Research output per year
Research output per year
Øster Farimagsgade 2A
1350 København K
Research activity per year
Born: of February 1962 (Viby, Aarhus, Denmark)
Current position:
2004- |
Associate Professor at University of Copenhagen |
Previous positions:
2001-2004 |
Assistent Professor at University of Copenhagen |
2001-2004 |
Researchpartner in the Researchproject: YOYO - Participation and Transition of Youth - from education to labourmarket. Psychological Institute, Univ. of Copenhagen. |
2000-2001 |
Vice Director of Kirkens Korshærs Ungdomscenter (CounsellingCenter of Young Drugabusers) |
1999-2000 |
Amanuensis at University of Copenhagen, Psychological Institute. |
1997-1999 |
Researcher for The Ministry of Social Affairs. |
1995-1998 |
Responsible for the Researchproject" From Knowledge to action" ("Fra Viden til handlingsændring") Ph.D. Project Funded by Kræftens Bekæmpelse. |
1993-1995 |
Leader of PAF, Counsellingcenter for males in prostitution. |
1992-1998 |
External lecturer University of Copenhagen, Psych. Departm. |
Administration and evaluation experience
Coordinator of The Research Group CATS (Center of Applied and Theoretical Social Psychology) (2014-)
Evaluator/Censor for the University Educations in Psychology In Denmark (2007-)
Member of the Board of Censorship for the University Educations in Psychology In Denmark (2011-2013)
Evaluator/Censor for the Public Health Educations in Denmark (2013-)
Member of the Editorial Board of “Nordiske Udkast” (Roskilde University) 1992-)
Member of Editorial Board for “Journal of Critical Social Science”, (University of Copenhagen) (1999-2007)
Member of editorial Board for Studies in “Comparative Social Pedagogies and International Social Work and Social Policy/ Studien zur Vergleichenden Sozialpaedagogik und Internationalen Sozialarbeit und Sozialpolitik”. German Salzwasser Verlag, Bremen. (2012-)
Member of editorial Board for “The Sociology of Youth Studies”, Wiener Verlag für Sozialforschung, Vienna, Austria. (2013-)
Member of the Advisory Board for “Værket” (The Network) A project funded by Velux Foundation to combat loneliness among grownups 30-60+. By the Princess Mary Foundation/Danish Red Cross (2015-)
Member of the Advisory Board for GOETE: “Governance of Educational Trajectories in Europe”, FP7 research Project (2010-2013)
Supervisor for “The Youth-Friendly Hospital, an evaluation”. (2012-2013, (Rigshospitalet, Cph.))
Supervisor for Cand. Psych. Alexandra Holmboe In the Project Inclusion In Public Scholl, Municipality of Slagelse, Denmark (2012-2013)
Evaluator for the programmes: SSH (Social Science and Humanities) og Marie (Scklodowska Curie Eco/Soc ) Framework since 2008 (Since 2014 named Horizon 2020).
Evaluator of applications for academic positions (PhD scholarships, postdocs, associate professorships) At University of Copenhagen, University of Aarhus, University of Roskilde etc.: (2006-)
Ad-hoc reviewer for The Velux Foundation, TRYG Foundation, The Research Foundation of the Farao Islands, The Journals: Nordiske Udkast (Denmark/Skandinavia, Syddansk Universitetsforlag), Outlines, Journal of Critical Social Studies (Denmark, Syddansk Universitetsforlag), Sociologisk tidsskrift (Norway, Universitetsforlaget), Young (Scandinavia, Sage), International Journal of Qualitative studies in Education (QSE, London) and Publishers: Reitzel, Copenhagen. German Salzwasser Verlag, Bremen., Wiener Verlag für Sozialforschung, Vienna.
Research fields
Research group memberships
Research: brief description
Torben Bechmann Jensen is Associate Professor in Social Psychology at the department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen. His Research focus on different areas of Social Research including marginalized groups, sexuality, Health Behavior, transitions regarding age, ethnicity/citizenship and educational settings.
Torben Bechmann Jensen’s research is currently supported by one project (CIBS) already Funded by the Carlsberg Foundation in cooperation with Nordea Foundation, Tryg Foundation and the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen as well as an project still waiting to be funded (Dignity in Everyday Life):
Centre for Information and Bubble Studies (CIBS)The Aim of the Centre for Information and Bubble Studies (CIBS) is to uncover the structure and dynamics of bubble emergence across disciplines, domains and institutions. The aim of the bubble studies is to come up with intervention strategies for malignant bubbles like unjustified Twitter-storms while at the same time formulate recommendations stimulating benign bubbles promoting intercultural understanding, public health and the like. CIBS thus unities philosophy, economics, mathematics, logic, information theory, social psychology and behavioral studies.
Interdisciplinary research with practical applications"The activities of CIBS stem from innovative interdisciplinary thinking about basic research in the humanities. The research activities promise practical impact and thus the center is a pivotal example of Scientific Social Responsibility…." Flemming Besenbacher, Chairman of the Carlsberg Foundation, explains. Duration. Starts 02.01.2016, runs for 5 years at University of Copenhagen, Amager. PI: Prof. Vincent Fella Hendricks (Philosophy/KU) Main Responsible Psych. Departm. Torben Bechmann Jensen
DIGNITY IN EVERYDAY LIFEThe objective of the research project Dignity in Everyday Life is to study and to reveal dignity’s significance for peoples’ lives. Despite economic welfare and a high degree of security within the Danish welfare system there can still be traced an increase in the problems that people experience, for instance stress, loneliness and use of medications. The development points to a movement from problems being seen and arising in the single individuals and towards more and more people experiencing the same or similar problems in their existence. The assumption behind the project is that the social forms of interaction and the ways in which we as individuals connect with each other, with respect to work and leisure-time, generation, social class, gender and ethnicity, have, as a consequence of post-modern societal development, changed their character and have created new or growing problems for the individual. By studying dignity in everyday life the project aims to examine the quality and perhaps the consequences of our forms of social interaction.
Current research projects
Ann-Sofie Lyholm: 2010-2014: ”Vietnamese narratives/idioms of suffering and the impact hereof facing the Danish Health Care System”.
Madeleine Chapman: 2011-2015 “Ethnic minority women. Negotiations of identity in an English respectively a Danish setting”.
Anne Marie Damkjer: 2010-2016: “Mobilising a new Performance: Management Technology in the Danish Defence”
Pernille Pinderup Jeppesen: 2013-2016: “Dual Diagnosis Treatment in the Psychiatric System”.
Trine Natasja Sindahl: 2015-2018: “Developing a Validated Method for providing Counselling through Messaging Technology to Children and Youth”
Major grants
2015-2020 Share of Grant from the Carlsberg Foundation (16.600.000) (PI Vincent Fella Hendricks) “CIBS”, Total donation promised Appr. 40.000.000 (Nordea and Tryg-Foundation and Faculty of Humanities)
2001- 04: Share of Grant ”YOYO ” (Youth policy and participation : potentials of participation and informal learning in young people's transitions to the labour market). European Commision (FP6) 6.700.000 in total. (PI Andreas Walther/EGRIS)
2005: Telefonrådgivning som metode til forebyggelse og sundhedsfremme, ”Telephone Counselling as a methodology for Prevention and HealthPromotion” Sundhedsstyrelsen (The General Surgeon). 150.000 (PI Torben Bechmann Jensen)
2005: Partner in the Research Project “Disyouth” (Disadvantaged Youth in Europe), European Commission, DG for Employment Appr. 2.000.000 (PI Andreas Walther/EGRIS)
2006-2009: “Up2Youth – Youth as actor of social change”, European Commission (FP7) Appr. 6.000.000 (PI Andreas Walther/EGRIS)
Teaching and supervision at BA, KA, and Ph.D. levels in:
- Bachelor’s theses
- Master’s theses
- Social Psychology
- Qualitative Research Methodology (Coordinator 2005-)
- Community Psychology (Coordinator 2009-11 and 2014-)
Supervision of Assistant Professors:
2013: Cand. Psych. Ph.d. Assistant Professsor Janne Skakon
2014: Cand.psych. Ph.d. Post.doc. Lasse Meinert
Selected publications
Peer-reviewed articles:
Bechmann Jensen. T. (1990)"Prostitutionsforskning" i: Udkast 1990/1, 18. årg. København Dansk Psykologisk Forlag, Kbh. (pp.39-80)
Bechmann Jensen. T. & Mørch. S. (1991) "Projektorganisering eller projektmageri" i: Udkast 1991/2, 19.årg. København Dansk Psykologisk Forlag. (pp.216-227)
Bechmann Jensen. T. (1992) "Forklaringsantagelser og generering af viden" i: Udkast 1992/1, 20.årg. København Dansk Psykologisk Forlag. (pp.3-40)
Koch. I. & Bechmann Jensen. T. (1993) "Kondomer - et effektivt præventionsmiddel og et nødvendigt onde" i: Månedsskrift for praktisk Lægegerning 9/93 71. årgang. sept. (pp.735-741)
Axel. E., Nissen. M.. & Bechmann Jensen. T. (1999) "The Abstract Zone of Proximal Conditions" in: Theory & psychology Vol. 9, no.3 London. Sage. (pp. 417-426)
Bechmann Jensen. T. (2003) " O simbolismo social do tobaco na vida quotidiana." ("The Social Symbolism of smoking in everyday life") in: "Trajectos" Revista de Comunicacao, Cultura e Educacao (Editorial Noticias Lisboa) no 3, 1` trimestre, Lisbon (pp. 141-149)
Bechmann Jensen, T. (2006) ”Unges ensomhed - i perspektiv” i: Ungdomsforskning Årg. 5, nr. 1 (marts), København. (pp.15-22.)
Bechmann Jensen, T. & Hviid, P. (2006) Indledning til Klaus Holzkamps "Mennesket som subjekt for videnskabelig metodik" i: Nordiske udkast Årg. 33, nr. 2, 2005, Odense. Syddansk Universitets Forlag. (pp.3-5.)
Bechmann Jensen, T. (2007) ”Respuestas a las constelaciones de desventaja de los jóvenes en Dinamarca desde la perspectiva del sujeto” a: Revista de Estudios de Juventud, Nu. 77, Junio 07, Madrid. Injuve. (pp.67-86)
Bechmann Jensen, T, S, Mørch, B, Hansen & M, Stokholm (2007) ”Integrationskoefficienten - Om komparativ metode, krav og udfordringer i inter-europæisk forskning” i: Nordiske udkast Årg. 34, nr. 2, 2006, Odense. Syddansk Universitets Forlag. (pp.55-70),
Moerch, S., T. Bechmann Jensen, B. Hansen & M. Stokholm (2008) New Youth and ethnic minorities in: Europe in FORUM 21, European Journal on Child and Youth Research, 2008, vol. 2, Dec. (pp. 78-88)
Bechmann Jensen, T. (2010) ”Unge, sprog og begrebsdannelse”i: Psyke & Logos Årgang 31, nr. 1 2010, tema: Ungdom, København. Dansk Psykologisk Forlag (pp.64-86)
Bechmann Jensen, T. (2010) Ungdom, opslag i,
Bechmann Jensen, T. (2011) ”Ensomhed – er det prisen for velstand?” i: Psykologisk set nr. 81/2011, København. Frydenlund (pp.29-38)
Bechmann Jensen, T. (2013) ”EU-fællesskabet som mulighed og begrænsning” i: Futuriblerne, September 2013, årgang 41, Nr. 1-2. Udgivet af Selskabet for Fremtidsforskning. (pp.22-27) [Online]. [Accessed 01. January 2014].
Mørch, S, Andersen, H. & Bechmann Jensen, T. (2013) “Youth Individualisation and Family Relations: Three Studies of Family and Youth Life” in: Psychology Research , vol. 3, nr. 8.
Mørch, S , Andersen, H & Bechmann Jensen, T. (2013) “ Youth and culture in late modern Europe: Ethnic minority youth as agents between family and individualisation“. In: Open Journal of Social Sciences.
Peer-reviewed monograph`s
Bechmann Jensen. T., Koch. I., Kongstad A. & Dahl A. (1990) "Prostitution i Danmark". SFI rapp. 90:8, København.
Bechmann Jensen. T., Mørch. S. & Nissen M. (1993) "På eget ansvar - en evaluering af Amar' Totalteater", København. Rubikon.
Koch. I. & Bechmann Jensen. T. (1999)"Anonym Rådgivning af børn og unge - Om telefonrådgivning, opsøgende socialt arbejde og åbne rådgivninger". Socialministeriet. København. Sikon.
Bechmann Jensen. T. (2000) "Fra viden til Handlingsændring - en undersøgelse af unge, tobak og sundhedsoplysning", Ph.D.-afhandling, Københavns Universitet Amager.
Bechmann Jensen T. & Christensen G. (red) (2005) "Psykologiske og pædagogiske metoder - kvantitative og kvalitative forskningsmetoder i praksis", København. Roskilde Universitetsforlag.
Peer-reviewed book-chapters
Bechmann Jensen. T. (2005) "Formalising the non-formal: potentials of sociality and the re-cognition of non-formal learning outcomes". In: Chisholm.L (eds.) Trading up - Potential and Performance in non-formal learning. Strasbourg.Council of Europe Publishing. (pp.63-72)
Bechmann Jensen. T. (2005) "praksisportrættet" i: Bechmann Jensen T. & Christensen G. (red) "Psykologiske og pædagogiske metoder - kvantitative og kvalitative forskningsmetoder i praksis", København. Roskilde Universitetsforlag (pp.95-122)
Christensen G. & Bechmann Jensen T. (2005) "Ekskursion i et postmoderne metodelandskab" i: Bechmann Jensen T. & Christensen G. (red) "Psykologiske og pædagogiske metoder - kvantitative og kvalitative forskningsmetoder i praksis", København. Roskilde Universitetsforlag (pp.7-22)
Bechmann Jensen, T., Holmboe A., Stauber B., Lenzi, G., Lopez Blasco, A. (2006)
”Experiences of self-determination: case studies into biographical effects of participatory practice”. In: Participation in transition and motivation of young adults in Europe for learning and working Andreas Walther, Manuela du Bois Reymond, Andy Biggert (eds.) Frankfurt am Main. Peter Lang (pp.153-176)
Bechmann Jensen, T & Stauber, B. (2006) ”Researching motivation and participation in youth transition in a comparative perspective” in Participation in transition: motivation of young adults in Europe for learning and working. Andreas Walther, Manuela du Bois Reymond, Andy Biggert (eds.) Frankfurt am Main. Peter Lang. (pp.65-82)
Bechmann Jensen, T. (2009): “Unge og Uddannelse” i: Muusmann. N (ed.) Hold kæft og svar igen – en antologi om Unge og Ansvar, UngdomsRingen, Odense. Syddansk Universitets Forlag (pp.185-200)
Bechmann Jensen, T. (2009) “Youth work as Social work – A Danish way of qualified social-pedagogy working with young people”, in: Dorrity. C & Hermann. P (ed.): Social Professional Activity: The Search for a Minimum Common Denominator in Difference, New York. Nova Publishers. (pp.93-110)
Peer-reviewed Research reports - published
Koch. I. & Bechmann Jensen. T. (1991) "Unges seksualadfærd og forhold til HIV og AIDS" i: "Du skal ikke overtale - Du skal overbevise". Rapport nr. 5. Evaluering af sundhedsstyrelsens indsats i dansk Aidsoplysning 1987-1990 ved Anker Brink Lund, Sundhedsstyrelsen, København (pp.1-35)
Bechmann Jensen. T. (1995) "Midtbyklubundersøgelse - En vurdering af socialpædagogiske behov i klubberne: Bakkegården, Lindegården, Nørrevang & Vestre". Silkeborg. Silkeborg Kommune tryk (pp.1-35)
Walther.A., Hejl. G.M & Bechmann Jensen. T. (2002) "Youth Transitions, Youth Policy and Participation - State of the art". Research project YOYO. Youth Policy and Participation. Potentials of Participation and Informal Learning for the Transition of Young People to the Labour Market. A Comparison in Ten European Regions". Tübingen, January 2002, (pp.1-38)
Bechmann Jensen T. (2005) "Telefonrådgivning som metode til forebyggelse og sundhedsfremme, Sundhedsstyrelsen, København. samt (pp.1-42)
Bechmann Jensen, T, S, Moerch, A. Pohl, B, Hansen & M, Stokholm (2008) Transitions to work of young people with an ethnic Minority or Migrant Background: Up2Youth – Thematic Report, Deliverable no. 20 of the project: “Youth Actor of social change”. (pp.1 - 200)
Walther. A, Moerch. S, Bechmann Jensen, T, (2009) Up2Youth, Youth-actor of social change, Project No.028317, Coordinated Action, Priority: Citizens and Governance in a Knowledge-Based Society. D32, Final Report.
Bechmann Jensen, T & Zander, S. (2012) “GOETE, Governance of Educational Trajectories in Europe, the Review“ . EU. [Online]. Available from: http://www.GOETE.Org, (15 p.) [Accessed 01. juni 2012].
Not Peer-reviewed monograph`s/anthologies
Bechmann Jensen. T., de Visme. P.G. & Stölan. L.O. (2003) "Ecstacy - studier af betydning", København. Rubikon
Bechmann Jensen.T: (ed.) (2004) "The European Villager - Festschrift for Sven Moerch", Institut for Psykologis skriftserie, Kbh.s Universitet
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Book chapter › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Book/Report › Report
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Other contribution › Net publication - Internet publication › Research › peer-review
Torben Bechmann Jensen (Other)
Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Torben Bechmann Jensen (Other)
Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Torben Bechmann Jensen (Speaker)
Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Torben Bechmann Jensen (Lecturer)
Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Torben Bechmann Jensen (Lecturer)
Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Torben Bechmann Jensen (Participant)
Activity: Other activity types › Other (prizes, external teaching and other activities) - External teaching and subject coordination
Torben Bechmann Jensen (Participant)
Activity: Other activity types › Other (prizes, external teaching and other activities) - External teaching and subject coordination
Torben Bechmann Jensen (Lecturer)
Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media