2019 Gauss Prize

Prize: Prizes, scholarships, distinctions


To support and motivate especially scientists and young actuaries to investigate open actuarial questions, the DGVFM and DAV have established the annual Gauss Prize in 1998. It awards up to three papers with high practical relevance. The aim is to build bridges between actuarial science and the insurance and finance industry.

From 2019 the prize will be given out to the best contributions to the European Actuarial Journal (EAJ). The prize is endowed with € 3.000 and will be awarded at the annual meeting of DAV and DGVFM where the prize winner will present the award winning paper. The prize winner for the year 2019 will be selected from all papers published in Volume 9 of the EAJ.
Degree of recognitionInternational
Granting OrganisationsDie Deutsche Gesellschaft für Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik e.V. & Die Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung e.V.