Research interests
Supervision of PhD students:
- Casper Ingerslev Henriksen: The role of organic farms for ecosystem services and biodiversity protection in intensively farmed landscapes. 2009-2012
- Masayasu Asai: Integrated assessment of organic livestock-crop production systems: local food network approach. 2010-2013
- Marie Trydeman Knudsen: Environmental assessment of imported organic agricultural products - focusing on Brazilian orange juice, Egyptian potatoes and Chinese soybeans (completed 2011)
- Yuexian Liu: Energy analysis on different pear production chains in China (completed 2010)
Supervised MSc thesis:
- Martin Kukk: Using evidence-based collaboration strategies to develop the Estonian organic sector (2015)
- Maria Eriksson: Adoption of integrated pest management practices (IPM) by Danish farmers after IPM advising (2015)
- Darran Andrew Thomsen: Insekt pathogenic fungi on cereal aphids in organic and conventional wheat fields (2013)
- Ida Stærk Nicolajsen: Cereal aphids and parasitoids in organic and conventional winter wheat (2012)
- Iris Feuerhahn: Crop Protection: Values and Technological change after transition from organic to conventioal agriculture (2011)
- Nanna Karkov Ytting: Weevil Pests in organic White Clover Seed Production (Trifolium repens). The effect of late defoliation on Apion fulvipes and Hypera meles, 2009
- Henrik Bak Topbjerg: Weevil Pests in organic White Clover Seed Production (Trifolium repens). The effect of late defoliation on Apion fulvipes and Hypera meles, 2009
- Nina Jørgensen: Effect of the Presence of a Floral Resource on Higher Trophic Level Omnivores and Herbivore Prey, 2007
- Marie-Louise Risgaard: Drivkræfter bag til- og fravalg af økologisk drift i Danmark - resultater fra casestudier (Driving forces of conversion to and reversion from organic farming in Denmark - results from case studies), 2005
Supervised BSc thesis:
- Kicki Pauline Møs: Climate strategy for organic agriculture (2017)
- Rikke-Marie Nielsen: Flower fallows - potentials for wild bees (2017)
- Mariane Lynge: An investigation of nectar quantoty and quality in oilseed rape used in hybrid seed production, in relation to pollination and honey yield (2015)
- Frederik Rubeck Lund-Sørensen: An investigation of the use of video for assessment of food resources for wild bees (2015)
- Eva Lykke Jacobsen: Føderesourcer for bier (2015)
- Christina Gartmann Johansen: Biodiversitet af vilde bier Effekten af økologisk landbrug i intensive landskaber, 2012. (Diversity of wild bees - the effect of organic farming in intensive farm landscapes)
- Cecilie Skovlund Christensen: Føderessourcer for humlebier i økologiske og konventionelle vinterhvede marker, 2011 (Food resources for bumble bees in orgnic and conventional winter wheat)
- Charlotte Bruun Petersen: Har økologisk drift en gavnlig effekt på fødetilgængeligheden for vilde bier i vejrabatter? 2011 (Does organic management increase food availability for wild bees in road verges?)
- Richard Freltoft Løvlund: Naturvidenskaben og bevidsthedens fænomener, 2010
- Mille Krambeck Hansen: Soft Systems Methodology. Case: opstart af økologisk isproduktion i Nepal, 2009
- Lasse Bech Jacobsen : Økologiske solbær: sygdomme, sorter og sortsafprøvning, 2009 (Organic black currant: diseases, varieties and variety testing)
- Nina Tofte Hansen: Evaluation of the Long Term Impact of Bt Cotton, 2008
- Rasmus Nimgaard: Naturindikatorer på bedriftsniveau, 2005 (Nature indicators on farm level)
- Johanne Braskov Koch: Sammenligning af økologiske og konventionelle gulerødder, løg og blomkål, 2005
- Mikaela Vasström og Helle Mathiasen: Increased plant diversity for pest and disease management in organic apples, 2004
- Susanne Thomsen: "Naturplan for Barritskov - et projektstudium om udvikling af naturplaner for økologiske jordbrug i Danmark", 2002 (Nature Plan for Barritskov - development of nature plans for organic farms in Denmark)
- Annette Bødtcher Jensen: "Hvad er økologisk jordbrugs aktuelle og potentielle rolle i forhold til at løse landbrugets strukturbaserede problemer ?", 2002
- Marie-Louise Risgaard: Forekomst af nytteinsekter på bedriftsniveau i praktisk økologisk jordbrug - en evaluering af, på hvilke måder økologiske landmænd kan påvirke forekomst af nytteinsekter på dyrkningsfladen, belyst ved hjælp af løbebiller (Coleoptera: Carabidae)og svirrefluer (Diptera: Syrphidae)