Personal profile

Primary fields of research

Biomarkers of inflammation and hemostasis in blood and peritoneal fluid and their use as diagnostic and prognostic markers in horses with acute abdominal pain.

Knowledge of languages

Danish, English and German

Short presentation

Large animal veterinarian with more than 15 years experience from working in private practice and at the University Teaching Hospital for Large Animals in Copenhagen

Main clinical interests are within equine gastrointestinal diseases and ophthalmology.

Research focus are within biomarkers of inflammation and hemostasis in blood and peritoneal fluid and their use as diagnostic and prognostic markers in horses with acute abdominal pain.

Teaching veterinary students in large animal internal medicine in lectures and clinical rotations in the hospital.

Participating in the daily and emergency clinical work in the large Animal Hospital


Acute abdominal pain in horses and cattles (Equine colic)

Shock and fluid therapy

Clinical pathology in large animals

Infectious gastrointestinal diseases in horses and ruminants

Large animal ophthalmology

Education/Academic qualification

Ph.d., PhD

Aug 2008Jul 2012

Veterinary medicine, DVM, Den Kgl. Veterinær- og Landbohøjskole

Aug 1995Mar 2002

External positions

Klinikdyrlæge, Hospital for Store Husdyr, Københavns Universitet

Apr 2005Sep 2008

Dyrlæge, Tinglev Dyrehospital

Apr 2002Apr 2005


  • Former LIFE faculty
  • Horse
  • Gastroenterology
  • Colic
  • Biomarkers
  • Acute phase proteins
  • Strongylus vulgaris
  • Colitis
  • Instestinal ischaemia

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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