
Translated title of the contribution: Policy Transfer and Energy Transition in China (translated article)

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review


China’s leadership is in the middle of overseeing a green transition of the Chinese energy system that aims to replace fossil fuels with clean energy. To move the energy transition ahead, there has been an acute need to continuously develop and adapt guiding policies and regulatory frameworks to stimulate the development of green technologies, complex reform solutions, and appropriate institutions. The responsible Chinese authorities and energy policy actors have chosen to collaborate with international partners to do this. They see Denmark as a best-practice learning case, and through a strategic government- to-government partnership, Denmark has gradually become one of China’s preferred strategic policy interlocutors on energy politics. This chapter examines the role of international policy learning and policy translation in energy policy design in China. It elaborates an analytical model to guide the analysis of policy translation practices, which views policy translation as a process of pragmatic, interactional, adaptive, solution-oriented collaborative efforts that combine a variety of tools to translate foreign energy policy meanings into Chinese energy politics. (from original)
Translated title of the contributionPolicy Transfer and Energy Transition in China (translated article)
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Title of host publication丹麦创新与绿色发展蓝皮书
EditorsJian Meng (孟建), Frank Zhang (张小岩)
Number of pages25
Place of PublicationShanghai
PublisherFuDan University Press
Publication date2021
ISBN (Print)9787309154566
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • Faculty of Humanities
  • China-Denmark bilateral relations
  • Energy transition
  • Commanding moment
  • Renewable energy
  • Energy politics
  • Climate change politics
  • Policy learning
  • Policy transfer
  • Policy translation

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