No photo of Veronika Hansen
  • Thorvaldsensvej 40

    1871 Frederiksberg C

Personal profile



2008:    BSc in Natural Resources at University of Copenhagen

2012:    Msc in Agriculture at University of Copenhagen

2015:    PhD in Soil Fertility and Quality at Technical University of Denmark (2012-2014) and University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science (2015)



2012 – 2014    PhD student, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

2014 – 2015    PhD student, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences (PLEN), University of Copenhagen

2015 – 2020    Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of Copenhagen

2020 -               Assistant Professor of cover cropping for soil fertility and mitigation of climate change, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of Copenhagen (UCPH)

Short presentation

My main research focus is within development of sustainable and circular crop production that minimize climate and environmental impacts. My research activities address methods for building soil fertility, nutrient recycling and improving crop productivity by using bio-based fertilizers and cover crops. My core academic qualifications are within plant nutrient biochemistry, turnover and availability, soil organic carbon dynamics, crop nutrition and soil fertility improvement through sustainable agriculture management.

I have extensive experience performing soil analyses testing chemical, physical and biological aspects of soil fertility, such as nutrient content, turnover and availability, aggregate stability, cation exchange capacity, drop-shatter test, water holding capacity, earthworms test, soil respiration and soil compaction. I have major experiences with plant and root analysis by using radioactive labelling techniques under field conditions and in climate chambers. I have gained experiences with designing, conducting and evaluating field, growth chamber, laboratory and soil incubation experiments. 


  • Faculty of Science

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