No photo of Wender Bredie
  • Rolighedsvej 26, 1958 Frederiksberg C

  • Rolighedsvej 26

    1958 Frederiksberg C

Personal profile

Short presentation

Head of research group Sensory Science and Consumer Behaviour at the Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen, with over 30 years of experience in research and education in the fields of food science combined with sensory, flavour and consumer research. Expert on product perception and food preferences across different age groups and cultures. Former member of Departmental leader team (2003-2021) contributing to vision, research strategies, implementation and development of departmental infrastructure. Engaged in sensory science learning programmes at BSc, MSc and PhD levels as well as training for companies. Advisor and collaboration partner with public research institutions, food/non-food companies worldwide. Academic reviewer for funding programmes, proposals, projects and university positions. Strategic development of research and contributed to over 300 scientific presentations at meetings and workshops. Member of the scientific committee for the Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium and the Weurman Flavour Research Symposium. Institutional representative in the European Sensory Network (ESN) from 2007-2020.

Primary fields of research

  • Analytical sensory evaluations of foods
  • Food preferences in a lifespan and cultural perspective
  • Understanding flavours in foods
  • Food texture perception
  • Correlation between sensory perception and instrumental analysis


  • Sensory Evaluation of Foods (BSc and MSc, Course responsible)
  • Raw materials (BSc, Lecturer)
  • Ageing and Nutrition (MSc, Lecturer)
  • Aroma: The chemistry behind odour (MSc, Lecturer)
  • Beer and Wine Production (MSc, Lecturer)
  • Sensory Evaluation and Food Preferences (Biennial PhD Course, Organiser and responsible)



Name: BREDIE, Wender Laurentius Petrus

Year of birth: 1966




Orcid: 0000-0001-5145-4131

Web of Science Research ID:

Scopus Author ID: 6701578612


Google Scholar:



1996 PhD Flavour Science, The University of Reading, United Kingdom

1992 MSc Food Science and Technology, Wageningen University, The Netherlands

1986 Propadeuse Chemistry, Radboudt University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands



2019 Course for department supervisors associated with ‘Universitetspædagogikum’

2015 Certificate for responsible conduct of research, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

2013-14 Leadership (LUKU1-3), University of Copenhagen, Denmark

2010 Certificate for teaching courses in English, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

2007 Research team leadership, Implement, Denmark

1998 Certificate project supervision MSc students, KVL, Denmark



2006-  Professor of Sensory Science, Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

2020- Leader of Research Group Sensory Science and Consumer Behaviour, Section for Food Design and Consumer Behaviour, Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

2018- Head of Future Consumer Lab, Food Design and Consumer Behaviour, Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

2016-21 Head of Section for Food Design and Consumer Behaviour, Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark



2003-16  Head of Section for Sensory and Consumer Science, Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

2001-06 Associate Professor, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark

1996-01 Assistant Professor, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark

1992-96 PhD student, The University of Reading, Department of Food Science and Technology, UK

1991 Research Assistant, The University of Reading, Department of Food Science and Technology, UK

1989 Research Assistant, Inspectorate of Health Service, Zutphen, The Netherlands



2011 Visiting Professor, University of California, Davis, USA

2002 Visiting Scientist, Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Trondheim, Norway



Expert in food perception and acceptance especially on the role of flavour in foods and in the development of food preferences and eating behaviour. Research addresses methodological issues within analytical sensory and consumer evaluations; the analytical measurement of food flavour components; and the study of sensory properties in providing incentives to eat in healthy subjects, elderly and patients.



  1. Reisya Reisya Rizki Riantiningtyas “Somesthesia in cancer patients: variability and influence on eating experience” (Institue Paul Bocuse, Double degree with University of Lyon; main supervisor for UCPH)
  2. Camilla Cederbye Karlsson “Genes and hormones may affect choice of favourite food“ (UCPH-HEALTH and UCPH-SCIENCE co-supervisor)
  3. Manuela Riga "Children’s food choice and obesity" (co-supervisor, Double degree programme Deakin University; main supervisor UCPH)
  4. Ching Yue Chow "Development of pre-school children’s texture perception and acceptance of healthy foods" (Industrial PhD, main supervisor)
  5. Claudia Hartley “Carbohydrate taste in foods and nutrition” (Double degree with Deakin University; main supervisor UCPH)
  6. Ida Steen “Evaluation of different training strategies on the sensory performance of professional coffee tasters” (main supervisor)



Leader of the section for Food Design and Consumer Behaviour (2016-21) with responsibility for ca. 40 staff members and duties in the Departmental leader group. Participated in the University of Copenhagen management training program for leadership development and research team leadership. Contribution to development of the sensory and consumer food research programme at FOOD, leading collaborative (industry) research projects and assisting the selection of new grant applications. Leader of over 50 national/international research projects or work packages funded by e.g. EU, Danish Strategic Research Council, Innovation Foundation Denmark, DFFE, GUDP, Nordea foundation and the Nordic Innovation Centre. Acquired funding for own research group ca. 17 mln Dkr for the period 2016-2020.



  • Papers published in international scientific journals with peer review:  130+
  • Scientific reviews: 10
  • Papers published in proceedings and book chapters: 40+
  • Reported inventions to TechTrans: 2
  • Oral research presentations (incl. invited and key-note addresses): 150+
  • Posters at international conferences (with published abstract): 130+
  • Reports for industry (incl. contract work): 80+
  • Popular scientific papers in trade journals and inputs to popular media: 70+
  • Books: Bredie, W.L.P. and Petersen, M.A. (eds.). (2006). Flavour Science: Recent Advances and Trends, Elsevier Food Science series 43, pp. 637.


H-index: 36 (Web of Science); 47 (Google Scholar)



Ongoing projects


  • More taste less waste – Sustainable production of healthy nutritious cereal-based food for senior citizens with focus on their sensory perception (Project participant on sensory and consumer studies, FORMAS, Sweden)

2022- AQRIFood – Advancing the Quality of plant-based Raw materials and Ingredients for Food applications; developing palatable foods from peas, faba beans and oat (Project participant, Innovation Foundation Denmark)

2022- PROFERMENT - Solid-state fermentations for protein transformations and palatability of plant-based foods (Co-PI and WP leader on sensory palatibility and meat flavour generation in oat and yellow pea, Novo Nordisk Foundation)

2022- SEEDFOOD - Functional and palatable plant seed storage proteins for sustainable foods (Project participant on astringency studies, Novo Nordisk Foundation)

2022-  Protein from locally grown legumes and algae for organic chickens - ProLocAl (WP leader, GUDP)

2021- SEAPRO - Novel high-value ingredient based on fermented seaweed disrupting the food and nutraceutical markets (WP on sensory evaluation, EU Eurostars)

2021-   The 21 sweet intake and preferences (SIP) study (Project participant, Novo Nordisk Foundation)

2020-   Development of pre-school children’s texture perception and acceptance of healthy foods (Industrial PhD, Arla Foods)

2020-   Elucidating the genetic background of variations in human food and taste preferences (Co-supervisor PhD at UCHP Health, Novo Nordisk Foundation)

2020-   Somesthesia in cancer patients - variability and influence on eating experience (PhD supervisor, Institute Paul Bocuse and University of Lyon)

2020    Rehabilitation of smell loss through cooking (Project partner in collaboration with Flavour Institute Holstebro, Velux foundation)

2016- Exploring the potential of enhancing sensory performance using different learning strategies (Industrial PhD, Coffeemind)

Finished projects

2019-2020 Candies for reducing metallic taste in cancer patients (Project research leader, CPH FOOD)

2018-2022 PROCHICK (WP leader, GUDP)

2018-2022 FOODENGINE EU Marie Curie ITN (KU project leader, PhD supervisor; Led by KU Leuven)

2017- 3P: Personalised Products for Hospitalised Patients (WP leader, Innovation Foundation)

2015-20 ELDORADO - Preventing malnourishment and promoting well-being in the elderly at home through personalised cost-effective food and meal supply (Project leader; Danish Research Council)

2016-20 PepTaste (WP leader for sensory evaluation of meat proteins)

2019-20 Texture sensitivity (Project leader, Research Assistant)

2019-20 Design water for desireable coffee flavour (Project participant, InnoExplorer, Denmark)

2014-20 StrucSat (WP leader for sensory satiation and EGG studies; Danish Research Council)

2018-19 Texture preferences of drinking yoghurts among Asian and Caucasian consumers (Project leader, Industrially funded Postdoc)

2013-18 Gastric bypass (Project contributor on sensory sensitivity and flavour preference changes in gastric bypass patients)

2013-18 Danish ciders product quality for emerging international markets (Project leader; Chinese Scholarship Council)

2017 Food Pairing (Innobooster, Innovation Foundation; Project participant)

2014-17  PELUM - Second generation lactose free UHT processed milk drinks with functional polyphenols for export markets (WP leader sensory profiling studies; High Technology Foundation)

2015-16 Mass experiment on taste genetics and preference learning with 25.000 Danish school children (Project contributor; Danish Science Factory and Nordea Foundation)

2013-15  INNSENS (Project contributor; EU Leonardo da Vinci/Grundtvig programme)

2012-16 Effects of grape varieties and yeast species on the chemical composition and sensory quality of wine (Project leader; Chinese Research Council)

2012-16 HITFOOD – Rapeseed oil by products (WP leader sensory profiling studies; High Technology Foundation)

2012-16 Organic broilers reared on ensilage maize (WP leader for sensory studies and consumer choice cues; GUDP programme)

2011-16 SensWell – Sensory food satisfaction for healthy and sustainable food behaviour (Project leader; Danish Research Council)



  • Supervisor for 27 PhD students
  • Supervision of 30 Postdoctoral and other research fellows
  • Supervisor for 65+ BSc/MSc thesis projects
  • Examiner for 28 PhD theses worldwide



Responsible for several teaching courses in sensory food evaluation, sensometrics and consumer science at BSc, MSc and PhD levels. Exchange lecturer (2009-2018) with Wageningen University, The Netherlands in course Principles of Sensory Science. Academic director for the European Sensory Science Master specialisation (2009-2014) held together with Wageningen University.



Chairman of the 11th Weurman Flavour Research Symposium, 2005, Roskilde, Denmark (165 attendees, worldwide). Principal organiser of the COST 921 meeting, 2005 in Copenhagen, Denmark (35 attendees). Main organiser of the European Sensory network meeting, 2008, Copenhagen, Denmark (40 attendees). Main organiser of ELDORADO final seminar, Frederiksberg, 21 August 2020 (136 attendees; ca. 100 via webinar).


 Session leader at international symposia and meetings:

  • Co-chairman of the session “Statistics for sensory”, 8th European conference on sensory and consumer research, 2-5 September 2018, Verona, Italy.
  • Chairman of the session “Sensory and Eating Behaviour”, 7th European conference on sensory and consumer research, 11-14 September 2016, Dijon, France.
  • Co-chairman of the session “Sensory and consumer science in a changing world”11th Rose Marie Pangborn Symposium, 23-27 August 2015, Gothenburg, Sweden.
  • Co-chairman of the session “Flavour effects on the body”13th Weurman Flavour Research Symposium, September 2014, Cambridge, UK.
  • Co-chairman session on Sensory food satisfaction. Eurosense: “A sense of Life” – the 6th European conference on sensory and consumer research, 7-10 September 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Co-organiser of session Food and the elderly. Eurosense: “A sense of Life” – the 6th European conference on sensory and consumer research, 7-10 September 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Chairman of the session “Advances in sensory and consumer methodology”10th Rose Marie Pangborn Symposium, August 2013, Rio de Janiero, Brazil.
  • Chairman of the session "Flavour interactions" at the 13th Weurman Flavour Research Symposium, 26-30 September, 2011, Zaragoza, Spain.
  • Workshop leader “Sensory analytical tools for product evaluation – an update”, workshop organised for the 20th Japanese Chemomterics Society meeting, 15 September 2010, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Session leader “Sensory and Consumer Science” at the Foods for Health Institute (FFHI), UC Davis and Centre for Advanced Food Studies (LMC), 20-22 June 2007, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Chairman of workshop “Training and education in sensory and consumer science”, at 6th Rose Marie Pangborn Symposium, 7-11 August 2005, Harrogate, England.
  • Co-organiser workshop ”Artificial Perception: Can machine replace man” 21 June 2005, 11th Weurman Flavour Research Symposium, Roskilde, Denmark.
  • Co-organiser workshop ”Gastronomy: The ultimate flavour science?” 21 June 2005, 11th Weurman Flavour Research Symposium, Roskilde, Denmark.

Scientific committee member and organiser for symposia and meetings:

  • Scientific committee member 13th Rose Marie Pangborn Symposium, 28 July - 1 August 2019, Edinburgh, UK. 
  • Member of Scientific Committee, 8th European conference on sensory and consumer research, 2-5 September 2018, Verona, Italy.
  • Scientific committee member 12th Rose Marie Pangborn Symposium, August 2017, Providence, USA.
  • Member of Scientific Committee “Sense of Time”, 7th European conference on sensory and consumer research, 11-14 September 2016, Dijon, France.
  • Scientific committee member 11th Rose Marie Pangborn Symposium, August 2015, Gothenburg, Sweden.
  • Scientific committee member for Eurosense: “A sense of Life” – the 6th European conference on sensory and consumer research, 7-10 September 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Organising committee for LEVS meeting “Inspiration from flavour pairing”, 4 November 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Scientific committee member 10th Rose Marie Pangborn Symposium, August 2013, Rio de Janiero, Brazil.
  • Scientific committee member 5th Eurosense meeting, August 2012, Bern, Switzerland.
  • Scientific committee member, 9th Rose Marie Pangborn Symposium, 4-8 September, 2011, Toronto, Canada.
  • Member of organising committee SensNet “2st Danish Sensory Science Symposium”, 16-17 October 2010, Svendborg, Denmark.
  • Member of organising committee Nordic seminar “New Nordic foods – from visions to realisations”, 2-3 November 2009, Snekkersten, Denmark.
  • Member of organising committee SensNet “1st Danish Sensory Science Symposium”, 21-22 October 2009, Lyngby, Denmark.
  • Organising committee member “Nutrigenomics and health – from vision to food”, LMC congress, 15-16 March 2006, Frederiksberg C, Denmark.
  • Chairman scientific committee 11th Weurman Flavour Research Symposium, Roskilde, Denmark.



2003- Member of the Departmental leader group, Dept. Food Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

2009-14 Member of the research committee, Dept. Food Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

2004-08 Member of the education committee, Dept. Food Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark



Scientific evaluation panels

2021 Evaluation panel member for the Academy of Finland, Biosciences, Health and Environment programme, Finland

2019+21 Evaluation panel member for the Academy of Finland, Food, Biotechnology and Microbiology programme, Finland

2012 External evaluator of grant proposals to the French Foundation of Nutrition and Health, France

2011 Evaluation panel member of grant proposals to the French Foundation of Nutrition and Health, France


Research project evaluator

2023 External evaluator of Christian Doppler Laboratory on Taste and Satiation, Vienna, Austria

2022 External evaluator for grant proposal for the Dutch Science Foundation, the Netherlands.

2022 External evaluator for doctoral fellowship proposal, Agropolis Foundation, Montpellier, France

2020 External evaluator for Social Sciences and Humanities, Research Council of Canada, Canada

2020 External evaluator of Postdoctoral fellowship proposal, University of Milan, Italy

2020 External evaluator of Christian Doppler Laboratory, Austria

2019 External evaluator of grant proposal Flanders’ FOOD and Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Belgium

2017 External evaluator for Christian Doppler foundation, Austria

2017 Scientific reviewer for French National Research Agency, France

2013 External evaluator of grant proposal to the French Research Council

2012 External evaluator for Research platform project in Baltic region

2011 External evaluator for Christian Doppler Laboratory, Austria


External advisor

2018- Consultant for Tetra Pak (through the Department of Food Science)

2020 Consultant for Novozymes (through the Department of Food Science)

2013 External advisor to Arla Foods

2010 External expert in a dispute over sensory claims, Swedish court


Evaluation of candidates for academic positions

2022 Appointment committee for Associate Professor in Consumer Behaviour, UCPH, Denmark

2022 Appointment committee for Tenure Track/ Associate Professor in Flavour Chemistry and Bioflavour Production, UCPH, Denmark

2021 Assessment committee for Professor / Associate Professor, UCPH, Denmark

2021 Assessment committee for Tenure track position, UCPH, Denmark

2020 Chairman Assessment committee for the position Professor, UCPH, Denmark

2020 Assessment committee for Professor, Finland

2019 Assessor for the position of Associate Professor, Australia

2019 Assessment committee for Professor / Associate Professor / Assistant Professor, Finland

2019 Academic representative for the appointment committee for Professor, UCPH, Denmark

2017 Assessor for the position of Professor, Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands

2016 Academic representative for the appointment committee for Head of Department, UCPH, Denmark

2016 Chairman for the assessment committee for Professor, UCPH, Denmark

2016 Assessor for the position of Professor, Lebanon

2015 Assessor for the position of Postdoc, Italy

2015 Assessor for the position of Associate Professor, UK

2012 Assessor for the position of Associate Professor, USA

2011 External evaluator for the position of Professor, Sweden


Evaluation of book proposals

2015 Evaluator of book proposal, Elsevier, UK

2014 Evaluator of book proposal, Elsevier, UK

2014 Evaluator of book proposal, Wiley and Son, UK


Scientific reviewer (e.g.)

  • Appetite
  • Flavour and Fragrance Journal
  • Food Chemistry
  • Food Research International
  • Food Quality and Preference
  • Journal of Texture Studies
  • Journal of Sensory Studies
  • International Journal of Obesity
  • lwt Food Science and Technology
  • Physiology and Behavior



2007-   Member of the European Sensory Network

2009-19   Member of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behaviour

1996-2010       Member of ECRO

1995-2017       Member of Chemistry and Industry

1992-2013       Member of NVVL 



Steen, I., Munchow, M., Jensen, S., Kjær, T.W., Waehrens, S.S. and Bredie, W.L.P. (2023). Online sensory and cognitive training improves odor recognition. Journal of Sensory Studies,e12819,

Henn, K., Reinbach H. C., Olsen S. B., Laugesen, S. M. B., Aaslyng, M. D., Bredie, W. L. P. (2023). Health vs. environmental benefits: Does additional information influence consumer acceptance of pulse-based spreads? Journal of Food Science. 1-15. doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.16471.

Skouw, S., Chow, C.Y., Sørensen, H., A., Bech, A., Laureati, M., Olsen, A., Bredie, W.L.P. (2023). A forced-choice pictographic method to measure food texture preferences among schoolchildren. Food Quality and Preference, 105: 104783. -

Eva Honnens de Lichtenberg Broge, Karin Wendin, Morten A. Rasmussen, Wender L.P. Bredie (2023). Familiarity and identification of everyday food odours in older adults and influence on hedonic liking. Food Quality and Preference, 103: 104715.

Riantiningtyas, R., Giboreau, A., Bruyas, A., Dougkas, A., Kwiecien, K., Carrouel, F., Pouyet, V. and Bredie, W.L.P. (2022). Oral-somatosensory alterations in head and neck cancer patients and food intake. Current Developments in Nutrition, 6 (suppl. 1):252.

Henn, K. Zhanga, X., Thomsen, M., Rinnan, A., and Bredie, W.L.P. (2022). The versatility of pulses: are consumer behavior and associations related to the climate impact of different pulse types? Future Foods, 6:100202. -

Forsberg, S., Bredie, W.L.P. and Wendin, K. (2022). Sensory preferences and requirements amongst Swedish older adults with motoric eating difficulties. Food and Nutrition Research, 66:8269 -

Song, X., Pérez-Cueto F.J.A., Bredie, W.L.P. (2022). Food desires and hedonic discrimination in virtual reality varying in product–context appropriateness among older consumers. Foods, 11, 3228.

Codruta Ignea, Morten H. Raadam, Efstathia Ioannou, Yong Zhao, Karel Miettinen, Mads Rosenfeldt, Panagiota Georgantea, Aikaterini Koutsaviti, Sara E. Viejo-Ledesma, Mikael Agerlin Petersen, Wender L.P. Bredie, Dan Staerk, Vassilios Roussis, Sotirios C. Kampranis. (2022). Expanding the terpene biosynthetic code with non-canonical 16 carbon atom building blocks. Nature Communications, 13:5188.

Qian Li, Jing Liu, Lichuang Cao, Longteng Zhang, Wender L.P. Bredie, Jeanette Otte, René Lametsch (2022). Effects of γ-glutamylated hydrolysates from porcine hemoglobin and meat on kokumi enhancement and oxidative stability of emulsion-type sausages. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 15:1851-1865.

Henn, K., Olsen, S.B., Goddyn, H., Bredie, W.L.P. (2022). Willingness to replace animal-based products with pulses among consumers in different European countries. Food Research International, 157:111403.

Katharina Pälchen, Wender L.P. Bredie, Duijsens Dorine, Alan Isaac Alfie Castillo, Marc Hendrickx, Ann Van Loey, Anne Raben, Tara Grauwet (2022). Effect of processing and microstructural properties of chickpea-flours on in vitro digestion and appetite sensations. Food Research International, 157(22): 111245.

Forsberg, S., Olsson, V., Bredie, W.L.P. and Wendin, K. (2022). Vegetable finger foods - Preferences among older adults with motoric eating difficulties. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 28: 100528.

Forsberg. S., Olsson, V., Bredie, W.L.P., Verstraelen, E., Krona, A. and Wendin, K. (2022). Proposal of development of finger foods for older adults with motoric eating difficulties -a study based on creative design. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 28:100516.

Forsberg, S., Westergren, A., Wendin, K., Rothenberg, E., Bredie, W.L.P. and Nyberg, M. (2022). Perceptions and attitudes about eating with the fingers - An explorative study among older adults with motoric eating difficulties, relatives and professional caregivers. Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics, 41(1): 65-91 (

Liu, J, Tetens, I., Bredie, W.L.P. (2022). Consumer perception and sensory properties of bakery products fortified with chicken protein for older adults. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 27, 100484.

Katharina Henn, Hannelore Goddyn, Søren Bøye Olsen, Wender L.P. Bredie (2022). Identifying behavioral and attitudinal barriers and drivers to promote consumption of pulses: A quantitative survey across five European countries. Food Quality and Preference, 98: 104455.

Zhou, X., Pérez-Cueto F.J.A., Ritz, C., Bredie, W.L.P. (2022). How dish components influence older consumers’ evaluation? –A study with application of conjoint analysis and eye tracking technology. Food Quality and Preference, 97, 104484.

Bak, K.H., Waehrens, S.S., Fu, Y., Chow, C.Y., Petersen, M.A., Ruiz-Carrascal, J., Bredie, W.L.P., Lametsch, R. (2021). Characterisation of taste and flavour of animal hydrolysates and potential influence by use of glucosamine. Foods, 10(12), 3008.

Laura E. C. Noordraven, Mikael A. Petersen, Ann M. Van Loey, Wender L. P. Bredie (2021). Changes in the flavour profile of sterilised chickpeas during storage at different oxygen availabilities. Current Research in Food Science, 4: 773-783.

Mette S. Nielsen, Christian Ritz, Wender L.P. Bredie, Anders Sjödin, and Matthew P. Gillum (2021). Is FGF21 a mediator of the potential decrease in sweet food in-take and preference following bariatric surgery? Nutrients, 2021, 13, 3840.

Honnens de Lichtenberg Broge, E., Wendin, K., Hyldig, G., Bredie, W.L.P. (2021). Development of an olfactory test method for measuring perception of everyday food odours among elderly. Journal of Sensory Studies, 36(6): e12706, 1-16.

Riantiningtyas, R.R., Sager, V.F., Chow, C.Y., Thybo, C.D., Bredie, W.L.P., Ahrné, L. (2021). 3D printing of a high protein yoghurt-based gel: Effect of protein enrichment and gelatine on physical and sensory properties. Food Research International, 147: 110517.

Chow, C.Y., Thybo, C.D., Sager, V.F., Riantiningtyas, R.R., Bredie, W.L.P., Ahrné, L. (2021). Printability, stability and sensory properties of protein-enriched 3D-printed lemon mousse for personalised in-between meals. Food Hydrocolloids, 120: 106943.

Larsen, A.K., Thomsen, C., Sanden, M., Skadhauge, L.B., Anker, C.B, Mortensen, M.N., Bredie, W.L.P. (2021). Taste alterations and oral discomfort in patients receiving chemotherapy. Supportive Care in Cancer, 29: 7531-7439.

Honnens de Lichtenberg Broge, E., Wendin, K. Rasmussen, M.A., Bredie, W.L.P. (2021). Changes in perception and liking for everyday food odors among older adults. Food Quality and Preference, 93: 104254.

Mette S. Nielsen, Bodil J. Christensen, Christian Ritz, Lotte Holm, Susanne Lunn, Louise Tækker, Julie Berg Schmidt, Wender L.P. Bredie, Nicolai J. Wewer Albrechtsen, Jens J. Holst, Anja Hilbert, Carel W le Roux, Anders Sjödin (2021). Factors associated with changes in food preferences after bariatric surgery. Obesity Surgery (online, March 2021;

Zhou, X., Hartvig D.L., Pérez-Cueto F.J.A., Bredie, W.L.P. (2021). Provision of visually appetising and high-energy maize soup as an in-between meal for older consumers. Food Quality and Preference, 88: 104069.

Liu, J., Bech, A.C., Wæhrens, S.S., Bredie, W.L.P. (2021). Perception and liking of yogurts with different degrees of granularity in relation to ethnicity, preferred oral food processing and lingual tactile acuity. Food Quality and Preference, 90: 104158.

Sager, V.F., Munk, M.B., Stenholdt Hansen, M., Bredie, W.L.P., Ahrné, L. (2021). Formulation of heat-induced whey protein gels for extrusion based 3D printing. Foods, 10, 8: 1-13.

Cattaneo, C., Liu, J., Wang, C., Pagliarini, E., Sporring, J., Bredie, W.L.P. (2020). Comparison of manual and machine learning image processing approaches to determine fungiform papillae on the tongue. Scientific Reports, 10: 18694.

Liu, J., Pedersen, H.L., Knarreborg, L., Ipsen, R., Bredie, W.L.P. (2020). Stabilization of directly acidified protein drinks by single and mixed hydrocolloids—combining particle size, rheology, tribology, and sensory data. Food Science and Nutrition, 8: 6433–6444 (DOI: 10.1002/fsn3.1933).

Li, Q., Liu, J., De Gobba, C., Zhang, L., Bredie, W.L.P., Lametsch, R. (2020). Production of Taste Enhancers from Protein Hydrolysates of Porcine Hemoglobin and Meat Using Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Glutaminase. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 68:11782-11789.

Wang, C., Cattaneo, C., Liu, J., Bredie, W.L.P., Pagliarini, E., Sporring, J. (2020). A novel approach to tongue standardization and feature extraction (2020). In: A. L. Martel et al. (Eds.): MICCAI 2020, LNCS 12265, pp. 36–45, 2020. Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

Fu, Y., Zhang, W., Waehrens, S.S., Bredie, W.L.P., Lametsch, R. (2020). Exopeptidase treatment combined with Maillard reaction modification of protein hydrolysates derived from porcine plasma: Structure-taste relationship. Food Chemistry, 306: 125613:1-9.

Cattaneo, C., Liu, J., Bech, A.C., Pagliarini, E., Bredie, W.L.P. (2020). Cross-cultural differences in lingual tactile acuity, taste sensitivity, and preferred oral processing behaviors. Food Quality and Preference, 80:103803:1-10.

Nielsen, M.S., Andersen, I.N.S.K., Nielsen, B., Ritz, C., le Roux, C.W., Schmidt, J.B., Sjödin, A., Bredie, W.L.P. (2019). Bariatric surgery leads to short-term effects on sweet taste sensitivity and hedonic evaluation of fatty food stimuli. Obesity 27(11): 1796-1804.

Jansson, T., Wæhrens, S.S., Rauh, V., Danielsen, B.P., Sørensen, J., Bredie, W.L.P., Petersen, M.A., Ray, C.A., Lund, M.N. (2019). Effect of green tea catechins on age gelation and sensory quality of lactose reduced UHT milk during storage for one year. International Dairy Journal, 95: 25-34.

Zhou, X. dos Santos, Q., Bredie, W.L.P., Buch-Andersen, T. Rodrigues, M., Hartwell, H., Appleton, K.M., Hemingway, A., Giboreau, A., Saulais, L., Monteleone, E., Dinnella, C, Brugarolas, M., Perez-Cueto, F.J.A. (2019). Promotion of novel plant-based dishes among older consumers using the ‘dish of the day’ as a nudging strategy in 4 EU countries. Food Quality and Preference, 75: 260–272.

Fu, Y., Bak, K.H., Liu, J., De Gobba, C., Tøstesen, M., Hansen, E.T., Petersen, M.A., Ruiz-Carrascal, J., Bredie, W.L.P., Lametsch, R. (2019). Protein hydrolysates of porcine hemoglobin and blood: Peptide characteristics in relation to taste attributes and formation of volatile compounds. Food Research International, 121: 28-38.

Saxe, H., Dejgård Jensen, J., Laugesen, S.M.B., Bredie, W.L.P. (2019). Environmental impact of meal service catering for dependent senior citizens in Danish municipalities. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 24:654–666.

Andersen, I.N.S.K., Kraus, A.A., Ritz, C., Bredie, W.L.P. (2019). Desires for beverages and liking of skin care product odors in imaginative and immersive Virtual Reality beach contexts. Food Research International, 117: 10-18.

Song, X., Pérez-Cueto F.J.A., Bredie, W.L.P. (2018). Sensory-driven development of protein enriched rye bread and cream cheese for nutritional demands of older consumers. Nutrients, 10, 8, 1006; doi:10.3390/nu10081006.

Juhariab, N.H., Bredie, W.L.P., Toldram Andersen, T., Petersen, M.A. (2018). Characterization of Roselle calyx from different geographical origins. Food Research International, 112: 378-389.

Fu, Y., Liu, J., Hansen, E.T., Bredie, W.L.P., Lametsch, R. (2018). Structural characteristics of low bitter and high umami protein hydrolysates prepared from bovine muscle and porcine plasma structural characterization. Food Chemistry, 257: 163-171.

Schmidt, J.B., Christensen, B.J., Nielsen, M.S., Tækker, L., Holm, L., Lunn, S., Bredie, W.L.P., Ritz, C., Holst, J.J., Hansen, T., Hilbert, A., le Roux, C., Hulme, O., Siebner, H., Morville, T., Naver, L., Floyd, A.K., Sjödin, A. (2018). Patient profiling for success after weight loss surgery (GO Bypass Study): An interdisciplinary study protocol. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 257: 163-171.

Liu, J., Bredie, W.L.P., Sherman, E., Harbertson, J.F., Heymann, H. (2018). Comparison of rapid descriptive sensory methodologies: Free-Choice Profiling, Flash Profile and modified Flash Profile. Food Research International, 106:892-900.

Qin, Z., Petersen, M.A., Bredie, W.L.P. (2018). Flavor profiling of apple ciders from UK and Scandinavian region. Food Research International, 105:713-723.


Scientific reviews

Reisya R. Riantiningtyas, Florence Carrouel, Amandine Bruyas, Wender L.P. Bredie, Camille Kwiecien, Agnès Giboreau, Anestis Dougkas (2023). Oral somatosensory alterations in head and neck cancer patients – an overview of the evidence and causes. Cancers, 15(3): 718, pp. 1-14 (

Chow, C.Y., Skouw, S., Olsen, A., Bech, A., Bredie, W.L.P. (2023). A review on children’s oral texture perception and preferences in foods. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition,

Liu, J., Cattaneo, C., Papavasileiou, Methven, L., Bredie, W.L.P. (2022). A review on oral tactile acuity: measurement, influencing factors and its relation to food perception, preference and choice. Food Quality and Preference, 100: 104624.

Claudia Hartley, Amelia Carr, Steven J Bowe, Wender L.P. Bredie, Russel S.J. Keast (2022). Maltodextrin Based, Carbohydrate Oral Rinsing and Exercise Performance: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Sports Medicine (ahead of print online).

Zhou, X., Perez-Cueto, A., dos Santos, Q., Dinnella, C., Giboreau, A., Appleton, K., Bjørner, T., Bredie, W.L.P., Hartwell, H. (2018). A systematic review of behavioral interventions promoting healthy eating among older people. Nutrients, 10(2), 128 (doi:10.3390/nu10020128).


Education/Academic qualification

Food Science and Technology, BSc

Food Science and Technology, MSc

Flavour Science, PhD


  • Consumers and food
  • Food quality
  • Food in a cultural context
  • Meat quality
  • Molecular gastronomy
  • Sensory analysis
  • Faculty of Science
  • Food quality
  • Food acceptance
  • Sensory perception
  • Taste and smell
  • Food intake
  • Food in the future

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