kerttu Kekki, University of Oulu, Faculty of Education: “Learning from Others in Media-Based Public Debate: A Phenomenological-Philosophical Analysis”


  • PhD-Proposal Defense (External Examiner) (2017): Maria Chiara Bruttomesso, University of Verona, Department of Philosophy


  • MA-Thesis (2017/18)  Steen Rasmus de Siles Deth, University of Copenhagen, Department of Media, Cognition, and Communication: Topic: Husserl and Foucault on the Historical Apriori (ongoing)


  • MA-Thesis (2016)  Pia Stangerup, University of Copenhagen, Department of Media, Cognition, and Communication: "Sensing movements. Sensing oneself"


  • MA-Thesis (2016)  Kenta Sekine, University of Copenhagen, Department of Media, Cognition, and Communication: "Body Schema: An Anscombean Approach"


  • MA-Thesis (2014/15)  David Madsen, University of Copenhagen, Department of Media, Cognition, and Communication: "Minimal Self, Phenomenology, and Nishida"


  • MA-Thesis (2014/15)  Morten Lund Hansen, University of Copenhagen, Department of Media, Cognition, and Communication: "Feelings of Alienation: A phenomenological examination of the felt alienation experienced by individuals suffering from clinically diagnosed depression"


Postdoc Mentoring 


  • 2022 – 2023: Joonas S. Martikainen, Postdoc, Research Project: “Feeling like a Citizen: Solidarity as the Basis for Equal Political Agency”; Host of Finnish Postdoc Pool Grantee at Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen


  • 2022 – 2023: Alba Montes Sánchez,  Postdoc Employment in Research Project “Antagonistic Political Emotions” (PI: Thomas Szanto), Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen


  • 2021 – 2022: Lucy Osler, Postdoc Employment in Research Project “Antagonistic Political Emotions” (PI: Thomas Szanto), Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen – Placement: Permanent Hire in 2022 (Lecturer): Cardiff University


  • 2020 – 2022: Ruth Rebecca Tietjen, Postdoc Employment in Research Project “Antagonistic Political Emotions” (PI: Thomas Szanto), Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen – Placement: Permanent Hire in 2022 (Assistant Professor): Tilburg University

Membership in Scientific Organizations

Society for Philosophy of Emotions (SPE);

Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy (SPEP) (2016-2017)

International Society of Research on Emotion (ISRE) (2015-2017)

International Society of Social Ontology (ISOS)

European Network for the Philosophy of Social Sciences (ENPOSS)

European Network on Social Ontology (ENSO)

Austrian Society for Philosophy (ÖGP)

Austrian Society for Phenomenology (ÖGPh)

Nordic Society for Phenomenology (NoSP)

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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