No photo of Trine Lisberg Toft

Trine Lisberg Toft

, Associate professor

  • Blegdamsvej 3

    2200 København N

  • Blegdamsvej 3B

    2200 København N

Personal profile

Short presentation

The large quantity within the mammalian brain must be under tight control as a disturbance in the cerebral water homeostasis may lead to neuronal dysfunction, hydrocephalus, and/or brain edema with increased intracranial pressure. Unfortunately, our incomplete knowledge of the molecular mechanisms responsible for the maintenance of cerebral water transport and their regulation currently prevents us from gaining a full understanding of this intricate and crucial (patho)physiological issue. Therefore, pharmacological therapy is essentially unavailable for potentially life-threatening conditions involving brain water accumulation. 

My research centers on understanding i) the molecular mechanisms governing water and ion balance in the mammalian brain under both physiological and pathophysiological conditions, ii) the role of specific ion channels and co-transporters involved and iii) brain- and cranial nerve damage, the hidden danger secondary to elevated intracranial pressure.

One of the notable consequences of increased intracranial pressure is its impact on vision. Elevated pressure within the cranial cavity can lead to optic nerve compression and compromise blood flow to the eyes, resulting in impaired vision. 

The ultimate goal is to pinpoint potential targets for pharmacological interventions, not only to address the broader challenges of cerebral water homeostasis but also to mitigate the specific risks posed to vision due to elevated intracranial pressure.



2015                        Ph.D. in Neuroscience, UCPH

2010                        M.Sc. in Molecular Biomedicine, UCPH

2008                        B.Sc. in Biology, UCPH



2024 –                     Associate Prof, Dept. of Neuroscience, UCPH

2019 – 2024                  Assistant Prof, Dept. of Neuroscience, UCPH

2018 – 2019            Assistant Prof, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, UCPH / Centre for Diagnostics, National Veterinary Virology Institute, DTU 

2017                        Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Visual Sciences, University of Utah, School of Medicine

2014 – 2018            Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Neuroscience

2010 – 2011            Research Assist, Dept. of Neuroscience and Pharmacology, UCPH



2023 Hørslev Fonden grant

2022 Læge Sofus Carl Emil Friis og Hustru Olga Doris Friis' grant

2021 Weimann Foundation

2019 Lundbeck Postdoctoral Fellowship

2019 Lundbeck Travel grant

2017 Lundbeck Travel grant

2015 Brdr. Hartmanns Foundation

2015 Lundbeck Travel grant

2014 VELUX Foundation Postdoc grant

2011 Youth Travel Fund Award (FEBS)

2011 PhD scholarship, The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, UCPH



2022 –  Member of the Lundbeck Foundation Investigator Network

2019 –  Organizer of DIM the brain (monthly seminar held for young neuroscientists, UCPH)

2017 –  Ad hoc reviewer for international journals

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